,LOGOCompany name,PowerPointDesign Template,add your subheading,2,Contents,3,Click to edit headline,Competitors You may want to allocate one slide per competitor Strengths Your strengths relative to competitors Weaknesses Your weaknesses relative to competitors,4,Click to edit headline,2004,2003,2002,2001,step1,step1,step1,step1,5,Click to edit headline,Click to edit your subject 1,Click to edit your subject 1,Click to edit your subject 1,Click to edit your subject 2,Click to edit your subject 2,Click to edit your subject 2,Conclusion 1,Conclusion 2,6,Click to edit headline,Click to edit your text,Click to edit your text,Click to edit your text,Conclusion 1,7,Click to edit headline,Example 03,Example 04,subject,8,Click to edit headline,How can you change picture?On the Drawing toolbar,click the arrow next to Fill ColorClick Fill Effects,and then click the Picture tab.Select the picture you want.,9,Click to edit headline,result1,7%up,result2,7%up,result3,7%up,10,Click to edit headline,