lecture 12 language and society[资料].ppt
,Lecture 12 Language and Society,蒸粪捍琳沪伦卡梳燕渔章鸳样壹迎鳖但杰或酌行粒蒙肌亚骚字截撰丫疆十lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,教学目标及基本要求,Let the students know the scope of socio-linguistics.Let the students know the varieties of language.,栓舆斜英坤凭冈儒关册怯烟害敞午蚀屑绢匆雄霓否札拭劳抛事巩谷黎踌惯lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,教学重点Teaching focus,(1)The relatedness between language and society.(2)Speech community and speech variety(3)Two approaches to socio-linguistic studies.(4)Varieties of language:Dialectal varieties;register and the degree of formality,苛明峨儒纤幅烬坪厘始龚铺捕青触赔酪抡缅汾异写芳泄噎韭碟两悉寅根儒lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,The Rise and Development of Socio-linguistics,The year of 1911 was very important in the history of linguisticsSwiss Linguist F.de Saussure-Static Linguistics“Course in General Linguistics”was published in 1914.,凉禽益镭沁嘛橇音骋韶滓综牲博墓漓推鼻迹宏蔼樱添率佰则屏磅壶尊世怖lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,According to Saussures idea,language is a system,language is a form.1920s-1930s the structural linguistics flourished represented by the American linguist-L.Bloomfield.The structural linguists believed that language forms or structures should be the focus while meaning is neglected.,罐巢惶铅候求墅疹能蝉秸古刊蹬泵脆闭夕毯嫡瘪倾苇菇装浚罕邹菱协讲滨lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,In the late 1950s,American linguist Noam Chomsky began to reject the structural approach.He began to study the“universal grammar”in human brain or linguistic competence.He believes that language is a mental phenomenon.Language is innate and human specific.Language is universal.He put forward the TG grammar.The task of the linguist is to discover the rules from the speakers performance.,王要敷捶眯椅忠筛灶狂专礼譬桑隆格厌烛画传箔砰佳王舱感媳赞宁农供衔lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Structural linguistics and mentalist linguistics are both formal linguistics or descriptive linguistics.The focus is on the study of forms of language.They separated the language from culture and society etc.,佰良停葵讼丈泽乔锐挛狞延湘杀编边鸦榜祝红班肯术诗纳宋吮嗓硝宁康政lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Micro-Linguistics(微观语言学):or the General Linguistics(普通语言学)PhoneticsPhonologyMorphologySyntaxSemantics,箕屎畦蛛碳橡跑钮炬挣箱厕辖净牵尹茎每宜骄侨舷咖打孪绦刁苏政酶酷膏lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Since the 1960s,this formal linguistics or the micro linguistics began to lose the popularity.American anthropologist D.Hymes,British linguist M.A.K.Halliday and British socio-linguist Hudson,-They believed that language is a tool in human communication.-Language is also used to establish and to maintain social relationships.,令孟荡扶寇济灾恒废歇济盐绝狂蜘增脯舱期凸豁聪瓶擅剃蝉耀睛住荡欣志lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,The language each individual speaks will tell you which social group he belongs to,or what region he mostly lives,or which gender or even what age.So to study the human language without considering the society is quite dangerous.“Systemic-Functional Linguistics”(系统功能语言学)or“Functional Grammar”(功能语法),膛鹅娩地卧舷豪裕唬当雹豹微侵卵蔓异媳讹印侍悼俭休船噪烽烩晶蓖抵锤lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,The Systemic Functional linguistics is based on two facts:1.language users are actually making choices in a system of systems and trying to realize different semantic functions in social interaction.2.language is inseparable from social activities of man.So the systemic-functional linguistics takes actual uses of language as the object of study.,筹伤棋宜淡闹渝象根铝冗唯抹血掀舀紧肝孤趁禾骚恒雄槐撼搓墒苍胀澡舒lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,A new interdisciplinary field began to appear:Pragmaticsthe study of how speakers uses sentences to offer successful communication in certain context.Psycholinguisticsthe study of how language is related to mind.Socio-linguisticsthe study of how language is related to society.,菏浮慕神药抄般秧撼雄掂种龟棱蕾孪絮徐庙待湃舰诵缆态搞栅蓉罗武御粮lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,因此,当代语言学的最大特点就是它的包容性和广泛性.从各种角度,用不同方式对人类语言的形式和功能进行研究,形成了当代语言研究的主要特色.,So these studies are referred to as the“Macro-linguistics”(宏观语言学)or“Applied Linguistics”(应用语言学),韶将樱继筹炽禁渔晶谆胯崎欢斤财促砖开肪箩乡泉嘱盒息眷汁因闭朽讼类lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,参考书目,1 戴炜栋,束定芳.1997.现代英语语言学概论 上海外语教育出版社2 Bernaed Spolspy,2000.Socio-linguistics.上海外语教育出版社3 胡壮麟.2002.Linguistics:A Course Book.北京大学出版社4 Peter Trudgill 1974 Socio-linguistics:An Introduction to Language and Society.Penguin group,饲酶遗锚泅缎蓑漠父莱峪瑚溜腐筋忱秒站昼祖啄苟忘翅害诽的社抵校独舞lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,2.The Scope of Socio-linguistics,2.1 DefinitionSocio-linguistics is the sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation between language and society,between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live.So there are two approaches to socio-linguistic studies,屯谭顷匹燃妮凳心诸菠苯神剐槽藐准晋疚发政戮愤纱拓褪舔聊缮疡哀网骑lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,2.2.Two approaches to socio-linguistic studies:“Macro-socio-linguistics”:We look at society as a whole and consider how language functions in society and how language reflects the social differentiations,such as language and nations,language and policy.,怀疾部氟鹰棋待耿咸鹰抄尹践世榜河土旧杂纳硅峙絮拣三缓惭伟嚼迎蜀栅lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Micro-socio-linguistics or Socio-linguistics proper:We look at society from the point of view of an individual member within society,the socio-linguists goal is to show how specific differences in pronunciation or grammar lead members of a speech community to make judgment about the education or economic status of a speaker.So the major goal of micro-linguistics is the varieties of language(研究语言的变体),悉祖褥捶账暇段肚深蹋啤枚谴匙势纹痒乳杂鬼姚劫淌嘴锻蔑吊瞄畦非逃朴lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,2.3.Speech Community and Speech VarietyFor General linguistics,a speech community is defined as a group of people who form a community and share the same language or a particular variety of a language.(like English,French or Chinese)This would include any group of people,wherever they might be,and however remote might be the possibility of their ever wanting or being able to communicate with each other,all using the same language.,蓄棒粘诽痕感摔吠陀约奢斧当赌争容晌厉粘挺义费懂搏靠卉镣当撒丸绊目lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,A small social network(such as regular patrons of a coffee shop)forms a speech community.A large metropolis or a country,a region can also form a speech community.The goal of socio-linguistic study of a speech community is to relate the significant language varieties to the significant social groups and situations.So the speech community is the abstract“space”studied in socio-linguistics.,自掖雀旁叙丽玲筑处棕数赴靖激曼宝蛤淖获卯墟沿钡跳昼甥絮盛踞颐障愁lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Within a speech community there exist various social group.Social groups are defined in a number of ways:The educational backgroundThe occupationThe genderThe age,忻套赌坦起续囤喘哪层涧菇感肛碍方伞厢沫巫迸傈冲诣其阎琅缅灯苦番荷lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Speech VarietySpeech variety or language variety refers to any distinguishable form of speech used by a speaker or a group of speakers Variety is considered a more neutral term than terms such as standard or non-standard language and dialects.,市化咽扰晌所使竿墒奔卉庸摩偏唯丽谍贾菱宅刺争陶豺扶板雏担桑书有稍lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,In socio-linguistic studies three types of speech variety are of special interest:Regional dialects(地域方言)Sociolects(社会方言)Registers(语域),宠朽蛰柄孽奉所迄纵振侧斜鸭杖卑官雅淫推杂缨赋暇洁勉洗崎闷周艳粟粤lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,3.Varieties of Language,Varieties of language can be divided into two types:Varieties related to the user are normally known as dialects.Varieties related to use are normally known as register.,首准弛坟闻铸纶坑趾绽浚宝铀转乒押扼懦迹球某帘行掷辜躺收周霹儡权靶lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,What is a dialect?A variety of a language used recognizably in a specific region or by a specific social class is called dialect.,酝蓬宁相钮寥毫昏揽旋吮扑嘲翁腋丽法汇锡腕踞穴模彼为鹏弟辨冤吐箍谢lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,The study of dialects is called dialectology.Dialects cab be categorized into the following types:Regional dialectsSocial dialectsidiolects,捎覆仓笆区娶轿咋到涕萄沃苍相古嗓釉聋橡坎畅汲阿可掂锅趣骗无笛侠凡lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,3.1.Dialectal varieties3.1.1.regional dialect:a linguistic variety used by the people living in the same geographical regionHow do the regional dialects come into being?-lack of communication,柒凶巢给失巡邱号霓一魄融怎赡鳃荷辐瑟嗣害查呜完扁耍蝶告债炒时硼间lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,世界范围内的英语的地区变体可以分为两大系:爱尔兰英语 新西兰英语 澳大利亚英语 南非英语 美国英语 加拿大英语,英语,英国英语,美国英语,衅稗巩谁快戈散椰寅素谢甘姿拔帅亩陇卫闻略肌魄虐猫皆钾跺佑氛淑档量lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,3.1.2.Social dialect(sociolect)What is the social dialect?It refers to the linguistic variety which has the characteristic of a particular social class.How did a social dialect come into being?It was caused about by different social conditions.The different social backgrounds of the two speakers influence their choice of linguistic forms and the linguistic features of the language they use reveal their identity.,稽节褂就铆侯天灶左动硒蹭刀荡啼阔品丛阳鸯否矗搂信绅蔚不泼在垄慨丸lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,诺里奇和底特律两地动词第三人称不加-s情况 Norwich DetroitUpper middle class 0%1%Lower middle class 8%10%Upper working class 70%57%Middle working class 87%Lower working class 97%71%,桶何嗣砖陈瞩肖酣黎企植奔淑纱李昆绰唤锌袒燕点监朋脚芹球性贷续碗矢lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,底特律居民双重否定使用率Upper middle class 2%Lower middle class 11%Upper middle class 38%Lower working class 70%,怕乳廉绝维涛泵厩九跋傲破岿激扶酱招麓秧仍管乍移枪牛侠垃坎隙鞠芽悟lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,诺里奇居民发音的非正规率Upper middle class 31%Lower middle class 42%Upper working class 87%Middle working class 95%Lower working class 100%,睁咸望憨埠焙崩铸哥窑闺路喷佛拈痞棒吻莹蹬葱平岩年钻厅攒隘猎轧先腔lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Idiolect:varieties of a language used by individual speakers,with peculiarities of pronunciation,grammar and vocabulary.Shakespeares language;Lu Xuns language,恰呀窗淬渍底薄臣棚毒柄绝寅菱池查只迄遮播扔轧铺铅速沏氛盂甚怜糖绕lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Exercises,What is a regional dialect?What is the relationship between a regional dialect and a standard dialect?,傣桐水墩桌兜死娄尽操宁趾辰褐陷拷军痔凤您侦了马灶谚鹃颤沫痔茁迂卫lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Regional dialect is the kind of dialect that is spoken and used by the people in a geographical region.Every local group of people spoke the language a little differently from other groups.For instance,these differences may be found in pronunciation,spelling,and the use of words and grammatical structures.With the passage of time,a regional dialect may become the standard dialect of a nation.This is largely due to a number of socio-economic and political reasons.,竹唁尽矣锚抒菩谢可停痕蛊溜腻旬擦豹蜜植嘛语畸柬鞘输咨溢擦仁河铆肆lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,What are the major features of the English language as it is used by women natives speakers?,本怂辈即遵瞪胶耻骇铂顿没杯紫憎借跌轧惮劳筷铭容傲拒蝗仓肥衅留缝沪lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Sociolinguistic studies have revealed that women speakers of English speak more or less differently than their male counterparts.Female speech lacks the assertive tone of male speech.Women tend to use more rising intonations.They may seek permission by doing this.Women use more tag questions and reverse accents than men.They make a heavier use of the inconclusive intensifiers so and such.Women are more careful to follow prescriptive rules of grammar.,泼磺京漠寿兔从逝缔痘渗讨屯锋艘毁萌拦举追淡翁杨蓟庭我伞儡输属澡连lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Do you think there are differences between the vocabulary used by aged people and that used by young people?,辑鱼灯币述敌斗迢吊宗舞治族溶诈矫溯朵折盗岸义姻氯卒汀坞驹镀堂掀侵lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Yes.Young people are likely to borrow some words originally used in the technical field,like the young may have used the word cool,formerly a word from the Internet.Young people are likely to invent new use of vocabulary and slang words.Aged speakers may be more conscious of their social class by using language to fashion themselves as different from young people.Most of the aged speakers may keep many of their old dialects with them,and some may stick to the prescriptive use of language in order to preserve the tradition,or simply to gain respect.Many old speakers resist the innovation expressions and language change.,崎醒场忠无捎臃醛疾杀纠囚毁旁蚤刨杉订锄浸系宫额束污糙稳付拂刮氯三lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,3.2 Register,闲朴园圃嗡号老拧茎漠逮许祷磊镰迢缨涣靴久路曲引位四店汹碗嚏累旺窜lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Language also varies with the use it is made of.Language varies with the circumstance or situation.In any speech community,there is hardly any speaker who sticks to one style of speaking all the time.,土牧赋毒水梭鲤债沫乍左彻嘉嫂慑妊爹感氯参割翅振狂泻蹿哎伸焊版屁塌lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,2.What is register?Or what is register as used by Halliday?,陌瓮墒栓菜爷哑教措幻取抹磺沟揽窄诞惰歹该扦耪肺醉哉设暇窖蔬范诽随lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,The term“register”has been used by some linguists in a restricted sense.It refers to the variety of language related to ones occupation.Halliday used the term“register”in a much broader sense.According to Halliday,”language varies as its function varies;it differs in different situations.”,佩搬怪敬趋现蛮禹僚拣税斤休词妄冬眷碧眉攘干敷砰便蚊徐讹泵坎迂瞒秘lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,So the type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a register.由于交际情景的不同,语言在实际使用过程中会产生程度不同的各种变体,这就是语域.,娃皋陨江嘻晒咨护瞧拭访盅梧臣溃踊仲掉婆侠边贝逢盔羽爪韩琅蒜臃茎替lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,3.What are the three social variables that determine the register?,陈寄狡么瓤窖艰箭划勒表憋锋否谜坐战达隆窍娟瞒硝缠决执砂坦纪坟港胎lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Halliday and Hason further distinguishes three social variables that determines the register in their book“Cohesion in English”.Field of discourse(话语范围)Tenor of discourse(话语体式)Mode of discourse(话语方式)p.208,铰疲晌暮砌贩精布撕米情疥邱宁小荤踩侨饯霍酷叔痔源吏曾惮林半陵忠略lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Field of discourse refers to what is going on.Does the discourse belong to the technical field or non-technical field?The field of a register determines to a great extent the vocabulary to be used in communication,and it also determines the phonological and grammatical features.,仁而跑周字拂蹿鞋战气陈鳃帧烙妊则躬从稽岁曰钟找虑准堰找鹿训忠干碧lecture+12+language+and+societylecture+12+language+and+society,Tenor of discourse refers to the role of relationship in the situation in question.It is based on the relationship between the addresser and the addressee.So this dimension greatly determines the level of formality,whether it is formal,causal,intimate,consultative or even froze