模拟培训材料英译汉翻译策略以《银行管理学员手册》为例Strategies of EC Translation of Simulation Training MaterialsA Case Study of Participant Manual of the Bank Management System.doc
模拟培训材料英译汉翻译策略-以银行管理学员手册为例Strategies of E-C Translation of Simulation Training Materials - A Case Study of Participant Manual of the Bank Management System摘要随着中外培训活动的日益频繁,培训教材翻译工作也显得日益重要。但是,目前的培训教材文献翻译,尤其是英汉翻译的译文质量不尽人意,究其原因,主要是缺乏对培训专业语篇目标的认识,缺乏恰当的翻译策略,致使培训翻译工作仍然停留在词汇和语义转换层面,使译文产生陌生感,并可能导致目标读者对原文的误解。本文基于对中国银行模拟培训项目的研究,通过对模拟培训英译中语篇在培训中的运用译文的两次比较,寻求一些适合模拟培训英汉翻译的翻译策略和方法。本论文借鉴翻译的历史观点并考虑现实流行的翻译原理和策略,从模拟培训资料中选出20个语料进行分析强调翻译的目标和文化相关性,以求总结出模拟培训翻译过程中的语言转换规律,并尝试提出模拟培训英汉翻译策略。研究表明,在模拟培训翻译中不仅要考虑培训目的,还要考虑汉英两种语言的文化差异,运用正确的翻译策略,才能得出高质量的译文。同时,通过发现目前模拟培训翻译研究中的局限和存在问题,强调语篇意识的重要性,针对目前模拟培训翻译交流中存在的困难提出解决方案,希望对日后的模拟培训翻译工作有帮助,同时也希望翻译学术界对模拟培训翻译工作给予更多的关注和支持。关键词:策略;英译中翻译;模拟培训;培训目标;文化差异 Abstract Since the exchange of training programs between China and western countries is more and more frequent, the translation of training materials is becoming more and more important. However, the current translation quality of training materials is not good enough, especially the English-Chinese translation. There are some reasons such as less understanding for translation objects of training materials, deficiency of awareness to the cultural differences when translating, and especially the deficiency of translation strategies. As a result, the current translation of training materials is mainly restricted at the lexical and semantic levels, where the target text is easily to be misunderstood. This research is based on a simulation training program of the Bank of China. By repeated comparison with the final Chinese translation and the original Chinese of English training materials, the author tries to describe some strategies of translation. Some relevant linguistic theories are introduced because they are considered necessary to render good translations. 20 terms or sentence are selected from the simulation training materials for comparison in order to find out the regularity of translating, so that the translation strategies can be obtained.According to the analysis, the translation strategies dealing with related training materials are classified into two principles: the original object and culture difference. The author hopes this tentative research can help translators to be aware of the significance of Chinese-English translation in training materials. Our useful experience and further results of study on training simulation materials will be also provided.Key words: strategies; English-Chinese translation; simulation training; translation object; cultural differencesTABLE OF CONTENTS1. INTRODUCTION71.1 Research Background71.2 Research Objects91.3 Paper Organization92. RATIONALE93. DATA DESCRIPTION123.1 Brief Introduction of the SLT123.2 Brief Introduction of the TLT133.3 Standard of Data-selection134. DATA ANALYSIS134.1 Methods of Analysis144.2 The strategies of translating SCM terminology174.2 .1 Simulation strategies: the material culture174.2.2 Simulation strategy: the system and custom culture.194.2.3 Simulation strategy: the spiritual culture194.3 The analysis of training result205. RESULTS AND SUGGESTIONS225.1 Results225.2 Suggestions226. CONCLUSIONS24Bibliography25Appendix I : Banking simulation evaluation questionnaire26Appendix II: ST and TT26Appendix III: the English original and final Translations26Appendix IV: Banking simulation evaluation questionnaire29Strategies of E-C Translation of Simulation Training Materials - A Case Study of Participant Manual of the Bank Management System1. Introduction 1.1 Research Background The Bank of China was formally established in February 1912 following the approval of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Bank of China became the state-designated specialist foreign exchange and foreign trade bank and contributed substantially to the development of China's foreign trade and national economy. Transformed from a specialist foreign exchange bank into a state-owned commercial bank in 1994, Bank of China began a joint stock restructuring in 2003, which resulted in Bank of China Limited being incorporated in August 2004 and listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the Shanghai Stock Exchange in June and July 2006 respectively, becoming the first A share and H share dual listed Chinese commercial bank. As the most international and diversified bank in China, Bank of China provides a comprehensive range of financial services to customers across the Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macau and 29 overseas countries. The Bank's core business is commercial banking, including corporate banking, personal banking and financial markets services. Other business, such as the investment banking, the insurance business, the fund management business, the direct investment and investment management business, the aircraft leasing business and etc., are separately run or operated by the Banks subsidiaries. The Banks Institute of International Finance, Beijing, is the training department of head office and undergoing the staff training programs, especially responsible for the management and financial business training for the high level overseas and domestic bankers. Rapid internationalization of banking business has resulted in the increasing needs of training programs or projects. Many banking training products have been input from western countries by the institute these days. Many of the input products are banking training courses. The original materials are written mainly in English. These different kinds of training materials should be translated into Chinese first. How do the translations match with various kinds of trainees with different English level? To rightly answer this question, the English-Chinese (E-C) translation in training is becoming an important practice. As we know, English to Chinese translation in training materials are characterized by their special rules. Moreover, English-Chinese (E-C) material is also with Chinese culture. Furthermore, in some Chinese classical training works, the authors like to adopt various ways to build the training figures, as well as choose suitable training object words. As a result, a good E-C training martial translation in training works could help the target language (TL) readers understand well about Chinese culture, the source language (SL) authors creative purpose and the themes of the SL works.Up to now, there are a number of researches on E-C training simulation material Translation. Most of Chinese translation complies with the real object. Because the principle of transliteration only works on transference of words, which gives rise to the loss of semantic and cultural meanings, it makes the TL readers impossible to obtain the equivalent messages as the SL readers do. Therefore, more flexible and creative strategies, like literal translation, adaptation, and paraphrase are suggested by several researchers (Cheng, 2005; Bao, 2004) in the practice of translation.1.2 Research ObjectsWe are faced with a lot of problems in order to get a good translation, and then an ideal training result. Firstly, how can we reach the real purposes of the original materials? Secondly, how are the cultural contents of the original materials understood? Thirdly, how do the translations match with various kinds of trainees with different English level? This paper will mainly focus on how to solve these problems. In a word, a good E-C translation of training materials can help the target language (TL) readers understand well the creative purpose of the source language (SL) author.Up to now, there are a number of researches on E-C translation of training simulation materials. For example, literal transition and free translation are two useful approaches in dealing with translation of simulation materials. However, there are still some problems as how to use those strategies. The principle of transliteration only works on transference of words, which gives rise to the loss of semantic and cultural meanings. This makes the TL readers impossible to obtain the equivalent messages as the SL readers do. Therefore, more flexible and creative strategies, like literal translation, adaptation, and paraphrase are suggested by several researchers in the practice of translation.1.3 Paper OrganizationThe research is divided into six parts. In Part One, the author will introduce the Research Background, Research Objects and Paper Organization. In Part Two, the author will go further into the study of main theories of translation and training related to the study. In Part Three, E-C training by examining 20 examples in translation and their translations in SS will be given. In part four the author aims to summarize E-C translation strategies and their effect according to the data analysis, and also, finding the important factors which affect the translators decision-making of translation strategies. In Part five the author will give suggestions to the practice of character tainting material translation. Finally, the author will summarize the whole research and present the implications for future practice and research.2. RationaleThe practice of training simulation material translation seems to be easy but quite difficult due to the linguistic and cultural differences between English and Chinese. Different translators tend to use different specific strategies according to their own considerations. The author tries to examine the E-C translation of the training materials, and then analyze the training result by the original and improved translations. Thus, this paper will definitely have a far-reaching and important meaning for the practice and research of E-C translation of training materials.The book (XunJianping 2000:12)held the views that “Different kinds of materials to be translated require different stresses in their rendition. Scientific materials stress their preciseness; novels and stories, their plots and characters; poetry, the emotion; document translation, the form and wording, and so on”(Xun Jian Ping 2000:12). Finical training material is belonging to the scientific scope. So the preciseness is very important. In order to reach precise results, the translation strategies are very useful,which are available in Oxford ( Rebecca 2008:9). The Features of Languages Learning Strategies are listed below.Table 1 Features of Languages Learning Strategies1Contribute to the main goal, communicative competence.2Allow learners to become more self-directed.3Expand the role of teachers.4Are problem-oriented.5Are specific actions takers by the learner?6Involve many aspects of the learner, not just the cognitive.7Support learning both directly and indirectly.8Are not always observable.9Are often conscious.10Can be taught11Are flexible.12Are influenced by a variety of factors.Firstly, Object is an important factor in transition of training materials. The book(Rebecca 2008:9)indicates that communicative competence is the main goal at first. Training material is aimed to be learned by the reader. So translation strategies of the training materials are the same as the learn Languages Learning Strategies. Secondly, an expert holds the view “Translation is the production of a functional target text maintaining a relationship with a given source text that is specified a according to the intended or demanded function of the target text”(Chen Xiwei 2000:1). Another expert Newmark classified textual function into five types: expressive, informational, vocative, aesthetic and multilingual (Li Yunxing, 2001: 62). The translation of the training materials must preserve the information precisely and take the preservation of the expressive function as the ultimate objective. On the other side, other experts hold different views, “Translation allows a communicative act to take place which because of existing linguistic and cultural barriers would not have been possible without it.” (Chen Xiwei 2000:1), and Nida (2001) further emphasized that as a translator, awareness of the two cultures is more important than that of the two languages. To be a truly successful translator, he said, “Biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, since words only have meanings in terms of the culture in which they function.” Despite many kinds of translation rationales, we may also take these criteria as the principles of translation in general. One is proposed by a famous linguist named Yan Fu(严复) in1898 that is “three-character guide”“信、达、雅”, which is in English faithfulness, smoothness and elegance. “Faithfulness” refers to that not only the content but also style of the translation matches the original. “Elegance” indicates out of place in translation that the spiritual conformity(神似) and sublimated adaption(化境)(Xun Jian Ping 2000:7). That means original and targeting culture background must be consided.Liu Xiaohong lists four translation steps: first step, before reading or translation, the translators may be unconsciously through trust. That means they believe the original is informative. The second step, when there is cultural conflict of two languages, Invasion will occur. The third step is called the Absorption, that is the meaning of the text and forms are to be transplanted. This is also called the introduction of the process. The target language can become rich, or it may be the source language assimilation. The last step is the fill Compensation. That is essential to compensate for the translators to recover previously.”(2010:45).Generally speaking, comprehension ways of translation is very useful. However, in the practice of translation, especially in training materials, we may find that now and then some words and sentences in their usual sense are very difficult to deal with because of the disparity between the English and the Chinese languages. In this case, we have to select some special means of translation. Literal and free translations will be useful in dealing with such awkward training materials.3. Data DescriptionIn the following section, 20 words and sentences from source language text (SLT) and target language text (TLT) have been chosen as examples. The SLT is English classical works of TOPSIM Version 1.0 (2009).The TLT is Participant Manual Bank management System translated by Peoples Bank of China. 3.1 Brief Introduction of the SLTTraining Simulations are designed to replicate the essential characteristics of the real world that are necessary to produce learning and transfer. These effort can vary from very sophisticated flight simulators to PC-based simulations (Salas, Bowers,& Ghodenzizer,1988). A variety of simulation have been designed for specific training purposes, including skills development, decision making, and problem solving.(Irwin L.Goldstein & J.Kevin Ford Golds Wandsworth 2000:236).Business simulat