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    新六上 unit 2 ways to go to school全英文教案.doc

    _Unit 2 年 月 日TitleUnit 2 Ways to go to school第1课时总课时6Teachingaims(1). Be able to ask: “How do we get there?” and give the right answer.(2). Be able to master those words: on foot, by bike, by bus, by subway, by taxi, by plane, by ship, by train, in four skills.(3). Apply the sentences to the real situation.Key pointsDifficultpointsKey points Master the words: on foot, by bike, by bus, by subway, by taxi, by plane, by ship, by train, in four skills.Difficult points Replace the words: on foot, by bike, by bus, by subway, by taxi, by plane, by ship, by train, according to the sentence.MeasuresTPR Pairwork Groupwork surveyTeaching aidsEnglish cards, pictures, pptTeaching stepsStep I Warming up(1)Lets chant: How do you get there? Free talk. T:How do you come to school?S1:I come to school byT:What about you? Do you go by bus?S2:.Step II Presentation1.Look at the pictures on the screen and study the new words,phrases and sentencesHow do you come to school?on foot by bus by subway by taxi by train by plane by ship2. Play a game Sharp eyes 3.Lets chant How do you come to school?Sometimes by bike, Sometimes by car,Sometimes on foot.4.Listen to the tape and repeat,then read in pairsStep Consolidation and extension1.Group work Make dialogues like thisA: How do you get to the USA from China?B: By plane.2Fill in the blanks:Bob: Hello,John. How is the weather like today?John: Hello! Its fine. Shall we go to _?Bob: Great! How do we get_?John: By_. Its very convenient. Summary1.Words: on foot by bike by bus by subway by taxi by plane by ship by train 2. Sentences:1) How do we get there?homeworkPreview homeworklisten to the words and dialogue on P15.homework1. Write the words.2. Ask the friends about the ways to go to school.Board designUnit 2 Ways to go to school A lets learn How do we get there?on foot, by bike, by bus, by subway, by taxi, by plane, by ship, by trainTeachingnotes本课的重点是让学生能够听、说、读、写单词和词组by plane, by train, by taxi, by ship, on foot, by bus, by subway, 我结合音标进行教学。即在教学单词时,先让学生从左边把字母的发音读一次,接着,读到元音音标时,我出示学过的相同读音的单词,并引导学生把学过的单词中的元音音标读出来,之后,与新单词一起拼读。例如:subway,我先让学生把“s”读出来,接着,PPt出示bus单词,让学生把“u”的发音找出来;“b”的发音较为简单,学生很快就读出来了;“way”的发音,PPt出示五年级学过的一个单词“always”,让学生把“way”的发音找出来,同时让学生也把“ay”的发音读出来。经过这个小过程后,学生很快就把“subway”的发音读出来了。此时,我及时竖起大拇指给予表扬。学生兴趣怏然,单词认读和拼写效果都很好。在学习中,学生读“plane”时会把“l”的发音漏掉。 _Unit 2 年 月 日TitleUnit 2 Ways to go to school第2课时总课时6Teachingaims(1). Be able to say: How do we get there? and can use it freely.(2). Be able to understand the “Lets try”, and to finish the exercise.Key pointsDifficultpointsKey points Master the sentences of this lesson, and can use it freely in daily life.Difficult points Help students to catch the new words and new sentence in “Lets talk”.MeasuresTPR Pairwork Groupwork surveyTeaching aidsEnglish cards, pictures, pptTeaching stepsStep I Warming up1.Lets sing. 2.Review:always,usually,often,sometimes,neveron foot, by bike, by bus, by subway, by taxi, by plane, by ship, by train,Step II Presentation (1)T:Today I come to school by bus.I usually come to school on foot.What about you?Do you come by bike or by bus?Do you come on foot or by car?How does Amy come to school?Lets watch a video. (2)How many people are there ?Who are they? Yes, Mike,Amy,and Mrs Smith .T point and say:This is Mrs Smith.Learn: Mrs  (3)T:Today Mike and Amy were early to school.They met Mrs Smith at school.Learn:early (4)Listen to the tape. Answer questions: How does Amy come to school?How does Mike come to school? (5)Listen to the tape and read after it. (6)Play the dialogue in groups.Step Consolidation and extension(1)Do the listening practice in exercise book. Explain how to do first.(2) Do a survey. (3)Tell your partners what you have learned in “this lesson”.homeworkPreview homeworklisten to the dialogue on P14.homework1. Recite the dialogue on P14.2. Play the dialogue with your friends.Board designUnit 2 Ways to go to school A lets talk  Usually   often   sometimes         Mrs   early How do you come to school ? I usually /often / sometimes. Unit 2 年 月 日TitleUnit 2 Ways to go to school第3课时总课时6Teachingaims(1). Be able to say: “Stop and wait at a red light.Slow down and stop at a yellow light.Go at a green light.”(2). Be able to master those words: slow down,stop,wait,in four skills.(3). Apply the sentences to the real situation.Key pointsDifficultpointsKey points Master the words: slow down,stop,wait, in four skills.Difficult points Replace the words: slow down,stop,wait, according to the sentence.MeasuresTPR Pairwork Groupwork Teaching aidsEnglish cards, pictures, pptTeaching stepsStep I Warming up1.Greeting 2.Lets chant By car, by car, Di Di Di By bus, by bus, Du Du DuBy bike, by bike, Ding LinglingBy train ,by train, Wu Wu Wu Walk , walk, one two one.Walk, walk, one two one.3.Free talk T:Good morning!How do you come to school?T:Some students come to school by bike,some students come to school on foot.When you come to school,what must you remember? Step II Presentation1.T:When you see the green light, you must go.Go at a green light.Red : stop and wait.Yellow: slow down and stop.2. Practice:Amy and her mother want to go to the supermarket.What should they do?(Use the map and traffic lights.)3.Drive a car in the classroom.One student go in the classroom , the other students tell him/her how to go.4.Read after the tape.Step Consolidation and extension 1.Role-play in the group.homeworkPreview homeworklisten to the words and dialogue on P17.homework1. Read the words on P17.2. Play the game with your friends.Board designUnit 2 Ways to go to school  B lets learn Stop and wait at a red light. Slow down and stop at a yellow light. Go at a green light. Teachingnotes1.本单元的单词教学中生词量较少,所以在教学环节中运用了猜谜、听音猜词、摸一摸猜一猜、比较异同、看词造句、快速记忆等方法,以旧知带新知,并做到词不离句。单词放入有实际意义的句子或句群中去进行教学,让学生不仅能学到单个的词汇,更重要的是学会在一定的情境中正确地使用这些词汇,为以后在真实的语言环境中运用打下基础。2.本单元的话题围绕着“ways to go to school?”展开,与学生的实际生活密切相关。在教学中采用了任务型教学和情景教学方式,各项活动的设计从学生的生活出发,从他们的兴趣入手,内容真实。让学生在真实的情境中,完成教师设计的各项任务,充分发挥学生的主体性作用,在达到学习语言的交际性目的的同时,也培养了学生学习英语的兴趣。3.充分发挥小组合作学习的优势,全面调动每一位学生参与各种学习活动。在整个单元教学中安排了小组调查上学方式、小组表演对话、小组设计路线、小组自编交通安全小册子等多项小组活动,既培养了学生间的合作精神,又培养了他们的竞争意识。课堂中,学生参与面广,积极性高,并由此获得成功的体验,从而增强了学好英语的自信心。_Unit2 年 月 日TitleUnit 2 Ways to go to school第4课时总课时6Teachingaims(1). Be able to say: Dont go at the red light.I must pay attention to the traffic lights.In the USA people on bikes must wear one.and can use it freely.(2). Be able to understand the “Lets try”, and to finish the exercise.Key pointsDifficultpointsKey points Master the sentences of this lesson, and can use it freely in daily life.Difficult points Help students to catch the new words and new sentence in “Lets talk”.MeasuresTPR Pairwork Groupwork surveyTeaching aidsEnglish cards, pictures, pptTeaching stepsStep I Warming up(1)Chant:Red light, Red light, stop and wait!Yellow light, yellow light, Slow down and stop!Green light, Green light, go, go, go!(2)Free talk. T: How do you come to school?S1: I. How do you come to school?S2: I .Step II Presentation Lets talk(1)T:I usually come to school by bus. I take the No.204 bus.(2)a picture of busPictures of buses. Pictures of bikes.(3)T: Sometimes I come by bike. Show the picture of a helmet. Learn: helmet/wear a helmet. Show pictures of helmets. Sx: I want to wear the yellow helmet.(4)Lets try . Look at the pictures, and guess. Mrs Smith tells the students to get on the bus one by one.T:Does Wu Yifan go to the nature park? No. Why? T: His grandpa is ill. He wants to go to the Fuxing Hospital.(5).Lets talk. a. Watch the video, try to answer. Wu Yifan, go where?How? Meet Who? See What? b. Listen to the tape and read after it.Step Consolidation and extension1.Do the listening practice in exercise book. Explain how to do first.homeworkPreview homeworklisten to the words and dialogue on P16.homework1. Write the words.2. Tell your partner: What do the sighs mean?.Board designUnit 2 Ways to go to school  B. Lets talktraffic lights       helmet Dont go at the red light. I must pay attention to the traffic lights. In the USA people on bikes must wear one.  _Unit 2 年 月 日TitleUnit 2 Ways to go to school第5课时总课时6Teachingaims(1). Be able to say: went,sled,ferry,learn, Some kids go to school by sled.Its fast.(2). Be able to understand and read the passage in “Read and write”, and to finish the exercise.Key pointsDifficultpointsKey points Master the sentences of this lesson, and can use it freely in daily life.Difficult points Help students to catch the new words and new sentence in “Read and write”.MeasuresTPR Pairwork Groupwork surveyTeaching aidsEnglish cards, pictures, pptTeaching stepsStep I Warming up1.Greeting 2.Lets chant . 3.Free talk Show the traffic lights.T:What are they?S:They are traffic lights. T:How many traffic lights are there?S:There are three. T:What colour are they?S:Yellow,green and red. T:What do they mean?S:red means_,green means_,yellow means_Step II Presentation(1)Show four pictures of different countries.(2)Tell the students the name of these places,lead in :Munich,Germany,Alaska,USA,China ,papa Westray,Scotland. (3)Say the different ways to go to school.T lead in :On foot,by sled,by ferry,by plane. (4)Read the new words。 (5)T show a picture of sled:This is a sled. Santas often send the Christmas presents by sled. Its fast.Learn:fast.。 (6)Listen to the tape ,and try to understand the meaning of these words by the pictures: snow, learn, kid, a lot。 (7)Read the passage and try to answer.How many ways to go to school can you find in the text?Underline them. Does everyone in the text go to school? (8)Discuss your answer in group.(9)Check the answer Step Consolidation and extension1.Do the listening practice in exercise book. Explain how to do first.2.Listen to the tape and read it to your friends.3.Tips for pronunciation.homeworkPreview homeworklisten to the passage on P18.homework1. Read the passage on P18.2.Tell parents the different ways kids to go to school.Board designUnit 2 Ways to go to school B. Read and writeDifferent ways to go to schoolSome children go to school in . on foot Munich, Germany by sled Alaska, USA by ferry Jiangxi, China by ferry/by plane Papa Westray, Scotland_Unit 2 年 月 日TitleUnit 2 Ways to go to school第6课时总课时6Teachingaims(1). Be able to finish the exercises in “Lets check”. (2). Be able to finish the exercises in “Lets wrap it up”.Key pointsDifficultpointsKey points Be able to finish the exercises in “Lets check”.Difficult points Help students to finish “Let's wrap it up”.MeasuresTPR Pairwork Groupwork Teaching aidsEnglish cards,pictures, pptTeaching stepsStep I Warming up1. Free talk2. Ask and answer: How do you come to school? I go .Step II Presentation 1.Lets check (1)Look at the pictures and try to say sth about the pictures. (2)Listen and number. (3)Listen again and answer the questions. How does Wu Yifan go to the park?He goes by  . Guide the students to pay attention to the phrases of “by” .2. Lets wrap it up  Guess: where is Mike? (1)Read the sentences , and try to understand them.Go to the cinema.Come to the park and play with us.How does Mrs Zhao come to school?How can I go to the museum?(2)Compare the sentences. (3)Discuss in groups.(4)Find the different between go and come.(5)Make sentences with come and go.Step Consolidation and extension (1)Read the words in unit 1. (2)Dictate the four skills words and phrases.homeworkPreview homeworklisten to the words in uint2.homework1. Read the words in uint2.2. Make more sentences with come and go.Board designUnit 2 Ways to go to school B. Lets check Lets wrap it upGo to the cinema.Come to the park and play with us.How does Mrs Zhao come to school?How can I go to the museum?


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