二十世纪外国文学专题形成性考核册作业2课堂讨论:结合喧哗与骚动节选,谈谈昆丁的叙述所交代的故事情节。1.什么是情节?情节与细节有什么差别?答:1)情节是文学作品中所描写的人物关系、人物行动所构成的有机的生活事件的发展过程。(2)而细节描写是指文学作品中对人物动作、语言、神态、心理、外貌以及自然景观、场面气氛等细小环节或情节的描写。它在刻画人物性格、丰满人物形象、连接故事情节、丰富作品内涵等方面具有重要作用。生动的细节描写,有助于折射广阔的生活画面,表现深刻的社会主题。(3)细节描写不等同于细致描写。细节是表现人物性格的细枝末节,它属于情节的范畴;细致描写则是描写仔细、具体,是从表达方式的角度来讲的。细节描写往往只抓住人物的细小动作、简短的话语、细微的表情来刻画人物,并不需要做过多的细致描写。2. 什么是意识流小说的“心理时间”和“现实时间”(又称“物理时间”)答:心理时间就是心理上对时间所产生的感觉,法国哲学家亨利柏格森最先提出“心理时间”的说法。这种时间是现在、过去、将来各个时刻的相互参与和渗透。他保留了时间应有的的属性:连续性而不是同时性,强度而不是量值,是彼此渗透的片刻而不是彼此分割的片刻。他是一种从属于心理活动的时间,是意识中的时间。柏格森把这种时间归结为是纯意识所存在的东西,是人内心深处不可测定的连续不断的变化流。意识流小说家们正是根据这一理论,用内省的方法来探索心灵的深处,大胆地打破传统小说的时间顺序,采用把过去、现在和未来三者凌乱颠倒、相互渗透的手法,来达到一种戏剧性的艺术效果。它往往是通过人物的自由联想实现的,而自由联想往往是由小说中的人物闻到的气味、听到的声音、遇到的人、碰到的事的触发引起的。而现实时间又称物理时间,是透过外在运动而认识的时间概念,它是一种特殊的现成存在者,它是一种引起万物展现与消失的特殊的物理存在者,即一种自在的物理之流。这种时间只有通过运动才能显现给我们,因而才能被我们所理解和认识。所以,物理时间总是“运动的什么”。在意识流小说中,现实时间就是叙述者外在感应的时间,是小说客观显示的时间,它并不会因为心理时间的存在而发生改变。在意识流小说中,现实时间与心理时间相交混,例如在喧哗与骚动节选中的现实时间就是一天1910年6月2日,昆丁在哈佛大学自杀的那一天。而心理时间涉及到凯蒂结婚之前、婚礼当天等许多时间段。Bb3.昆丁的叙述在心理时间上交代了哪些故事情节?答:1)、妹妹结婚时的情景。2)、妹妹与推销员达尔顿、艾密斯有了苟且关系后,他自己去向父亲“承认”犯了乱伦罪的情形。父亲跟他说的话。3)、昆丁与斯波特吵架,斯里夫劝他。4)、妹妹凯蒂失身那天的情形。¬R5)、1898年祖母去世那晚的事。在回大房子时,班吉哭了,凯蒂安慰他。6)、1900年给班吉改名那天的事。7)、1898年祖母逝世的情景。8)、1909年夏末遇到达尔顿、艾密斯那一天。9)、昆丁母亲康普生太太给他介绍凯蒂未婚夫的情景。10 )、凯蒂小时侯与一男孩邂逅,后来与他接吻的事。11)、凯蒂结婚那天班吉的行为。12)、某个圣诞节的情景以及弟弟杰生小时侯的一些琐事。13)、去夏自己在桥上与达尔顿、艾密斯斗殴的情形。14)、结婚前与凯蒂在他的卧室与昆丁的一次谈话。15)、昆丁给布兰特太太写回信。16)、与赫伯特、海德见面那天的情形。17)、凯蒂结婚前夕,家中派汽车去火车站接亲友的情景。4. 昆丁的叙述在现实时间上交代了哪些故事情节?答:这一节的现实时间:1910年6月这一天发生的事。1)、时间是7点到8点之间,碰到施里夫,他说还有两分钟就要打铃了,叫昆丁不要旷课了。2)、时间还是7点到8点之间,昆丁打碎了表,洗了个澡,刮了胡子,作好寄信前的准备,到邮局寄信。3)、时间是吃完早饭,昆丁买了一支雪茄,到钟表店修表。4)、从钟表店出来,昆丁坐上了电车,所见所闻。B5)、时间离十二点也就只有十分钟光景,昆丁又搭上一辆电车离开哈佛。6)、时间是十二点肯定过了,昆丁跳下车又跳上车回到区间车站。7)、时间是一点钟过后,昆丁看钓鱼。5.通过昆丁叙述所交代的故事情节,表达了小说的哪些思想内容? 答:这一部分的思想内容有:1)、时间的意识。无论是手表的反复出现还是昆丁总是听到的时间嘀哒嘀哒地走动,都在说明时间的残酷性,它是最客观、现实的东西,所有的希望与失望在它面前都会被消解掉。让一个行将面对死亡的人来表达这种感觉,会更有现实的意义和深度。2)、生活的无奈。从昆丁的回忆中,他对妹妹的出轨是无助和愤慨的。这种感觉一方面来自于家族的遗传,但另一方面,这也是整个社会意识的折射。面对家族的破败,一个曾经优越的南方人显得无所适从。妹妹的堕落只是导致昆丁死亡的表象,深层的原因是:对与一个在现实中迷失方向的人,死亡成了他逃避现实的方式。"If we don't do that it will go on and go on. We have to stop it; we need the courage to do it."His comments came hours after Fifa vice-president Jeffrey Webb - also in London for the FA's celebrations - said he wanted to meet Ivory Coast international Toure to discuss his complaint.CSKA general director Roman Babaev says the matter has been "exaggerated" by the Ivorian and the British media.Blatter, 77, said: "It has been decided by the Fifa congress that it is a nonsense for racism to be dealt with with fines. You can always find money from somebody to pay them."It is a nonsense to have matches played without spectators because it is against the spirit of football and against the visiting team. It is all nonsense."We can do something better to fight racism and discrimination."This is one of the villains we have today in our game. But it is only with harsh sanctions that racism and discrimination can be washed out of football."The (lack of) air up there Watch mCayman Islands-based Webb, the head of Fifa's anti-racism taskforce, is in London for the Football Association's 150th anniversary celebrations and will attend City's Premier League match at Chelsea on Sunday."I am going to be at the match tomorrow and I have asked to meet Yaya Toure," he told BBC Sport."For me it's about how he felt and I would like to speak to him first to find out what his experience was."Uefa has opened disciplinary proceedings against CSKA for the "racist behaviour of their fans" during City's 2-1 win.Michel Platini, president of European football's governing body, has also ordered an immediate investigation into the referee's actions.CSKA said they were "surprised and disappointed" by Toure's complaint. In a statement the Russian side added: "We found no racist insults from fans of CSKA."Baumgartner the disappointing news: Mission aborted.The supersonic descent could happen as early as Sunda.The weather plays an important role in this mission. Starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. The balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our day-to-day weather lives. It will climb higher than the tip of Mount Everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. As he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause),e can expect a lot of turbulence.The balloon will slowly drift to the edge of space at 120,000 feet ( Then, I would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an Olympic diving platform.Below, the Earth becomes the concrete bottom of a swimming pool that he wants to land on, but not too hard. Still, he'll be traveling fast, so despite the distance, it will not be like diving into the deep end of a pool. It will be like he is diving into the shallow end.Skydiver preps for the big jumpWhen he jumps, he is expected to reach the speed of sound - 690 mph (1,110 kph) - in less than 40 seconds. Like hitting the top of the water, he will begin to slow as he approaches the more dense air closer to Earth. But this will not be enough to stop him completely.If he goes too fast or spins out of control, he has a stabilization parachute that can be deployed to slow him down. His team hopes it's not needed. Instead, he plans to deploy his 270-square-foot (25-square-meter) main chute at an altitude of around 5,000 feet (1,524 meters).In order to deploy this chute successfully, he will have to slow to 172 mph (277 kph). He will have a reserve parachute that will open automatically if he loses consciousness at mach speeds.Even if everything goes as planned, it won't. Baumgartner still will free fall at a speed that would cause you and me to pass out, and no parachute is guaranteed to work higher than 25,000 feet (7,620 meters).cause there