新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册Unit 7 Section BMartin Luther King.ppt
,Reading Skills,Text Study,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Idea Sharing,Identifying the Writers Purpose,Clues to Identify the Kind of Writing,Exercises,I.Identifying the Writers Purpose,Writers write for a purpose.Three common purposes are:to informto provide readers with information about a topic;to persuadeto convince readers to believe a certain viewpoint or to take a certain course of action;to entertainto amuse readers in some way.,Reading Skills,II.Clues to identify the kind of writing,Reading Skills,Scan Text B with the following questions:,It is about Martin Luther King.,III.Exercises,Reading Skills,1.What is the text about?,Mainly dates and some statistics.,Reading Skills,2.What numbers do you see in the text?Are they dates,statistics or something else?,3.What quotes do you see in the text?Are they from experts,witnesses,or someone else?,Four full quotes in the text:one from Thoreau,an American writer;one from Gunnar Jahn of the Norwegian Nobel Committee;and two from Martin Luther King himself.,Reading Skills,There is no technical terms.The formal language points to the fact that the writer intends to inform readers of the most famous civil rights movement leaderMartin Luther King.,4.Is the language technical,light and simple,or judgmental?,Reading Skills,The title indicates that the whole piece is going to be informational.,5.Is the text informational,persuasive or meant mainly to entertain?Or does the writer have more than one purpose?,Make Your Judgment,Make Your Judgment,Text Study,Go over the text quickly and answer the questions.,For questions 1-7,mark Y(for YES),N(for NO),NG(for NOT GIVEN).For questions 8-10,complete the sentences with the information given in the text.,The fight for equal rights for black American ended after the slavery was abolished.2.Martin Luther King won the Nobel Prize for his efforts to reach the goal of equality with non-violent means.3.The 1954 decision Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka was one of the achievements of Kings social-action programs.,Text Study,N,Y,Y,4.Because of the Montgomery bus boycott Rosa Parks was arrested.5.In the glorious speech I Have a Dream,he told the world of his faith in the brotherhood of man.6.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed with great protest from the whites.7.The movement sought to liberate Negroes at the expense of the enslavement of whites.,Text Study,N,Y,NG,N,8.King called all the people who believed in equality that it was time for _ _.9.King put forward a series of civil rights campaigns to _ _ in all public facilities.10.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 made segregating blacks and whites in public facilities,and _ _ against the law.,eliminating segregation,regulate hiring practices and,resistance to racist,conditions,and wages,discriminating in hiring practices,working,Text Study,policies,Active Expressions,Focus Study,I.Active Expressions,1.and the bloody Civil War fought over the issue of freedom for slaves ended in a treaty of surrender in 1865.(introduction)2.but his dream and the fight for justice and equality live on.(introduction)3.“Human progress never rolls in on wheels of inevitability”4.In 1983 Congress set aside the third Monday in January to honor Kings birthday.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Practice,Active Expressions,end inlive onroll inset aside,finish in a state of continue to exist happen or arrive in large numbers save something for a special purpose,研究表明,三分之一的婚姻以离婚告终。她一直活到1990年才去世,享年95岁。请柬源源不断地送来。我留出两周时间用于度假。,Keys,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,The study shows that one in three marriages ends in divorce.,She lived on till 1990,when she died aged 95.,Invitations kept rolling in.,I have two weeks set aside for a holiday.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,II.Focus Study,Notes to the TextFocus Study,His power of persuasion gave the movement an injection of force that could neither be stopped nor slowed down.,sth.give sth.else an injection of force 某物给某事注入了的力量,毋庸置言,她的鼓励给我们这次计划的实施 注入了势不可挡的力量。,More practice,Theres no doubt that her encouragementgave the application of our plan an injection of force that could neither stop nor slow down.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,政府新出台的政策给低迷的股市打了一针强 心针。,The new policy gave the stock market in downturn an injection of force.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2.He issued what was a call to all of those who believed in equality that the time had come for resistance to racist policies.,He issued what was a call to all of those,who believed in equality,that the time had come for resistance to racist policies,同位语从句,补充说明call的具体内容,Practice,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Einstein came to the conclusion that the maximum speed possible in the universe is that of light.,他有把握赢得这场比赛吗?,爱因斯坦得出的结论是:宇宙中的最大速度是 光速。,Is there any certainty that he will win the match?,3.The movement does not seek to liberate Negroes at the expense of,the embarrassment of,nor the enslavement of whites.It seeks no victory over anyone.It seeks to liberate American society and to share in the self-liberation of all the people.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,seek to do sth.at the expense of 以为代价来寻求做某事,Practice,中国的发展不能以牺牲环境为代价,而是要寻求一条人与环境相和谐的可持续性发展道路。,More practice,China does not seek to develop at the expense of environment.She seeks to find a way of sustainable development in the peaceful coexistence of human and nature.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,个人利益的获得不应该以损害别人的利益为 代价,而是要寻求一种双赢的方法。,Whoever shouldnt seek to obtain his interest at the expense of others.He should seek to find a way of win-win.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Word Using,Old to New,1.abolish vt.(introduction)put an end to or stop a law or system officially,I.Word Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The legislature passed a law to abolish income tax for the low-paid.,福利计划不可能那么快就被废除。,Welfare programs cannot be abolished so quickly.,2.bloom v.1)develop successfully;2)produce flowers,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The children are blooming.,The trees bloom in May.,The association bloomed under his leadership.,在他的领导下,协会得到了快速发展。,3.reverse vt.change a decision,judgment,etc.to the opposite a.opposite to what is expected or has just been described n.(the)the opposite;the other way round,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Practice,The appeal court reversed the original decision and set the prisoner free.,It hasnt happened.The reverse has happened.,The sentence is in reverse order.,德国的情况正好相反。,还需要作更多的努力,以扭转集权趋势。,当然我并非不喜欢你,情况正好相反!,More efforts are required to reverse the trend toward centralized power.,In Germany,the reverse situation is true.,Of course I dont dislike youquite the reverse.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,4.accord with match;agree with,这消息和我先前听到的不一致。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The information did not accord with what I had been told previously.,What he said does not accord with the fact.,5.regulate vt.1)control something,especially by rules 2)adjust,身体必须有控制机能以调整其所有功能。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The body has to have control mechanisms to regulate all its functions.,There are strict rules regulating the use of chemicals in food.,6.appeal for make a special request for,该组织正在呼吁人们多捐款,帮助遭受震灾的人。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The organization is appealing for more money to help people suffering from the earthquakes.,She appeared on television to appeal to the men for her childs safe return.,7.bar vt.officially prevent someone from entering a place or doing something,反对党领导人说,政府不允许他们参加选举。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Opposition leaders say the government barred them from election.,They barred her from leaving the country.,8.circulate 1)vt.send something to all members of a group of people 2)v.move around within a system,or make something do this,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,The news of victory quickly circulated round the town.,Swimming helps to get the blood to circulate through the body.,如果肌肉紧张,血液就不能自由循环。,很多虚假消息散布开了。,A lot of false information has been circulated.,If your muscles are tense,blood cannot circulate freely.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,9.witness n.1)C someone who sees something happen 2)someone who tells a court what they know about a crime vt.see or notice something by being present when it happens,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,There were two witnesses to the accident.,The 1980s had witnessed increasing unemployment.,a witness for the defense/prosecution,10.discriminate vi.treat a person or group differently from another in an unfair way,为什么那么多公司认为可以歧视女人?,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Why do so many companies think its OK to discriminate against women?,It is illegal to discriminate against any ethnic or religious group.,11.share in have part of or take part in something,该部门的所有成员都可使用这台复印机。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,All the members of the department share in the use of the copying machine.,How many people are to share in the profits?,correct match;agree withseparatecontrol sth.by rulesmove aroundfriendshipa law or set of lawssuggest,amendaccordsegregateregulatecirculatebrotherhoodlegislationpropose,II.Old to New,Words and ExpressionsOld to New,Video Watching and Discussion,Watch the video and tell Martin Luther Kings dream.And work in groups to tellyour own dreams.,Video watching and discussion,Idea Sharing,Idea Sharing,I Have a Dream,Idea Sharing,I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:“We hold these truths to be self-evident:that all men are created equal.”I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit downtogether at the table of brotherhood.,Tips,More,To Task,To Horizon,The End of Section B,