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    ,The Jeaning of America,Read aloud,Audiovisual supplements,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,I.Read aloud,Read the following passage aloud,making a pause between sense groups.,1-1,Section Three:Detailed Reading,If by“suburb”is meant an urban margin/that grows more rapidly than its already developed interior,/the process of suburbanization began/during the emergence of the industrial city in the second quarter of the nineteenth century./Before that period/the city was a small highly compact cluster/in which people moved about on foot and goods were conveyed by horse and cart./But the early factories built in the 1840s were located along waterways/and near railheads at the edges of cities,/and housing was needed for the thousands of people drawn by the prospect of employment./In time,/the factories,The Jeaning of America,Read aloud,Audiovisual supplements,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,1-2,Section Three:Detailed Reading,were surrounded/by proliferating mill towns of apartments and row houses that abutted the older,/main cities./As a defense against this encroachment and to enlarge their tax bases,/the cities appropriated their industrial neighbors./In 1854,/for example,/the city of Philadelphia annexed most of Philadelphia County./Similar municipal maneuvers took place in Chicago and in New York./Indeed,/most great cities of the United States achieved such status/only by incorporating the communities along their borders./,Read aloud,Audiovisual supplements,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,II.Audiovisual supplements,1-2-1,Section Three:Detailed Reading,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,Questions:,1.What is the feature of the pants?2.Do you like wearing pants?What kinds of pants do you like best?,Answers for reference:,1.The pants fit for four of the sisters.2.Open answer.,Film episode:The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants,The Jeaning of America,Read aloud,Audiovisual supplements,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,1-2-2,Section Three:Detailed Reading,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,Lena:Tibby:Briget:Carmen:Carmen:Carmen:,Carmen,you try them on.Oh,come on,honestly.Are you serious?You think that a pair of jeans that fits all three of you is going to fit all of this?Put them on,now.We will help your thighs get into them.Dont worry about that.Tibby!Im just kidding.Come on.Will you help me get out of them?All right.all thighs.Ok.Here we go.What?I told you guys.Im just gonna take them off And were gonna pretend like this never happened.,Briget:Carmen:,Briget:Tibby:,Read aloud,Audiovisual supplements,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,1-2-2,Section Three:Detailed Reading,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,Briget:,No.Carmen,come over here and look at yourself.They look amazing on you.Call me crazy,but its scientifically impossible that a pair of pants could fit me and me.And me.And me.,Lena:,Briget:Tibby:Carmen:,The Jeaning of America,Read aloud,Audiovisual supplements,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,1-2-1-1,Section Three:Detailed Reading,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,The Jeaning of America,Text analysis,Structural analysis,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Two:Global Reading,2-1,Cultural background,This is a piece of investigative writing which explores the history of the blue jeans,one of American symbols today.The author provides some important information concerning who the inventor was,when and how the pants came into being,why they have become popular and what they symbolize.,I.Text analysis,Section Three:Detailed Reading,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,The Jeaning of America,Text analysis,Structural analysis,Section Two:Global Reading,2-2-1,Cultural background,II.Structural analysis,Section Three:Detailed Reading,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,Paragraphs 2-3,the introduction of Levis Strauss,the inventor of the blue jeans,Paragraph 1,the present status of the blue jeans in America and in the world,Paragraphs 4-5,the detailed description of how Strauss made his first blue jeans,Paragraph 6,the growing business and popularity of the blue jeans,Paragraph 7,the peculiar merits of the blue jeans,The Jeaning of America,Text analysis,Structural analysis,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,2-3-1,Cultural background,III.Cultural background,The life of an ordinary citizen at the time of the American Revolution could involve extraordinary events hunting and farming in the wilderness,whaling,fighting in the war,and in one case,being captured by the British and held in England for forty-eight years,then returning a forgotten hero.This,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,last was the case for one Israel Potter,whose partly imagined biography was written in 1855 by Herman Melville,who made this remark towards the end of the book:“For a time back,across the otherwise blue-jean career of Israel,Paul Jones flits and re-flits like a,The Jeaning of America,Text analysis,Structural analysis,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,2-3-2,Cultural background,Melvilles statement is evidence that blue jeans were recognized in those days as the everyday wear of Americans.More evidence comes from the career of James Douglass Williams,governor of Indiana(1876-80).He was known as“Blue Jeans”Williams because he wore blue jeans to cultivate the rural vote.More Americans now wear jeans(not always blue)on more occasions;women and men,rich and poor,in college classrooms and at parties,and to night clubs as well as to work.Designer jeans(1966)were a successful twentieth-century attempt to make jeans fashionable as well as down to earth,thus raising their humble prices.Jeans themselves are not an American invention.The word jean dates at least from the 1560s,referring to cloth of Genoa,Italy,and by,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,crimson thread.One more brief intermingling of it,and to the plain old homespun we return.”,The Jeaning of America,Text analysis,Structural analysis,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,2-3-3,Cultural background,the 1840s in England we read of workers in stables wearing jeans.But the association of bluejeans with cowboys and miners,and the success of the San Francisco manufacturer Levi Straus&Co.,has given bluejeans and jeans an American accent known around the world.,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,The Jeaning of America,Today,there are tough double-kneed jeans for kids,acid-washed jeans for teens,designer jeans for the fashion set,and boot-cut jeans for outdoor workers.But all began in 1850 when Levis Strauss,a German immigrant who had gone West to seek his fortune,sewed up some sturdy canvas pants for a miner.Carin Quinn,who received her masters degree from California State University in Los Angeles,first published“The Jeaning of Americaand the World”in American Heritage.The story of Levis Strausss career,and the parallel career of his proletarian pants,is part true grit,part luck,and part legend.The bottom line,Quinn reports,is 83 million pairs of Levis riveted blue jeans sold every year.,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,3.text1-S,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,The Jeaning of America,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,The Jeaning of America,This is the story of a sturdy American symbol which has now spread throughout most of the world.The symbol is not the dollar.It is not even Coca-Cola.It is a simple pair of pants called blue jeans,and what the pants symbolize is what Alexis de Tocqueville called“a manly and legitimate passion for equality.”Blue jeans are favored equally by bureaucrats and cowboys,bankers and deadbeats,fashion designers and beer drinkers.They draw no distinctions and recognize no classes:they are merely American.Yet they are sought after almost everywhere in the world including Russia,where authorities recently broke up a teenaged gang that was selling them on the black-market for two hundred dollars a pair.They have been around for a long time.And it seems likely that they will outlive even the necktie.,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,3.text2-S,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,The Jeaning of America,This ubiquitous American symbol was the invention of a Bavarian-born Jew.His name was Levis Strauss.He was born in Bad Ocheim,Germany,in 1829,and during the European political turmoil of 1848 decided to take his chances in New York,to which his two brothers already had emigrated.Upon arrival,Levis soon found that his two brothers had exaggerated their tales of an easy life in the land of the main chance.They were landowners,they had told him;instead,he found them pushing needles,thread,pots,pans,ribbons,yarn,scissors,and buttons to housewives.For two years he was a lowly peddler,hauling some 180 pounds of sundries door to door to eke out a marginal living.When a married sister in San Francisco offered to pay his way West in 1850,he jumped at the opportunity,taking with him bolts of canvas he hoped to sell for tenting.,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,3.text3-S,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,The Jeaning of America,It was the wrong kind of canvas for that purpose,but while talking with a miner down from the mother lode,he learned that pants sturdy pants that would stand up to the rigors of the digging were almost impossible to find.Opportunity beckoned.On the spot,Strauss measured the mans girth and inseam with a piece of string and,for six dollars in gold dust,had the canvas tailored into a pair of stiff but rugged pants.The miner was delighted with the result.Word got around about“those pants of Leviss”,and Strauss was in business.The company has been in business ever since.When Strauss ran out of canvas,he wrote his two brothers to send more.He received instead a tough,brown cotton cloth made in Nimes,France called serge de Nimes and swiftly shortened to“denim”(the word“jeans”derives from Genes,the French word for Genoa,where a similar cloth was produced).Almost from the first,Strauss had his cloth,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,3.text4-S,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,The Jeaning of America,dyed the distinctive indigo that gave blue jeans their name.But it was not until the 1870s that he added the copper rivets which have long since become a company trademark.The rivets were the idea of a Virginia City,Nevada,tailor,Jacob W.Davis,who added them to pacify a mean-tempered miner called Alkali Ike.Alkali,the story goes,complained that the pockets of his jeans always tore when he stuffed them with ore samples and demanded that Davis do something about it.As a kind of joke,Davis took the pants to a blacksmith and had the pockets riveted;once again,the idea worked so well that word got around.In 1873 Strauss appropriated and patented the gimmick and hired Davis as a regional manager.,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,3.text5-S,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,The Jeaning of America,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,3.text6-S,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,By this time,Strauss had taken both his brothers and two brothers-in-law into the company and was ready for his third San Francisco store.Over the ensuing years the company prospered locally,and by the time of his death in 1902,Strauss had become a man of prominence in California.For three decades thereafter the business remained profitable though small.With sales largely confined to the working people of the West cowboys,lumberjacks,railroad workers,and the like.Levis jeans were first introduced to the East,apparently,during the dude ranch craze of the 1930s,when vacationing Easterners returned and spread word about the wonderful pants with rivets.Another boost came in World War II,when blue jeans were declared an essential commodity and were sold only to people engaged in defense work.From a company with,The Jeaning of America,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,3.text7-S,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,fifteen salespeople,two plants,and almost no business east of the Mississippi in 1946,the organization grew in thirty years to include a sales force of more than twenty-two thousand,with fifty plants and offices in thirty-five countries.Each year,more than 250,000,000 items of Leviss clothing are sold including more than 83,000,000 pairs of riveted blue jeans.They have become,through marketing,word of mouth,and demonstrable reliability,the common pants of America.They can be purchased pre-washed,pre-faded,and pre-shrunk for the suitably proletarian look.They adapt themselves to any sort of idiosyncratic use;women slit them at the inseams and convert them into long skirts,men chop them off above the knees and turn them into something to be worn while challenging the surf.Decorations and ornamentations abound.,The Jeaning of America,Section Two:Global Reading,Section Three:Detailed Reading,3.text8-S,Section One:Pre-reading Activities,Section Four:Consolidation Activities,Section Five:Further Enhancement,The pants have become a tradition,and along the way have acquired a history of their own so much so that the company has opened a museum in San Francisco.There was,for example,the turn-of-the-century trainman who replaced a faulty coupling with a pair of jeans;the Wyoming man who used his jeans as a towrope to haul his car out of a ditch;the Californian who found several pairs in an abandoned mine,wore them,then discovered they were sixty-three years old and still as good as new and turned them over to the Smithsonian as a tribute to their roughness.And then there is the particularly terrifying story of the careless construction worker who dangled fifty-two stories above the street until rescued,his sole support the Levis belt loop through which his rope was hooked.1


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