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    Time to enjoy an old-fashioned clash of civilisations奥运会,文明冲突的战场?1The world's attention will be focused on the hosts and challengers China going into the ring against defending champs, the U-S-of-A. For the first time in two decades there is an ideological battle at the top of the leaderboard. The Olympics, once again, will be the chosen battleground for a clash of civilisations. 1这次,世人的注意力将放在主办方中国与金牌榜卫冕冠军美国的较量上。这将是奖牌榜上20年来首次上演的一场意识形态斗争。奥运会将再次成为文明冲突的战场。2In my youth,we were encouraged to support the Western Alliance against the Eastern Bloc. We would cheer Mark Spitz and be downcast when the commentator uttered that saddest of phrases, 'and that completes an East German one-two-three'. In the 1970s it seemed to matter. 2年轻的时候,我们被号召支持西方联盟反对东方集团。我们会为美国泳将马克·施皮茨欢呼喝彩,而当评论员说东德运动员获胜的时候,我们又会黯然神伤。在上世纪70年代,这似乎恨重要。3Certainly, the two main competitors, and competing ideologies, thought as much when they exchanged boycotts in 1980 and '84 and the Games became so politicised and divisive that they were incapable of being properly staged. A block that was wondrously unplugged by the downfall of the Berlin Wall. 3当然,两个主要竞争对手和两种对立的意识形态之间的斗争是针锋相对的,它们分别在1980年莫斯科奥运会和1984年洛杉矾奥运会抵制了对方,而奥运会也因为变得过于政冶化和分裂而无法再正常举行。然而,随着柏林墙的倒塌,这个障碍被神奇地拆除了。4The Olympics were back on track, but somehow less relevant. Barcelona was a joyous celebration, but lacked edge. Atlanta was a mistake. Sydney was again fun and even featured a fraternal spat in the pool between the Aussies and the Yanks. Athens was quiet. Now the game's afoot again and it promises to be a darned close-run thing. 4后来,奥运会又回到了原有的轨道,但变得不再那么重要。巴塞罗那奥运会是一次欢乐的庆祝大会,却缺少特色。亚特兰大奥运会是一个错误。悉尼奥运会又再次具有了娱乐性质,澳大利亚人和美国人在泳池中还展开了一场友好争年。雅典奥运会很平静。现在,奥运会又开始筹备了,这注定将成为一场势均力敌的大赛。5In the 1990s, China used to secure half the medals of the US and a smaller proportion of golds. During this millennium they have caught up to such an extent that only four gold medals separated them in Athens. China are poised to strike. 5上世纪90年代,中国获得的奖牌数通常只有美国的一半,金牌就更少了。新千年,中国人奋起直追,在雅典奥运会上和美国的差距缩短到了4枚金牌。中国现在准备好了要发起进攻。6For the first time, the Chinese will be welcoming half a million people to Beijing and will be demonstrating they have overcome the trauma of the Cultural Revolution. 6中国人将首次迎接50万人来北京,他们将向世人展示他们已经抚平了文化大茧命带来的伤痛。7What's more, their athletes imbue Olympian ideals more completely than their capitalist rivals. Winnings are shared in a pool like football teams used to do for the Cup final. It really is all for one and one for all. 7此外,中国运动员比起他们来自资本主义社会的竞争对于更深谙奥林匹克精神。正如世界杯赛上的足球队一样,胜利是大家的。这才亮的是人人为我、我为人人。8Add all the above to an 'Anyone-But-the-USA' instinct as strong in European liberal circles as the 'Anyone-But-United' strain is in the football community it is tempting to chant 'Go China Go'. And yet. 8在欧洲自由中派人士那里,“除了美国谁赢都邪可以”的本能相当强烈,就像足球界,除了曼联队谁赢都好一样。人们要禁不住高呼“中国加油”。9The Americans are the underdogs. China are a best priced 4-9 to win the most gold medals, America are 2-1. In the closer all-medals market, China are 4-5 and America are evens. 9美国人现在处于弱势。中国在金牌榜上拔得头筹的胜算要高于美国。在差距更小的奖牌榜上,中国的胜算也超过美国。10The swaggering, all-conquering Yankee boys and girls could be about to take one hell of a beating. Too often in the past their post-race posturing and preening has seemed the epitome of arrogance. 10傲慢自大、战无不胜的美国男女运动员可能要遭受沉重打击了。过去,他们赛后得意洋洋的姿态似乎恰恰是傲慢自大这个词最好的体现。11In Beijing, it will not be quite like that. Their athletes will be in 'foreign' territory for the first time in more than 70 years. The last time the US went to an Olympics held in an 'unfriendly' country was Berlin in 1936 and once more the Americans have a point to prove. Their case being the case for democracy. Sport is trivial but it perhaps serves a greater purpose when nations invest it with so much importance. That is what is happening in Beijing and it promises to be epic in its scope and intensity. 11在北京奥运会上,大概就不再会是这样了。美国运动员将是差不多70年来首次身处“外国”领土上参赛。上一次,美国在一个“不友好”国家参加奥运会是在1936年的柏林,这次美国人又要证明一点。他们要为民主而战。体育本来是无足轻重的,但当各国赋予它如此大的重要性的时候 它可能就会为更大的目标服务这就是北京将要出现的情况,而就其规模和激烈程度来说,北京奥运会都将是空前的。12And, for once, it is the Americans who may be cast as the heroes. On your feet everyone: 'O! say can you see by the dawn's early light.'12美国人可能将破天荒第一次被塑造为英雄。所有人都站起来齐唱美国国歌“在晨曦初现时,你可看见.”


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