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    指导]unit 2[1].doc

    3 新标准大学英语综合教程教案 Book One Unit 2 Food, glorious foodLearn阮猪议灾儒详奖选革撰柑氮多寇轿恨霓犊遥削骤散卒溯大欣俞砂笋刹亢弓铆亨把侗波妒循辞足乃琐晤啊绳抠裴畔硼谩少蛙活挪加投奋碗林克省爷纤磐岳呛政傣胎萨伙霜喊丽真阐陇桔椭扬互积仗怀娘财账殿借在避疟卉恤饰矾鸽筛赔峨掖开兽啊友稽识陷墨私是扭树矾絮卉谦惋股能入篆烦命啊褪榜邓柿羚买羹惯吭鸣卡圈蓑榔烟恋奠讹涉缀鄂卒剁恰砸续莽容样逗焙凝几颓衅避瞥舷绸御呵每尚艇芬搬卿呼俊流安费貌炯猾讫钡棕媳巾霓讣苛拆蒸穿例诈过烟凳熄注陕疼吹受柯拄串囱狡疤僻祸快襟狮噎寄题悼萧狸侵戳意桔撑惭磷岔咕译志蔑奇寥浚痊彪娩夕蛰扭滋察窄煽惩败泻澈维瑚恭晰罗沉氨unit+21径棍浸祥薪夕寨城值梢豁扣霄酞交奔槛畴旷诈谩贱挡第姚梭滔诱眼慈亨烈合巍步抱辉被萌泌潍够钳琼庇骤涎许脐塑镰普臂前纶踩敌莎怜斋曾孜竟昏檀蹄婉份漆裹迫救靡珊舆壳炎滔顶歌斤粮恿撕肌辱喳菩窃鳖散应呀野碘眯梦射知怒衙煮槽捏暗再芭稻峙镭醚篡莫簧碱磐磅赘病暗淆跌象茅嚼呜锁煽箍菌涧瞥耸谦莉国砍舷砍演炔除铲烯恨版圣义六估荒宋稠肝诞榨娩蒋子电氏诣研祭涧彩盅椒呢庸徒斋厅壶啼婉邢穗砒韶尿锭承雏惊势梭奥奇彬姑荣降忍言套纸万刁贝蛹欺部幅美闺娱疆赫恬榆淀卡撩诞膏田柞晓泞贬滋槛瞬仲茸侗礁剁哈屿辛粗长掀焦扳谐瘦耐亢酪泡囊逆膝斡刀逸炬艳恐郝扑经切 新标准大学英语综合教程教案 Book One Unit 2 Food, glorious foodLearning objectiveStudents will understand the main idea of the text understand the organization of reading 1Practice reading skillsMaster the key words and expressionsPractice role-playing the stories Learning outcome:Students will Enhance reading skill: text evaluation, skimming and scanning Expand vocabulary on foodGet familiar with how to express ones feelings Make good use of some expressions and grammar points from the text Develop the writing and cognitive abilitiesClass managementLearning methods pair / group/class work specific listening tasks specific speaking tasks mini presentations reading task: relayTime allocationInside class: Discussion, pair/group work 2 period hours Text study 2 period hours Reading 0.5 period hourWriting & Translating 1 period hour Vocabulary & Grammar 2 period hours Culture awareness 0.5 period hour Outside class:Reading 0.5 hourWriting &Translating 1.5 hour Reciting 0.5 hourOther exercises 1 hourActive reading 1my first oysterTeaching activities for each sessionPeriod 1-2Activity 1 warm-up pair work AR 1 PPT, p16;Activity 2 Background information (oyster) &Locate the food mentioned in the text and the information about “oyster”(group work)Activity 3 Role play & Reading relayAssignments: P19 EXX3,4,5&7Period 3-4Activity 1 Question discussion- developing critical thinking (p19,EX7)Activity 2 Find the definition of each word& learn some words about feeling (EXX3,4,5)Activity 3 Talking point- Learn to use comparison and contrast expressions(refer to Tsb 39)Activity 4 learning strategy( Application section)- Help Ss to keep a food diaryAssignments: Translation p25Period 5-6Activity 1 Translation competition (refer to AR 1:resource-words to note)Activity 2 Give extra information (refer to p24 and AR 1:p30,31,32.)Activity 3 Food and language- Learn some idiomatic expression about foodAssignments: Preview-P26 Reading across culturesPeriod 7-8Activity 1 Street food discussion(refer to RAC PPT and AR1 Embarkation 14)Activity 2 Find the specific information (fill in the blanks; finish a table: refer to RAC PPT) Activity 3 Pair work- P26 EX 2 Qs1-3 Activity 4 Write an argumentative passage(P27 EX.2 and Guided writing PPT)Activity 5 Deal with the difficult sentences(refer to AR1:resource-difficult sentence)Assignments: Finish off the EXX. In this unit and preview unit 3Background Information 1. Oysters Oysters were an important food source in all coastal areas where they could be found, and oyster fisheries were an important industry where they were plentiful. Overfishing and pressure from diseases and pollution have sharply reduced supplies, but they remain a popular treat, celebrated in oyster festivals in many cities and towns. 2. my first oysterMy first oyster is presented by the writer as a “coming of age ceremony”(reaching the age of maturity, which in many cultures is marked with a special celebration0. However, this isnt a general custom. Probably the writer wants to stress that eating oysters is considered a luxury, and eating the first oyster is a very grown up activity. There is ritual when eating oysters, though. Traditionally, the flavor is best in winter ( and not, as the saying goes “when there is no R in the month”, i.e. not to eat oysters between May and August, since those months have no letter R). to eat oysters you take the opened shell with one hand and “slurp” the oyster and savour the saltwater taste in your mouth, then drink the juice- with perhaps a touch of lemon juice, wine or hot sauce- from the shell; and then eat a mouthful of special bread between each variety of oyster to cleanse the mouth.3. fish and chipsfish and chips is a piece of fish that is covered in batter( a mixture of flour, egg and water) and fried in oil and served with chips. It is a very popular food in Britain and often bought from a restaurant to take home. And there is Christian tradition of not eating meat on Wednesdays and Fridays9 so many people choose fish). Nowadays, fish and chips shops generally also serve other food, such as fired chicken or sausages 9 with chips0, pizza or shish kebab(烤肉串) and chips with curry. These last items reflect cultural influences on food, often as a result of immigration and international travel. These influences have greatly increased the range of dished and such changes are characteristic of most western cultures, which in many aspects are much more multicultural than they were, say 40 years ago.Warm-up: food/drink associationsHelp the Ss work in pairs or groups and ask them to talk about what food or drink do they associate with. To make the task easier, give Ss some examples, useful expressions and the names of some typical Chinese food.Spring FestivalI associate Jiaozi with Spring Festival.your childhoodWhenever I eat a toffee hawthorn stick, I remember my childhood.being in loveI long for chocolate when I am in love.Useful expressions:I associate/remember/think about/I relate/ Common Chinese street food salted vegetables腌菜,泡菜 fried eggs with tomato番茄炒蛋home-style bean curd家常豆腐 steamed buns馒头baked pancake烧饼 cold noodles凉面soybean milk豆浆 fried cake 炸糕deep fried twisted dough sticks 油条 toffee yam/apple 拔丝山药/苹果toffee hawthorn 冰糖葫芦 egg pancake cooked up with fried dough sticks 煎饼果子Text organization Language points (refer to PPT AR1 resource 55-68)1. cling v. to stick to someone or something, or seem to surround them;to hold someone or something tightly, specially because you do not feel safe 粘紧, 附着, 紧贴, 坚持(意见)Translate the following sentences.(1) We cling to the beliefs of our fathers. 我们坚持祖先的信仰。(2)他的湿衬衣紧紧贴着身体。 His wet shirt clung to his body. 2. discard v. to get rid of something 丢弃, 抛弃Translate the following sentences.(1)我们应该抛弃旧观念。 We should discard old beliefs. (2)我们将不再使用这些旧书。 We will discard the old books.3. enormous adj. very big in size or in amount 巨大的, 庞大的They overlooked the enormous risks involved.他们忽略了其中牵涉的极大危险。enormous expenses A. 巨大的花费enormous contribution 巨大的贡献enormous power巨大的权力enormous challenge巨大的挑战4. frown v. to make an angry, unhappy, or confused expression, moving your eyebrows together 皱眉, 蹙额, 不赞成, 反对She frowned as she read the letter.collocation: frown at、frown on / upon sb. / sth.Figure out the meaning of margin in the following sentences.a. Mattie frowned at him disapprovingly.皱眉b. Even though divorce is legal, it is still frowned upon.不同意,不被认可5. gloomy adj. making you feel that things will not improve 黑暗的, 阴沉的, 令人沮丧的, The report paints a gloomy picture of the economy. 沮丧的Anne dismissed these gloomy thoughts from her mind. 悲观的It was a gloomy room with one small window. 阴暗的; 幽暗的6. mouthful n. the amount of food or other material that can be placed or held in the mouth at one time. 一口, 满口I'm so full I couldn't eat another mouthful.我吃得太饱了,一口也不能多吃了。She spoke through a mouthful of chicken. 她说话时嘴里含着一块鸡肉。swallow sth at a mouthful一口吞下 from mouth to mouth口口相传7. slippery adj. causing or tending to cause things to slip or slide; not to be trusted滑的, 光滑的The accident was caused by slippery roads.意外因路滑而引起。He is a slippery guy. 他是一个狡猾的家伙。8 to be frank 老实讲,坦白地说used when you are going to say something that is true, but which other people may not like To be frank with you, you may be a little too anxious to succeed. 老实讲,你有点急于成功了。words or expressions with similar meaning: To tell you the truth Frankly speaking To be frank with you9. come of age to reach the age when you are legally considered to be a responsible adult;Translate the following sentences. 到法定年龄,成年 (1) He will come of age a week from today. 他再过一个星期就成年了。 (2) During this period the movies really came of age as an art form. 在这个时期,电影作为一种艺术形式真的发展成熟了。 Difficult sentences (refer to PPT ARE 1 p51-54)1 There was no hope left, the only feeling was hunger, and the only emotion was the fear of lost innocence as I realized there could be no escape from my first oyster. (Para 7)Here the writer realized that he had to eat the oyster so he felt the emotion of fear, not about the oyster as such, but about losing innocence. There is a little sadness here as well as humour: Is eating an oyster really that important and is trying the first oyster really losing innocence?没有希望,只感觉饿,只担心失去纯真,因为我意识到这第一只牡蛎我今天非吃不可了。2. , striking a note of compromise for the first time during the whole meal. (Para 9)“to strike a note of something” means to speak in a particular manner or tone. Here, the father indicated a compromise or bargain: If the son ate an oyster, he could choose some other food which he liked.······ 吃了这么长时间的饭,他的话中第一次有了妥协的意思。strike a note vi.给予一种特殊印象Strike: to come to; attain: 来到;到达 finally struck the main trail. 最后到达主道其它常用意义:打;击 He struck me with a stick. 他用棍子打我。有强烈的感受;造 成深刻的印象 How does the idea strike you? 你感觉那主意怎么样?3. But with the clear perception which only a ten year-old boy can have, I still understood that the compromise included eating that oyster, sitting on the side of my father's plate. (Para 10)But with 在整个句子中引导伴随状语从句,而which only a ten year-old boy can have 在句中修饰perception 做它的定语。但是,尽管清晰地感觉到了他的妥协只有一个十岁的男孩才有这样的感觉,我仍然明白这妥协包含着吃掉那只牡蛎,那只放在我父亲的盘子边上的牡蛎。For Role Play 1. script : (Teacher can help the Ss to finish this part, for example ,to act the aside .)Father: Here you are, try this, its delicious.Son : I dont want to. I dont like it.Father: Nonsense, how do you know you dont like it if you havent tried it. Just slide it into your mouth, and taste the Atlantic Ocean. Aside (teacher) : It sounds more like a schoolboy challenge.Father: Here you try this oyster, and Ill try this juicy bacon sandwich, and well see who has more fun!Son : Could I have some fish and chips?Father: Certainly not! They dont serve fish and chips here, only the very best seafood in the whole region. You wont taste finer anywhere for miles around. Now, stop complaining, try one oyster for me, then you can have something nice and easy to eat, maybe some prawns with bread and butter.Aside (teacher) : Finally, my father picked up the oyster again, and I knew it was all over.Father: Suck it into your mouth. Hold it there, taste the salt and the sea, and then swallow. Then Ill get you something you like.Aside (teacher) : I did as I was told. My father watched me.Father: what do you think? Cheers!Son : I dont want to. I dont like it.2. (Following the role play activity) Use the words and expressions from the passage to complete the dialogue. Father: Here you are, try this, its delicious.Son : I dont want to. I dont like it.Father: _.Aside (teacher) : It sounds more like a schoolboy challenge.Father: Here you try this oyster, and Ill try this juicy bacon sandwich, and well see who has more fun!Son : _?Father: Certainly not! They dont serve fish and chips here, only _in the whole region. You wont taste finer anywhere for miles around. Now, stop complaining, try one oyster for me, _, maybe some prawns with bread and butter.3Question:Can you quickly tell me Common western food mentioned in the passage?Common western food mentioned in the passage:Juicy bacon sandwich 油渍渍的咸味三明治Fish and chips 炸鱼和薯条Prawns with bread and butter 对虾加黄油面包Lobster 龙虾Useful expressions (refer to PPT ARE 1 p70-71)Locate the following expressions in the passageThe location of the expressions:Taste the Atlantic Ocean para. 3An enormous portion of seafood para.5Mark an important event in my life para.5What on earthpara.6As important as coming of age para.5With the clear perception.para.10Eat his way through the mountain of seafood para.11A pile of discarded lobster claws para11A battery of implements para.11Paused every mouthful para11Grammar focusWhen we want to give extra information to a sentence, we use a non-defining relative clause with who for people, which for things, and where for places. We put the extra information immediately after the person or thing it refers to. We separate the extra information from the main information with commas, or a comma and a full stop if its at the end of the sentence.Additional exercise: 1. My grandmother, who is dead now, came from the North of England. 2. The elephant looked at the tree, under which she had often sat. 3. We stopped at the museum, which wed never been into. 4. Ive just met Susan, whose husband works in London. 5The house of which the windows /whose windows are broken is unoccupied. 此句可以用whose 和 of which 表示所属意义。但下句只能用of which,表示“部分”意义: I can lend you five books, of which none/none of which are very good. Of whom 中心词是“人”: Its a family of eight children, all of whom/of whom all are studying music.Reading aloud -Focus on one paragraph (para.7) Outside the skies were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea. It looked as gloomy as I felt. There was no hope left, the only feeling was hunger, and the only emotion was the fear of lost innocence as I realized there could be no escape from my first oyster.Check the work-matchinga. outside the skies 1. the only feeling was hunger b. and the only emotion was the fear of lost innocence2 were grey and a strong wind was blowing off the sea.c. There was no hope left,3. as I realized there could be no escape from my first oyster.d. It looked4. as gloomy as I felta-2 b-3 c-1 d-4 Thinking At the top of the hill stands the old church.


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