John Fowles 法国中尉的女人.ppt
John FowlesThe French Lieutenants Woman,Postmodern literature,Postmodern literature,Postmodern literature arose after World War II as a series of reactions against the perceived norms of modernist literature.,Modernism and Postmodernism,Both modern and postmodern literature represent a break from 19th century realism,in which a story was told from an objective or omniscient point of view.In character development,both modern and postmodern literature explore subjectivism,turning from external reality to examine inner states of consciousness,in many cases drawing on modernist examples in the stream of consciousness styles of Virginia Woolf and James Joyce.,Modernism and Postmodernism,Unlike postmodern literature however,modernist literature saw fragmentation and extreme subjectivity as an existential crisis or a Freudian internal conflict.In postmodern literature this crisis is avoided.The tortured,isolated anti-heroes of Samuel Beckett,and the nightmare world of T.S.Eliots The Waste Land,make way in postmodern writing for the self-consciously deconstructed and self-reflexive narrators of novels by John Fowles.,Shift to postmodernism,As with all stylistic eras,no definite dates exist for the rise and fall of postmodernisms popularity.1941,the year Irish novelist James Joyce and British novelist Virginia Woolf both died,is sometimes used as a rough boundary for postmodernisms start.,Shift to postmodernism,Another common divide is the end of the Second World War,which saw a critical assessment of human rights in the wake of the Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.It also coincides with the beginning of the Cold War,the American Civil Rights Movement(1955-1968)and the beginning of movements which worked towards:(a)the end of Colonialism,(b)the Partition of India,(c)the 1947 UN Partition Plan,and(d)the development of Postcolonial literature.,About the author,John Fowles(1926 2005),a famous British author in the literary world,born in a small town not far from London 1926.His father is a tobacco businessman,mother is a teacher.To escape the bombing of Nazi Germany during World War II,his family moved to Devon,a village on the south of Te Moer.Britains countryside is charming,young Fowles had a strong interest in the mystery and beauty of nature here.This endless mystery and beauty became the source of his inspiration.,Fowles had been a short-term student at Edinburgh University.1945 to 1947,he served two years in the Royal Marines.He spent 4 years at Oxford.After graduated from Oxford,he taught English in several universities in French,Greece and England,then he became a professional writer.,Other main works,The Collector 收藏家 The Magus 巫术师 The Ebony Tower 埃伯尼塔楼 Daniel Martin 丹尼尔马丁 Mantissa 曼蒂莎 A Maggot 想入非非,The French LieutenantsWoman,John Fowles,BackgroundCharacter List PlotTheme,Background,The story takes place in 19th century Victorian.Victorian is an age which is of tradition,arrogance,hypocrisy(虚伪)and selfishness in ideology,moral values.For women,it is still a dark age full of prejudice and much of repression.In this age,men due to their natural conditions and economic status,they are exclusive scenery as a social subject in all spheres of society,but due to weakness and other natural features,women have been in a gender disadvantage,become a object neglected,dominated and selected.,Character list:,Sarah Woodruff:a female Heathcliff a genuine rebel against social constraints,Sarah Woodruff,She is also referred to as Tragedy or The French Lieutenants Hore.She is the scarlet woman of Lyme,the outcast dismissed by society because of her affair with a French sailor.She is a figure of intrigue due to rumors that circulate around her,most of them false.She is the protagonist of the novel.Her character is that of a mysterious or evil woman commonly found in a Victorian novel.,Charles Smithson,Male protagonist of the novel.He is a wealthy Victorian gentlemen and heir to a title.He is interested in Darwin and paleontology and considers himself to be intellectually superior to other Victorian men,as he is one of the few who holds scientifically advanced ideas.,He is engaged to Ernestina Freeman but is attracted to the mysterious Miss Woodruff.He is unhappy with the way his life is unfolding,yet he is extremely sensitive and intelligent.He is an insecure man constantly analyzing his life.,Ernestina Freeman,Charless fiance.She is pretty,coy and intelligent,but at times she tends to reveal her youth and naivet.She likes to think of herself as a modern woman but her attitudes are similar to most of the young Victorian women who behaved in a proper manner.She is Aunt Tranters niece and is vacationing in Lyme when the story begins.,第一个结局:查尔斯没有去旅馆找萨拉,他如期和蒂娜举行了婚礼。婚后的生活并不幸福。查尔斯偶尔会想念萨拉。萨拉的结局无人知道。第二个结局:查尔斯去找了萨拉,两人出轨。萨拉失踪后两年后他找到了她。查尔斯向她求婚,萨拉拒绝,查尔斯临走之前,萨拉让他见了两人的孩子,一家团聚。第三个结局:时间倒退到查尔斯临走的时候,没有出现孩子。查尔斯最后离开了她。一个人孤独的在河边走着,一边走一边流泪。不知走向何方。,维多利亚时代的英国小镇莱姆(Lyme),年轻的绅士查尔斯在海边的悬崖上邂逅了一个神秘黑衣女子。听当地人说,黑衣女子名叫萨拉,因为曾与一名法国中尉有染,所以遭众人非议,被称为“法国中尉的女人”。不过,查尔斯却对这位遗世独立的女人颇感兴趣,尽管他已经有了一个贤淑的未婚妻,并拟定了婚期,但他还是抑制不住萨拉的诱惑。两个人在几次试探后,终于开始幽会。萨拉对查尔斯讲述了她的遭遇和经历,查尔斯被萨拉深深吸引,查尔斯安排萨拉搬到爱塞特,并和她发生了一夜情。之后查尔斯便返回了莱姆。,PLOT,Major Theme,In this novel,Fowles is interested in the literary genre of the nineteenth-century romantic or gothic novel and succeeds in reproducing typical Victorian characters,situations and dialogue.But Fowles perception of the genre is touched with typical twentieth-century irony.His thematic concerns range from the relationship between life and art and the artist and his creation to the isolation that results from an individual struggling for selfhood.,Minor Theme,Fowles aim is to bring to light those aspects of Victorian society that would appear most foreign to contemporary readers.Victorian attitudes towards women,economics,science and philosophy are tackled as minor themes within the main plot.Both women and the working-class are two groups that are revealed as being oppressed both economically and socially in a society that inhibits mobility for anyone who is not middle or upper-class and male.These are the social issues that Fowles explores within the guise of a traditional romance.,Ernestina Freeman,THANKS,