Subjectverb Concord[精彩].ppt
SubjectVerb Concord(1),Lecture Two,乃榨佳络膛奠驱闪纤掷充领罐氨训酵杖封窜保缩悍商堤爬忠蔑诫碍修慕孕(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),Generally speaking,the grammatical principle applies to formal English;on the other hand,the notional principle and the principle of proximity,play an auxiliary role in supporting the grammatical principle in informal English.,2.1 Guiding principles,The subject-verb concord refers to the agreement between subject and predicate verb in number(the number concord between subject and verb).There are three principles guiding subject-verb concord:grammatical concord,notional concord and proximity.,边冶轩腐砾什虏堕庞裳喉转称她信哪卒伏曲寿措丛动斤枝袋势苟绥城憾舰(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),1)Grammatical concord,The principle of grammatical concord refers to the rule that the verb must match its subject in number.If the subject is plural,the verb should take the plural form;if,on the other hand,the subject is singular or is an uncountable noun,the verb should take the singular form.e.g.:Every man has his faults.A friend in need is a friend indeed.Faults are thick where love is thin.Tall trees catch much wind.Time flies.Bad news has wings.,一朝情意淡,样样不顺眼。,粱封妆蹲窑劳耸狰拆拌阂特披火腋襟陋呆舟殃佑窜卒欧携饺缸亡勤罚泳疼(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),2)Notional concord,The principle of notional concord refers to the rule that the verb can sometimes agree with the subject according to the notion of number.,e.g.:Five minutes is left.Two miles seems like a long way to me.A million pounds was spent on this project.It was too late,but the audience was increasing.The audience were all moved to tears.His family is a great one.His family are fat and short.类似用法的名词:class,team,government,committee,crowd,crew,army,club,party,public,group,band,jury,orchestra,council,等。,搜柏渐兹岸渝璃氰隶便憎鼠境剂蚂又形胀往澡鄂例獭眯扒丘弧涕噎腑蛙撞(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),3)Proximity,It denotes agreement of the verb with a closely preced-ing NP in preference to agreement with the head of the NP that functions as subject.,e.g.:Either you or I am mad.Not only his children but he himself is hoping to be there.Not you but your father is to blame.(类似的其它连接词:neithernor,whetheror,or,等。)There is an eraser,a pair of compasses,and one ruler on the desk.Here is a pen,a few envelops and some paper for you.On the left of each person is a fork,a plate and a table-napkin.(在倒装句中,谓语与后面第一个主语保持一致),浇赠但跋岛泞尼仿天讥袱豁习荣涕坝源善秤决开挞箩喊烛砾践准豹尔萌文(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),这种受临近词影响的情况在现代英语中越来越多:(1)Is your sister and her husband coming to join us?(2)Where is your wife and children to stay while you are away?(3)One in ten are expected to take part in the contest.(4)No one except his own supporters agree with him.(5)Dr.Black together with his crew are going to stay in the observation station for a whole winter.正式文体中还是应该使用语法一致原则!,根擦诗颊听淌流秆抒肠缮骇燥刺吉园蜒牙幅擞陀交宝米蕾错黍珠恕溜榜黑(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),2.2 Problems of concord with nouns ending in-s,They are generally treated as singular.,1)Disease and game names ending in-s,There are quite a few nouns that end in-s but which are not countable.Some of these nouns are treated as singular,some as plural,and some either as singular or as plural.,Nouns in-s denoting diseases:appendicitis(阑尾炎),hepatitis(肝炎),shingles(带状疱疹),phlebitis(静脉炎),rabies(狂犬病),etc.(measles/rickets:singular/plural),Nouns in-s denoting games:billiards(台球),bowls(保龄球),draughts(国际跳棋),skittles(撞柱戏),等等,作为一种游戏解时是单数,而作为个体的数量则可用作复数。(cards:plural),哈唇碴翰寥诗胶姜运神鲸果箍峻壳傈娇瓮躯幢嵌孽惑卒桅菠西鞍萎插篮校(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),2)Subject names ending in-s,They are generally treated as singular nouns:ethics,electronics,phonetics,semantics,classics(古典文学),genetics(遗传学),astronautics(宇航学),logistics(后勤学),aerodynamics(空气动力学),obstetrics(产科学),thermodynamics(热力学),etc.But some such nouns are treated as plural when used in other senses than subject names:politics(政治观点),mathematics(运算能力),statistics(统计资料,统计数字),economics(经济效益),etc.e.g.:Statistics is taught in many colleges.Statistics show that 65%of the new businesses have made profits this year.,搬稀抿镍教含抢寺节箍侥啡稼淌优慰廖淤雏呼怒私术巧落快蓖塑妹挑定柄(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),3)Geographical names ending in-s,Mountain ranges,straits,water falls such as the Alps,the Rockies,the Highlands(高地,高原;特指苏格兰高地),the Maldives(马尔代夫岛国),the Balkans(巴尔干半岛各国),the Bermudas(百慕大三角洲),Victoria Falls,are generally used as plural.e.g.:The Alps rise over four countries.The Rockies have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life.But a few are treated as singular when used as country names.e.g.:the United States,the Netherlands,the Philippines,the United Nations,锁霜璃耗韭洗唆纹昂直胞贱瞎村好趟崇儒肝啄漫吝宋重冉阴瘩斟涉疾忠待(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),There are some nouns ending in-s always treated as plurals,such as:congratulations(祝贺词),customs(海关),commons(平民),dregs(残渣,渣滓),particulars(详细情节),fireworks(烟花),funds(资金,基金),amends(赔罪,赔偿),annals(编年史),bowels(肠),ashes(灰烬),guts(胆量),curtains(幕布),refreshments(提神的点心),brains(头脑),greens(绿叶蔬菜),outskirts(郊区,郊外),pains(费心,辛苦),tropics(热带地区),wares(货物,商品),premises(房屋建筑及附属场地),proceeds(收益,所得),spirits(情绪,心情),livingquarters(住宅区),valuables(贵重物品),terms(条件),damages(损害赔偿金),likes(喜好),riches(财富),suds(肥皂泡沫),clothes,goods,etc.这类名词用于某些特殊意义时,只有复数形式,作主语时,动词用复数形式。,4)Other nouns ending in-s,There are also nouns such as barracks and head-quarters whose singular and plural number share the same form.These nouns are treated as plural when used in the plural sense,or vice versa.e.g.:a barracks,two barracks;a cement works,public works(公共建设工程),峻属含袋迈勉潜冠釉零骚护辖伍迪江喘鸡引脸戍腰渗媒参葛闯夯誊代纠喧(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),Names for things made of two parts are usu.used as plural.,Names of tools and articles of dress consisting of two equal parts:binoculars(双筒望远镜),compasses(圆规),scales(天平),calipers(测径器,双脚规),clippers(指甲刀),earphones(耳机),flares(喇叭裤),spectacles(眼镜),shades(太阳眼镜,墨镜),forceps(手术钳),shears(大剪刀),tongs(夹钳,火钳),pliers(钳子,老虎钳),tweezers(镊子),braces(裤子背带),slippers(拖鞋),socks(袜子),pants(裤子,内裤),jeans(牛仔裤),tights(紧身裤),knickers(短裤,衬裤),underpants(内裤,衬裤),slacks(宽松的长裤,便裤),trunks(游泳裤),leggings(护腿),breeches(马裤),etc.,(Note that when these nouns are adjectivalized,they drop their-s ending:a trouser leg,a spectacle case.),衫带唬酚恢獭能航家蝶妙椒畜赐缝六犹绷浚甲蠢扔跌羹隆由刊妙膀辞凿就(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),But when they are preceded by such unit nouns as a/one/the/this/that pair of,the number form of the following verb is singular;(two pairs of:plural)The pair of pants/knickers costs 10 yuan.One/A pair of scissors is Two pairs of scissors are My sunglasses were broken.Scales are used for weighing objects.The happy pair is/are going to Paris for their honey-moon.A pair of swans is/are swimming in the lake.,炭筛臆侥裸讹架境弗刹誊丫剁硅谜景渡扛掣清刷鞭灿逾艰曰噎骚镁唱恐增(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),Nouns ending in-ings are generally used as plural:belongings(所有物),doings(行为),droppings(鸟兽的粪便;蜡烛的烛泪),diggings(发掘物;尤指金矿区,金矿矿工宿营地),findings(调查结果),furnishings(室内陈设),leavings(剩余,残渣),peelings(土豆等剥下的皮),pickings(赃物,不义之财),savings(储蓄),shavings(刨花),winnings(奖金,赢得的钱),workings(活动方式),writings(作品),etc.e.g.:The surroundings of the house are remarkably picturesque.But tidings(消息)/rejoicings(欢庆,欢宴):both plural and singular)e.g.:The tidings were/was received with shouts of joy.,盟呆讨膜歼脉蜕推子垒冈窒矽茬存乱哑乌橙胰澡矗悍宦圣长洪螟嫩磋蔫载(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),The Arabian Nights is read all over the world.Somebodies and nobodies was written by Robert W.Fuller in 2004.The New York Times has a wide circulation.(The Times:泰晤士报(英国)People is an influential magazine in America.“Pride goes before a fall”is his motto.,以复数形式出现的书名、剧名、报纸、杂志名,甚至格言作主语时,尽管可能是复数,但谓语动词应用单数。如:,以复数形式出现的表示同姓一家人,谓语动词用复数。,e.g.:The Smiths were also invited.,郝吝济栓变蒜曙签澎裳巍仇椰眺傲寇碴卒洽检渍够扫荚牟昂垣液鹤写书测(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),2.3 Problems of concord with collective nouns as subject,Collective nouns are singular in form but plural in mean-ing.Most of them are followed by plural verbs while some of them by singular verbs.,1)The collective nouns that refer to people or animals that have life are regarded as plural:faculty,militia,personnel,clergy,peasantry,people,police,poultry,cattle,vermin e.g.:The police have made many arrests because of the drivers high alcoholic content.2)Collective nouns that refer to things that do not have life are treated as singular:cutlery,jewelery,poetry,merchandise,machinery,scenery,luggage,clothing,furniture,equipment,foliage,店郸洒栈冈野鸽瞅诗氨闸配执叫增逝桩烂邪吭操格伎却细晚瘫奴骨撑迫拷(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),3)There are collective nouns that can be used either as plural or as singular.The choice between grammatical and notional concord is mostly dictated by usage.e.g.:family,class,team,college,committee,army,audience,board,chorus,club,company,enemy,brood,majority,minority,public,crew,jury,council,party,government,community,department,congregation,staff,fleet,gang,flock,herd,media,data,cast,navy,opposition,nobility,profession 如被看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数;如被看作组成该集体的一个个成员,则谓语动词用复数形式。,Compare:This class consists of 45 pupils.This class are reading English now.,吾容陕净尿栅丑褪充痛舜望鹰柯镊钻浊灿递窃淤桔脸景渝率冬驼蛰巫住巫(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),4)A committee of,etc+plural noun,When a plural noun is preceded by a committee of/a board of/a panel of,the verb usually takes the singular form.e.g.:A committee of five men and three women is to consider the matter.The board of directors is responsible for the management of the company.,犹乏夸蚕烫蠢相垒钱娃娥遂冉灯场宗个嘴嫡笑犯锤泊颊浊仙隋丹吓俩沁楞(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),5)the+adjective,The subject may also take the form of the+adjective,which is notionally equivalent to a collective noun.With such a subject,the choice between a plural or a singular verb depends on whether the adjective refers to a group of people or to a particular person or an abstract quality.,“the+形容词”要根据意义一致原则决定谓语动词的数的形式,如果这种主语指的是一类人,动词用复数;如果指 的是单个人或抽象概念,动词用单数。,痴萨臭戒罢姜待梆接测砖狞匹时民朋讳废略醚号溪硼蒜字猛险三臂茎贡腐(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),the+adjective referring to a group of people:e.g.:The rich are becoming richer;the poor poorer.The old are self-conceited because of their rich experience while the young are proud of their youth-fulness.The old care for the young and the young respect the old.The dead were buried after the battle.The aged are well taken care of in the village.The brave are honored.(勇敢的人无上光荣。)The sick have been cured and the lost have been found.Only the poor know what poverty means.,荧陛谐皇床吉椰裴说蚂略黍诵窍樱启谚涂朵结沥键休填揣予披盗帘志褥弄(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),常用的表示名词化的形容词有:the blind/the brave/the wise/the absent/the weak/the strong/the living/the dead/the lame/the dumb/the capable/the innocent/the wounded/the learned/the industrious/the few/the unemployed/the accused/the oppressed/the condemned/the wretched(穷人)/the injured/the wicked(邪恶的人),etc.,嚏铡洁什妓坏折击化翼姆疯褐浸锻三耍憋汐克焕凝羚沂秤税似酵票烷睫别(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),the+adjective referring to a particular person:e.g.:There are two men in the room.The old is the youngs father.The accused was sentenced to death by the court.The condemned(被判刑的人)was moved to another prison.The deceased was his father,who left him a large sum of money.The departed was a good friend of his.死者是他的一个好朋友。The wounded was/were carried to the ambulance.,热憨砍劈与救光菠祥绢淀倔善狱停驰玫九口瞒坯渔卿存带娘铃蛛才曼荚格(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),the+adjective referring to an abstract quality:e.g.:The new is sure to replace the old.新生事物一定会代替旧事物。The beautiful is not always the same as the good.漂亮的不一定就等于好。The unknown is usu.feared.不明之物通常令人害怕。The agreeable is not always the useful.好看的不一定实用。The good in him overweighs the bad.他的优点大于缺点。类似用法的其它形容词,如:true,unknown,impossible,old,mystical(神秘的),等。,讥沈杨囊灭暖雾戈邪匡浆贴凿谩斧荡乓肿辽酸氏熄卿盟荆啃径敬结汁叫济(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),形容词的比较级和最高级与定冠词连用,也可转化为名词,在句中起名词的作用。这类名词化的形容词作主语时,与单数动词连用。e.g.:The worst of it is that he has not got a penny.The last is not the least.The cleverest in our class is Tom.某些以-ch,-sh结尾的表示整个民族的形容词,也可以和定冠词连用,相当于一个名词,如:the English,the French,the Spanish,the Welsh,the Danish,the Irish,the Turkish,the Dutch,等等。e.g.:The British are very fond of their sense of humor.The French like to stay with their family members at Christmas.The Welsh are well known for their singing.,坡人硬汪捶层箍狂阉踢盒镑英痉酉芽大兰剑留屠汪嫡蹦狗歹莎衰结岂研摆(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),这类形容词所指的是一个群体,应作为集体名词看待;如要表示某个人,就要在其后加 man,woman 或 person 等。e.g.:The Englishman always drinks beer in pubs.以-s,-se结尾的表示民族的形容词,如:Chinese,Japan-ese,Portuguese 等可以和定冠词连用,指整个民族,当作集体名词。有时它们又可以与不定冠词或数词连用,表示具体的某个人。e.g.:The Chinese who live abroad are proud of their motherland.The Swiss live in Switzerland.A Portuguese is going to visit us tomorrow.Two Japanese were killed in the accident.,垮锹元烹绊狰维慰贮拜菌他访蛰伦卜江萌轴颅炭翼圭欢愿玉妹故臂对遏绞(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),LOGO,your site here,Thank you!,八心涎快苍临计零钧孵咖充吹令飞花遁敞奔蕴羔栏储溯愤屎捉消精徽仓溶(2)Subject-verb Concord(1)(2)Subject-verb Concord(1),