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    目 录第十一集2第十二集12第十三集23第十四集34第十五集46第十六集59第十七集71第十八集82第十九集95第二十集107第十一集Miranda. what would you call this color?米兰达 你觉得这是什么颜色-Uh, goldish-greenish? -Pinkish.-嗯 金绿色 -粉金色How about just gold?就叫金色怎样Gold? Just gold? 金色 就金色It took me an hour to mix this color last night, Gordo.戈多 我昨晚花了一小时才混合出这个颜色I think it deserves a name that says.我想它应该有个名字会让人想唱Throw your hands in the air高举你的手Wave 'em like you just don't care.随心所欲的挥动它们I was thinking more like我想这样更好L to the Izzy, Mc to the Guire.利加上齐 迈加上奎尔Sad thing is- I understood that.可悲的是 我明白你们的意思Hey, I could write a dictionary 嘿 我可以编一部字典that translates English into Girlish.英语和女孩语互译I-I could make millions.我可以用它赚一大笔-Girlish. -Okay, maybe that's not so P.C.-女孩语 -好吧 也许不是很合适Let's see what Ethan thinks.我们去问问伊桑的想法How do you women feel about the word "fembonics"?你们认为“女士语”怎样-Hi, Ethan. -Hey, guys.-嗨 伊桑 -嘿 各位Oh, Lizzy, I'm feeling those gold nails.哦 利齐 你这些金色的指甲太漂亮了Gold- it sounds so much better when he says it.金色 他说出来听起来好多了"Gold." Oh, what a perfect name.金色 多么棒的名字啊I was wondering what to call it.我刚才还在想应该怎样叫它Little Lizzie so economical. 多么节俭的小利齐啊Did you give yourself that haircut, too?你的头发不会也是你自己剪的吧I think it's swithy your supporting Cara like this.我觉得你这样支持卡拉挺有意思的Didn't you hear? 你没听说吗My pal Cara Gunther won a spot on the Olympic diving team.我的朋友卡拉冈瑟赢得了参加奥运会跳水队的机会Didn't get the memo.没听说过Oh, I-I totally knew. That's why I was going to ask哦 我当然知道 这就是我为什么要问how many bottles of Gold Medal Gunther Nail Polish 卡拉你想让我给你做几瓶do you need me to mix for you, Cara?冈瑟金牌指甲油呢I'll take ten. Thanks, Lizzy.我要十瓶 谢谢你 利齐Way to go, champ.加油 冠军-Nice save. -Smooth.-真悬哪 -圆滑Never let 'em see you sweat.永远也别让他们看见你流汗了I broke a nail!我摔断了一块指甲If you believe如果你相信We've got a picture-perfect plan我们事先就有一个绝妙的计划We've got you fooled那你就错了'Cause we only do the best we can我们只是在尽力而为And sometimes we make it有时候我们会取得成功And sometimes we fake it有时候我们会把事情搞砸But we get one step closer each and every day但我们离目标一天比一天近We'll figure it out on the way.我们会在途中解决所有的难题Lizzie McGuire S02E11 Over the Hill新成长的烦恼 第二季第十一集So, now he's the ghost of the creepy, old lumberjack?现在他就是那个令人毛骨悚然的老伐木工的鬼魂了Correction, Mom: He's not a ghost; he's the undead.纠正一下 妈妈 他不是鬼魂 他是亡灵 Doomed to walk the Earth by day.他被诅咒白天游走在世界上And by night, he feeds on people's brains as the Bonelicker.晚上 他就像僵尸一样吃人的脑子Look, he's wearing a bib.你看 他围了个围嘴He doesn't want to get any brain stain on his shirt当他在咀嚼人的头骨时while he's chomping on skulls.他不想让脑浆弄脏了他的衬衫Now you let us know if this gets如果这部电影对你来说太可怕的话too scary for you, okay?你要告诉我们 好吗Pul-lease!拜托And then the dentist took this stick thing之后牙医拿出这个小棒棒and scraped it over my tongue.在我的舌头上刮来刮去You wouldn't believe all the gunk.你不会相信的 有一堆泥一样的东西Uh, Lizzie, I've got to go. I've got gunk of my own to do.嗯 利齐 我要挂了 我也有一堆事要做-Me, too. -Since when did you guys get so busy?-我也是 -你们什么时候变得这么忙的I'm printing out the flyers for my screening Saturday.我要打印星期六要放映的我的电影的传单You are coming, right?你会来的 是吧You're not doing the film about the life cycle你不会又拍了关于跑鞋的使用周期of the running shoe again, are you?那样的电影吧 嗯Just giving the people what they want.只是满足大众的喜好Well, I'm practicing for my recital.我要为我的独奏会练习It's Sunday; don't forget.就在星期天 别忘了And wear something conservative, please.穿点保守的衣服 拜托The governor will be there.会有政府官员出席的Oh, yeah. I've got something to do, too, you know.哦 好 我也有事要做 你们知道的I've got to practice for that big festival我要为这周末的一个of absolutely nothing I'm doing this weekend.完全无事可做的大型盛会做准备Don't worry. You'll find something to do.别担心 你会找到事情做的-You always do. -I got to jet.-你总能做到的 -我得走了Ciao for now.再见I'll find something to do.我会找点事儿去做的No! Don't go in there!不 别进去Why do they keep going in there?为什么他们一定要进去呢Shh, this is the classic scene, okay?嘘 这是经典的一幕 好吗How's that for brain stain, Matt?这脑浆的污渍怎么样啊 马特-Matt? -Matt? Matt.-马特 -马特 马特Matt! that's it. Turn it off.马特 够了 关掉它No, Mom, don't be silly.不 妈妈 别犯傻了I-I wasn't sitting close enough.我只是离得不够近而已And look we're missing the. the opening of the grave.瞧我们要错过什么了 坟墓打开了.teen Internet mogul as she launches her newest website.少年网络大亨建立了她的新网站And the dough just keeps rolling in随后金钱就源源不断地朝着for the cute teen millionaire.这个可爱的少年百万富翁扑面而来了capping a thrilling upset by the 12-year-old genius newcomer.卫冕冠军被一位十二岁大的天才新秀击败On to MIT for the 11-year-old college graduate.麻省理工学院的十一岁毕业生He'll have a PhD before he gets zits!他在长青春痘之前就能拿到博士学位He'll have a PhD before I get zits.在我长青春痘他就会拿到博士学位Stick a fork in you; you're done.插个叉子吧 你完了I think that was just way too scary for him.我觉得这些对他来说太恐怖了Oh, he's fine. I used to watch scary movies 哦 他没事的 我在他那年纪的时候when I was his age.也看恐怖电影I turned out okay.我就没事Matt, what are you doing?马特 你在干什么There's a presence in this house.这房子里有什么东西A ghost pimple?一个痘痘的鬼魂吗What's wrong, honey, you can't sleep?怎么了 宝贝 你睡不着吗Uh, Sixth Sense here is seeing dead people again.嗯 他的第六感又感觉到房子里有鬼了I'll let you guys handle this one. Good night.把他交给你们了 晚安You and your movies.都怪你和你的电影Come on, son. Back to bed.来吧 儿子 回床上去No, but that room is alive with the howling of the undead!不 那间屋子里有亡灵的嚎叫I'll leave this to you.他交给你了-Come on, son. -No! No! No!-来吧 儿子 -不 不 不Thanks for landing on Burger Planet.感谢您光临汉堡星球Here's your tip.这是你的小费Oh! Rotten kids! No respect these days.哦 坏孩子 这年头不懂得一点尊重I should've invested in municipal high-yield, small-cap.我应该投资高收益小型市政证券I should have gotten a piggy bank.我应该弄一个储钱罐Welcome to Burger Planet. May I take your order?欢迎光临汉堡星球 您要点什么呢Five orders of curly fries, please.请来五份卷曲薯条 Thank you. Drive around to the window.谢谢 请开到窗口这儿来We are listening tonight to the world-famous concert violinist,我们现在正在听的是世界著名小提琴家的音乐会Miranda Sanchez perform for the Lincoln Center audience.米兰达桑切斯在林肯中心为您带来演出-Five orders of curly fries, sir. -Better make it six.-先生 五份卷曲薯条 -最好来六份 Gordo loves his fries.戈多喜欢吃薯条Gordo? Curly fries?戈多 卷曲薯条Gordo, a-as in David Gordon, the-the famous director?戈多 是指大卫戈登吗 那个有名的导演 He-he's in that car?他 他在车里You didn't hear it from me.就当我没说I-I've got to see him. I've got to see Gordo!我必须要见他 我必须要见戈多Back off, Grandma.后退 老奶奶He's a very important person.他是一个非常重要的人物I know, but you don't understand!我知道 但是你不理解Gordo and I, we-we went to middle school together.戈多和我 我们一起上的中学 We used to be best friends我们曾经是十分要好的朋友and I've got to get in this car!我一定要进到车里去.here we go.我们走了-Gordo, it's me! Lizzie! -Bye-bye.-戈多 是我啊 利齐 -再见Open the window!把窗户打开What was that all about?到底怎么回事儿Ah, some nut-job. Couldn't figure out啊 有个疯子 不知道自己这一生what she wanted to do in life until it was way too late.到底想要做什么 直到一切都太晚了Hmm. Did she say her name was Lizzie?嗯 她是不是说她叫利齐Didn't I used to know a Lizzie?我以前认识一个叫利齐的人吗-No. -No.-不 -不Gordo! Gordo, remember me? Lizzie!戈多 戈多 记得我吗 利齐Lizzie McGuire!利齐迈奎尔Nah. Fry me.不认识 喂我薯条Gordo! Don't leave me!戈多 别离开我It was just a dream, Lizzie. Get it out of your mind.这只是个梦 利齐 忘掉它And when that doesn't work. Mommy!当你忘不掉时 妈妈Mom, Dad, we need to talk. Now.妈妈 爸爸 我们需要谈谈 现就在Isn't it time that you stopped running to 难道现在你不该再因为每一件小事Mom and Dad for every little thing?都跑来找爸爸妈妈了吗I guess you're right. Oh, by the way. Hello, Clarice.我想你是对的 哦 你好啊 克拉利斯Don't do that!别这样Oh, gosh, you guys. Come on, stop it.哦 天哪 你们俩 拜托 停下来What-What's wrong, sweetie?怎么了 宝贝What's wrong is Gordo's in a limo怎么了 戈多坐在一辆豪华轿车里and I'm a lonely, old, looser 而我是一个孤单的苍老的失败者truck-stop waitress for the rest of my life!我的余生就是做一个公路服务区的服务员What are you going to do about it?你能拿这怎么办We'll leave this to you.我们把她交给你了Why do moms think that hot chocolate fixes everything?为什么妈妈总认为热巧克力可以弥补任何事呢Hmm, because it does.嗯 因为它就是可以Okay. Now. what's on your mind, sweetie?好吧 现在说说 你在想什么 亲爱的Apparently, nothing and you two haven't done anything to help.很明显什么都没想 而你们两个根本没有帮我What'd we do?我们做了什么It's what you didn't do, Dad.是你们什么也没做 爸爸While I've been singing "Oops, I Did It Again"当我对着梳子在唱“哎呀 我又错了”的时候into a hairbrush, people have been going to the Olympics别人已经准备去参加奥运会了and playing for the governor, and Spielberging.或是为政府官员表演 或是拍电影Spielberging? Did Gordo do another movie?拍电影 戈多又拍了一部电影'Cause I love that one he did about the running shoes.我喜欢他拍的那个关于跑鞋的电影He is so talented.他太有才了Not helping.帮倒忙啊Is this about the Gunther girl?是不是跟那个冈瑟家的女孩有关The diver?那个跳水运动员This is about, where was I the day in kindergarten这跟我还在幼儿园的时候我们都where we all decided what we were going to be?开始决定长大后要干什么有关And where were you two?那时候你们在哪里Do you remember that rhythmic gymnastics thing你还记得去年你练you did last year?艺术体操的事吗You rocked, and we were behind you a thousand percent.你非常棒 我们百分之一千地支持你You told us you weren't passionate about it.你告诉我们你对那玩意儿不感兴趣But if you made me stick to it但是如果你们让我坚持下来I might be going to the Olympics, too.说不定我也能去参加奥运会了And thanks for picking right now还有谢谢你现在to start saying "rocked," Dad.才告诉我“我很棒” 爸爸But, honey, we can't force you into being something.但是 宝贝 我们不能强迫你成为什么样的人啊That's why I'm nothing, Mom.所以我现在什么也不是 妈妈You're fantastic! You're smart. You're talented. You're.你棒极了 你很聪明 你很有天赋 你 Continue.继续.a little insecure right now.只是现在有点缺乏安全感Go back to talented, then stop.回到有天赋上面去 然后停止Listen, when you find out what it is听着 当你发现你想做什么的时候that you want to be you won't need us to tell you.你不需要我们去告诉你And you certainly don't need to figure it out tonight.而且你不需要今天晚上就搞清楚Unless, of course, you'd like to. We're here for you.当然了 除非你想弄清楚 我们会在这里陪着你Mom, Dad face it-妈妈 爸爸 承认吧there's already, like 50 million things现在已经有大概五千万件事that I can never be.我永远也做不成I burned my tongue.我烫了我的舌头Now I can never be a food critic.现在我再也不能当食物评论家了Hey. Thanks for coming, you guys.嘿 谢谢你们能来Matt won't go near his room.马特不肯靠近他的房间You were right to call us.你打电话叫我们来是正确的I definitely sense something in this house.我绝对在这间房子里感觉到了点什么东西How about you Lanny?你呢 兰尼Yeah.是啊This is out of control.完全失控了Just let them work it out their way.就让他们用他们自己的方法解决吧Oh, yeah, that's easy for you to say. 哦 是啊 你说的倒容易You get to go play softball你要去打垒球了and I'm stuck here with the insane playdate posse.而我要和这个神经小队呆在这里Hey, I didn't make up the schedule. It just worked out. Bye.嘿 日程表又不是我编的 碰巧碰上了 再见And then the car zooms off leaving me behind,之后那个车就疾驰而去 把我留在了后面talking into a clown's mouth for the rest of my life.让我一辈子冲着那个愚蠢的话筒说话My road dogs- they've always got my back.我的好朋友们 他们总是支持我Did you say that I have an assistant你是不是说了我有一个助手that feeds me curly fries?她喂我卷曲薯条My hair is long and gray like my Abeula?我的头发又长又灰就像我的祖母Maybe it's time for a new set of road dogs.也许我应该换一组新朋友Can we focus here, you guys?!我们能集中注意力一下吗 My life needs a plan.我的人生需要一个计划You guys don't know what it's like你们不了解看着每个人seeing everyone pass you by.从你身边走过的感受Nobody's passing you by. 没人要把你甩在后面You're just good at a lot of different things.你只是擅长很多不同的东西Well, that's the old Lizzie. 嗯 那是老利齐The new Lizzie is going to be great. at one thing.新利齐将只擅长一件事情So, how are you going to pick your life's work? A-A dartboard?那么 你要怎么选你这一生的工作呢 用飞镖吗No, silly, I've written down all of my possible不 傻瓜 我把我这辈子可能的工作选择career choices and put them in this hat.都写了下来 放进这个帽子里了Great to see you have a system.都有法子了呀 不错We're not leaving this room until I have a future. Now draw.在我有一个未来之前不许离开这个房间 抓一个Slow down?! I'm tying as fast as I can!慢下来 我可是在尽全力缠头啊"Research scientist?科研人员Yeah! I could save an entire species.是啊 我可以拯救一个物种Thank you, Ethan. I would like to announce谢谢你 伊桑 我现在要宣布that after years of work we have recovered and cloned DNA经过一年的努力我们现在发现并克隆了from the last wild bald eagle.最后一只野秃鹰的DNAThanks to our research our national symbol多亏了我们的研究我们国家的象征will once again fly free and.将再一次自由翱翔 还有Lovely. God bless America. Now, can we wrap this up?太可爱了 上帝保佑美国 我们现在能结束了吗I have a wax at 3:00, and it is now.我三点要打蜡 而现在已经三点了No!不That year, I could win the Nobel Prize and the Gold Glove.那一年我就可以获得诺贝尔奖和金手套奖Works for me. Now, uh,我觉得不错 现在about the near future. Did I hear some talk of curly fries?关于不久的将来 我是不是听说了卷曲薯条I'm not finished. Draw.还没完呢 再抓一个Uh. "A NASCAR driver"?!嗯 全国汽车比赛协会赛车手I like the little jumpsuit with all the patches.我喜欢贴满商标的赛车服I have a need for speed.极品飞车哦Whatever happened to the "normal" jobs?没有什么正常点的工作吗Like, a-a doctor or a. lawyer?比如 医生或者是律师Well, blood makes me kind of squirmy and law is so.嗯 看见血我会犯恶心 法律嘛Yeah, that's a good sleepy face.这是一个很好的困倦表情I always said you'd make a great actress.我就跟你说过你能当一个好演员Uh, moi?嗯 我吗You like me! You really, really.你喜欢我 你真的 真的Uh, what's the next line?嗯 下句台词是什么来着Oh, yeah. You really, really like me!哦 对 你真的 真的喜欢我An actress? Please. I'd get all nervous一个演员 拜托 当别人看着我时with everyone staring at me.我会很紧张的Besides, I forget the words to "Jingle Bells" each year.而且 我每年都会忘铃儿响叮当的歌词Moving on.继续Okay, it says here that in China they rearrange the furniture好吧 这儿说在中国人通过重新摆放家具to get rid of negative energy.来摆脱阴气Okay, everybody. .feng shui!好吧 大家一起来 风水Turn the beat around颠覆节奏Love to hear percussion我爱敲击的节奏Turn it upside down让天地旋转起来Love to hear percussion我爱敲击的节奏Love to hear percussion我爱敲击的节奏Mom, when the spirit flies in the window,妈妈 当幽灵从窗户里飞进来的时候crashes into the lampshade bounces off the mirror,就会撞到灯罩上然后反弹到镜子上and lands in the cactus. .that ghost is toast.之后落在仙人球上 那个幽灵就玩儿完了If you don't put all this stuff back如果你不在你爸爸回来之前before your father gets home you, also, are going to be toast.把这些东西回归原位 你也要玩儿完了Oh, and, uh, speaking of toast we made these, uh,哦 还有 嗯说道玩儿完了 我们做了这些garlic necklaces to ward off vampires!大蒜相连来防吸血鬼I know. We're being overcautious.我知道 我们有点过于谨慎了But there's no arguing with Lanny.但你不能和兰尼争辩Oh, I. wouldn't dare.哦 我 怎么敢呢Hello? Oh, hey, honey. No, the game just finished.喂 嘿 亲爱的 不 比赛刚刚结束Yeah, I can bring some garlic home. You're wearing garlic.好 我可以带些大蒜回家 你正戴着大蒜呢No, I know I told him to figure it out. 不 我知道我让他自己解决Okay, okay, I'll figure it out. Honey?好吧 好吧 我来解决 亲爱的 Hey, guys. You guys want to make a quick 20 bucks?嘿 各位 你们想不想赚二十块钱Okay, last one.好吧 最后一个"Stay-at-home mom"?全职妈妈Somebody's got to do it, right?总有人要做这种事的 不是吗I'd get up and get the kids breakfast.我会起床给孩子们做早餐-Uh! Dork! -Freak!-呃 白痴 -怪物Kids, cut it out!孩子们 停下来-And at the end of


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