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    活动背景活动策略活动内容活动流程活动亮点媒体名录主讲嘉宾推荐,索引Index,活动背景,上海世博会是第一个正式提出“低碳世博”理念的世博会,中国在筹办过程中全力实践这一理念。伦敦零碳馆是中国第一栋建成的零二氧化碳公共 建筑。是本次世博的核心之一。世博会伦敦零碳馆是中国第一栋零二氧化碳公共建筑。通过传承来自伦敦的世界第一个零二氧化碳排放社区BEDZED的科技,结合上海地区的气候特征,采用本土化的产品实现中国第一座零碳建筑。将从多角度多层面向世博访客展示中国和世界建筑节能减排的最新成果。伦敦零碳馆向世界人们展示出的建筑领域对抗气候变化的策略和方法,以及绿色生态健康生活的理念已经受到政府、建筑设计界、企业和媒体等各界的关注。“低碳生活”,“绿色建筑”正是零碳馆所积极倡导的主旋律,为了更好的宣扬这一主旋律,2010世博会零碳馆将为倡导绿色建筑概念进行一次深入的探讨,进一步加强世界各国对于倡导绿色建筑概念的重要性,本次绿色建筑峰会我们将邀请到包括:美国绿色建筑委员会(U.S.Green Building Council,简称USGBC)的“领先能源与环境设计建筑评级体系”(LEEDTM),英国的建筑科研组织(Building Research Establishment,BRE)“环境评价法”(BREEAM),日本的CASBEE体系等在内的专业组织,政府相关职能机构,以及世界级建筑设计大师,房产开发商,建材商,专业媒体等共同探讨这一重要话题。,活动背景关于2010世博会零碳馆,伦敦零碳馆是中国第一栋建成的零二氧化碳公共建筑。将从多角度多层面向世博访客展示中国和世界建筑节能减排的最新成果。零碳馆总面积2500平方米,在四层高的建筑中设置了零碳报告厅,零碳餐厅,零碳展示厅和六套零碳样板房,全方位的向世博游客们展示了建筑领域对抗气候变化的策略和方法。使用太阳能,风能和水源热能联动来实现空间内的通风、制热、制冷、除湿、加湿等满足人居舒适性的各项效果。所需的电力,由建筑附加的太阳能发电板产生。阳光和水的利用在零碳馆中体现的淋漓尽致。采用整体外保温的策略。,专业性:本次峰会将以学术论坛为主线,贯穿整场活动,主要以演讲结合讨论的形式向在场听众,媒体传达绿色建筑设计发展趋势,以高水准,高质量的论坛结合互动单元向媒体传达倡导低碳,绿色建筑概念等重要信息。感知性:通过峰会现场的布置,环节的设立,使参与峰会的媒体记住峰会需要传递的重要信息,也可使在场听众,媒体亲身感受到绿色建筑对于人类生存的重要性。附加环节:颁奖仪式,本次峰会将设立“绿色建筑设计大使”,由政府官员,专业绿色建筑设计组织,及零碳馆负责人授予出席本次峰会的主讲嘉宾,此奖项的意义在于鼓励建筑设计师,能够积极倡导及推广绿色建筑设计理念,为建筑设计师倡导绿色环保理念作出榜样。Attention:请务必认真阅读此页,谢谢!,活动策略 Event Strategy,演讲主题:绿色建筑设计概念活动时间/地点:2010年7月23日/上海国际会议中心;2010年7月24日/杭州浙江美术馆Date/Avenue:活动形式:演讲+讨论+颁奖+交流+展览展示Event Rundown:Speech+Discussion+Awards+Communicate+Exhibition 活动对象:绿色建筑专业机构、委员会;政府官员,房产开发商,建筑设计师,室内设计师,论坛赞助商,国内知名媒体Event Guest:Government officer,Land agent,High level architect,interior designers,sponsors,media活动人数:上海/1000人;杭州/600人Event quantity:.,活动内容 Event Content,PART IV13:0013:30 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(4)13:3013:35 问答时间13:3514:05 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(5)14:0514:10 问答时间14:1014:40 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(6)14:4015:10 问答及嘉宾综合交流时间15:1015:30 赞助商答谢致辞15:1015:30“绿色建筑设计大使”颁奖仪式15:2017:00 媒体专访时间PART V17:0018:00 商务洽谈时间PART VI18:3020:00 2010世博会零碳馆绿色建筑设计峰会 鸡尾酒交流晚宴暨绿色慈善晚宴,Day1.活动流程 Event Rundown,PART I09:3010:00 签到 10:0010:10 政府领导,主办单位致开幕词PART II10:1010:40 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(1)10:4010:45 问答时间10:4511:15 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(2)11:1511:20 问答时间11:2011:50 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(3)11:5011:55 问答时间PART III11:5513:00 午餐及交流时间,PART I13:3014:00 签到 14:0014:10 政府领导,主办单位致开幕词PART II14:1014:40 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(1)14:4014:45 问答时间14:4515:15 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(2)15:1515:20 问答时间15:2015:50 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(3)15:5015:55 问答时间15:5516:25 主讲嘉宾演讲时间(4)16:2516:55 问答及嘉宾综合交流时间,Day2.活动流程 Event Rundown-杭州站,PART III16:5517:30 媒体专访时间PART IV17:3020:30 商务交流晚宴,09:3017:30 绿色建筑材料展,Day2.活动流程 Event Rundown-上海站,Day3.活动流程 Event Rundown,PART I09:3017:30 绿色建筑材料展PART II18:3021:30 客户答谢晚宴及客户与零碳馆商务洽谈时间,1.媒体专访:本次活动将安排包括AREA,INTERIOR DESIGN,FRAME,ABITARE,等20多家专业媒体以及主流媒体对零碳馆负责人,主讲嘉宾进行媒体专访,并将对专访内容进行大篇幅报道。2.颁奖仪式:本次活动主办单位将为参加本次活动的主讲嘉宾颁发“绿色建筑设计大使”。3.合作洽谈:本次活动主办单位将在峰会期间设鸡尾酒会,并与主讲嘉宾就绿色建筑设计项目的合作事宜进行洽谈。,活动亮点 Event Highlight,网络媒体:ABBS新浪网新华网中国网网易YAHOOSOHU搜房网香巴拉家居网e-jjj,广播电视媒体:CCTVICS新华社第一财经东方卫视香港凤凰卫视澳门莲花卫视中央人民广播电台-中国之声;新闻综合频道,杂志媒体:AreaABITARE ASIAINTERIOR DESIGNFRAMEELLE DECOCASADIA+UID+CCONTRACT时代建筑世界建筑导报设计家LP地标青年视觉TOM新视线时尚家居瑞丽家居,媒体名录 Media List,报纸:中国青年报新闻晨报新闻午报新闻晚报东方早报周末画报建筑时报申江服务导报上海时报菁英画报第一财金日报光明日报经济日报,合作客户将以2010世博会零碳馆绿色建筑峰会合作伙伴的身份参与本次活动。合作客户的LOGO将出现在绿色建筑峰会各种形式的宣传品合作单位一栏之上。合作客户将获得在绿色建筑峰会期间与零碳联盟项目洽谈的机会。合作客户将在绿色建筑峰会期间,获得产品在世博零碳馆3天展示的机会,同时合作客户可以派1名代表在展示期间为其产品向参观者进行介绍。合作客户的信息将在世博会零碳馆官网2010世博会零碳馆绿色建筑峰会专栏进行报道。绿色建筑峰会将安排不低于30家媒体(包括专业媒体,大众媒体,电视媒体)参与峰会全程媒体宣传报道。以及媒体对于合作客户代表的专访。合作客户至多可以派2名代表以活动赞助商的身份出席本次峰会的开幕式,论坛,交流晚宴,闭幕式。绿色建筑峰会将保证在峰会当日邀请不低于200名听众到场,包括建筑设计师,室内设计师,房产开发商,同时合作客户将获得听众的详细信息。绿色建筑峰会将安排合作客户在峰会当日拥有1分钟答谢致辞时间。绿色建筑峰会将安排在峰会签到与休息期间播放合作客户的宣传片。合作客户可以向参加绿色建筑峰会的听众分发纪念品及宣传册。绿色建筑峰会将安排合作客户代表在峰会当日与论坛主讲嘉宾进行交流,并赠与主讲嘉宾礼品的机会。绿色建筑峰会将安排合作客户在交流晚宴期间拥有5分钟发言时间。绿色建筑峰会将安排在交流晚宴期间播放合作客户的宣传片。绿色建筑峰会将安排合作客户在交流晚宴期间为主讲嘉宾颁发绿色建筑大使证书。绿色建筑峰会将安排不低于20家媒体(大众媒体,电视媒体)对交流晚宴进行报道。,合作回报 Sponsors Benefit,峰会拟邀请主讲嘉宾推荐,Zaha Hadid was born October 31,1950 in Baghdad,Iraq.She received a degree in mathematics from the American University of Beirut before moving to study at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London.After graduating she worked with her former teachers,Rem Koolhaas and Elia Zenghelis at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture,becoming a partner in 1977.It was with Koolhaas that she met the engineer Peter Rice who gave her support and encouragement early on,at a time when her work seemed difficult to build.In 1980 she established her own London-based practice.During the 1980s she also taught at the Architectural Association.She has also taught at prestigious institutions around the world;she held the Kenzo Tange Chair at the Graduate School of Design,Harvard University,the Sullivan Chair at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Architecture,guest professorships at the Hochschule fr Bildende Knste in Hamburg,the Knowlton School of Architecture,at The Ohio State University,the Masters Studio at Columbia University,New York and the Eero Saarinen Visiting Professor of Architectural Design at the Yale School of Architecture,New Haven,Connecticut.In addition,she was made Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and an Honorary Fellow of the American Institute of Architects.She is currently Professor at the University of Applied Arts Vienna in Austria.A winner of many international competitions,theoretically influential and groundbreaking,a number of Hadids winning designs were initially never built:notably,The Peak Club in Hong Kong(1983)and the Cardiff Bay Opera House in Wales(1994).In 2002 Hadid won the international design competition to design Singapores one-north masterplan.In 2005,her design won the competition for the new city casino of Basel,Switzerland.In 2004 Hadid became the first female recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize,architectures equivalent of the Nobel Prize.Previously,she had been awarded an CBE for services to architecture.She is a member of the editorial board of the Encyclopdia Britannica.In 2006,Hadid was honored with a retrospective spanning her entire work at the Guggenheim Museum in New York.In that year she also received an Honorary Degree from the American University of Beirut.Zaha Hadids architectural design firm-Zaha Hadid Architects-is over 250 people strong,headquartered in London.In 2008,she ranked 69th on the Forbes list of The Worlds 100 Most Powerful Women.On January 2nd 2009,she was the guest editor of the BBCs flagship morning radio news programme,Today.,zaha hadid,a model of the london olympic aquatic center(to be completed in 2012),performing arts centre,saadiyat island,united arab emirates(developed by 2012),ZAHA WORKS,nuragic and contemporary art museum in cagliari,italy(to be completed 2007),Jean Nouvel(born August 12,1945)is a French architect.Nouvel studied at the cole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and was a founding member of Mars 1976 and Syndicat de lArchitecture.He has obtained a number of prestigious distinctions over the course of his career,including the Aga Khan Award for Architecture(technically,the prize was awarded for the Institut du Monde Arabe which Nouvel designed),the Wolf Prize in Arts in 2005 and the Pritzker Prize in 2008 A number of museums and architectural centres have presented retrospectives of his work.,Jean Nouvel,Jean Nouvel WORKS,The Torre Agbar,The Landmark,Beirut,Condo tower,Renzo Piano,Renzo Piano(born 14 September,1937)is a world renowned Italian architect and recipient of the Pritzker Architecture Prize,AIA Gold Medal,Kyoto Prize and the Sonning Prize.One admirer said the serenity of his best buildings can almost make you believe that we live in a civilized world.,Centre Pompidou,Beyeler Foundation Museum,Paul Klee,RENZO PIANO WORKS,1966 Birth in ToulouseGraduated from the ENSCI in 1990,Jean-Marie Massaud has run a quest for synthesis,reduction an lightnes since his first intuitions.He has been working all kind of design fields,from furniture to industrial product and equipment.In 2000,he foundsStudio Massaud and expands his expertise to architecture and brand development.He collaborates with various brands such as B&B Italia,Axor Hansgrohe,Lancome or Renault.Denying trend and fashion Jean Marie perfers questioning the existing,working out on progress and eventually proposing answers to contemporary stakes.It is this symbiosis between Man,his creations and his natural environment,that Jean Marie Massaud strives to reach,as a catalyst to innovation,as an economic model and as a life project.,Jean-Marie Massaud,Jean-Marie MassaudWorks,Yung Ho Chang(Forum MC&Guest Speech),Group Exhibitions:1997 The 2 nd Gwangju Biennale1997-99 Cities on the Move,Vienna,New York,Bangkok,Denmark,London,Helsinkiincluding exhibition design for Vienna Secession and Louisiana Museum of Modern Art1998 Ke Da Ke Xiao,installation&exhibition,Architectural Association School of Architecture,London1999 The 20 th Conference of the Union of International Architects exhibition,Beijing2000Venice Biennale the 7 th International Architectural Exhibition2000 The 3 rd Shanghai Biennale2001 Hamburger Bahnhof National Gallery,Berlin2001 Tu Mu Young Architecture in China,Aedes Gallery,Berlin2002 The 4 th Gwangju Biennale2002 Venice Biennale the 8 th International Architectural Exhibition2003 Venice Biennale,1956 Born in Beijing1978-81 Nanjing Institute of Technology(now Southeast University)1983 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design,Cum Laude,Ball State University,U.S.1984 Master of Architecture,University of California at Berkeley,U.S.Currently Principal Architect of Atelier Feichang Jianzhu and Professor&Head of the Peking University Graduate Center for Architecture Solo Exhibitions:1999“Street Theater”,Apex Art,New York2002“6 Crates of Architecture”Kenzo Tange Exhibition,Harvard University Graduate School of Design,Awards&Honors1986-First Place,Shinkenchiku Residential Design Competition Japan Architect,Japan1992-Winner,Young Architects Forum,Architectural League of New York1992-Steedman Traveling Fellowship,Washington University in St.Louis1996-Progressive Architecture Citation Award2000-The 2000 UNESCO Prize for the Promotion of the Arts2002 03-The Kenzo Tange Chair at Graduate School of Design,Harvard University,


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