给理想一点时间 刘瑜 你相信头脑还是心灵?一次聊天中,一个朋友问。 我说我相信时间。 总结国民党在大陆失败的原因时,一个经常被提及的原因就是“国民党没有开展土改”,因而失去了农民。相比之下,共产党土改搞得轰轰烈烈,打土豪,分田地,翻身当家做主人。农民分到了土地,于是参加革命保卫胜利果实。 其实严格说来,国民党在大陆期间也不是没有土改愿望。孙中山先生“耕者有其田”的理想众所周知,蒋介石政府从1930年颁布土地法到1946年绥靖区土地处理办法,从浙江“二五减租”运动到蒋经国赣南土改实验,也并非没有意识到“平均地权”对于争取人心的作用。 问题在于,与“暴风骤雨”的暴力土改相比,国民党政府不但土改力度小得多,而且理念上更接近和平土改。所谓暴力土改,其实是自古以来农民起义的升级版,一个阶级推翻另一个阶级的统治,该杀杀,该分分。当然,既然是革命,就不单是起义,还有一整套革命话语和仪式来赋予其意义。于是“剥削”“翻身”“阶级斗争”这种陈胜吴广们没能想出来的词汇成为日常用语,于是有了“诉苦会”和“斗争会”这种制度创新。 而所谓和平土改,核心即赎买,政府用土地债券从地主手里买地,再让农民用数年分期付款的方式从政府手里低价买地,其好处是地主和农民可能“双赢”:农民最后得到了土地,地主则得到了资本。国民党在大陆期间没来得及也无力大规模推广和平土改,到台湾后推而广之,结果实现了“耕者有其田”,加快了台湾的工业化进程;其间也有诸多不公,但一批地主通过土改实现了资本的原始积累,转向工商业,推动了台湾经济起飞。 既然更接近双赢,为什么和平土改反而常常没有市场?仔细想来,无非是因为它“慢”。相比革命土改那种一夜之间“你的就成了我的”的变革方式,和平土改的政治利润低。一颗钻石放在你面前,一个人告诉你,你现在就可以免费得到它,另一个人告诉你,你需要十年分期付款才能真正拥有它,你跟谁走呢? 自由主义在整个20世纪被左翼或右翼激进主义围追堵截,以至一度节节败退,甚至今天仍难在民众中扎根扩散,根源也许就在于这个“慢”字。当激进主义向民众许诺立竿见影的变革时,自由主义许诺的只是漫长生长期之后的瓜熟蒂落。要造就翻天覆地的急速变化,激进主义的前提必然是“万众一心”和“同仇敌忾”,从而为一元化权威体制铺平道路;自由主义则意味着人人各自为政,只通过“看不见的手”形成合力。激进主义交给你一个救世主,而自由主义仅仅是将你交还给你自己。 然而,世上真有救世主吗?“一个强大到可以给你一切的政府,一定也强大到可以拿走你的一切。”20世纪50年代中期的集体化运动,正是这一逻辑的证明。钻石捧在手里还没捂热,后来通通交到国家手里。到50年代末,台湾的农民实现“耕者有其田”,大陆却出现天灾人祸。那些死于饥荒的农民是否想到,他们的痛苦与当年打土豪分田地的痛快之间,是否有种隐秘的联系。 相信时间,就意味着相信除了千千万万人日积月累的努力,历史没有进步的捷径。对于渴望一夜之间得到解放的人们,这可真令人扫兴。在总结苏东转型之艰难时,一个解释是:制度也许可以一夜之间改写,但是企业家精神、商业头脑、市场意识,只有通过漫长的学习才能形成。对于急于宣布转型本身是个错误的人,显然又忘记了“时间”这个因素。20年后的今天,苏东诸多国家经济都逐渐步入了良性增长,再次证明时间的力量。 历史也许会以进两步、退一步的方式前进,某代人可能会在那倒退的一步中度过,但我相信,在所有的专制者中,时间是最专制的那一个。很多时候,人类一不小心误会了自己,把自己想象得太过聪明,或者不够聪明,而时间总是不徐不疾地将误会澄清。 1956年匈牙利政治风波后,总理纳吉因失去“立场”而被判决绞死。在庭审中,他拒绝法庭的宽大处理:“我知道另一个纳吉审判会为我平反,总有一天还会有对我的重葬仪式。”1989年6月16日,“总有一天”到来了,匈牙利举行了纳吉的重葬仪式,10万民众参加了这一仪式。纳吉相信时间,他赢得了胜利。(本文转自新世纪2011年第37期)Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor aaa , my supervisor, for her constant encouragement and guidance. She has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not havereached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor aaa, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Professor dddd, Professor ssss, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.