MAYAN CIVILIZATION,向娟 312010050201137杨舒麟312010050201132曾万清312010050201129杨德兰312010050201130,2/27/2023,The Origin of Maya,The Maya civilization is a Mesoamerican(中美洲)civilization,noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas,as well as its art,architecture,and mathematical and astronomical systems.Initially established during the Preclassic period,many of these reached their apogee(顶点)of development during the Classic period(c.250 CE to 900 CE),and continued throughout the Postclassic period until the arrival of the Spanish.At its peak,it was one of the most densely(密集地)populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world.,2/27/2023,Geographical extent,The Maya civilization extended throughout the present-day southern Mexican states of Chiapas,Tabasco,and the Yucatn Peninsula states of Quintana Roo,Campeche and Yucatn.The Maya area also extended throughout the northern Central American region,including the present-day nations of Guatemala,Belize,western Honduras and extreme northern El Salvador.,Character&Religions,Maya scriptThe Mayan script,also known as Mayan glyphs or Mayan hieroglyphs象形文字,is the writing system of the Maya civilization of Mesoamerica,presently the only Mesoamerican writing system that has been substantially deciphered.Maya writing used logograms 速写complemented by a set of syllabic glyphs,somewhat similar in function to modern Japanese writing.,2/27/2023,2/27/2023,religion,The most important source on traditional Maya religion is the Mayas themselves:the incumbents(牧师)of positions within the religious hierarchy,diviners(占卜者),and tellers of tales,and more generally all those persons who shared their knowledge with outsiders(such as anthropologists)in the past and continue to do this until today.,2/27/2023,They worship helios,rain god,god of death,Mars,grain,god of corn du,etc.Apollo occupies above the gods,revered as god incarnate.In addition,line ancestor worship,believe in the immortality of the soul.The mayan countries also looks after religious affairs.The capital for religious center.(他们崇拜太阳神、雨神、五谷神、死神、战神、风神、玉米神等神。太阳神居于诸神之上,被尊为上帝的化身。另外,行祖先崇拜,相信灵魂不灭。玛雅国家兼管宗教事务。首都即为宗教中心),2/27/2023,2/27/2023,Calendar,The Maya calendar,connected to networks of sacrificial shrines,is fundamental for ritual(仪式)life.The Mayans had a complex calendar system-based on the solar calendar,the lunar calendar,and the Tzolkin卓尔金历日.,2/27/2023,the expression of calendar,The Mayan believed a month(Wu Na)equal to 20 days(gold),and one year(shield)equal to 18 Month(Wu Na)of The Mayan calendar,Coupled with the year 5 are not listed,the actual death:days of the year for 365 days,which coincided(同时发生)with the modern understanding of the earths rotation time history match,2/27/2023,2/27/2023,The rocket stone chamber火箭浮雕,2/27/2023,From 1948 to 1952,Professor Alberto Ruz Lhuiller,an archaeologist from Mexico,found an anaglyph engraved with 9 full-dress god officers and a young man with a wonderful tire in a huge stone chamber.After carefully observation,to their surprise,they found that there was a youth with a helmet operating a streamlined sophisticated machine which looked like an aircraft!在1948到1952年间,墨西哥籍考古学家路利教授(Alberto Ruz Lhuiller)发现在巨大石室的墙上刻有九位盛装的神官,及一位带有奇妙头饰的青年浮雕。经过仔细地观察,令每个人都惊奇的是他们发现这个戴着头盔的青年正在操纵一个流线型的尖端的酷似飞行器的机器!,2/27/2023,Did the solar son take a rocket to the earth and meet the Mayans?Why?If this is not the case,what does this anaglyph mean?Did the Mayans invent a rocket?How did they make it?是太阳之子驾着火箭来到地球并与玛雅人见面吗?为什么?如果情况并非如此,这个浮雕到底想告诉我们什么呢?玛雅人发明了火箭?他们怎么做到的?,2/27/2023,The mayan crystal skull,水晶头骨盖,2/27/2023,The mayan crystal skull is made of crystal and has been existed at least 3600 years.It is the most delicate crystal skull and the only one whose submaxillary can be moved so far.玛雅水晶头颅是用一块水晶凿成的。它是迄今为止发现的最精致、并且唯一一只下颚骨可以活动的水晶头颅。,2/27/2023,Its said that mayan pontifex used it when holding secret ceremony and when pontifex announced the order of doom defending on it the doom wouldnt avoid.So it was described the evil embodiment.根据传说,玛雅人的大祭司在举行秘密仪式时使用它。据说当他借助这个头骨发布死令时,死亡将无可避免地降临。它被形容为所有邪恶的化身。,2/27/2023,This crystal skull is very realistic to carve.Not only its appearance,but also the internal structure correspond to human beings skull skeleton totally.Whats more,the technological level was very high and it can emit bright shine.这颗水晶人头雕刻得非常逼真。不仅外观,而且内部结构都与人的颅骨骨骼构造完全相符。而且工艺水平极高,发出眩目的亮光。,2/27/2023,The mayan crystal skull has three secrets。Firstly,it can stimulate our brain.The second is that it can break out some sound.The last is its material of high rigidity crystal.These strange features are can not be complete till now.玛雅水晶头颅有三大秘密:1它能刺激人的大脑;2头颅会发出神秘的声音;3水晶的硬度极大(制作过程是水晶碎成小块当代人无法复制),2/27/2023,一号神庙,提卡尔是玛雅最繁荣的城邦,拥有最多和最高神庙。历史可追溯到约公元前700年,强盛于公元300到450年左右,公元900年时神秘地被弃置。,The mayan five city-states ask Karl(Guatemala)玛雅五大城邦之提卡尔(危地马拉),2/27/2023,千柱建筑群,战士神庙,此处遗址多完成于12世纪,1450年左右被废弃,The mayan five cities at chichen itza(Mexico)玛雅五大城邦之奇琴伊察(墨西哥),2/27/2023,攀登巫师金字塔,高35米,呈60度,步步惊心!,Mayan city of Wuxi Five Martha(Mexico)玛雅五大城邦之乌希玛尔(墨西哥),2/27/2023,Mayan city of Palenque five(Mexico)玛雅五大城邦之帕伦克(墨西哥),2/27/2023,ji ming temple 记铭神庙建于公元692年,高25米,是巴卡尔国王的陵墓,2/27/2023,Mayan Prophecy(玛雅预言),(预言),2/27/2023,2/27/2023,The rise and fall of Maya,Periods:A.Starting:from 10c BC to 3c AD(agriculture,slavery)B.Development:from 3c AD to 9c AD(slavery urban civilization)C.Falling:.10c to 16c(theunbalanced civilization betwehen the North and the South).17c(conquered by Spain),2/27/2023,Why did the Maya vanish?,Reasons:Drought Deforestation(砍伐森林)The Civil War Going to other planet,THANK YOU,