奥美:金玉良言手册so you want to work in P.R.ppt
.,So You Want to Work in,P.R.?,SO YOU WANT TO WORK IN P.R.?,On a sunny Saturday afternoon many years ago,TBSong,Ogilvy Group Chairman for Greater China,came into my office and commented,“PR people arereally a special breed of people.”TB followed hisstatement with a request,“Will you write me an articleon what you think makes up a good public relationsperson?”The question remains as curious today as it was backthen.Certainly there are commonalities,but thepublic relations business is not one where people arerequired to fit into a certain mold.In fact,just theopposite is true.One of the first things we need to do is to define thequalities of the talent we are looking for.To round outmy thinking on this,I asked a number of bosses,colleagues,and clients what they think makes up agood public relations person.Their responses,enclosed in this booklet,are as diverse as the defini-tion of public relations.Enjoy the read!Scott KronickPresidentOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/China,许多年前一个阳光明媚的星期六下午,奥美集团大中华区董事长宋秩铭(TB Song)来到我在台北的办公室。他说道:“公关人员真是一群特殊的人。”TB接着问道:“你能写一篇文章,谈谈你认为一名出色的公关人员应该是怎样的吗?”这个问题今天听起来仍然像当年一样新奇。当然这里是有一些共性的东西,但公关行业并不要求从业人员都像一个模子里刻出来似的。实际上,情况恰恰相反。我们首先要做的是,明确我们要找何种素质的人才。为了完善我在这方面的想法,我曾向一些上司、同事和客户询问过他们认为一名出色的公关人员应该是怎样的,他们的回答和公关的定义一样不尽相同。以下与您分享的就是他们的真知灼见!柯颖德,8,ATTITUDE度,To put the world right in order,we must firstput the nation in order;to put the nation inorder,we must first put the family in order;to put the family in order,we must firstcultivate our personal lives;we must first setour hearts right.古之欲明德于天下者,先治其国;欲治其国者,先齐其家;欲齐其家者,先修其身;欲修其身者,先正其心。Confucius5th Century BC Chinese Philosopher孔子公元前5世纪,中国哲学家,9,奥,10ATT I T U DE,A great Public Relationsprofessional is one whoremains focusedon the client achieving results,whileconstantly remaining open to newapproaches.Marcia SilvermanCEOOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide,一位伟大的公关专业人士要始终关注客户-追求结果,同时愿意尝试新的方法。Marcia SilvermanCEO,度,11,I T,12Successful PR people havepassionate-smarts its not good enough to be one or theother,you have to have both.Whetheryou are talking about mayonnaise or anoveractive bladder,you gotta love it!Kate CroninManaging DirectorOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/New YorkATT I T UUDE,成功的公关人员要有激情和智慧-仅有一点还不够,必须两者兼备。不管你在讲蛋黄酱还是泌尿系统疾病,你都要迷上它才行!Kate Cronin董事总经理奥美公关国际集团/纽约,态度,13,I,14,ATT I TTU DE,The ultimate PR person cares more aboutmaking someone or something elsefamous than they do about makingthemselves famous.There is amaturity thatseparates the goodfrom the bad,doing it the right way builds credibilityand creates opportunity.David R.PetrouGlobal Public Communications ManagerJones Day,最好的公关人员并不想着如何使自己出名,而是更多地想着如何让别人或别的事情变得更广为人知。他们具有明辨是非的成熟心智,处事得体。凭借良好的信誉,他们总是机会多多。David R.Petrou全球公关经理Jones Day 律师事务所,态度,15,16,ATT I T U DE,A can do attitude a willingness to goabove and beyond.A good PR person will recognize the valueof delivering the extra 10%,and go out ofhis or her way to achieve success.John GardnerManaging DirectorSavage and Partners/Sydney,进取的态度-不断超越的意愿。一名优秀的公关人员会认识到超越既定目标的重要性,为了争取成功,义无反顾。John Gardner董事总经理John Gardner Savage and Partners/悉尼,态度,17,CEO,/美洲区,18,Public Relations requires tact,diplomacy,and a never-say-die attitude togetting it right;but most of all,it requires being thought-ful and culturally sensitive with a healthyappreciation for getting things done.Ifyou take deep interest and pride increating custom solutions in the moderncommunications world,you will thriveand be happy.Paul HicksCEOATT I T U DE,公关人员需要机智,外交手腕和永不言败的态度以实现目标;但更重要的是,需要思考周详,有文化敏感度,同时拥有积极的处事态度。在当今的公关界,如果你对打造量身定制的解决方案有着浓厚兴趣并引以为豪,那你就会成长起来并乐在其中。Paul Hicks区域CEO奥美公关国际集团/美洲,度,19,态度,20,NETWORKING关系网,We dont accomplish anything in this worldalone.and whatever happens is the resultof the whole tapestry of ones life and all theweavings of individual threads.在这个世界上,独往独来会一事无成所有的事情都体现了丰富多彩的人生和千丝万缕的联系。Sandra Day OConnorFormer US Supreme Court Justice桑德拉戴奥康纳前美国最高法院大法官,21,22A good PR person usually has asolid social networkand relationships with different types ofpeople.He or she knows how to leveragethose connections strategically in order tobenefit his or her work.To a greatextent,what matters is the ability tomanage people,manage relationships,and manage expectations.Daphne LiAssociate DirectorOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/ShanghaiNE T W OR K I N G,一名优秀的公关人员通常拥有稳固的社会关系网,与各类人员建立关系。他或她善于策略地运用这些关系,以便有益于自己的工作。在很大程度上,不管是内部还是外部,关键在于管理人员、关系和期望值的能力。李嘉仪/上海,系网,23,关系网,24Seemingly,PR people need to have thelargest address lists,entertainmentbudgets,and phone bills.Thelines of influencespread far and must rise above clientexpectations;the more connected anagency is,the more delighted the client.The best compliment seems to be,Howdid you get them?or You know who?Stephen FraserWorldwide Business DirectorOgilvy&Mather/Asia PacicNE T W OR K I N G,从表面上看,公关人员需要有大量的地址簿、接待预算和电话账单。事实上仅有这些还不够,影响范围要大,必须超越客户的期望;一个机构联系越广,客户就越高兴。最好的表扬似乎是你们是怎么搞定他们的?或者你们认识谁?Stephen Fraser全球业务总监奥美集团/亚太区,人际网络,25,26NE T W OR K I N G,Capable of making others speak andexpress themselves while remaining silent;this calls for a person that caneffortlessly socializewith others.Alexandra OikonomidouDirectorOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/Beijing,在保持沉默的同时能够让别人说话和表达自己的意见;这需要你能够轻松地与别人相处甚欢。Alexandra Oikonomidou总监奥美公关国际集团/北京,系网,27,/,28People skills:because the world is full ofspin,it needs people who are able totouch the heart stringsin a genuine way both with clients andthe public.High human touch peoplehave an accurate emotional compass.Kent WertimeCEOOgilvyOne/Asia PacicNE T W OR K I N G,与人沟通的技巧:由于世界弥漫老王卖瓜自卖自夸的声音,它需要一群对客户或对公众都能以真诚之道打动人心的专业人士。深谙拨动心弦之道的人拥有正确无误的情感指南针。Kent WertimeCEO,系网,29,30,COURAGE勇气,Most of the important things in the worldhave been accomplished by people whohave kept on trying when there seemed tobe no hope at all.世界上大部分重要的事情,都是在似乎毫无希望的情况下继续坚持下去才办成的。Dale CarnegieUS Author of How to Win Friends and Inuence People戴尔卡内基美国作家如何赢得朋友和影响他人,31,32,The toughest thing in the world is to tellsomeone what you really think if youfear the consequences.Yet,that is exactlywhat your client needs and what they willmost respect.When you have the guts topoint out that they have no clothes,youwill either be fired ortreasured as atrusted advisor.Either way,you will be doing better thanyou were before.Christopher GravesPresident and CEOOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/Asia PacicCOURAGE,如果你担心后果的话,世上最难的事就是告诉别人你的真实想法。但这正是客户所需要和最重视的东西。当你有勇气指出他们身着皇帝新衣时,你要么是被解雇,要么是被当作可信任的顾问而受到重视。不管是哪一种情况,你都会比以前做得更好。Christopher Graves总裁兼CEO奥美公关国际集团/亚太区勇气,33,34,Never fear.You can never do justice to the PRprofession if you are afraid.Never beafraid to call black,black,but always doit as tactfully as possible.Meenakshi BhallaPresidentOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/IndiaCOURAGE,绝不要害怕。如果你害怕的话,您将永远不会掌握公关这一职业的真谛。绝不要害怕把黑的说成是黑的,但始终要尽可能以巧妙的方式来表述。Meenakshi Bhalla总裁奥美公关国际集团/印度,勇气,35,36,Maniacal interest inexecution details;you cannot un-ring the bell in ourprofession.David R.PetrouGlobal Public Communications ManagerJones DayCOURAGE,要特别注重执行细节;在我们这个行当,没有“重来一次”的机会。David R.Petrou全球公关经理Jones Day 律师事务所,勇气,37,CEO,CEO,/美洲,38,You will experience a lot of stale confer-ence rooms,late airplane flights,andinedible fast food;you have to learn tolove the chase,the hunt,and the opportunity to workwith talented people.If you cannot,youwill never be satisfied in this profession.”Paul Hicks,你将经历许多乏味的会议、深夜的航班、难吃的快餐;你必须学会追逐,争取机会与有才干的人一起工作。如果你做不到这些,那你永远不会喜欢这个职业。Paul Hicks,39,Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide/COURAGE,e Americas,区域CEO奥美公关国际集团/美洲,勇气,40,In the PR world,crisis sometimes happensovernight;a good PR person shouldprovide astrong shoulderfor the client to rely on.Joyce ChangManaging DirectorOgilvy&Mather Advertising/BeijingCOURAGE,在公关界,有时在一夜之间就会出现危机;优秀的公关人员应当是客户可依赖的强有力的肩膀。张崇琦董事总经理奥美广告/北京,勇气,41,42,CREATI VITY造力,The people who get on in this world are thepeople who get up and look for the circum-stances they want,and,if they cant findthem,make them.在这个世界上取得成功的人,都努力去寻求他们想要的机会,如果找不到的话,他们就自己创造机会。George Bernard ShawIrish Dramatist,Nobel Prize for Literature乔治萧伯纳,43,44Ideas move people,not press releases.Jim DowlingDirectorStrategy and PlanningOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/Asia PacicCREATIVITY,打动人的是创意,而不是新闻稿。Jim Dowling策略和规划总监奥美公关国际集团/亚太区,创造力,45,46Clients need skilled practitioners to lookahead and anticipate,What will the storybe today,next week,and in six months?How can we helpposition the clientto take a stance today;a stance that willbe relevant as the story evolves?Connecting those dots is hard,but clientswant to work with people who alwaysthink in those terms.David R.PetrouGlobal Public Communications ManagerJones DayCREATIVITY,客户需要专业的从业人员具有前瞻性和预见力。关于一个重要的话题,今天是怎样的?下周的,半年后将会变成怎样?在哪些方面(客户)能成为这些话题的一部分?我们如何帮助他们恰当地定位,使他们今天对这个话题的表态,能跟上该话题的发展变化?把这几点结合起来是很难的,客户希望与能经常以这种方式思考问题的人共事。David R.Petrou全球公关经理Jones Day律师事务所创造力,47,48Above all else,I think the greatest valuefrom PR expertise is in identifying keyinfluencers and developing a creativeengagement strategy.Frangelica LiangDirectorOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/GuangzhouCREATIVITY,最重要的是,我认为公关专业意见的最大的价值在于明确有影响力的主要人物,并制订有创意的策略以影响他们。梁凤妹总监奥美公关国际集团/广州创造力,49,CEO,/美洲,50Creating a modern reputation andsecuring direct or indirect third partyendorsements are complex and fascinat-ing challenges that requirea little bit of magic.The challenge is never the same,andthere are few off-the-shelf solutions.Paul HicksCEOCREATIVITY,赢得新的声誉、得到第三方直接或间接的认可,是复杂并具有诱惑力的挑战,也需要施展一点魔法。这种挑战不是一成不变的,很少有现成的解决方案。Paul Hicks区域CEO奥美公关国际集团/美洲,造力,51,/,、,、。,52We need to be that much morefree-thinkingand idea-driven.Otherwise,as Ivewitnessed,the reply is,done that,thought of that,seen that.Stephen FraserWorldwide Business DirectorOgilvy&Mather/Asia PacicCREATIVITY,“我们需要更加开阔思路并富有创意。否则,就会像我听到的回答:做过想到过见到过Stephen Fraser,造力,53,54,AGILITY机智,When you say one thing,the clever personunderstands three.举一反三.Chinese Proverb中文成语,55,56,A good PR person should be able tointeract with differenttypes of peoplein any situation.Daphne LiAssociate DirectorOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/ShanghaiAGILITY,优秀的公关人员应当能够在任何情况下与不同类型的人进行互动。李嘉仪副总监奥美公关国际集团/上海,机智,57,58,The ability to influence,negotiate,andcollaborate to createenthusiasticcooperationbetween clients,colleagues and businesspartners,as well as the media.The bestpeople I have worked with in my morethan 20 years of PR experience are theones that are not only clever enough tohave great ideas,but also clever enoughto make the client and the whole teamfeel like it is also their idea.Michael HatcliffeExecutive Vice PresidentUS Corporate Practice,Ogilvy Public Relations Worldwide/ChicagoAGILITY,具有影响他人、谈判和协作的能力,从而形成与客户、同事、业务伙伴和媒体间的真挚合作。二十多年来我在公关经历中曾经共过事的最优秀的人才,不仅聪明到能蹦出大创意,而且有足够的智慧能让客户与团队都觉得那是他们自己产出的创意。Michael Hatcliffe执行副总裁美国公司事务奥美公关国际集团/芝加哥机智,59,60,Ideas are useless unless they are carried bythe right people.You need to be able toimpart your ideason anyone from a CEO to apikey little blogger.Jim DowlingDirectorStrategy and PlanningOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/Asia PacicAGILITY,创意如果不是由合适的人来讲述就毫无价值。你要能向任何人讲述创意,从一个CEO到一个不起眼的小人物。Jim Dowling策略和规划总监奥美公关国际集团/亚太区,机智,61,62,When you canjuggle a burning crisis,a client in search of a higher personalprofile,an angry journalist,a shampoolaunch,a stock market listing,and anevent with heads of state,you arealmost ready.Christopher GravesPresident and CEOOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/Asia PacicAGILITY,严重的危机、想提高个人知名度的客户、愤怒的记者、一种洗发水的推出、股票上市、有国家元首出席的活动,如果你能从容地同时应对所有这些,你就差不多准备好了。Christopher Graves总裁兼CEO奥美公关国际集团/亚太区,机智,63,/,64,The PR professional needs to be able tounderstandcommunicationsstrategiesbroadly not a singular focus on mediarelations.The person must know marketdynamics and how certain things can leadto a cascade of variables.Jennifer ScottManaging Director of Insights and ResearchOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/New YorkAGILITY,公关专业人员要从更广的角度来理解传播策略 而不是单单注重媒体关系。此类人员必须了解市场发展动态,以及某些情况会导致怎样的一系列的变数。Jennifer Scott,机智,65,66,We always want to influence people tochange their behaviors,either behavior ina commercial sense or in social sense.It isvery important that weput ourselves in otherpeoples shoes,before we start anything.Too often,practitioners are either too arrogant ortoo lazy to do this.Marina WuSenior Corporate Communications ManagerUnilever ChinaAGILITY,我们经常试图影响他人,使其改变自己的行为,包括商业意义上和社会意义的行为。我们在做任何事情之前,一定要设身处地为他人着想。从业人员却往往不能做到,要么是因为太傲慢,要么是因为太懒惰。Marina Wu企业传播资深经理联合利华(中国),机智,67,and in and in public agility takes,to the,68,IQ gets you a job,EQ gives you a career;career;public relations,relations,agilityyoutakes you to thepinnacle of yourcareer.An agile public relations person canmanage changes swiftly,turning crisesinto opportunities.Debby CheungManaging DirectorOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/ChinaAGILITY,智商让你获得工作,情商使你拥有事业;在公关行业里,机智会让你到达事业的巅峰。反应敏捷的公关人士能够快速地处理变化,将危机转化为机会。张曼华/中国,机智,69,70,CURIOSITY好奇心,I could not,at any age,be content to takemy place by the fireside and simply look on.Life was meant to be lived.Curiosity must bekept alive.One must never,for whateverreason,turn his back on life.我到了任何年纪都不会满足于坐在火炉旁边发呆。生活要有意义。一定要始终充满着好奇心。不管是什么原因,都不能放弃对生活的好奇心。Eleanor RooseveltFormer 1st Lady of the U.S.埃莉诺罗斯福前美国第一夫人,71,/,深入的洞察。,72Wonder about one thing every day.Readsomething bizarre every week outside ofyour normal sphere.Ask the supposedlydumb questions that often lead todeep insights.Then,listen very carefully to what is notbeing said.No one and nothing is dullunder a microscope.”Christopher GravesPresident and CEOOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/Asia PacicCURIOSITY,每天要琢磨一件事。每周要阅读一些超过你通常接触范围的新奇的东西。提出一些可能是“愚蠢的”问题,这些问题往往会引发深入的思考。然后再非常认真地琢磨一下言外之义。在显微镜下,任何人、任何东西都会变得栩栩如生。Christopher GravesCEO好奇心,73,74A high performing PR person should havea strong business sense,and be ableto seeopportunity evenin crisis.This requires broad knowledge andexperience.Frangelica LiangDirectorOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/GuangzhouCURIOSITY,表现优异的公关人员应当有很强的商业意识,甚至在危机中也能看到机会。而这需要有丰富的知识和经验。梁凤妹总监奥美公关国际集团/广州,好奇心,75,鲜明,,76The PR specialist should have avivid,activepersonalityand a point of view about everything.Curiosity is crucial.Alexandra OikonomidouDirectorOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/BeijingCURIOSITY,公关专家应当有鲜明,活跃的个性,对任何事物都有自己的一番见解。好奇心是至关重要的。Alexandra Oikonomidou总监奥美公关/北京好奇心,77,区域CEO,/美洲,CEO,78,I think you needinsatiable curiosityabout the media and modern communi-cations.If you do not read the paper withrelish or blog with abandon then you willbe left out of the ever changing businessworld,not to mention be left behind bythe competition.”,我想你需要对媒体和现代传播有强烈的好奇心。如果你不能津津有味地看报或陶醉于博客,那么你会被不断变化的商业世界所淘汰,更不要说被竞争对手甩在后面了。,79,Paul HicksDirectorOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/CURIOSITY,e Americas,Paul Hicks奥美公关国际集团/美洲,好奇心,/,80You have to be interested in people,books,the world,travel,business,how people talkto one another thats the wayto get insight.”Jim DowlingDirectorStrategy and PlanningOgilvy Public Relations Worldwide/Asia PacicCURIOSITY,你必须对人、书籍、世界、旅行、商业以及人们交谈的方式感兴趣-这是获得洞察的有效途径。Jim Dowling,好奇心,81,82Whats happening in the market,whatsthe key topic now,who are the keyinfluencers,how do you create buzz,what are thenews angles answers to these questions will be moreeasily found by a PR person who issensitive and curious.Joyce ChangM