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    新目标初中英语七级上册Starter Unit 1《Good morning!》教案.doc

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    新目标初中英语七级上册Starter Unit 1《Good morning!》教案.doc

    新目标初中英语七年级上册Starter Unit 1Good morning!教案Plan for the whole unitTeaching objectives 教学目标学完本单元后,学生应能: 1 用Good morning/ afternoon/ evening!How are you? Im fine. 问候别人;2 熟悉常用的男孩名和女孩名;3 掌握字母AH的发音和书写,了解元音字母A,E在单词中的发音;4 知道一些缩写词(HB, CD, BBC)的含义;5 注重良好学习习惯的养成;6 对英语学习产生兴趣;7 通过结对活动、小组活动等,逐步形成合作意识。 Teaching methods 教学方法情景教学法Key points and difficulties 重点和难点在真实的情景中运用:Hi! Hello! Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!How are you? Im fine, thanks. Im OK.Period arrangement 课时安排 PeriodContents & pages or sourcesTOSATextbookExercises(Source)Supplementary(Source)SectionPage1Section A1-3P 2 课后复习自编练习湘教版省教科院组编 课程基础训练七年级上册;1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 752Section B, Self-check4-6P 6 Just for Fun自编练习P 2 课后复习1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 64TotalAll651-790 Very confident Quite confident Confident Slightly confident Not confidentFeedback本单元教学目标达成度较高,教学自评90分。整个单元教学以学生为本,紧紧围绕“相互问候”这一主题,开展形式多样的教学活动。教学步骤层层递进,主要从听、说两方面着重培养学生这一话题的口头表达能力。由于教学内容紧扣学生日常生活,学生积极投入各项学习活动中,学会了如何有礼貌地和别人打招呼,问候别人。为了减轻学生课余学业负担,提高教学效率,教材所涉及的大部分练习,都安排在课堂完成。整个单元,先从单元整体备课,然后细化到每个课时,合理安排教学内容,并在课堂教学中根据实际情况,做出适当调整,因而教学收到了明显的效果。激发学习英语的兴趣,养成良好的学习习惯是英语教学起始阶段的首要任务,如何实施还有待深入研究。Plan for every periodPeriod 1 Section A Teaching aims1 学会日常问候语。2 掌握字母AaHh的发音和书写。3 掌握目标语言:1) 生词:good, morning, afternoon, evening2) 重点句子: Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!Keys & puzzles问候语的运用字母AaHh的发音和书写Teaching aidsA tape recorder and a tape, CAI Teaching proceduresChart打招呼引入问侯语字母AaHh缩写词小结与作业Step 1 Leading-in (3) T: Good morning, boys and girls! Im very glad to be your English teacher. Its the first time we meet each other, so at first, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Qiu Ting. You can call me Miss Qiu. T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Qiu!T: Good morning, XXX!S: Good morning, Miss Qiu!. (在真实的情景中呈现、学习该堂课的重点内容Good morning!在语境中学习知识,学会运用,学生更容易掌握。)Section A 1a, 1b, 4a, 4b, 4cStep 2 Greetings (14)1 T: Boys and girls. Today, its also the first time for you to meet your new teachers and new classmates. So when you meet them, what should you say to them? OK. Please look at the picture on P1. There are some students. Its the first day for them to go to school. Lets listen and find out how they greet each other. Play the tape twice. The first time, get students to listen carefully. The second time, get students to read after the tape loudly. (教师在教学语音时,一定要强调学生认真听清楚后,再模仿。养成这个习惯有利于提高学生语音的准确性。)录音原文Conversation 1Bob: Good morning, Helen!Helenl: Hi, Bob!Conversation 2Cindy: Good morning, Alice!Alice: Good morning, Cindy!Conversation 3Dale: Hello, Frank!Hello, Eric!Frank, Eric: Good morning, Dale!2 Pairwork T: Now do you know how to greet your teachers and classmates?Ss: Good morning! / Hi! / Hello! T: Next, do pairwork. Greet your partners like this. Try not to look at your books. Move around the classroom providing pronunciation support when needed. Finally, invite two pairs to present.(通过结对活动,让学生觉得自己学到的知识马上就可以运用到实际生活中,体会到成就感、喜悦感。很快就能调动学生学习英语的愿望、积极性。此外,通过这样的活动,还能培养学生的合作意识。)3 PairworkT: , when you meet me in the morning, how can you greet me?S1: Good morning, Miss Qiu.T: , when you meet me in the afternoon, how can you greet me?S2: Good afternoon, Miss Qiu.T: , when you meet me in the evening, how can you greet me?S3: Good evening, Miss Qiu.T: Good. Now do you know how to greet people at different time? Next, please choose an English name from the box for yourself. Then use your English names to greet each other like this. Move around the classroom providing pronunciation support when needed. Finally, invite some pairs to present their conversations.(结对活动时,如果发现有学生落单,我会与之对话,尽量不遗漏每一个学生,真正做到人人参与其中。)4 Listening Practice T: Next, look at your books, P3-4a. For the first time, just listen carefully. For the second time, circle the names you hear. Play the tape twice. Then check answers.答案 Helen, Dale, Eric, Frank, Bob, Alice T: Then look at 4b. Listen again, and number the pictures 1-3 in the order you hear.Play the tape again. Then invite a student to say out the answers.答案 2 1 3 (from top to bottom)录音原文Conversation 1Dale: Good morning, Helen!Helenl: Good morning, Dale!Conversation 2Frank: Good afternoon, Eric!Eric: Good afternoon, Frank!Conversation 3Alice: Good evening, Bob!Bob: Good evening, Alice!Section A 2a, 2b, 2c, 2dStep 3 Letters (16)1 T: Please look at your books, P6-3. We meet these students on P1. Do you remember their names? Please write down their names under each face. Then put their names in a special order. Invite a student to say our his or her answers.答案Alice, Bob, Cindy, Dale, Eric, Frank, Grace, HelenT: Please pay attention to the first letters of each name. What can you see?Ss: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H(这样的活动有利于学生观察力的培养。学会观察,并从观察的结果中总结规律是一种很好的学习习惯。)2 PronunciationT: Next, well learn the eight letters. Please look at P2-2a. Listen carefully and repeat.Play the tape twice 录音原文a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h3 WritingT: Next, lets watch how to write these letters. Please take out your exercise books. While watching, please write down the letters, each three times. (在学习字母的书写和笔顺笔画时,要及时把学生以前的错误纠正过来,让学生一开始就养成好的书写习惯。)4 T: Then look at 2b. Please find the big letters for these small letters from the picture in 1a. Invite a student to say out the answers 答案 a A b B c C d D e E f F g G h H5 T: Next, look at 2c. Listen to the tape and number the letters you hear 1-8. Play the tape once. Then check the answers.答案 8 1 5 7 4 2 3 6录音原文a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h6 T: Finally, look at 2d. Please write the small letters for these big letters on your books. Pay attention to the writing order.Move around the classroom and check students work If they make some mistakes, point out for them.Section A 3Step 4 Abbreviations (3)T: Do you know what these letters mean? Explain the Chinese meanings to Ss.答案 HB(铅笔芯)硬黑 CD激光唱片BBC英国广播公司Step 5 Summary (2)T: OK. Do you remember what you learned today?Ss: Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Hello. Hi.T: Any more?Ss: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H.T: Thats right. And we learned some students names, too. Do you know which are boy names?Ss: Bob, Dale, Eric, FrankT: Which are girl names? Ss: Alice, Cindy, Grace, HelenT: OK. So much for today. Good-bye, class.Ss: Good-bye, Miss Qiu.Step 6 Homework (2)1 完成对话 根据实际情况写出答语。 A: Good morning, Alice! B: _ A: Hello, Helen! B: _参考答案 Good morning! Hello!2 Find out the letters you learned today on your way home.3 Preview: Section B 2a, 2b on P 4 and 4, 5 on P 5.Feedback 个人认为本堂课达到了教学目标,学生学习积极主动,兴趣浓厚,课堂氛围非常热烈。大部分学生在小学就已经学过英语了,但是在小学里只是强调会读,并没有要求学生会写,所以很多学生在书写字母时,存在搞不清笔顺、笔画的问题。在这方面还要多加指正,多加强调。Board design Period 2 Section B Teaching aims1 学会熟识朋友见面的问候语和应答语。2 元音字母A, E在单词中的发音规则。3 掌握目标语言:1) 生词:how, you, I, fine, thanks, name, list2) 重点句子: How are you? Im fine, thanks. Im OK.Keys & puzzles问候语的运用元音字母A, E的发音。Teaching aidsA tape recorder and a tape, CAI Teaching proceduresChart问候引入复习字母AaHh元音字母A,E的发音熟人问候语问候语英文歌小结作业Step 1 Leading-in (3) GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss:Good morning, Miss Qiu. T: Hi, .S1: Hi, Miss Qiu.T: Hello, .S2: Hello, Miss Qiu.T: Good morning , .S3:Good morning, Miss Qiu.(在真实的情景中运用第一课时所学的问候语,以达到复习巩固的目的。切实做到学中用,用中学。)Section B 3a, 3b, 4, Self-check 4Step 2 Review AaHh (15)1 Guessing game T: Please look at the screen. What letter is this? Can you guess? S4: D T: Whats this? S5: H S6: B S7: E S8: G(以猜谜游戏引入字母的复习,能够活跃课堂气氛,吸引学生注意力,调动学生的兴趣和主动性。)2 T: Next, Ill invite a student to write the letters AaHh on the blackboard. Any volunteers? The other students, please write down the letters on your exercise book. T: Next whod like to read the letters?Invite two students to read the letters, and find out whos better.3 T: Next look at P5-3a. Ill play the tape. Please listen and draw lines between the letters you hear. Play the tape once, then check answers. Show the drawings on screen.录音原文A, B, C, D, E, F, G, E, H, AT: Whats this? Do you know?Ss: Its a fish.T: All of you are clever.4 T: Then look at 3b. Match the big letters with the small letters. If you finish, please put up your hands. Lets see who is the fastest!Find out who is No. 1. When all the students finish, ask them to check their partners answers.5 Vowels: A, E T: OK, boys and girls. Please look at the eight letters. Do you know which two letters are different from the others?Ss: A and E.T: Yes, because they are vowels. Next please look at 4. Ill play the tape. For the first time, just listen and repeat. For the second time, find out the pronunciation of A and E in each group. (让学生自己听,模仿读音,然后找出每组字母或单词的相同发音,有助于培养学生的观察力和归纳能力,这是一个重要的学习能力的培养。)答案 A: /ei/ /æ/ E: /i:/ /e/ T: Next, look at P6-4. First, read the letters and words in Column A. Then try to use the pronouncing rules of A and E to read the new words in Column B. Give students two minutes to read. Then invite a student to read the new words in Column B. Finally, get students to read after me.Section B 1, 2a, 2bStep 3 Greetings (12)1 T: Please look at P4-1. First, look at the picture. What time is it?Ss: 3:40. T: So when Cindy meets Dale, how can she greet Dale?Ss: Good afternoon, Dale!T: How can Dale answer?Ss: Good afternoon, Cindy! T: Now Cindy and Dale are friends. So they can greet each other in another way. Lets listen to the tape and find it out. Play the tape twice. The first time, get students to listen carefully. The second time, get students to read after the tape loudly. Finally, get students to recite the conversation.录音原文Cindy: Good afternoon, Dale!Dale: Hi, Cindy! How are you?Cindy: Im fine, thanks. How are you?Dale: Im OK.2 GroupworkT: Next, look at 2b. Last class, I asked you to choose an English name. Remember? Now please work in fours. Use your English names and greet each other like this.Move around the classroom providing pronunciation support when needed. Finally, invite some groups to act out their conversations in front of the whole class.Section B 5Step 4 Singing (6)1 T: Finally, lets learn an English song about greetings. Please look at P5-5. Ill play the tape. For the first time, just listen. For the second time, listen and sing after the tape. Play the tape twice 2 CompetitionT: Now lets have a competition between boys and girls to see who can sing better. First, ask girls to sing the song. Then ask boys to sing it. Find out who sing better. (以比赛的方式来学这首歌,有了对比,学生备受激励,学习热情更加高涨。)Step 5 Summary (2)T: OK. Do you remember what you learned today?Ss: -How are you? -Im fine, thanks. How are you? -Im OK.T: Good. The English song can help you remember what you learned in this unit. I hope all of you can sing it. So much for today. Good-bye, class.Ss: Good-bye, Miss Qiu!Step 6 Homework (2)1 Just for Fun!Read the conversations and find out themistake.2 Dictation: Recite the conversations in P3- 4b and in P4-1. Tomorrow, dictation.3 填空完成对话。1) A: Good evening, Dale!B: Good _, Han Mei.A: How _ you?B: Im _, thanks.2) A: Hi, Ann.B: _, Wei Xinxin.A: How are _?B: Im fine, _ you.参考答案 1. evening, are, fine2. Hi, you, thank4 Preview: Starter Unit 2 Section A 1b P7 and 4c on P9.Feedback 总体感觉这课堂上得较好,学生始终处在主动参与和积极配合的状态之中,达到了预期的设想,体现了“学中用,用中学”的任务型语言教学理念,并且寓教于乐。由猜谜游戏开始本堂课,导入复习环节-字母Aa- Hh,然后学习元音字母A,E的发音,让学生自己总结归纳,之后又马上应用在新的单词中。最后以一首英文歌结束新课,巩固本单元所学重点-日常问候语,并加上一个男女生比赛唱歌的环节,提高学生的积极性,使本节课达到高潮,对于胜出方,可给予奖励,更能激励学生学习的热情。Board design


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