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    【豆丁精选】A graphicorganizerbased Lesson Plan.ppt

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    【豆丁精选】A graphicorganizerbased Lesson Plan.ppt

    A graphic-organizer-based Lesson Plan,Far East English Reader,Book 3,Lesson 8,Going Home,National Tainan Girls Senior High School(國立臺南女子高級中學)By Judy Huang(黃昭瑞),Far East Book Three Lesson Eight Going Home,Level of difficulty:intermediate Level of the students:high-intermediate to advancedTime:6-7 hours in total,Four periods,BackgroundNew InformationPractice and PersonalizationExtension Activities and Application,I.Background(main theme),Warm up activitiesCause and Effect graphic organizerThink-Pair ShareMaking connections,Excerpts from the song,Whyd you have to goWhyd you have to goWhyd you have to go Daughter to father,daughter to fatherI am broken but I am hopingDaughter to father,daughter to fatherI am crying,a part of me is dying andThese are,these are The confessions of a broken heart,Cause and Effect,Cause:,A malfunctioning family,withdrawn,cynical,Lack of confidence,destructive,brokenhearted,Think-Pair-Share,Making connections,I am broken but I am hoping,When my girl friend broke up with me,I felt the world iscrumpling down.But I was still hoping shewould change her mind,II.New Information,Story MapCharacter Trait Chart.,Story Map,Complement,Character Trait Chart,Vingo,introverted,gloomy,III.Practice and Personalization,Grammar FocusOutside readingCompare and ContrastOnly TimeLet Go!Comparison,Grammar Focus,S1+V,Ving/p.p WhisperingS1+V,S2+Ving/p.p The missing piece,BOTH FRIEND AND FOE THE SAINTS ADORE,There was a monastery in a certain place.The monks residing there went out daily to beg for their food.One day a monk,while out for his alms,saw a landlord beating a man mercilessly.The compassionate monk stepped in and asked the landlord to stop.But the landlord was filled with anger and turned his wrath against the innocent monk.He beat the monk till he fell unconscious on the ground.Someone reported the matter to the monastery.The monks ran to the spot and found their brother lying there.Four or five of them carried him back and laid him on a bed.He was still unconscious.The other monks sat around him and were sad at heart;some were fanning him.Finally someone suggested that he should be given a little milk to drink.When it was poured into his mouth he regained consciousness.He opened his eyes and looked around.One of the monks said,Let us see whether he is fully conscious,and can recognize us.Shouting into his ear,he said,Revered sir,who is giving you milk?Brother,replied the holy man in a low voice,he who beat me is now giving me milk.“From“Both Friend and Foe the Saints Adore.”Sri Ramakrishna Math.Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna.Madras:Sri Ramakrishna Math,1947.pp.201-202.,Compare and Contrast,forgiveness,Vingo was waitingfor forgiveness,The monk choseto forgive,Let Go!,Write on a piece ofpaper and tear itinto pieces,Write his/her name on a basketball and play the ball all the time,Ask Mazu to punish whoeverhurt me,Comparison,I can be happier,The person who hurt mewouldnt know it was very serious,IV.Extension Activities and Application,A twist endingSample writingLetter writing,A Twist Ending,Letter writing,Sample Writing,Working with a partner,


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