“李文林式”革命根据地研究 “李文林式”革命根据地研究 The Research on “Li Wenlin” Revolutionary Base Area【中文摘要】 “李文林式”革命根据地,是指第二次国内革命战争时期的东固革命根据地。它是土地革命战争时期中国共产党创建的最早的农村革命根据地之一,它从1927年11月开创至1929年11月成立赣西临时苏维埃政府止,作为独立存在的一块根据地,为期两年,它经历了创建、巩固和发展三个阶段。在革命斗争和根据地政治、经济、文化建设过程中,东固党组织始终把马克思列宁主义与中国革命实践和当地的区域特点结合起来,实事求是,以公开的武装斗争和秘密割据相结合的方式,实行飘忽不定的游击战术,以经济建设特有的经营形式和文化教育普及发展的形式,以实行“绝对党的领导”,东固革命根据地被毛泽东赞誉为“李文林式”的根据地,与“朱德毛泽东式”、“贺龙式”、“方志敏式”的根据地并列。“李文林式”革命根据地的创建和发展,在中共党史和中国革命史上起了重要的历史作用。它是赣西南革命斗争的中心和立足点;是创建中央革命根据地的奠基石和起点;是红四军转战赣南、闽西的“加油站”和东征基地。同时,“李文林式“革命根据地的斗争模式丰富了毛泽东的“工农武装割据”的思想。“李文林式”革命根据地的斗争模式是中国革命道路开辟的一种创新,为当时提供了在白色政权包围中红色政权独立存在的一种好模式,为中央苏区的各项建设提供了丰富的历史经验,是马克思主义中国化的又一个典型【英文摘要】 “Li Wenlin” Revolutionary Base was Donggu Revolutionary Base during the period of the Second Revolutionary Civil War.It was one of the earliest rural revolutionary bases created by Communist Party of China in the Agrarian Revolutionary War.As a self-existent base,it lasted for two years,from NOvember1927 to November 1929,until the establishment of the Western-Jiangxi Provisional Soviet Government.It has gone through three stages which are establishment,consolidation and development. In the course of revolutionary struggle and political,economical and cultural construction in the base area,the Donggu Communist party always adapted Marxism to Chinese revolutionary practice and local particularity according to the principle of seeking truth from facts.They carried out erratic guerrilla tactics in the way of open and secret separative armed struggle;implemented the absolute leadership of CCP in the way of specific business forms in economic construction and popular culture and education.So Donggu Revolutionary Base was praised by Mao Zedong as “Li Wenlin” Revolutionary Base,equal with “Zhu De & Mao Zedong” style,”He Long” style and “Fang Zhimin” style.The establishment and development of “Li Wenlin” Revolutionary Base played a very important historic role in the history of CCP and Chinese revolution.It was the centre and foothold of revolutionary struggle in southwest Jiangxi,the cornerstone and starting point of the Central Revolutionary Base,the “gas station” for the action of the Forth Army of the Red Armyin south Jiangxi and West Fujian and the base of its eastern expedition.At the same time,the struggle model of the “Li Wenlin” Revolutionary Base enriched the Mao Zedongs idea of “separatist armed workers and peasants”.The model of “Li Wenlin” Revolutionary Base was an innovation in searching Chinese revolutionary road because it provided the red political power with an effective model for self-existence when it was surrounded by white political power and provided abundant historic experience about constructions for the Central Soviet Area.It was another typical model about Marxism in China. 【中文关键词】 李文林式; 革命根据地; 东固革命根据地; 特点; 历史作用 【英文关键词】 LiWenlinese; Revolutionary Base Area; Donggu Revolutionary Base Area; features; historic function 【毕业论文目录】摘要 4-5 ABSTRACT 5-6 第1章 绪言 7-12 1.1 “李文林式”革命根据地概述 7-8 1.2 选题意义 8-9 1.3 研究现状 9-10 1.4 研究方法与创新点 10-12 第2章 “李文林式”革命根据地创建的历史条件 12-17 2.1 地理环境 12-13 2.2 政治经济状况 13-17 第3章 “李文林式”革命根据地的创建及发展 17-36 3.1 根据地的创建 17-29 3.2 根据地的发展 29-36 第4章 “李文林式”革命根据地的特点及其历史地位和作用 36-47 4.1 “李文林式”革命根据地的特点 36-42 4.2 东固革命根据地的历史地位和作用 42-47 结语 47-48 参考文献 48-51 后记 51