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    战争,生命与人性辛德勒的名单电影赏析 学 生 姓 名 班 级 指 导 教 师 专 业 学 院 2011年12月20日War,Life and HumanitySchindlers List AppreciationStudent Class Supervisor Specialty School December 20,2011War,Life and HumanityIn the advanced video course of this semester,our teacher lead us to saw the first film Schindlers ListFrom the teachers lectures I have the new understanding about the filmThis is a classical black and white film and took us three hours,even so I still deeply impressedMr. Schindlers rescue act,Jews tenacious,optimistic,intelligent and so beautiful natures,the brutal Nazi officer is still vivid in my mind,like a time machine ride back to that period was hard to bear witness to the dark agesAt the beginning of this film,an ordinary Jewish family singing a chant music in a low voice,the weak candlelight gradually extinguished,a ray of white smoke rising slowly,then it become the roar of the trains smokeStart in such a warm scene,it also indicates Jews peaceful life will be broken. In a sharp contrast with the Germany Nazis brutal and bloodyAt first,Schindler never thought to redeem the Jews,in his eyes,money is the onlyWhen he was a pure and mercenary businessman he used a lot of money to bribe,to keep a good relationship with the Nazi officersHe refused to use a little expensive Polish labor force,but with cheap Jewish prisoners of warHe told his wife that he had failed in business because of the lack of a factor:the warAs a businessman,he thinks that the war is a good business opportunity,whatever justice and evil are out of his mind. He just wants to do to make himselfcome here with empty-handed,left with two suitcases,filled with the worlds wealthSo,when Schindler saw the Germans slaughtered the Jews,the eyes sill full of blank. Until he saw a red girl,the red on his mind caused a strong impactBegin with the whole film with the black and white tone,but is designed to symbolize the dark era of fear,the only red color represents life,although it looked so fragile and weakFinally,he saw the girls body on the way to crematoryAt present,he real felt the Nazis cruel and inhuman The red girl is the key to change Schindlers thinking,his heart was faint with the idea of salvationMarch,13,1943,Krakows Jews had been tragic massacreHe broke out of human nature from the deepest soulSince then,he was no longer a cunning businessman,he tried his best to save as many Jewish livesAfter he changed,he found the meaning of lifeHe shelter a Jewish old couple;When he found that Stern caught into the departing train,he worried and try to rescue him;In the day of his birthday,he kissed the Jewish girl that she stand for all the workers brought the cake, not because she look beautiful ,but because he gratitude from his heart;When he entered the dungeon,comforted by the beating of Helen,he is out of sincere and appreciate,this time he has forgotten he is a Nazi party and Helen is a inferior JewishCan explain Schindler is a hero than a Schindlers ListWhen the Germans to leave Krakow ,the Jews will be transferred to a concentration camp,Schindler began to produce arms requires lots of labor as an excuse,use the earned money to bought the Jews in the concentration campMore and more names and lives,because in the list to be preserved in the Nazi atrocitiesIn order to avoid the militarys suspicion,Schindler brought arms from other plants and then sold to the military,for which he was almost bankrupt,in this way he saved 1,100 JewsFinally,the Germany surrenderedThe workers farewell Schindler and gave him a ring with the wordsIt says whoever saves one life saves the worldThey use the most sacred words to praise him,the only endless gratitude to him,without slightest radical hatredWhen I saw this scene I was deeply shocked,he felt sad because he couldnt save more people,he burst into tears when he was carrying a valuable brooch. All the workers are grateful to him but he did not feel enoughIndeed,Schindler has done a lot for the Jews,he is a hero,at least on the list of Jews and their descendants will always think soBecause of the war,he was exposed as a businessman born of greed for money;also because the war,he was awaked out of respect for life and the pursuit of justicePerhaps that is the background of the war Schindler was such a success hero,a hero isnt perfect but realAfter watching the film I feel very heavyA great man never pride their own meritsIn fact,as the motto on the ring Schindler was the brightest light in the darkest period of yearsAll in all,I deeply shocked,can only say is a flawless filmNo matter what race,no matter what ageAlthough the discrimination is still exist,we have the courage to faceWhat I learned in the film is that as long as you willing to face,you can begin to make something changes,isnt it?


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