Volvo SSeries Shopping Mall Display活动报告(广州永安天河城).ppt
2011沃尔沃 S60&S80L商场展示 2011 Volvo S60&S80L Shopping Mall Display活动报告(广州/广州永安/天河城中庭)Event Report(Guangzhou/GZB/Tee Mall),Page 1,活动总结,Page 2,Summary,Page 3,Page 4,搭建完场地照片The whole view on site,正面 Front,Page 5,搭建完场地照片The whole view on site,不同视角或位置照片Photos from different views,不同视角或位置照片Photos from different views,Page 6,搭建完场地照片Photos from different views,不同视角或位置照片Photos from different views,不同视角或位置照片Photos from different views,Page 7,接待照片Photos of reception,工作人员在接待台站位Reception desk,工作人员接待咨询客人Sales introduce C30 to customers,Page 8,接待照片Photos of reception,工作人向咨询客人介绍车辆Sales introduce C30 to customers,工作人向咨询客人介绍车辆Sales introduce C30 to customers,展车照片 Photos of show cars,展车照片Photos of show cars,展车照片Photos of show cars,Page 9,搭建照片The Photos of setting up,Page 10,Page 11,制作物照片Products Photos,背景板 Backdrop,接待台 Reception Desk,Page 12,制作物照片Products Photos,形象展板Image board,电视Television,Page 13,制作物照片Products Photos,灯架 Lighting,洽谈桌椅 Table&Chair,Page 14,物料照片Products provided by the dealer,宣传物 Brochure,桌花等 Table flowers,谢谢 Thanks,Page 15,