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    中考英语语法测试 动词.doc

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    中考英语语法测试 动词.doc

    2013中考英语语法测试:动词(1)1The box is light. Wang Ping can _ it by herself.AfineBwatchCcarryDlearn2What are the girls doing?    -They're _ the music!Alistening toBtalking withCcoming fromDlooking for3The ticket is on the floor. Please _ .Apick up itBpick up themCpick it upDpick them up4Please _ before you cross the road.Alook upBlook yourselfClook aroundDlook again5Oh, dear! My kite _ on top of the tree.AflewBstoppedClandedDreached6I like listening to the music on the radio, but I can't _ much time _ it.Apay; forBspend; onCcost; listening toDtake; in7What are you doing, Mrs Smith?    -I'm looking _ the children. They should be back for lunch now.AafterBatCupDfor8Our football team has _ the match.    -Congratulations!AwatchedBjoinedCwonDlost9Tickets, please. May I _ your ticket, Madam?    -Certainly. Here it is.AshowBwatchCfindDsee10I'm afraid his radio is too noisy. Will you please _ him to turn it down?    -Sure.AmakeBletCaskDkeep答案1Ccarry的意思是:“搬运,携带”,没有方向性。watch是“观看”,learn 是“学习”,与carry在词义上相差甚远,fine是形容词,在此根本不能用。2A此题只有A项搭配正确,listen to the music听音乐。talk with与交谈,come from来自。3Cpick up 拾起。pick up 是“动副型”短语动词,如果代词作宾语,只能把代词放在两词中间,故不能选A.前句的ticket是单数可数名词,用it代替之,而不能用them,故不能考虑B、D两项。4Clook around是“环顾四周”。around既可作介词,也可作副词。look up是“查询、仰视”。B、D两项在词意上与句子不吻合,故不能用。5Cland在此指“落到上”。其余三项的动词词意似乎与C项都有联系,但用法都不正确。6Bspend time on sth指“在上花费时间”。 payfor指“付钱”,C、D两项用法也不对。7D只有D项搭配与句意吻合,说话者是在找孩子们吃饭,故用look for(寻找)。look after照看,look at看,look up查询,仰视。8Cwin the match在比赛中获胜,lose the match输了比赛,“输了”不能“祝贺”。join 不能与match 搭配,watch 虽可与 match 搭配,但在此句中逻辑上说不通。9Dsee在此处强调动词(look at)的动作,而不是结果。10Cask sbto do sth让某人做某事。 make和let后面接不带to的不定式做宾语补足语,而不能带to.而keep不能带此种句型,它只能带 keep sbdoing sth,句型。2013中考英语语法测试:动词(2)11Do you often hear from _ ?AsheBher letterChersDher12He came early this morning, didn't he?    -Yes, he did. He often _ to school early.AcomeBcomesCcameDhas come13Can I _ your bike?    -With pleasure. But you mustn't _ it to others.Alend; borrowBborrow; lendCcarry; lendDborrow; keep14It's very cold outside.    -Oh, yes. You'd better _ your coat.Aput onBput awayCput backDput up15It's quite warm today. Why doesn't you _ your coat?Aput downBtry onCtake offDput on16This pair of shoes _ me 50 yuan.AspentBpaidCcostDtook17Tom likes English. He often _ it with his classmates.AspeaksBtellsCsaysDtalks18“Will you please stop _ ? I can't _ anything.Atalking; listenBto talk; hearCtalking; hearDto talk; listen19You can _ the word in a dictionary if you don't know how to read it.Alook upBlook overClook atDlook for20The teacher asked the students to stop _ and _ to her.Ato talk; listenedBtalking; listenCtalking; listenedDto talk; listen答案11D注意hear from后接somebody (人)表示“收到某人的来信”。对比:receive a letter from sb12B前面讲的是今天早上的情况,用过去时。最后一句中有often,讲的是一般情况,故用一般现在时。13Bborrow 是(主语)“借人”,lend是(主语)“借出”。14Aput on穿(戴)上。put away把收起来, put back 把放回去,put up举起、建造。15C前句说“天气暖和”,故应“脱下(take off)外衣,put down 放下,记下,try on试穿,put out扑灭(火),生产。注意 take off还可表示飞机”起飞。“16C注意这几个动词的用法区别:sbspends timemoney (in)doing sth;sbpays money for sth;sthcosts sbmoney;It takes sbsometime to do sth17A“说”某种语言用speak,其余三项与之最接近的是say,但say主要是强调具体说的内容。tell是“告诉”。talk意为“交谈”,是不及物动词,多用于 talk to,talk with 和 talk about短语中。18C停止做某事 stop doing,stop to do,停下来做另一件事。listen强调“听”的动作,hear强调“听到、听见”,即“听”的结果。19Alook up a word in a dictionary 查字典。注意不能说 look up a dictionarylook over指医生“检查”病人,look at看。20Bstop talking是“停止谈话”。 listen是与 to stop并列的不是式,and后省略了不定式符号 to.stop to do意指“停下来去做另一件事”。若选C项,第二空用listened,是指“老师”让同学们停止说话后,去听“她”说话,她却是指老师自己。这样指代混乱,逻辑上说不通。2013中考英语语法测试:动词(3)21The boy _ the tree and hurt himself.Afall offBfall fromCfell offDfallen from22“Do you like this kind of paper?”“Yes, it _ very nice. ”Ais feltBfeltCis feelingDfeels23“Will you please show me the photo of your family?”    -“OK. I will _ it here tomorrow.”AtakeBbringCcatchDcarry24I like writing to my penfriends, but it _ a lot of time.AspendsBusesCtakesDpays25I think teachers are the most hard    -working people. do you _ me?Ago on withBcatch up withCagree withDthink of26The children _ to the driver, but he did not _ them.Alistened; hearBshouted; listenCheard; listenedDshouted; hear27Jack likes to _ others but never writes to them.Ahear ofBhear aboutChear fromDhear28David's always the winner of the race, but this time he _ others.Afell behindBfell downCfell overDfell off29The fish _ me five yuan.AspendsBtakesCcosts30“Will you please _ us a story, Miss Gao?”“OKShall I _ it in English or in Chinese?”Atell; speakBtalk; speakCtell; sayDtalk; say答案21Cfall off从上掉下来。A项谓语动词形式不对,如果用现在时,在fall后应加s ,但这又与后面的动词 hurt 的时态(过去时)相矛盾。22Dfeel为系动词。意为“摸起来”,多用一般现在时。23Bbring拿来、带来;take拿走,带走;catch 抓住,赶上;carry搬运、运载。24Ctake表示“花费”时间,多用形式主语it.25Cagree with同意(某人的观点),go on with继续,catch up with赶上,think of想到。26Dshout to sb朝喊叫。此句意为:“孩子们朝司机呼喊,但司机没有听到”。27C“杰克喜欢收到别人的来信。但从来不给他们写信。”write to给(某人)写信。28A填fell behind意为“落在别人后面,”才与前面的the winner相对照。29C见17小题。30Ctell sba story给讲故事。 say sthin EnglishChinese 用英语汉语说。2013中考英语语法测试:动词(4)31“Do you _ English?”“Only a little.”AspeakBtalkCsayDtell32He could _ neither French nor German. So I _ with him in English.Aspeak; talkedBtalked; toldCsay; spokeDtell; talked33Mr. Green isn't here. He _ London.Ahas been toBhas gone toChave beenDhave gone34“Where have you been?”“Oh, I _ Canada.”Ahas been toBhas gone toChave gone toDhave been to35His mother is ill. He is going to _ her at home.Alook atBlook upClook forDlook after36If you don't know the word, you may _ in the dictionary.Alook it upBlook up itClook for itDlook it for37The doctor _ Robert carefully as soon as he was taken to the hospital.Alooked atBlooked overClook afterDlooked for38The radio is making too much noise. Would you please _ ?Aturn it upBturn up itCturn it downDturn down it39I can't hear the radio. Would you please _ ?Aturn it upBturn it downCturn up itDturn down it40Trains can _ more passengers than planes.AgetBbringCsendDcarry答案31A32A前一个空用speak,是因为后接语言名词,后一个空填talked,构成talked with him in English,意为“用英语和他交谈”。33Bhas gone to是表明“格林先生”不在这里(前一句已说明),他到伦敦去了。34Dhave been to指“去过某处”,现在已经回来了。问句中的主语是you,暗示与对方面对面交谈,因此对方已经回来了。35Dlook after照看。36A注意此句中 look up的宾语是 it,故需放在两词中间。37Blook over用在此句中是指医生给病人“做检查”。38C前句说收单机太吵,后句才说让对方把音量关小点,用turn down,又因宾语是it,所以应说turn it down.39A前句说“听不见”收音机,后面才能说让对方把音量调大(turn it up)。40D此句意为“火车运载的旅客比飞机多。”carry指“运送,装载”,无方向性。get指“去拿来”,bring指“拿来”,send指“邮寄、派遣、送”。2013中考英语语法测试:动词(5)41It _ him half an hour to do the work.AspentBtookCusedDlent42How long did it _ you to do the work?AgiveBspendCpayDtake43He _ foreign languages to science subjects.AlovesBprefersClikesDenjoys44I _ light blue _ dark blue.Alike; thanBprefer; toCprefer; thanDlike; to45It's such a warm day today. Why don't you _ your sweater?Aput onBput downCtake downDtake off46After we _ them, we _ the last match.Abeat; beatBwon; beatCbeat; wonDwin; won47Man-made satellites have been _ space by many countriesAsent awayBsent forCsent toDsent up48Where is my pencil? I can't _ it.AfindBcarryClook forDput49“Will you show me the photo of your family?”“OK, I'll _ it here next week. ”AcarryBgetCtakeDbring50“Will you please _ my son to school? I'm too busy.”“OK.”AtakeBbringCgetDcarry答案41B注意 It takes sbsome time to do sth句型。42D句型同上,不同的是上句是陈述句结构,此句是一个特殊疑问句。43B注意preferto(喜欢胜过喜欢)。44B句型同上句,句意为:“我喜欢浅蓝色,而不喜欢深蓝色。”45D太热了应该把毛衫脱下来(take off)。put down放下、记下来,take down摘下,记下来。46Cbeat sb在比赛中击败某人(队)。win后面多与game、match 搭配,指“在比赛中获胜”。47Dsend up satellites发射卫星。注意此句中用的是现在完成时的被动语态。send away解雇,send for派人去请,sendto把某人派往某处。48Afind找到,look for寻找。49Dbring拿来,take带走。50A2013中考英语语法测试:动词(6)51“May I _ your ruler?”“Sorry, I can't _ it to you.”Alend; borrowBlend; lendCborrow; lendDborrow; borrow52He _ hard and finally _ the language.Astudied; learnedBlearned; studiedClearned; learnedDstudied; studied53Which do you _ , basketball or volleyball?AlikeBenjoyCloveDprefer54My uncle _ in London, I'll _ with my uncle for a few days.Alives; stayBstays; liveCstays; stayDlives; live55How much did she _ on the watch?AtakeBcostCpayDspend56They _ TV last night.AsawBwatchedClookedDnoticed57“Would you _ the school report to your parents and _ their answers?”Abring; takeBtake; bringCbring; bringDtake; take58Don't forget to write to me as soon as you _ Australia.AarriveBreachCgetDcome59I have _ that he even doesn't know when our army was _Afound; foundBfounded; foundedCfound; foundedDfounded; found60My aunt _ us something about the changes in her town.AtalkedBspokeCtoldDsaid答案51C52Astady 强调学习的过程,并有“研究”之意。learn强调学习的结果,有“学到、学会”之意。单纯作“学习”讲,两者可互换。53D54Alive为“居住”,stay为“逗留”。55D                        56B                   57B58Barrive,get 和reach都可作“到达”讲,arrive和get 都是不及物动词,arrive后接in或at带宾语,get接to带宾语,arrive指较正式的“到达”,常译为“抵达”。reach作“到达”讲是及物动词,后面可直接带宾语。reach还可当“够到”讲。三个词后接here或there时,中间都不加介词。如:arrivegetreach here(there)59Cfound作为规则动词(founded,founded),是“成立、建立”之意,它与find的过去式和过去分词同形,注意不要混淆。60C2013中考英语语法测试:动词(7)61I wrote a letter to my sister last week. But I hven't _ her yet.AheardBheard fromCheard ofDheard about62All of us _ stay at home because it was raining hard.Ahad toBmustChaveDmust have to63We often _ home by bike, but this morning we _ home.Awalk; wentBgo; walkedCgo; wentDwalk; walked64The little girl was _ her cat while her mother was _ the piano.Aplaying; playingBplaying; playing withCplaying with; playingDplaying with; playing with65He _ a new coat today.Aput onBputs onCwearDis wearing66When she was young, she _ at ten in the evening and she soon _ .Afell asleep; went to bedBslept; went to bedCwent to bed; fell asleepDfell asleep; slept67He _ the blackboard carefully but couldn't _ the word clearly.Alooked at; seeBsaw; lookClooked; seeDsaw; look at68What medicine have you _ for your cough?AeatenBhelped yourself toCtakenDdrunk69This kind of truck _ China.Ais made ofBis made byCis made inDis made from70The girl is ill. Has her father _ a doctor?AsentBsent upCsent forDsent out答案61Bhear为“听见”,hear of与 hear about都表示“听说”, hear from是“收到(某人)的来信”。62A63Bgo与walk都是不及物动词,walk词义较单纯,就是“走,步行”;go则不一定是“走”,从一地到另一地的运动都可用go,它的含义要比walk广得多。64Cplay可作及物动词,可指进行球类活动。演奏乐器、下棋等。play with表示“玩弄”某物65Dput on 强调“穿上、戴上”的动作;wear强调“穿着、戴着”的状态。66Csleep指“睡觉”的状态和过程 fall asleep表“入睡”,go to bed 则指“上床睡觉”这一动作。67A68C“吃药”习惯上说 takehave medicine,而不能说eatdrink.69C70C


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