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    Module 1 Feelings and impressions一、词汇和句子.根据汉语提示写出正确的单词。1.It rained the whole day last Sunday. We had an (不愉快的)trip.(2013年安徽蚌埠联考题)2.I feel very (自豪)to be a member of the school football team. (2013年江苏南京联合体二模题)3.A healthy lifestyle helps me get good (分数). (2013年安徽安庆十校联考题)4.The exam was so (容易)that all of them passed it.(2013年广州天河区一模题)5.My (最喜欢的)subject is Chinese.(2013年江苏常熟一中阶段性测试题).用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.The girl was so (luck) that she sasnt killed by the disease of H7N9.(2013年浙江永嘉六校联考题)2.On weekends, I have to help my mom (clean) the house.(海之深英语培优题)3.Many birds can live (comfortable) in Zhalong all year round.(2013年江苏泰州海陵区期末题)4.The patient(病人) feels much (well) today.(2013年江苏兴化联考题)5.What about (help) him?(2013年广州珠海区模拟题).句型转换。(2013年皖东南三校联考)1.She goes to the moves once a week.(就划线部分提问) does she go to the moves?2.Whats the matter with you?(改为同义句) with you?3.Mr Black is going hiking with his students. (就划线部分提问) is Mr Black going hiking ?4. Our bikes are not the same as theirs. (改为同义句)Our bikes are theirs.5.She has to study for the exam. (改为否定句)She to study for the exam.根据汉语意思完成句子。(海之深英语培优题)1.学好英语很重要。 Its important English well.2.和他握手是很有礼貌的。 It is very polite to with him.3.你妈妈看起来很担心你。 Your mother about you.4.我的妹妹很安静,不喜欢和别人说话。 My sister is very . She doesnt like to talk with .5.这件毛衣摸起来很软。 The sweater .二、单项选择( )1.This silk dress so smooth. Its made in China. A.tastes B.smells C.sounds D.feels( )2.You should try your homework on time. A.finish B.finishing C.to finish D.finished( )3.”You look in this new dress,” Tom said to Sally. A.lovely B.beautifully C.happily D.quietly( )4.-There is salt in the kitchen now. -Why not go to the supermarket to buy some? A.few B.a few C.little D.a little( )5.-Its my first interview, and I really feel . -Dont worry. Im sure you will make it. A.amazed B.bored C.nervous D.proud( )6.-Whats your , Rick? -I like playing basketball. A.job B.name C.age D.hobby( )7.Eating some Deo Perfume Candies(香体糖) makes you smell . A.soft B.frightened C.sweet D.friendly( )8. is impossible if you put your heart into it. A.Nothing B.Something C.Everything D.Anything( )9.They missed the school bus, they were late for class.A.or B.but C.because D.so( )10.Sally sings pretty and she is also at dancing. A.well,well B.good,well C.well,good D.good,good( )11.The retired couple enjoy photos. They always go out with their cameras. A.take B.took C.to take D.taking( )12.-What your mother ? -She is friendly and kind. A.is,like B.does,like C.do,look like D.does,think of( )13.He is enough to carry the heavy box. A.stronger B.much stronger C.strong D.the strongest( )14.-Could you find in the house? -No, I found nothing in it. A.something strange B.strange somethingC.anything strange D.strange anything( )15.- . -Much better. A.How are you? B.Whats the weather like today? C.How do you? D.How are you feeling today?( )16.There a big garden and many buildings near our school. A.are B.has C.have D.is( )17. , there was nobody hurt in the accident. A.Luckily B.Unlucky B.Unluckily D.Lucky( )18.-Theres wrong with my chair. Can you mend it? -No problem. A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything( )19.We lost the match because they had players. They had eleven and we had only nine. A.stronger B.younger C.fewer D.more( )20.My daugher studies . She goes to sleep before 11 oclock at night. A.hard,hard B.hard,hardly C.hardly,hardly D.hardly,hard三、完形填空Music's best friend(2013年泰兴市实验中学期中题)Look at your hands. What can you do 1 them? Jia Zhichao, 12, uses his to make beautiful music on the piano. Later this month, his hands will 2 him to the Robert Schumann University of Music (舒曼高等音乐学院) in Duesseldorf, Germany (德国). He will be the 3 student ever at the university. The school is more than 100 years old! "It's 4 a good chance for me. I can study in a country that has a lot of great musicians (音乐家)," he said. Jia, a student at Guangzhou Schumann Music School, won a teenage piano contest in Duesseldorf last month. People called him "China's young Mozart (莫扎特)." Even though 12-year-olds don't usually go to university, Robert Schumann University decided to let Jia study there anyway. Jia loves to work hard. He doesn't even get 5 when he sits and plays the piano for nine hours in a school! "I just want to play and enjoy 6 all the time," he said. "It's not hard if you like it." Jia's teacher, Huang Peiyu, said he's been a good student. "He has an open mind and likes making friends. So it's 7 for him to understand music. He really puts his feelings into it when he plays." Even though he's special, in many ways Jia is like 8 kids. He likes sports, and he's a Harry Potter fan. He also likes Jay Chou's songs. He's now learning German. His father will go with him to 9 , but his mother will stay in China. Jia said he can't help being a little sad. "I might cry, but then I'll go on to work hard. I'm not afraid." He also has some words for Teens readers: "Let music be your best friend. You'll get a lot 10 from it!" ( )1.A.on B.with C.by D.use( )2.A.bring B.carry C.send D.take( )3.A.oldest B.youngest C.shortest D.cleverest( )4.A.true B.such C.very D.real( )5.A.happy B.excited C.bored D.interested( )6.A.me B.himself C.herself D.myself( )7.A.difficult B.easy C.right D.easily( )8.A.the others B.another C.other D.others( )9.A.America B.China C.Germany D.England( )10.A.fun B.money C.idea D.prizes四、阅读理解A(海之深英语培优题)I live in a small town near Xingan in Guilin. You cant see it on the map of China, because it is too small. The air here is fresh. There are not many tall buildings in our town. The best building is our school. There are four hundred students and twenty-five teachers in our school. In the front of the school, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates on it. There is a little garden behind our school. And we can grow beautiful flowers and plant trees in the garden. Next to the garden, there is an orange orchard(果园). You can hear birds singing everywhere. There is a river not far from our school. In summer, we usually go swimming with our teachers in it. We study Chinese, English, math and other subjects at school. The teachers are very nice. We love our school.( )1. The writer lives _. A. in a small town B. in the city of Guilin C. in a village D. in a tall building( )2. There is_ in the front of our school. A. a river B. a tall building C. a playground D. a garden( )3. The students often _ in summer. A. play basketball B. plant trees C. grow flowers D. go swimming( )4. People can hear _ singing here and there. A. students B. birds C. cows D. teachers( )5. What is the best title of the passage?A. The garden B. A Small Town C. Our School D. The Best BuildingB(海之深英语培优题)Which of your hands do you use most? Very few of us use both of our hands well. Most of us use our right hands well. Only about five people out of a hundred are left-handed. New-born babies can take things with either of their hands, but in about two years they like to use their right hands.Scientists dont know why this happens. They have studied it. They think of our animal ancestors(祖先)in the animal worlds. Scientists have found that monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the other, but it can be either hand. Next time you visit the zoo, watch the monkeys carefully. Youll see that some of them will swing(摆动)from their right hands and the others will use their left hands. But most human beings use their right hands better and many tolls are made for the right-handed people, and this makes life difficult for the left-hand-handed ones. We live in a right-handed world.( )6.Very few of us can use both of our hands well. It means “_”.A. many people cant use one hand as well as the otherB. many people cant use both handsC. many people can use one hand as well as the otherD. many people can use both hands( )7. New-born babies_ at first.A. can only use their right hands B. can only use their left handsC. cant use both of their hands D. can use both their hands( )8. Which of the following sentences is true?A. Monkeys are left-handedB. Monkeys are right-handed.C. Monkeys like to use one of their hands more than the other, but it can be either hand.D. There are much more right-handed monkeys than left-handed monkeys.( )9. Man live in a _.A. left-handed world B. right-handed world C. monkey worldD. lifeless worldC(2013年重庆一中期末题)In many peoples eyes, the post-90s generation is quite different from other generations. They are non-mainstream(非主流). They are always in disagreement with their parents. They have their special personality. However, some post-90s have their own opinions about what they are really like. Li Ying, 14:From my point of view, the post-90s generation is calm and brave. I remember in the London Olympic Games, many gold medal winners werent over 22 years old. They are calm and confident. They show a strong character when they beat other more experienced athletes. Rui Xinyue, 14:The post-90s generation is kind. I remember after the earthquake happened in Sichuan province, my classmates and I saved money and sent it there. On the weekends, we often go to the old peoples home to do some cleaning and talk with the old people. Liu Zikun, 14:As for me, the most important quality of the post-90s generation is filial, like Meng Peijie, a girl who was born in 1991. Her father died when she was only 5 years old, so she had to look after her sick mother. She also decided to take her mother to university, so that she could study and look after her mother. People call her “the most beautiful girl”. Chen Sifang, 14:The post-90s generation is creative and full of imagination. In our school, a lot of students like reading science fiction. One of my classmates even wrote a long story himself. Its about interesting math problems. It inspires (启发) me a lot to learn math. Wang Ziyan, 14:The post-90s generation is hardworking. If you knew a TV play called Soldiers Sortie, you would believe me. It tells the story about the hard training to get into the army. Every soldier must go through all that to become a soldier. Most of them are born after the 1990s. They show a hardworking spirit (精神). ( )11. In Rui Xinyues opinion, the post-90s generation is _. A. hardworking B. brave C. kind D. creative ( )12. _ showed a hardworking spirit of the post-90s generation. A. A long story about interesting math problems B. The gold medal winners in the London Olympic Games C. A TV play called Soldier Sortie D. A girl who was called “the most beautiful girl”( )13. The meaning of the underlined word “filial” is _. A.慈爱的 B.孝顺的 C.有个性的 D. 叛逆的( 14. From the first paragraph, we can learn that _. A. all people are proud of the post-90s generation B. the post-90s generation is the same as the other generations C.everyone dislike the post-90s generation including the post-90s generation them- selves D. many people think the post-90s generation has their special personalityD(江苏常熟市2013届初三调研测试题,上海宝山区2013年期末题)Jim was a young man in his early twenties who was studying to be a carpenter(木匠). He was a good worker, honest and worthy of trust, so his boss was pleased with him. As he was such a likable man and easy to deal with, he was popular with his workmates, too. They also made fun of him a great deal but he never got angry with them and would only laugh. But Jim's one great shortcoming(缺点) was that he could never tell a lie, no matter how hard he tried, not even a little one. In fact, he was so honest and shy that he would blush(脸红) even when he was telling the truth. He used to stand in front of the mirror and practise lying while looking himself in the eyes at the same time. But as soon as he saw his face starting to go red he had to look away. One morning, however, he didn't like going to work because he had been to a party the night before and it hadn't ended till the early hours of the morning. And then the first time in his life he decided to take the day off. He rang his boss, pretending to be a woman. He spoke in a high voice. "Hello," he said timidly. "I'm afraid Jim can't come to work today. He isn't feeling very well. "Poor Jim was thankful that his boss couldn't see him just at that moment because his hands were trembling(发抖) and his face was bright red. "Thank you for letting me know," said Mr. Woods, his boss, and then just as he was about to hang up, he said, " Just a moment, madam, who's speaking. " "Oh!", Jim stammered(口吃), and going all out for making a voice (尽量装出的嗓音) like a woman, he cried in a loud voice: "This is my landlady speaking!"( )16. Jim was . A.mid-aged B.a teenager C.over 25 D.between 20-25( )17. His boss was_ with him. A. displeased B. not pleased C. satisfied D. unsatisfied( )18. His workmates used to_. A. cheat him B. play with him C. play jokes on him D. beat him( )19. Telling lies always made his face_. A. blue B. white C. red D. green( )20. At the e


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