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    Unit 3,Under the sea,Warming up,Have you seen plants and animals that live under the sea?Where did you see them?,If you like,you can go to see more about the ocean life,on a boat trip,or,in books,on the Internet,in the Ocean Park,on TV,in films etc.,at an aquarium,gull 海鸥sea star 海星coral 珊瑚jellyfish 水母dolphin 海豚turtle 海龟seal 海狮 sea horse海马shark 鲨鱼,Oh!,Woo!,Ah!,Yeah!,Gosh!,Yes!,Great!,Wow!,gull 海鸥,sea star 海星,coral 珊瑚,jellyfish 水母,dolphin 海豚,turtle 海龟,seal 海豹,sea horse.,Shark 鲨鱼,killer whalesking of the sea,biggest carnivore(食肉动物)of the sea,killing all kinds of animals in the sea,even the huge baleen whale,working in a team.,baleen whales,Old Tom the killer whale,Reading,annual,pause,witness,accommodation,teamwork,drag,urge,opposite,dive,anecdote,depth,meantime,conservation,relationship,baleenwhale,killer,blow-hole,_whale,_whales,The whaler hunting at the beginning of 20th century.,whalers,What do you think is happening in the picture?,Killer whales(虎鲸)are attacking a baleen whale(须鲸)with whalers(捕鲸者)waiting by in their boat,harpoon(鱼叉)at the ready.,Skimming,Listen to the tape,and fill in the blanks with names mentioned in the text.,1._was 16 years of age when he went to work at the whaling station.2._ordered Clancy to go to the boat as there was a whale out there in the bay.3._was swimming by the boat showing the whalers the way.4._told Clancy that they would return the next day to bring in the body of the whale.5._was carried by the waves further and further away from the whalers.6._knew that Old Tom would protect James.,Clancy,George,Old Tom,Jack,James,Red,Scanning,part 1,Read the passage carefully and then choose the best answers.,(1)At first,it was _that told the whalers there was a whale for them and showed them the way.A.George B.James C.the writer D.Old Tom,(2)Which of the following is TURE?A.The killers sometimes harmed the whalers.B.Old Tom was70 years old.C.Old Tom never did favor for the whalers.D.Old Tom and his friends were helpful to the whalers.,(4)Whats the main idea of this passage?A.About a big fish which helped the fishermen.B.About great whales which helped the whalers.C.About the whalers who were surviving on the sea.D.About the whaling station where the whalers could catch the whales.,(3)Why did the killers throw their bodies on the top of the whales blow-hole?A.To protect the whale.B.To help the whale run away.C.To stop the whale breathing.D.To tell other killers to come closer.,Quiz,part 2,1.What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with2.Why did George think that the killer whales worked as a team?3.Why did the whalers return home without the whales body?4.How did Old Tom help James?Why do you think he did this?,What other animals did the author compare the killer whales with2.Why did George think that thekiller whales worked as a team?,Dogs.,Because he could see that some of thekillers were throwing themselves on top ofthe whales blow hole while others werepreventing it from swimming out to sea.,3.Why did the whalers return homewithout the whales body?4.How did Old Tom help James?Whydo you think he did this?,Because the body would not float tothe surface until about 24 hours later.,Old Tom prevented James from drowning.Old Tom wanted to help his humanfriends.,Discussion,Discuss the relationship betweenOld Tom and the whalers.,Homework,a.Underline some difficult pointsb.Recite the summary in our workbook.,Good-bye!,


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