中文摘要随着全球经济的迅速发展,作为一门国际语言,英语在国际交往中发挥着越来越积极和重要的作用,因此,英语这门课程在学校教育中的地位和重要性也日渐凸显。而初中英语教育,在整个英语教育阶段,是一个起步兼基础阶段,因此其重要作用也就不言而喻了。我国传统教育以传授知识为主要目的, 创造能力的培养相对薄弱, 中学英语也不例外, 整个中学阶段的英语教学,实质上仍是围绕着英语应试的需要, 教学目的仍严重偏离大纲要求。课堂教学基本上处于“新课习题”,“传授接受”的漩涡之中。“加班加点”、“满堂灌”、“题海战术”等旧教学模式,屡见不鲜,使生动有趣的语言课变得枯燥乏味,学生厌学现象严重,两极分化加剧,这严重偏离了国家义务教育的宗旨“提高全民素质”。这就造成了中学英语教育的一个误区,学生的英语做题能力提高了,语法知识基础也打好了,可是思维却局限了,这样体制下的学生,缺乏的是阅读能力、写作能力等表达能力,而这些正是人际交往中更为重要和不可缺少的。针对以上问题,本文提出了一个具有创新性的解决方法问题解决方法(Problem-Solving),通过对教材的精心选择(Go for it!),加之教师自己对教材的个性处理,来培养学生的英语学习兴趣,使枯燥乏味的英语课堂教学变得生动有趣。本文积极探索以学生为主体地位的“三主”(以学生为主,以交际英语为主,以创造能力培养为主)、“三化”(课堂英语化、教学情景化、练习交际化)、“三多”(多启发、多直观、多实践)和“三鼓励”(鼓励提问、鼓励讨论、鼓励标新立异)的“四个三”教学法。着眼于培养学生的创新意识和创造能力,从理论上和实践上积极探索“中学英语创造性教学模式”的基本框架。实践证明,通过对Problem-Solving的运用以及创造性英语教学模式的应用,中学阶段的英语教育水平较先前会有很大的进步,而学生的阅读、写作等表达能力也会有更高的提升。关键词:创造性;写作能力;问题解决AbstractWith the rapid development of the global economy, English as an international language is playing an increasingly active and important role in international contacts ,thus the significance of English language courses in school education has become prominent. And junior middle school English education, as the start of the concurrently foundation stage in the entire English education stage, is self-evidently of vital importance.Traditional education of our country takes the knowledge of teaching as the main purpose, while the foster of creation ability is relatively weak, so does English teaching in middle school education . English teaching in the entire middle school stage is still examination-oriented , and the educative purpose critically deviates the program request. Classroom teaching is basically a vortex just like "new lesson - Exercises" and "to teach - to accept" . "Overtime", "Teaching all the time in the class", and "title of the sea tactics," these old teaching models are still very common in EFL classroom, which make interesting language classes a suffering torment. This kind of atmosphere also makes students weary and increases polarization between students, which seriously depart from the country's compulsory education purpose - "to improve the quality of everyone ." The situation has resulted in a consequence in English education that although students' solving question ability is enhanced, their grammar knowledge is also heightened, their thinking is confined. These students are lack of reading and writing qualities, which two are more important and indispensable in interpersonal relationships. To deal with the problem, this paper presents an innovative solution - a solution to the problem (Problem-Solving), through the careful selection of materials ("Go for it!"), Coupled with their teachers on the teaching of character to deal with, in order to develop interests of students in learning English so that the boring classroom teaching of English has become lively as possible. In this paper, to actively explore the status of students as the main body of the "three main" (students to English-based communication, the ability to create culture-based), "three" (English classroom, teaching scenarios, exercises and communication), "Three" (more inspired, more intuitive, more practice) and "encourage the three" (encourage to ask questions, encourage to discuss and encourage to create), "three of the four" teaching method. Focus on training of innovation and creativity of students, we want to explore "creative teaching mode of middle school English" the basic framework by theory and practice.针对以上问题,本文提出了一个具有创新性的解决方法问题解决方法(Problem-Solving),通过对教材的精心选择(Go for it!),加之教师自己对教材的个性处理,来培养学生的英语学习兴趣,使枯燥乏味的英语课堂教学变得生动有趣。本文积极探索以学生为主体地位的“三主”(以学生为主,以交际英语为主,以创造能力培养为主)、“三化”(课堂英语化、教学情景化、练习交际化)、“三多”(多启发、多直观、多实践)和“三鼓励”(鼓励提问、鼓励讨论、鼓励标新立异)的“四个三”教学法。着眼于培养学生的创新意识和创造能力,从理论上和实践上积极探索“中学英语创造性教学模式”的基本框架。I believe that, not only the level of English education in middle school, but also the abilities of expressing will get a long way, through the use of problem-solving and creative English teaching model, for example, the abilities of reading and writing.相信,通过对Problem-Solving的运用以及创造性英语教学模式的应用,中学阶段的英语教育水平较先前会有很大的进步,而学生的阅读、写作等表达能力也会有更高的提升。Key Words:Creativity;Creative Writing Ability;Problem-Solving目 录中文摘要IIAbstractIIIIntroduction1Chapter 1 Literature Review31.1 Creativity and creative learning ability31.1.1 Creativity31.1.2 Research into the development of creativity in education61.1.3 Creative writing121.1.4 Creative Writing Ability171.1.5 The current creative learning ability of middle school teachers201.2 problem solving method221.2.1 problem solving221.2.2 Theoretical basis of problem solving method24Chapter 2 A classroom teaching mode of problem solving in English writing32Chapter 3 Research design35Chapter 4 Conclusion41Bibliography43致 谢45IntroductionAbstractWith the rapid development of the global economy, English as an international language is playing an increasingly active and important role in international contacts ,thus the significance of English language courses in school education has become prominent. And junior middle school English education, as the start of the concurrently foundation stage in the entire English education stage, is self-evidently of vital importance.Traditional education of our country takes the knowledge of teaching as the main purpose, while the foster of creation ability is relatively weak, so does English teaching in middle school education . English teaching in the entire middle school stage is still examination-oriented , and the educative purpose critically deviates the program request. Classroom teaching is basically a vortex just like "new lesson - Exercises" and "to teach - to accept" . "Overtime", "Teaching all the time in the class", and "title of the sea tactics," these old teaching models are still very common in EFL classroom, which make interesting language classes a suffering torment. This kind of atmosphere also makes students weary and increases polarization between students, which seriously depart from the country's compulsory education purpose - "to improve the quality of everyone ." The situation has resulted in a consequence in English education that although students' solving question ability is enhanced, their grammar knowledge is also heightened, their thinking is confined. These students are lack of reading and writing qualities, which two are more important and indispensable in interpersonal relationships. 不要通过汉语思维写作英语,这样使英语表达无法理解。 To deal with the problem, this paper presents an innovative solution - a solution to the problem (Problem-Solving), through the careful selection of materials ("Go for it!"), Coupled with their teachers on the teaching of character to deal with, in order to develop interests of students in learning English so that the boring classroom teaching of English has become lively as possible. In this paper, to actively explore the status of students as the main body of the "three main" (students to English-based communication, the ability to create culture-based), "three" (English classroom, teaching scenarios, exercises and communication) , "Three" (more inspired, more intuitive, more practice) and "encourage the three" (encourage to ask questions, encourage to discuss and encourage to create), "three of the four" teaching method. Focus on training of innovation and creativity of students, we want to explore "creative teaching mode of middle school English" the basic framework by theory and practice. 本段的重点在“develop interests“上。I believe that, not only the level of English education in middle school, but also the abilities of expressing will get a long way, through the use of problem-solving and creative English teaching model, for example , the abilities of reading and writing.Chapter 1 Literature Review1.1 Creativity and creative learning ability1.1.1 Creativity 1) According to Robert Harris, creativity has many kinds of interpretations:·An Ability. A simple definition is that creativity is the ability to imagine or invent something new. As we will see below, creativity is not the ability to create out of nothing (only God can do that), but the ability to generate new ideas by combining, changing, or reapplying existing ideas. Believe it or not, everyone has substantial creative ability. In adults, creativity has too often been suppressed through education, but it is still there and can be reawakened. Often all that's needed to be creative is to make a commitment to creativity and to take the time for it. ·An Attitude. Creativity is also an attitude: the ability to accept change and newness, a willingness to play with ideas and possibilities, a flexibility of outlook, the habit of enjoying the good, while looking for ways to improve it. We are socialized into accepting only a small number of permitted or normal things, like chocolate-covered strawberries.·A Process. Creative people work hard and continually to improve ideas and solutions, by making gradual alterations and refinements to their works. Contrary to the mythology surrounding creativity, very, very few works of creative excellence are produced with a single stroke of brilliance or in a frenzy of rapid activity. Much closer to the real truth are the stories of companies who had to take the invention away from the inventor in order to market it because the inventor would have kept on tweaking it and fiddling with it, always trying to make it a little better. 2) Creativity usually refers to mans ability to cause something to exist or make something new or original. Then “being creative” has several meanings: one can think of things which other people cant; one can deal with a problem with an original and simple method; one can do things in a way very different from that of common people. Not only scientists or inventors are creative but also the ordinary people.(Kasor ,.Woodman R.H.& Sawyer J.E. 1993) ,Toward a theory of organizational creativity, Academy of management review,18,2,P.293-321.)3) Weisberg (1986) proposes that creativity can be defined by the novel use of tools to solve problems or novel problem solving.(Robert W. Weisberg (1986). Creativity: Genius and other myths, New York: Freeman) 4) Ward, Finke, and Smith (1995) defined creativity in the products made, the differences in people, the pressures that motivate, and the processes behind creativity.(Ward, Finke, and Smith (1995) Creativity and the Mind, : Basic Books; 1 edition (August 21, 1995) )5) “Creativity is the process of bringing something new into being.creativity requires passion and commitment. Out of the creative act is born symbols and myths. It brings to our awareness what was previously hidden and points to new life. The experience is one of heightened consciousnessecstasy.”(Rollo May, The Courage to Create p110,113 ,W. W. Norton & Company (March 1994)6) “A product is creative when it is (a) novel and (b) appropriate. A novel product is original not predictable. The bigger the concept, and the more the product stimulates further work and ideas, the more the product is creative.”(Sternberg & Lubart, Defying the Crowd: Cultivating Creativity in a Culture of Conformity, p214,231,Free Press (June 1, 1995)7) Creativity is the ability to produce work that is novel (that is, original, unexpected),high in quality, and appropriate(that is, useful, neets task constraints).(Sternberg Lubart, 1995,1996 Lubart,1994; Ochse, 1990; Sternberg Handbook of Creativity p21 Cambridge University Press; 1 edition (October 28, 1998). )8) "Creativity is not the finding of a thing, but the making something out of it after it is found."(-James Russell Lowell )9) Creativity in its fullest sense involves both generating an idea and manifesting it - making something happen as a result.(Ned Herrmann The Creative Brain Ned Herrmann Group, the; Revised edition September 1989, p23)10) The 4P theory of LiuXiuLan think, creativity focus on the personality traits of person, the psychological process of person, product of creativity and environment of creativity, that is, the interaction of the individual and the environment.(LiuXiuLan(1995), gifted students, general students, mountain students problem-solving ability and creativity, A Comparative Study, National Changhua Normal University, Institute of Special Education Master's thesis.)11) Creativity refers to in use of the ability of thinking, through the course of exploration by Jue-min, the characteristics of smooth and flexible to make new and unique performance. "12) ChenAnLong noted that the creativity is defined as "The individual is in support of circumstances, combine sensitive, smooth, flexible, innovative, sophisticated features, through the process of thinking, for things have divergent views, giving new meaning of the unique things The results not only their own so that other people also were met.13) Consider the creation of individual groups is endless process of change, as well as knowledge, love, meaning the three unprecedented performance. Li Jin (Man 76) think creativity is the creativity of its existing knowledge-based, play to their curiosity, imagination, adventure and challenge of personality traits, learned to use their creative skills through the creative process used, show smooth, flexible, unique, sophisticated capabilities, access to innovative, unique, strange, unusual, and the concept of benefitting other people as well as, acts or products together.14) Creativity is the individual in specific areas, resulting in appropriate and have the originality and value of the product in the course.This creative process involved in the integration and applications of cognitive, affective, skills and effective. This creativity is the results of interaction of the individual knowledge and experience , intent (including the attitude, orientation, motivation), skill or strategy and the environment.15) According to certain purposes, to use all known information, to produce some kind of novel, unique, have social or personal value of the intellectual product quality, which refers both to the results of thinking, but also refers to the material results.16) Creativity is based on a certain purpose, to use all known information, to produce some kind of novel, unique, have social or personal value products.17) Rhodes proposed to creative research into the following four categories: individuals, processes, pressures and Products.(Mark A·Runco. CreativityJ. Annu.Rev.Psychol,2004,661.)Above all, creativity is the bringing into being of something which did not exist before, either as a product, a process or a thought. You would be demonstrating creativity if you:·Invent something which has never existed before ·Invent something which exists elsewhere but you are not aware of ·Invent a new process for doing something ·Reapply an existing process or product int