Unit 6 Raw materials of steelmaking冶金专业英语.ppt
,山西工程职业技术学院 基础部 英语精品课程,Unit 6Raw materials of steelmaking,Part Reading and Comprehension textpracticePart Translation Training翻译技巧(六)词类转译法(III),unit6,background,Language points,Words&expressions,Raw Materials of Steelmaking,Text,The hot metal tapped from the blast furnace is the principal raw materials used for steelmaking.Besides hot metal,further charge materials are:steel scrap,sponge iron,slag formers,alloying agents and oxidizing agents.,1.Blast furnace iron(Hot metal)Blast furnace iron consists of the element iron combined with numerous other chemical elements,the most common of which are carbon,manganese,phosphorus,sulphur,and silicon.Pig iron may contain 3.0 to 4.5 per cent of carbon,0.15 to 2.5 per cent or more of manganese,0.02 to 0.06 per cent of sulphur,0.3 per cent or more silicon and small amount of phosphorous.,be made up of,Text,Large quantities of tramp elements within the hot metal still have to be removed partly or completely.In fact,this is a most important task of steelmaking.,Text,2.Steel scrap and sponge ironScrap and sponge iron can be used as iron supplier and cooling agent.Worldwide,scrap participates 40 percent in steel production input and must therefore be considered as an important raw material.Its use in steelmaking varies,depending on the production process applied.In BOF,scrap accounts for about 20 percent,while in electric arc furnace,it may be 100 percent.,Text,Steel scrap may be classified according to its sources:Circulating scrap This arises during the steelmaking and rolling process in a given works.It consists of sheared ends and rejected materials which is normally returned immediately to the steelmaking vessel.Process scrap This arises at the customers works during the manufacture of finished articles.It is usually returned quickly to the steelmaking plants.,Text,Capital scrap This arises from scrapping manufactured goods and equipment.In some cases it may be returned to the works after three or four years use,or with heavy capital equipment the life may be fifty years or more,but the average appears to be about twenty years.Circulating and process scrap usually return to the steelmaker without contamination from undesirable elements,and heavy capital scrap is generally of the same quality.,Text,Much“short life”capital scrap,however,becomes contaminated with coatings of various kinds and is returned,without the complete separation of non-ferrous components in the form of pressed bundles.This gives a sharp increase in the residuals in the steel,which detracts from its properties for a number of applications.,Text,In fact,scrap must first be sorted and the impurities elements,e.g.non-ferrous metals,removed in special dressing plants.Nowadays this is frequently done in modern pressing and crushing or shredding equipment.Using the various kinds of scrap(e.g.loose scrap,chips,shredding)helps to promote recycling.,Text,Sponge iron provided the main source of iron and steel for many centuries before the blast furnace was developed around 1300 A.D.In its modern usage,sponge iron is referred to as direct-reduced iron(DRI).Today,the major portion of DRI production is used as a substitute for scrap in the electric arc steelmaking furnace(EAF).DRI derived from virgin iron ore units is a relatively pure material which dilutes contaminants in the scrap and improves the steel quality.,Text,3.slag formersJust as in the case of the hot metal,the slag formers are used to produce a reactionable low viscosity slag capable of absorbing undesired elements.Slag formers are used at all stages of iron and steel production,such as refining,pretreatment,post-treatment,and in steel casting.Slag formers consist of lime,dolomite,fluorspar,etc.Lime(CaO)and dolomite(CaCO3,MgCO3)are the two primary fluxes.,Text,Lime is obtained by calcining the carbonate minerals in rotary kilns.Some typical analyses are as follows:Table 6-1 typical analyses of lime,fluorsparLime CaO SiO2 Al2O3 MgO Percent 93.0 1.7 1.2 0.7Fluorspar CaF2 SiO2 SPer cent 7585 10.0 maxi 1.0maxi,Text,As slag formers,a special limitation is that dusty materials must be avoided,since dust is carried off easily by waste gases.4.Alloying agents and deoxidizing agentsThe steel also has to possess certain properties obtained by varying defined amounts of alloying agents.These properties might be,for example,corrosion resistance,machinability,strength at elevated temperatures.,Text,The important alloying agents used in the production of steel are nickel,ferrochromium,ferrotitanium,ferrotungsten,ferrovanadium,ferrosilicon,and ferromolybdenum,etc.The deoxidizing agents-the additions for binding the oxygen dissolved in the liquid steel are often added immediately after the refining process.They are usually classified among the alloying additions.,Text,5.oxidizing agentsOxidizing agents consist of oxygen,iron ores and scale,etc.They play the most important role in the production of steel.,Text,translation,Answer the following questions.1.What are the raw materials used for steelmaking?2.What are the chemical elements in the hot metal?3.What is a most important task of steelmaking according to the text?4.What does DRI stand for?5.What do slag formers consist of?6.What are the important alloying agents used in the production of steel?7.What do oxidizing agents consist of?,Reading tasks,1.The raw materials used for steelmaking are hot metal,steel scrap,sponge iron,slag formers,alloying agents and oxidizing agents.2.The chemical elements in the hot metal are iron,carbon,manganese,phosphorus,sulphur,and silicon.3.According to the text,a most important task of steelmaking is that large quantities of tramp elements within the hot metal still have to be removed partly or completely.,Keys:,Reading tasks,4.DRI stands for direct-reduced iron.5.Slag formers consist of lime,dolomite,fluorspar.6.The important alloying agents used in the production of steel are nickel,ferrochromium,ferrotitanium,ferrotungsten,ferrovanadium,ferrosilicon,and ferromolybdenum.7.Oxidizing agents consist of oxygen,iron ores and scale.,Keys:,Go to exercises,Reading tasks,Hot metal consists of the element iron combined with numerous other chemical elements,the most common of which are carbon,manganese,phosphorus,sulphur,and silicon.铁水是由铁及许多其它化学元素组成的,最常见的元素有碳、锰、磷、硫和硅。E.g.They are not readily adapted for the manufacture of steels containing large amounts of alloy elements which form oxides more stable than iron.它们不适合生产含有大量合金元素的钢,因为这些合金元素形成的氧化物比铁氧化物更稳定。,Language points,Back to text,Since steel was first produced in a liquid state over 200 years ago,it has been almost invariably the practice to cast it into rectangular blocks by ingot casting,from which the desired finished shape is obtained by subsequent hot or cold working.自从200多年前首次生产液态钢以来,几乎一直不变的操作工艺是通过模铸把钢水浇注成矩形的毛坯,再将毛坯经过随后的冷热加工获得理想的形状。,Language points,Back to text,account for(指数量等)占;解释,说明.E.g.The production of raw materials accounts for a considerable proportion of the national economy.原料生产在国民经济中占相当大的比重。Petrochemicals today account for one fourth of all the chemicals made,in ten years this amount is expected to double.石油化工产品现在已占所有化学制品的四分之一,十年后预计这个数目还要加倍。,Language points,Back to text,她无法解释其错误。She could not account for her mistake.我们无法解释他为什么在英语考试中未考好。We can not account for his failure in the English examination.,Translation:,Language points,Back to text,consist(与of 连用)组成,构成,包括,由组成 E.g.The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.联合王国包括大不列颠与北爱尔兰。Substances consist of small particles called molecules.物质是由叫做分子的微粒组成的。这份盘菜由什么组成 What does this dish consist of?,Translation:,Language points,Back to text,consist(与in连用)在于The beauty of the plan consists in its simplicity.这个计划妙就妙在简明扼要。True charity doesnt consist in almsgiving.真正的慈善不在于施舍。威尼斯的美很大程度上在于它那古代建筑的风格。The beauty of Venice consists largely in the style of its ancient buildings,Translation:,Language points,Back to text,I.Translate the following expressions into English.,1.废钢 2.直接还原铁 3.合金剂4.造渣剂 5.基建废钢 6.选矿厂7.生产工艺 8.循环废钢 9.铬铁,exercises,Keys:,.Fill in the blanks with the words from the text.The first letter of the word is given.,1.Scrap and sponge iron can be used as iron supplier and cooling a.2.In BOF steelmaking,scrap accounts for about 20 p.3.In fact,scrap must first be s and the impurities and undesired tramp elements,e.g.non-ferrous metals,must be removed in special dressing plants.4.In its modern usage,s iron is referred to as direct-reduced iron(DRI).5.Sponge iron provided the main source of iron and steel for many centuries before the blast f was developed around 1300 A.D.,1.agent 2.percent 3.sorted 4.sponge 5.furnace,exercises,Keys:,Slag formers are used at all s of iron and steel production,such as refining,pretreatment,post-treatment,and in steel casting.A special limitation is that dusty materials must be avoided,since dusty is carried off easily by w gases.agents consist of oxygen,iron ores and scale.They play the most important role in the production of steel.The hot metal tapped from the blast furnace is the principal raw m used for steelmaking.10.Circulating scrap a during the steelmaking process in a given works.,6.stages 7.waste 8.oxygen 9.materials 10.arises,Keys:,exercises,词类转译法(III),1)动词不定式作主语时,有时必须转译为汉语的动宾结构或状语。E.g.A.It is necessary to decide on which type of fuel is most suitable.必须决定哪种燃料最合适。B.To understand ones environment today and to be able to adapt oneself to it demand some appreciation of scientific attitude.为了了解人们当今所处的环境,并使自己适应这种环境,就要求具有一定的科学素养。,Translation skills,2)现在分词短语作定语时,表示的是被修饰人或事的动作,并置于被修饰词的后面;若分词短语较长或与所说明的关系不紧密,可转译为汉语的并列关系分句。E.g.A.Some facilities lacking the space for local pits use slag ladles to transport the slag to remote pits.一些高炉附近没有渣池,就用渣罐车把渣运到较远的渣池。B.Only the most important chemical changes taking place in the blast furnace have been outlined.上面提及的仅仅是高炉中发生的一些最重要的化学变化。现在分词短语还可以作时间、条件、原因状语,可转译为相应的汉语分句。E.g.Being an important aspect of intercultural communication,translation has an important role to play in our epoch.作为不同文化间进行交流的一个重要方面,翻译在这个时代起着重要的作用。,Translation skills,现在分词短语作方式或伴随状语时,表示主语正在进行的另一动作,可转译为汉语的并列谓语或分句。E.g.A drawback of the method is that the oxidation loss of carbon additions given to the ladle may vary,resulting in variations of the carbon content of the steel,depending on the duration of tapping,the quantity and composition of slag passed to the ladle,metal temperature,etc.这种方法的缺点是:由于向钢包中加入增碳剂的氧化损失不同,导致钢中的碳含量不同,这取决于出钢时间、进入钢包的渣量、炉渣成分以及钢水温度等。,Translation skills,3)英语中的过去分词短语如果用逗号与前面句子成分分开,往往作状语,位于句中或句末,对谓语表示的动作加以修饰,在很多情况下都说明谓语发生的背景或情况。翻译时可译成汉语的并列分句。E.g.A.The coal tar,combined with other substances,has given us more than 20,000 products.煤焦油与其它物质化合起来,为我们提供了二十多万种产品。B.The energy in coal and oil come from the sun,stored there by the plants of years ago.煤和石油的能量来自太阳,是数百万年前的植物储藏起来的。C.This rather inefficient performance of the open-hearth,compared with the enormous output of the blast furnace,justified the emergence of the highly productive oxygen process for steel.与高炉的巨大生产能力相比,平炉效率不高,这就必然促成了大生产能力的氧气转炉炼钢法的出现。,Translation skills,4)英语中的过去分词短语如紧跟在过去分词后面,往往作定语修饰它前面的词。翻译时,可译作“的”。E.g.A.Reducing process gas,about 95 per cent combined hydrogen plus carbon monoxide,enters the reducing furnace through a bustle pipe and tuyeres located at the bottom of the reduction zone.直接还原气为含有95氢气和一氧化碳的混合物,它通过位于还原带底部的环形风管和风口进入到还原炉内。B.The tramp elements contained in the hot metalcarbon,silicon,manganese and sulphur must be removed from the liquid iron by oxidationtie 铁水中含有的杂质元素碳、硅、锰、硫必须通过氧化从铁水中除去。,Translation skills,V.Translate the following English into Chinese.Major reducing agent in the BF are the carbon monoxide gas generated by the oxidation of the carbon in fuel and carbon in coke.Iron-bearing materials containing iron oxides can be reduced to molten iron(pig iron)in the blast furnace by using the reducing agentIn the process,pig iron absorbs from 3.0 to 4.5 per cent of carbon.Most of the iron produced in blast furnaces is transported to the steelmaking shop while it is still liquid and is then used directly for the manufacture of steel.,Translation skills,高炉内的还原剂主要是由燃料中的碳素氧化而成的一氧化碳和焦炭中的碳素。含有铁氧化物的含铁原料在高炉内通过使用还原剂能被还原为液态生铁。在这个过程中,生铁吸收了3.0%4.5%的碳。由高炉生产出来的大部分生铁在其仍为液态时直接被运送到炼钢厂用于炼钢。,Translation skills,用于炼钢的主要原料是高炉铁水,此外,还有废钢、海绵铁、造渣剂、合金剂和氧化剂。,Background introduction,alloying agent合金剂 slag former造渣剂 process scrap加工废钢;边角废料deoxidation脱氧;还原 sheared end切头 tramp element杂质元素input输入;进料量 rejected material废品,废料BOF(basic oxygen furnace)碱性氧气转炉,account for 指数量等占process scrap加工废钢;边角废料 participate分担;含有,带有 finished article成品 dressing plant选矿厂 loose scrap粗钢quantity 量,数量 consist of/in 包括/在于,Words and expressions,用于炼钢的主要原料是高炉铁水,此外,还有废钢、海绵铁、造渣剂、合金剂和氧化剂。高炉铁水 铁水是由铁及其它化学元素组成的,最常见的元素有碳、锰、磷、硫和硅。生铁可能含有34.5%的碳,0.05%2.5%的锰,0.02%0.06%的硫,0.3%或更多的硅和少量的磷。铁水中大量的杂质元素必须部分或全部除去,事实上,这就是炼钢的主要任务。,Translation,废钢和海绵铁废钢或海绵铁也可以作为炼钢的原料和冷却剂来使用。在世界范围内,废钢占炼钢原料的40,所以它是一种重要的原料。废钢的用量根据炼钢生产工艺的不同而变化。在碱性氧气转炉炼钢过程中,废钢量约占20,而电炉生产中,它可以占100。按照其来源废钢可以分为以下几类:循环废钢 循环废钢是在钢铁厂的炼钢和轧钢过程中产生的。循环废钢以各种切头和废品形式存在,通常会很快回到炼钢炉中。加工废钢 它是用户制造成品时产生的,通常会很快返回到炼钢厂。基建废钢 它来源于报废的商品及设备。在某些情况下,这些物质使用34年后可能又返回到厂里,而大型基建设备的寿命可能有50年或更多,但是它们的平均寿命大约20年。,Translation,循环废钢及加工废钢通常在没有被杂质元素污染的情况下返回到钢厂,大型基建废钢也具有同样的质量。许多寿命短的基建废钢则由于受到各种涂层的污染,在没有完全与非铁成分分离的情况下以打包的形式返回,这使钢中的杂质含量急剧增加,降低了钢的很多使用性能。实际上,废钢必须首先分类,而那些不需要的杂质元素例如,非铁金属必须在特殊的选矿厂去除。目前,这个工作通常用现代的冲压、破碎和切割设备来完成。使用各种商业废钢(如:粗钢,废钢片,钢屑)有助于促进其循环利用。海绵铁在公元1300年人类发明高炉之前的几个世纪里一直是钢铁的主要来源。现在的应用中,海绵铁是指直接还原铁。大部分直接还原铁用来代替电弧炉中的废钢。由天然铁矿石冶炼而成的直接还原铁是一种相对纯净的产品,它的杂质比废钢少,从而提高了钢的质量。,Translation,3.造渣剂 就如铁水的(生产)情况一样,使用造渣剂会产生一种反应性好的能吸收杂质元素的低粘度炉渣。在钢铁生产的各个阶段,如精炼阶段,预处理阶段,炉外精炼阶段以及铸钢阶段都使用造渣剂。造渣剂由石灰、白云石、莹石等组成的。石灰和白云石是两种主要的造渣剂,石灰可以通过在回转窑内煅烧碳酸盐获得。造渣剂的一些典型的分析如下。作为造渣剂要特别注意避免使用粉末状材料,因为废气很容易将粉末带走。,Translation,4.合金剂和脱氧剂只有使用不同种类和数量的合金剂,钢才能拥有某些性能。例如耐腐蚀性,可加工性,和高温强度。用于炼钢的重要合金剂是镍、铬铁,钛铁,钨铁,钒铁,硅铁和钼铁等。脱氧剂,即与液态钢中溶解的氧进行结合的添加物常常是在精炼之后立即加入,它们常归于合金剂一类。5.氧化剂氧化剂包括氧气、铁矿石和氧化铁皮等,它们在炼钢过程中起着非常重要的作用。,Translation,