浅析李斯特匈牙利狂想曲第十五号风格特征及其演奏处理学生:罗军军(指导老师:丁亮)(淮南师范学院音乐与舞蹈学院)摘要:19世纪的音乐通常被称作浪漫主义,这时期的钢琴音乐发展到了巅峰。兴起,繁荣和衰退是音乐上浪漫主义的三个过程。其中,钢琴作为不可忽略的重要因素得到普遍使用。钢琴被称为了“器乐之王”,同时也出现了一大批才华横溢的音乐家,李斯特,贝多芬,舒曼,门德尔松,李斯特等将起推向了巅峰。本文主要通过李斯特匈牙利狂想曲第十五号作品的分析,浅析李斯特匈牙利狂想曲风格特征以及演奏处理的探究。关键字:李斯特;匈牙利狂想曲;风格特征;演奏处理;Shallow of Liszt Hungarian rhapsody no. 15 Style Characteristics and PerformanceStudent: Luo Junjun (Guide Teacher: Ding Liang)(Huainan Normal University School of Music and Dance)Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly works by liszt "Hungarian rhapsody no. 15" analysis of shallow of liszt Hungarian rhapsody style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Key words: liszt.;Hungarian rhapsody; Style characteristic; Play the processing; piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king"Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Key words: liszt. "Hungarian rhapsody" Style characteristic; Play the processing; Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Key words: liszt. "Hungarian rhapsody" Style characteristic; Play the processing; Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Key words: liszt. "Hungarian rhapsody" Style characteristic; Play the processing; Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Key words: liszt. "Hungarian rhapsody" Style characteristic; Play the processing; Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Key words: liszt. "Hungarian rhapsody" Style characteristic; Play the processing; Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Key words: liszt. "Hungarian rhapsody" Style characteristic; Play the processing; Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Key words: liszt. "Hungarian rhapsody" Style characteristic; Play the processing; Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Key words: liszt. "Hungarian rhapsody" Style characteristic; Play the processing; Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. Abstract: the music of the 19th century, often called the romantic, the period of the development of piano music. The rise of prosperity and decline is the romantic music three process. Among them, the piano as the widely use of the important factors that cannot be ignored. Piano is referred to as the "king" of instrumental music, also appeared a large number of talented musicians, liszt, Beethoven, schumann, Mendelssohn, liszt, etc will be up to the top. This paper mainly through the analysis of the Hungarian rhapsodies of Franz liszt, try to talk about liszt style characteristics, and play the processing to explore. 前言 李斯特是整个浪漫主义音乐时期较为重要的作曲家、钢琴教育家和演奏家之一,他的钢琴创作极大地体现了整个浪漫主义音乐时期的社会思潮,而这样是李斯特成功的一个重要因素。叹息虽然只是一首音乐会练习曲,但是它有着非常重要的艺术研究价值,因为它不但为世人展示了华丽的钢琴演奏技术,更是让人们切身体验到了钢琴艺术之美。而浪漫主义音乐在十九世纪产生,它是维也纳古典乐派之后出现的一个新流派。艺上浪漫主义的兴起,出现在十八世纪的文学中,它将作曲家的内心世界完全的表露出来,更加的富于想象力,很多浪漫主义音乐收到其文学作品影响,因而很多有着标题音乐的成分其实,在当时有些浪漫主义作曲家也是被迫成为“自由艺术家”,由于战争的爆发,很多音乐家们失去了他们的工作,他们不得不为了生计而到处奔波,并在市场上推销他们的作品,他们的作品主要是为了中产阶级而创作的,并且越来越多的人开始欣赏他们的音乐。浪漫主义时期的艺术家,他们的共同点是普遍对本国民族音乐文化有着强烈的兴趣。浪漫主义音乐强调的是对主观的情感。同时,浪漫主义时期的钢琴音乐,不仅延续了古典主义时期的很多传统,更多表达了自己的个人情感抒情性。它的创作思想和技巧对西方各个时期的音乐产生了巨大的影响。浪漫主义钢琴音乐是浪漫主义音乐的重要组成部分,它的萌芽、发展到走向顶峰当时社会发展的必然结果。李斯特被誉为“钢琴诗人”,是钢琴音乐中最有影响力的人物之一,他所具有的独特的创造性和音乐感知力为后来钢琴音乐的发展注入了勃勃生机。他的音乐以他特有的高贵的个性和民族精神打动了一代又一代人。李斯特的钢琴音乐中,弹性节奏的运用以及表现,使他的音乐充满了内在情趣的重要方面。如果想要更完美地诠释李斯特的音乐就要理解李斯特。李斯特的音乐不是为别人而作,而是真正地为自己而作,为自己心中澎湃的热情而作。因此,在钢琴音乐备受推崇的浪漫主义时代,他的音乐只在朋友之间的沙龙中演出,因为他不愿为那些只将音乐作为生活中的装饰品来满足其虚荣心的人而演奏。也正是因为李斯特对音乐的热情使得李斯特的音乐如美酒一般散发着迷人的芳香,受到一代又一代人推崇。一、李斯特简介弗朗茨·李斯特(Franz Liszt),著名的作曲家、钢琴家、指挥家,1811年生于匈牙利肖普朗的雷丁,他有着超乎常人的音乐天赋,甚至被认为是“音乐神童”莫扎特的转世。李斯特七岁就开始学习弹奏钢琴,八岁就可以尝试进行作曲了,1812年李斯特公开举行了人生当中第一场音乐演奏会。毫无疑问,李斯特是世界上最伟大的钢琴演奏家之一,极富表现力的表情、浪漫潇洒的动作、戏剧性的表演手法使得李斯特的钢琴演奏独具魅力。他对钢琴演奏技巧的发展更是做出了后人难易超越的贡献,这些钢琴技巧的出现直接影响了拉威尔、德彪西等音乐家的钢琴演奏。完美的触键以及对速度、力度的把握,使得李斯特的钢琴演奏具有魔术般得音响效果。从十四岁创作出第一部音乐作品唐·桑丘开始,李斯特一生共创作了七百多首音乐作品,其中所涉及到的题材更是包括了钢琴曲、钢琴改编曲、管弦乐作品、钢琴和管弦乐队作品等等,是一位杰出的多产音乐家。代表作有12首高级技巧练习曲、6首帕格尼尼练习曲和19首匈牙利狂想曲等。二、 李斯特匈牙利狂想曲第十五号简介匈牙利狂想曲(匈牙利语:Magyar rapszódiák)是一组由弗兰兹·李斯特所写的钢琴曲目。全组19首曲目都是以当时匈牙利民歌音调为主题,并于1846-1853 、 1882以及1885期间所编写。其中第2、5、6、9、12及14首其后由奥地利音乐家法兰兹·达普勒(Franz Doppler)改编以交响乐方式来演奏。钢琴曲匈牙利狂想曲19首是和李斯特的名字分不开的,正如圆舞曲和施特劳斯、交响曲与贝多芬的名字分不