Moral Education ofMiddle School Students.doc
关于中学生的道德教育Moral Education of Middle School StudentsContentsAbstract.1Key words.1I. Introduction.2II. Problems.3 1. Lack of practice.4 2. The influence of family.4 3. The influence of Information Age.6 4. The faults of conventional moral education.7III. Solutions.7 1. To promote students moral quality.8 2. To promote teachers moral quality.9 3. To enhance moral education level in family.9 4. Importance both inside and outside of school.10 5. Combination of conventional and modern moral education.11IV. Conclusion.11References. 12Moral Education of Middle School Students Abstract: Moral education is becoming an increasingly popular topic in the fields of psychology and education. Moral education is what the schools do to help the young become ethically mature adults, capable of moral thought and action. In Chinese societies, moral education has always been considered the most important component of education because the nurturing of moral persons is the prime function of schooling. During the essay, the author elaborates the moral education connotation, the function from the overall and show the importance of teaching status in middle school education; to put forward the problems of middle-school students moral education through some special examples, which emphasized the necessity of moral education in middle-school. By using the moral education principle to analyze the reason of moral education problems to middle-school student at present; And then, the author will give a number of important approaches to moral education in order to guide teachers to help students to strengthen and improve their quality of moral education in middle school. Key words: morality; moral education; middle school; students摘 要: 道德教育已在心理学和教育领域日趋成为一个流行的主题。道德教育是指教育学派帮助青年人成为具有道德理想、道德思想和身体力行能力的成年人。在中国社会里,由于道德人的培养是学校教育的首要功能,道德教育一直被认为是最重要的教育成分。在这篇论文中,作者将详细的从总体上阐述德育的内涵、功能说明其在教育教学中的重要地位;从典型的案例中观察现行道德教育现象并提出现阶段中学生道德教育存在的问题,强调研究此课题的必要性;利用德育原理对现阶段中学生道德教育问题产生的原因进行详尽的分析,论证研究此课题的价值意义;结合道德教育原则对我国现阶段中学生道德教育问题提出解决方法,以促进中学生的道德素质。关键词:道德;道德教育; 中学;学生I. IntroductionNowadays simply getting children into schools is not enough. Governments must also ensure that children completely attain the basic knowledge and enhanced students moral level. Because school is one of most important place for every people. Through our growing process we are becoming from unwise to well-learned persons. We could learn the basis knowledge, and we also began to accept some others such as a valuable notion. The essay holds that moral education is unavoidably valuable. In authors opinion if we want to research one subject, at first, we should understand the concept, function, and the trend in the field of the subject. Moral education is what the schools do to help the young become ethically mature adults, capable of moral thought and action. Moral education as a concept is very important not only in China, but also in the world. Especially, moral education should be put an important place in middle school in the field of education. The process of instruction should lead to the deep understanding by the middle school students of the following most important moral ideals of general human significance: respect for self and others; responsibility for personal actions and commitments; self-discipline and moderation; diligence and a positive work ethic; respect for law and authority; healthy and positive behavior, and so on.We will argue that "moral education" is an umbrella-term for two quite different tasks. The first is to nurture children and those virtues and values make them good people. The second task of moral education is providing students with the intellectual resources that enable them to make informed and responsible judgments about difficult matters of moral importance. Both are proper and important tasks of schools. The moral problems inevitably occur in the middle schools and are formally recorded in teaching plans, curriculum guides, or behavioral objectives. Many aspects of moral education are part of the hidden curriculum, instead. If students are to be morally educated they must have some understanding of the moral frameworks civilization which provides with making sense of the moral life. After all, morality is not intellectually free-floating, a matter of arbitrary choices and merely personal values. In the new curriculum reform in China, moral education and values education have been defined conformity of curriculum functions and an important core of the purpose of schools. Because the nurturing on moral education is an important function of schooling. However, in todays world, with influence of a plenty of information and ideas most people have changed the morality attitude of the world. The phenomenon of moral crisis has increased in middle school, such as violent juvenile crime, teen pregnancy, suicide and so on. Violence in schools has aroused greater concern in the Chinese society. Why the phenomenon of moral crisis does have increased in our nation? In order to solve problems better, we should find out the true reasons of these problems. And we also need the moral education principle to analyze the reasons. During the essay the author will give some especial examples of middle-school students moral education to observe phenomenon of middle-school students morality from the different angles at present. Through the phenomenon, we can easily find out the trend of the moral education of middle-school students at present in the world. It is a high time to change the conventional approach to middle-school students moral education. With proposing of the moral education principle, we introduce the solutions to middle-school students morality problems at our country present stage. Teachers need to be trained more deeply in their subject areas. And students should be at a higher stage of moral cognitive development. With the morality problems, educators challenged the conventional approach to moral education. It is very important for Chinese educators to find an alternative approach to moral education. The approach must embrace the new realities of our network world. Children and youths should form the basis of moral education that is relevant and enlightening. Moral educators in Chinese societies and organizers of informal education programs would endeavor to understand the complex world of cyber realities. And they should devise feasible ways to suit contextual educational needs.II. Problems While most teacher education programs have a theoretical commitment to moral education, in the programs' pedagogy and practice moral education is lacking in middle school .The phenomenon of moral crisis has increased in our nation, such as violent juvenile crime, teen pregnancy, suicide and so on. While not all of these social concerns are moral in nature, and most have complex origins, there is a growing trend towards linking the solutions to these related social problems to the teaching of moral and social values in our middle schools. However, schools should play important role in the moral development of middle school students. In the development of the research on moral education, there are a few people to investigate into Chinese students, and there are even fewer people to investigate into the problems of moral education of middle school students. Although many people have put more attentions to the moral education in our society, there are also many problems in the moral education. So I will do my research on the moral education of middle school students.1. Lack of practiceEducators always emphasize the theory of moral education, but not practice of it. There is always much more speaking than action to middle school students moral education. Taking the following as an example: A teacher shows a picture which draws students listening class with six fluorescent lamps while there is handing a big sun out of windows. Then the teacher asks the students, “What is the problem in this picture?” After the students observe and think about this picture carefully, most students find the answer, “They should turn off the fluorescent lamps! Because there is sunshine out of windows in the picture, they do not need the fluorescent lamps at all!” It makes a big smile on the teachers face. She is very satisfied with the answer which she set up before the class. It is very coincidental that they are opening the six fluorescent lamps in class where there is also sunshine out of the class in the morning! What a pity it is! Not only all students, but also do the teacher not find the problem of themselves! In fact, there are so many satirical scenes such as the moral education in our middle school.In many middle schools, the moral education is just concerned with ideas, with intellectual skills, and with structures of thinking. The main methods of moral education are to emphasize process in middle school. In the process of moral education, teachers impart and mold, and students receive and conform. Teachers are cheered to hear at workshops and to read in education journals, but when they put it into practice, they could avoid doing so. And teachers can not have a positive impact on the moral lives of children. There is little attention to moral action. Many students even dont know how he ought to behave. Although every student is told that they should have develop and enhance their moral level, few teachers tell them how to put the moral education of middle school students into the practice. So when they grow up, they still keep low level of morality. 2. The influence of familyMany educators and scholars on education have assumed that school is the only suitable place for moral education. As a social institution that is charged with the responsibility of teaching student basic literacy and social skills, the school seems to be the natural place for their moral education as well. Actually, a family is one of most natural site for moral education of middle school students. The family is considered to be the unit that consists of the most significant in the lives of children and youths their parents. This is especially true in terms of its requirements for human development. There are tow examples which prove the influence of family in middle school students morality:First, in 2002, Wu Xing, a middle school student of North Part Middle School in Wu Han, suicide himself with poison of mouse drug, for he worried that his parents would know the sore of final examination. Second, in 2003, Chen Jiang, a middle school student of N0.4 Middle School of Nan Hua in Nan Jing, suicide himself with poison. Because he can not bear the pressure of study from his parentsSo many young lives left us! As an educator, we should have profound thought from it. We can see that the parents influence on the moral development of their children is strong and lifelong. In general, there are two methods of rearing children in family: the first is to bring them up for ourselves; the second, to bring them up for themselves. In the first case parents value the life of the material interests, the child holds second, third, or even the last place. While he is young, he gravitates round his parents, not only by obedience, which is right, but by the subordination of all his originality, all his being. As he grows older, this subordination becomes a veritable confiscation, extending to his ideas, his morality and everything. His minority become perpetual, instead of slowly evolving into independence. The other system is the extreme opposite, that of bring up children for themselves. No sooner is child born than he becomes the center. White-headed grandfather and strong father bow before these curls. His lisping is their law. As he grows older all this deepens and broadens. Parents, grandparents, servants, teachers, everybody is at his command. There is only himself. He is the unique, the perfect, and the infallible. He no longer has any regard for those to whom he owes everything, and he goes through life without law or check. This moral education has its social counterpart, too.We compare these two moral educationsone, the exaltation of the environment, the other of the individual; one the absolutism of tradition, the tyranny of the newand we find them equally baneful. But the most disastrous of all is the combination of the two, which produces human beings half-automatons, half-despots, forever vacillating between the spirit of a sheep and the spirit of revolt or domination. So we can easy understand why does the middle school student face pressure or difficult he always give up, even suicide himself.3. The influence of Information AgeWith the rapidly changing and technologically advanced world, where the whole of mankind is getting more widely informed and interaction between societies and cultures has become not only so easy but also necessary, moral education of man has taken multiple dimension, and may even seem to follow conflicting ideals. When students face the influence of outside world, they find that peoples notion of morality is very different from schools. They may be confused, change, or accept the notion of moral from society that is the contradiction between the main channel inside school and the influence of society in moral education. Moral education in the Information Age is becoming an increasingly complex project because of kinds of values that are present in our communities, institutions, and life situations. The fictitiousness, interactivity and anonymousness of the net culture make middle school students stay in a complex net situation where the good and bad are mixed. They can get negative influence unavoidably in the aspect of morality, ideological quality, mental health, human communication and daily life. And they can also cause many social problems.Revolutionary changes in the communication media such as the radio, television, video tapes, movies, etc. And publications are making powerful impact upon the sensibilities and moral outlook of people, especially the young. Seven out of ten Americans, according to a survey carried out in 1977, believe that there is too much violence on TV, and that viewers of violent TV programmers are more inclined to commit violent acts than viewers of non-violent programmers. In 2003, according to the survey fro