本科生毕业设计(论文)题 目:浅析在路上中的爵士乐精神 姓 名: 学 号: 学 院: 外国语学院 专 业: 英语 年 级: 2012级 校内指导教师: (签名)校外指导教师: (签名) 2016年 6月 2日Studies on Spirits of Jazz Music in On the RoadSubmitted by: n Student number: Major: English Grade: 2012 Supervised by: School of Foreign LanguagesFuzhou UniversityJune 2,2016福州大学本科生毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺书学生姓名年 级2012级学 号所在学院外国语学院所学专业英语毕业设计(论文)题目中文:浅析在路上中的爵士乐精神外文:Studies on Spirits of Jazz Music in On the Road学生承诺我承诺在毕业设计(论文)活动中遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范,在本人的毕业设计(论文)中未剽窃、抄袭他人的学术观点、思想和成果,未篡改实验数据,如有违规行为发生我愿承担一切责任,接受学校的处理。学生(签名):年 月 日指导教师承诺我承诺在指导学生毕业设计(论文)活动中遵守学校有关规定,恪守学术规范,经过本人认真的核查,该同学的毕业设计(论文)中未发现有剽窃、抄袭他人的学术观点、思想和成果的现象,未发现篡改实验数据。指导教师(签名):年 月 日浅析在路上中的爵士乐精神中文摘要在路上中出现了多次对爵士乐的描写,本文将从爵士乐为切入点,结合爵士乐这一黑人音乐反映的文化现象,浅析在路上中的爵士乐精神。并结合爵士乐精神,探讨其对中国当代大学应届毕业生的就业观念和迷惘的求职现状有何启迪,从而有助于他们更准确地认识自己,刷新就业观,提高就业满意度。本文通过对在路上进行分析发现,爵士乐精神主要体现在两个方面:一是,对自我本真的追求。爵士乐强调即兴发挥,自由地表达情感。而书中的主人公萨尔和迪恩也是不断地“上路”追求纯粹的生活。二是,对永恒的不断探索。萨尔四次“上路”,不断地寻找他的理想,也体现了其追梦的勇气和执着。虽然书中没有很多对工作的直接描写,但不难发现书中主人公对自己的工作也有一番独特的见解。这可以给中国当代大学毕业生一些提示和启迪。中国社会的传统择业观是所谓“高大上”、工资高、稳定等的工作才是一份好工作,比如:公务员、教师、银行职员等等。但是过高的崇拜导致了这些行业的竞争过大,毕业生们也总是奋不顾身地想挤进这些圈子里。其实,他们需要的正是爵士乐精神中的两点:自我本真和勇气。第一:认清自我,准确地定位自己,选择一份合适自己的工作,而不是盲目跟风。第二:勇敢追求自己的真正理想,抛开固定思维的枷锁。关键词:爵士乐;垮掉的一代;中国当代大学毕业生Studies on Spirits of Jazz Music in On the RoadAbstractThere are many descriptions about jazz music in On the Road. On the basis of jazz music, the thesis will talk about the spirits of it in the book by combining with the cultural phenomenon which is reflected in jazz this black music. Whats more, it will talk about what implication can the spirits of jazz give to the contemporary Chinese college graduates, especially on employment situation, employment view and their confusion about getting jobs. It is aimed at making them recognize themselves correctly, updating their views on employment and increasing their job satisfaction.Through analyzing the book,the thesis discovers that the spirits of jazz mainly reflect in two aspects. One is the pursuit of truth. Jazz emphasizes extemporaneous play and expressing feelings freely. The two protagonists in the book, Sal and Dean, are always looking for pure life. The other is the pursuit of eternity. The two men s four times of journeys also show their courage and persistence. Although the author seldom directly describes jobs in the book, its not difficult for readers to find that the protagonist Sal has a unique opinion towards jobs, which can give Chinese college graduates some implication and hint. The conventional view on jobs in China is to choose good jobs which are with good reputation, well-paid and steady, such as civil servants, teachers and bank clerks. While these industries are too highly competitive to be acquired for those graduates, who will do anything to squeeze into these circles. In reality, what these graduates need is just like the two spirits of jazz, truth and courage. On the one hand, they should recognize themselves clearly, find the right locations in industries and then find suitable jobs for themselves but not follow others blindly. On the other hand, they should bravely look for their own ideals regardless of those fixedly mental shackles in Chinese society.Keywords: jazz; the Beat Generation; Chinese college graduatesContentsChapter One Introduction.4 1.1 A New Perspective about On the Road.41.2 Research Review.4 1.3 Significance of Research.5Chapter Two On the Road and Spirits of jazz.6 2.1 Brief Introductions.62.2 Analysis of Spirits of Jazz in On the Road. .6Chapter Three Implication for Chinese College Graduates on Choosing Jobs.103.1 Chinese Employment Situation.10 3.2 Chinese College Graduates Dilemma on Choosing Jobs.103.3 Implication from Jazz for College Graduates.10Conclusion.13References.14Acknowledgments.15Chapter One Introduction1.1 A New Perspective about On the RoadIn this thesis, it talks about the spirits of jazz in On the Road in a new perspective, which is seldom talked about both in western countries and in China. In western countries, most people who study On the Road discuss mostly about the spirits of jazz, the beat generation, the romance of the Old West, the narrative features of carnival, disobedience, the spirits of pursuing dreams, freestyle writing characteristics and so on. But to say the least, few of them have talked about the spirits of jazz music to be in Chinese college graduates shoes though themes of studies about On the Road are always improving as the development of the society. But they focus more on the western people themselves but not the Chinese. And since the book On the Road spread into China, many Chinese scholars have been studying it. Their most subjects on the book are similar to those of western scholars, such as the spirits of jazz, freedom and so on. But recently, there have also been some people who begin to reverse their focus into the implication for the Chinese youth who are after 80s or 90s, especially focusing on comparing the literary works by the Beat Generation with works by Chinese young writers, such as Han Han and Guo Jingming. And they mainly discuss their differences between contents and writing styles. However, what the thesis concerns is the implication from jazz music for Chinese college graduates who are at a loss because of applying for jobs so that they can recognize themselves correctly, refresh their views on employment and improve their job satisfaction.1.2 Research ReviewBebop is a kind of jazz and it has been reformed. The heyday of Bebop is in 1940s. And it's more inclined to pay attention on the playing skills, which feature songs characterized by a fast tempo. Bebop itself revives in the center of New York. Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious Monk, Charley Parker, Max Roach and Miles Davis these famous musicians guide jazz into a new stage.The Beat Generation are a group of authors whose literature explored and influenced American culture in the post-World War II era. It was firstly put forward by Jack Kerouac after 1948. In English, the word “beat” means frustration or exhaustion, but Jack infuses new meaning into it rejoice and happiness. He also combines it with the conception of “beat” in music. These writers are called the beat generation because they live a simple life, look down upon traditional laws and conventions and seek new stimulation and absolute freedom.1.3 Significance of ResearchJazz is a cultural phenomenon which is native-born in America, and until today, it has acted an important role in the minds of music-lovers, especially the black. Holmes has said that, “ Bebop has poured out their hearts and brought them gospel.” 1 Whats more, many excellently literary works are created under the influence of jazz music. On the Road is the very representative of them.The research on the spirits of jazz in On the Road is not only of great political and cultural significance, to some extent, but also of great economic significance, which is rarely-known among people. 2 Studying jazz in the book and experiencing the spirits of jazz can help readers learn to recognize themselves correctly. Furthermore, Students can savor a sense of comfort when they are confused and don't know how to choose the right job. And it can help Chinese college students learn how to suppress interference and find jobs that they are fond of and are suitable for them. Chapter Two On the Road and Jazz2.1 Brief IntroductionsOn the Road , written by Jack Kerouac in 1957, is an excellently literary work which is related to the spirits of jazz music. The book is regarded as the declaration of the Beat Generation just as The Sun Also Rises is considered as the declaration of the Lost Generation. 3 In this book, Kerouac uses a lot of free and unique writing tips to show his spiritual pursuit by elaborating his and his friends dissipated and unruly life, which may go far beyond the boundaries of law and morals in most ordinary peoples eye. 4 While, they just want to seek for individuality and re-find their believes by rejoicing along the West. The whole work, filled with jazz senses and colors, roundly shows the life styles of the Beat Generation and their spiritual needs, but at the same time, it also reveals their defects, which is so called life lessons. 5 On the Road not only has deeply affected American young people for about half a century, but also exerts its influence on Chinese youths thoughts. 6Jazz, especially Bebop, has been deeply connected with the Beat Generation. Bebop jazz is the same as the Beat Generation, a cultural phenomenon which is native-born in America. Being in the same age makes them communicate with each other on spirits. 7 In a way, Bebop breeds nourishes literature of the Beat Generation because it provides not only materials but inspiration of creation for them. There is no doubt that Bebop has great influence on the literary works of the Beat Generation, and On the Road is one of the most famous representatives.In 1940s, artist, musicians, poets and writers are always getting together in shebeens in Greenwich Village of New York to communicate or be occupied in live art-creation. At that time, jazz poetry sprouts. Poets read poems as a tiny brand performs a slow and soft jazz music. The style of these poets poems is far different from that of Ezra Pound s poems, which is scholastic. They use the rhythm of jazz to write poems. 8 Readers who read the works of the beat generation can always savor a sense of the rhythms of jazz. On the Road, actually, is a work describing America in an age when bebop jazz is at the peak. And in this age, jazz becomes a national entertainment in the U.S.A. Throughout the history, it seems that jazz begins to stand firmly in America. And its listeners seem not only to be limited to black people, some intellectuals or some night-birds indulging in dissipation. Thousands of jazz clubs all around the country emphasize and show that its really a great success. 92.2 Analysis of Spirits of Jazz in On the RoadOne of the most common characteristics between jazz and the Beat Generation lies in their pursuing of truth. Bebop mostly emphasizes the point that people should carry their individual feelings freely. An excellent jazz song must contain pure and honest feelings. Just taking bebop for example, its essence is extemporaneous play. Besides on the basis of harmony, bebop doesn't accept specific musical forms or standards and there is no music score in front of a soloist. What's more, in his mind, he doesn't take a specifically musical purpose that forces him to realize. What he needs to do is just to value music, understand lives and control live phenomena all by himself. Or we can say he executes a wonderful music all from his body and instinct. Sola Liu has once said, “ the charm of jazz lies in its sincerity. Improvisation, or extemporaneous response, doesn't allow one to filtrate, so he can never hide or mask himself. If one wants to hide himself, then the work can't be a good one, which must be bare. 10 Thus, the truth expressed from jazz should be individual, emotional, free, intuitional and unmixed. The original, wild truth is also memorable. Such truth surpasses all ranges of social civilization and its more related to the nature rather than the culture, the passion rather than the reason, and the body rather than the sense. In the final analysis, its in connection with sincerity but not beauty or kindness because the latter has been endowed with too many moral meanings.The Beat Generation also goes after such a reality. In On the Road, the reason that Sal goes on a journey to the West is the white world cannot offer him with a pure and real life and the so-called success and ideal of middle class are all illusory. Accordingly, he would rather become a white Negro. The ideal of the white world has been destroyed, and its sadness serves as a foil to passionate lives brought by the blacks jazz music. So, Sal would like to change his identity with those black people who are really happy. “ A true person strives to become himself, but not just to be himself. He himself must be created and despoiled, but not simply be excavated.” 11 The existentialism also applies the view that the authentic self lies in creation. The western journey of Sal and Dean is considered as a true poetry that they disobey the logic of the whites mainstream society and try to create themselves. The first thing in order to create oneself is to abandon all outdated conventions and customs that constraint humanity and freedom. So as Bebop performers perform with their bodies, Sal and Dean handle their bodies as weapons to pursue the truth. They are eager to get rids of the shackles of social ideology and return themselves to the nature. The whole book can be considered as a statement of chasing true lives and true selves.There is a necessity to explain the relationship between folie and truth of Bebop. The fast tempo and improvisation of Bebop need intense feelings and bandsmen need passionate improvisation to come feelings off their chests. They hope that they will come momentary inspiration by fully devoting themselves to the process. Thus, those bandsmen are always in a condition of extreme excitement or even craze. This kind of life style is similar to that of