MONAVI品牌画册文案,气质,源于本质,无法复制Temperament is a part of innate character,replication impossible,把文化、时尚和灵动融合成独一无二的艺术精品Combine culture,fashion and spryness into unique choicest goods.,以珠宝的光影、线条和美学打造时尚最精粹的表达On the basis of jewellery shadow,lines and aesthetic knowledge toestablish succinct fashion expression.,自由点燃灵感,用繁简的线条勾勒高雅的装饰语言Freedom ignite inspiration,sketch the elegant contours of ornamental language with exquisite lines.,简约流畅,强调文艺复兴时期的几何立体美感Simple and flowing,emphasis on aesthetic perceptionOf solid geometry of renaissance.,品质美钻,层层甄选,绽放出世间最璀璨的光芒Superior quality,selected layers,light blooming beautiful.,精湛工艺,沿袭意大利独有的无边镶、微镶手工制作工艺,立体、浑圆、富贵而华丽。Exquisite craftwork,inherit the unique Italian workmanship of rimless-setting and micro-setting,it is solid,smooth,noblest and gorgeous.,传统而又现代奢华,时尚而又高雅尊贵。Tradition and modern luxury,fashion and honorable elegant.,文化与艺术的碰撞,让一种美源远流传。The impact of culture and art,make a typical beauty have a long history.,采撷世间最美元素,寻求情感最真挚的表达。Collect the best elements in life,look for the voice of the truehearted emotion.,神秘的夜空被繁星点亮,无穷无尽的星河,如千万颗宝石组成的星河,造就不少传奇故事。When the magic night sky is lit by numerous star,A great number of legend stories come into being In endless milky way composing of thousands of gemstone-like stars.,巧夺天工的技艺,纯正高贵的血统,天赋才情的设计。The superb craftsmanship,the noblest lineage,a gifted design.,感性、华贵,散发着浓郁的意大利情节。Sensibility,stylish,give off an intoxicating Italian scent.,非凡创意,浓缩着时空交错的经典之美。With remarkable inspiration and inventiveness,The classic beauty lasts through times and centuries.,Thanks,