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    成都市2015届高中毕业班第一次诊断性检测英语 本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。第I卷(选择题)1至8页,第11卷(非选择题)9至10页,共10页;满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 注意事项: 1.答题前,务必将自己的姓名、考籍号填写在答题卡规定的位置上。 2.答选择题时,必须使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用 橡皮擦擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。 3.答非选择题时,必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置上, 4.所有题口必须在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上答题无效。 5.考试结束后,只将答题卡交回。 第I卷(选择题,共90分) 第一部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分) 第一节语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分满分10分) 从A, B, C,1)四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卜上将该选项涂黑。1-Excuse me,have you got the time? -_ A. Not at all. B. It's ten to five. C. Yes,I'm free now. D. What's wrong? 2. Its probable that rockets_about 2,000 years ago in China. A. were dated from B. dated from C. are dated from D. date from 3 Gone are the days_we spent time fishing and sw-imnung in the unpolluted river. A. that B. when C. what D. where 4. The discovery of gold in the west made many Americans believe that a fortune A. would made B. is made C. was to be made D. has made 5. Now that youve fallen behind·_needs to be done so that you can catch up. A. few B. many C. little D. much 6 By shaking hands,people communicate a message_they trust each other. A. which B. what C. whether D . that 7. In his teens,Charles Dickens lived a poor life,which_have contributed to his later writing. A. can B. must C. should D. need 8. Typically,problems arise_caution is absent. A. which B. what C. where D. that 9 Square dancing,_as a way to relax and exercise by some people,has brought about lots of arguments. A. seen B. to see C. to be seen D . seeing 10. All football fans_ the Gerrrvansfinal victory in the 2014 World Cup this August. A. witnessed B. have witnessed C. are witnessing D. would witness 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A,13,C和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。 Roland,a carpenter in Virginia,and Sheila had three kids一two boys and one babyJessica. The baby had been in and out of 11 for the last year because of severaldiseases. She was very weak and sick. The doctors were not 12 that she would liveanother year. Taking care of Jessica was so costly that the family felt it hard to 13 it. Things were had. Roland saw no 14 at the end of this tunnel. Then he saw a(n) 15 in the newspaper:“Security guards and contract workers 16 100,000 a year.First80,000 tax free.20,000 17 for extending contract an extra year.”He calledthe number. The 18 was busy,but he kept calling and finally got through. He 19 that the jobs were all taken,but they told him plenty of jobs were 20 ,available. Theysaid,hey would give him two weeks of 21 in Texas. Then they would fly him to Iraqfor his jot). Roland told Sheila lie had to 22 this job. He knew it was dangerous;he might getinjured or killed,but the money was only too 23 Plus·the family would have fullmedical benefits·which would enable the baby to get the 24 she needed. Roland said ifhe 25 the first year,he would probably 26 for the bonus and a second year. But Sheila was worried. She asked,“What if you get killed?What are we going to do 27 you?” “You can't think like that,honey,”he said.“You've got to be 28 Think abouthow well off we'll be in two or three 29 after I bring back all that money. This is thebest thing I can do for this 30 Sheila hugged him and sobbed.“I dont want you to go.” 11. A. bed B. hospital C. sight D. time 12. A. confident B aware C. worried D . surprised 13. A. count B. afford C. put D. face 14. A. sign B. traffic Ctrain D. light 15. A. advertisement B. article C. picture D. job 16. A. wanted B. employed C. found D. offered 17. A. income B. salary C. bonus D. tax 18. A. line B. telephone C. interviewer D. operator 19. A. believed B. feared C. hoped D. knew 20. A. almost B. hardly C. still D. even 21. A. thinking B. training C. holiday D. salary 22. A. take B. keep C. refuse D. offer 23. A. much B. touching C. hard D. inviting 24. A. money B. care C. schooling D. food 25. A. held B. failed C. survived D. died 26. A. hang on B. move on C. sign up D. end up 27. A. for B. beyond C. with D. without 28. A. diligent B. independent C. careful D. positive 29. A. years B. seasons C. months D. weeks30. A. purpose B. reason C. family D. country第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 第一节阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) A The positions listed below are currently being advertised. Application Process Applicants are asked to download and complete the application form and return eitherby post to HR Department,Eton CollegeWindsor,Berkshire 6DJ or by email torecruitmentL:(etoncollegeorguk Personal submission(提交)isn't allowed. Applicants can also download the applicationform from the Eton College website by clicking the link below:http:www.etoncollege.com/ Support Sta f rVacancies 31What is really necessary for the position of a gardener A. Previous working experience. B. Required PA1 and PA2 licenses. C. Knowledge of using office soft wares. D. Working hours from 7 am to .4 pm. 32. A(n)_will be required to work the longest hours per week. A. cleaner B. gardener C. chef D. administrator 33. How can an applicant return the application form A. In person. B. By post only. C. By email only. D. By post or email. 34. This passage is most likely to be read_ A. on a website B. on a notice board C. in a phone book D. in a local newspaper B After nearly 50 years of separation,an elderly woman has been reunited with thefamily that she feared was lost to her forever. Celestine Thompson left Mississippi when she was 14 years oid and eventually settledin New York,where she spent more than 30 years of her life,according to WLOX 13News. After surviving a fire in 1992,Thompson was in a coma(昏迷)for two years andhas since experienced memory loss. The 90-year-old found it difficult to recall details abouther family. But later she remembered the name of her nephew Clarence Woodway. Then anotherwoman who knows Thompson in Mississippi was able to track Woodway down and helpreunite Thompson with her large family. “In our minds,my brother and I were talking that she wasnt here anymore,becausewe hadnt heard from her for a very long time,”Donald Davis,another one of Thompsonsnephews,told the media.“You know,we were overjoyed when we found out that we hadgotten in contact with her.” A few of Thompsons relatives visited her in New York,and then arranged a largerreunion which was held this past Saturday in Gulfport,Mississippi,the Associated Pressreported. Thompson now lives in Greensboro,Alabama,with a caretaker,and,although she isyet to meet them all,she has regained quite a sizeable family of 23 nieces and nephews,64grand nieces and nephews,66 great-grand nieces and nephews and 34 great-great-grandnieces and nephews,according to the Associated Press. 35. What can we know about Thompson? A. She suffered memory loss and forgot everything about herself. B. Shes lost contact with her family since she left her hometown. C. She had a larger reunion with her family members in Mississippi. D. She lives with a caretaker and her relatives in Alabama at present. 36. Who helped Thompson get contact with her family? A. People from WLOX 13 News. B. A woman who knows her. C. The Associated Press. D. The caretaker she's living with. 37. How many generations are there in Thompsons large family? A. "Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 38. What can we learn from Thompsons story? A. Great hopes make a great woman. B. Time and tide wait for no man. C. Misfortune will tell what fortune is. D. Life wonders can really take place. C Summer time is in full swing,which for many kids means being happily removed fromthe classroom strictness and the stress of daily homework. But as kids and parents enjoy their well-deserved break from school work,we can alltake a more active role in ensuring their minds dont simply melt away into a mess of videogames,texting and social media. Summer is the perfect time to encourage children to read. A recent study,conductedby Common Sense Media,has found that the older kids get,the less likely they are to readfor pleasure. There has been a drop in reading among all kids,especially adolescents over time. Andreading for fun drops off dramatically as children grow. The study found that more thanhalf of all nine-year-olds read daily for fun. But those numbers drop to just 27 percentamong 13-year-olds and even lower for older teens. In 1984,31 percent of 17-year-olds saidthey read every day for pleasure. But that number has dropped to a disturbing 19 percenttoday. Its not just the kids who are reading less. Parents also read to their children less thanever. A recent survey shows this busier generation of parents read to their children just anaverage of 30 minutes per day- down from an average of 45 minutes per day in 1999. In todays world,there are more distractions for children,and reading doesnt alwaysstand high on that list. Part of the decline is surely due to the technology impact onchildren. But the digital revolution also means opportunity. There are more platforms thanever for children to read:from tablets to e-Readers. In this brave new world,we must findmore creative ways to engage our kids and ensure that we are raising a new generation ofreaders. 39. One of the main reasons why children read less is that A. their reading proficiency is declining B. they are faced with the homework stress C. parents are too busy to read to them D. books written for them are not attractive 40. How did the author describe the decline of reading in Paragraph 4? A. By listing figures. B. By giving examples. C. By conducting a survey. D. By telling a story. 41What does the last paragraph imply? A. Digital revolution can benefit peoples reading habits. B. It is easier for children to be influenced by technology. C. Tablets and e-Readers are really bad reading platforms. D. Distractions must be removed to improve childrens reading. 42. The authors purpose of writing this passage is to A. explain why kids dont like reading B. emphasize the importance of reading C. give tips on how to help children read 1). remind adults of their childrens reading D While Sat-navy may be good for getting from A to B in a hurry,the technology isunhelpful at selecting the prettiest routes(路线),which may be of interest it you are notin a rush. But Yahoo is working on an aesthetically(美学上)focused solution and is creating aprogram that can pick out the most beautiful and pleasurable routes based upon the viewsof locals. Ms. Quercia at Yahoo ,aid:“The goal of this work is t。)automatically suggest routesthat are not only short but also emotionally pleasant.” In order to create the scenic route program,the computer scientists collected imagesfrom Google Street View to create a database for central London,Gizmodo reported. They then asked 3,300 Londoners how pleasant the places and neighborhoods wererelative to each other. Users saw two places side by side and chose the more attractive one. “We arranged those places into a graph upon which we learned pleasant routes,”Ms.Quercia explained. The team used the results to make heat maps of beautiful parts of London andgenerated a program to locate the most attractive walking routes. The program does this by searching through suggested routes from one place toanother,operating the path to choose the most attractive roads. The researchers said that routes tend to be 12 per cent longer than the shortest paths. When 30 volunteers tested theirattractiveroutes,they confirmed that they wereindeed more pleasing. “Based on a quantitative confirmationwe find that,compared to the shortest routes,the recommended ones add just a few more walking minutes but are indeed more beautiful,quiet and happy,”they wrote. To test and build on the idea,the computer scientists then examined almost 4 millionimages on Flickr covering specific places in London that they had already mapped,tounderstand what is considered beautiful. Knocking out the crowd-sourcing element(要素)of the process, they repeated theFlickr process to make a new map of central London,showing the exact position of the hotspots and routes of beauty. While one persons idea of beauty may differ from another,the computer scientistshope to develop an application with their program soon. 43. The underlined word "Sat-navy" probably refers to a(n) A. route B. program C. image D. experiment44. Which of the following is the right order of creating the program? A. B. C.D.、 45. Which is true about the route recommended by the new program A. Its much shorter but less pleasant. B. Its much shorter and more pleasant. C. Its a little longer but more pleasant. D. Its of the same length but more pleasant. 46. By examining the images on Flickr,the computer scientists wanted to A. test a new application program B. make a new map of central London C. knock out the crowd-sourcing element D. find out what is generally believed to beautiful E The new robot guides at a Tokyo museum look so strangely human and speak sosmoothly that they almost outdo people. Japanese robotics expert Ishiguro says they will be useful for research on how peopleinteract with robots and on how humans are different from machines.“Making robots isabout exploring what it means to be human,”he says,“examining the question of what isemotion,what is awareness,what is thinking.” In a demonstration,the remote-controlled machines moved their pink lips in time to avoice-overtwitched their eyebrows,blinked and swayed their heads from side to side.


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