Author:Kim Soskin,Contributors:Susan Caraviello Pete SamsonJohn Clarke,bc,Communication Basics,March 1998,Copyright 1998 Bain&Company,Inc.,2,communicationbasics,Objectives of communicationPlanning your messageDeveloping your messageDelivering your message:speakingDelivering your message:writingKey takeawaysAdditional resources,Agenda,3,communicationbasics,Objectives of communicationPlanning your messageDeveloping your messageDelivering your message:speakingDelivering your message:writingKey takeawaysAdditional resources,Agenda,4,communicationbasics,Confirm work is on right pathResolve open issuesAct on a recommendationClose a deal,In general,the objective of communication is to enable your target audience to understand what you intend.Specifically,most business communication seeks to excite the target audience to action.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Effective Business Messages(1 of 2),5,communicationbasics,Precision,succinctness,and comprehensivenessHonesty,accuracy,and logicalTimeliness and relevanceConviction,Business messages share several criteria for success.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Effective Business Messages(2 of 2),6,communicationbasics,Sender determines intended objective and messageSender transmits message through speaking or writingListener receives messagetakes in informationinterprets itcreates meaningIf the interpretation matches intention,communication is successful,Communication is successful when the message is received as it was intended.,Source:Tannen,Deborah,“The Power of Talk:Who Gets Heard and Why”,Harvard Business Review,September-October,1995,How Communication Happens,7,communicationbasics,Objectives of communicationPlanning your messageDeveloping your messageDelivering your message:speakingDelivering your message:writingKey takeawaysAdditional resources,Agenda,8,communicationbasics,Clarity reinforces the logic of your argumentis the information accurate and pertinent?is the argument logical?does it excite to action?Connection builds your relationship with your audienceis your message relevant to your audience?does your interaction strengthen your relationship with your audience?,As you develop your business message,focus on clarity and connection to enable your audience to better understand,accept,and act on what you communicate.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Clarity and Connection,9,communicationbasics,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Creating a Message,There are three steps to creating a message.Clarity and connection play a part in each step.,Clarity,Connection,1.Plan,Determine your objective,Target desired outcome,Isolate key message,Identify issues to address,Audience communication needs,Impact of message on audience,Your own commitment to message,2.Develop,Structure message,Tell the story,Get feedback,Revise,Tailor to audience,3.Deliver,Monitor audience responseCheck in,Step,Use appropriate media and expression,10,communicationbasics,Clarity in Planning:Determine Your Objective,Objectives capture your intention for the communication.They range from desired passive to active responses from the audience.,Intention,Objective,Increase awareness of situation specifics,Inform,Create awareness that a problem exists,Draw attention,Achieve agreement that action should be taken,Convince,Urge taking a specific action,Excite to action,Passive Response,Active Response,Source:Bain Presentation:“Making Excellent Presentations”,11,communicationbasics,Clarity in Planning:Target Your Desired Outcome,The desired outcome is the change in perception or the action you want the audience to take in response to your message.,Source:Bain Presentation:“Making Excellent Presentations”,Intention,Objective,Desired Outcome,Increase awareness of situation specifics,Inform,Audience acknowledges the nature of the situation,Create awareness that a problem exists,Draw attention,Audience agrees there is a problem,Achieve agreement that action should be taken,Convince,Audience agrees to consider options to current activity,Urge taking a specific action,Excite to action,Audience implements recommendation,12,communicationbasics,Clarity in Planning:Isolate the Key Message,Isolate the key message based on your objective and the desired outcome.,Source:Bain Presentation:“Making Excellent Presentations”,Intention,Objective,Desired Outcome,Message Example,Increase awareness of situation specifics,Inform,Audience acknowledges nature of situation,Product X is losing share,Create awareness that a problem exists,Draw attention,Audience agrees there is a problem,Share loss will have,significant impact on,earnings,Achieve agreement that action should be taken,Convince,Audience agrees to consider options to current activity,Marketing of Product X is,ineffective,changes,required,Urge taking a specific action,Excite to action,Audience implements recommendation,Change the pricing,structure of Product X,13,communicationbasics,Outline the audiences concernsidentify problems and opportunitiesclarify questions describe obstaclesOrganize data to substantiate your understanding of the issuesExplore strategies to resolve issueswhen appropriate,make a recommendation(s),Once you know the objective,the desired result,and the key message,identify the issues to address.,Source:Bain Presentation:“Making Excellent Presentations”,Clarity in Planning:Identify the Issues to Address,14,communicationbasics,Success in communication hinges upon a thorough understanding of your audience.,Source:Bain Presentation:“Making Excellent Presentations”,Level and InfluenceCEO/PresidentOperating ManagersAnalysts/techniciansSophisticationEducationFamiliarity with details of situation being discussedFluency in business concepts and modelsInformation Processing StyleWords vs.data/graphicsActive vs.passiveDirective vs.participative decision-makingConceptual vs.practical,Communication EnvironmentWritten or oralOne-on-oneDiscussionLecture/speechControversial Nature of ConclusionsPrior/existing beliefsCareer/power impact of analysis and recommendations Organization culture,Existing RelationshipTenureStrengthClient PerspectivesAttitude toward topicAttitude toward BainAttitude toward you,Connection in Planning:Consider Your Audience,15,communicationbasics,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Communication effectiveness increases the more the sender links the message to audience needs.,Audience-focused Need,Message Objective,Commitment to specific action or recommendation,Comfort level concerning work,Credibility in your knowledge,experience,and expertise,Awareness,opportunity definition,Data and other information,Drive a decision or action,Demonstrate progress along a timeline,Showcase work and efforts completed,Draw attention to immediate critical factors,Provide information-“data dump”,Connection in Planning:Audience Communication Needs,16,communicationbasics,Message may seem straightforward to you,but.Impact may be very controversial to audiencemessage may conflict with audience beliefs and valuesanalysis may have impact on receivers performance and careerrecommendations may have impact on receivers power/careermessage may conflict with organizations cultureAudience will resist controversial aspects of messagemay accept logic but reject actionIf you are not empathetic to audience reaction,you will risk losing buy-in,Awareness of the full impact of your message on your audience is essential to planning.,Source:Terry Pearce,Leading Out Loud(Jossey-Bass,San Francisco,1995),Connection in Planning:Impact on Listener,17,communicationbasics,As an audience receives a message,they are assessing whether to accept or reject itstrong indicator is conviction of person delivering the messageif you dont believe in what you say,why should they?Audience assesses your level of commitment to:the messagethe relationshiptheir success,Your audience wont accept and act on your message if they sense you are not committed to it.,Source:Terry Pearce,Leading Out Loud(Jossey-Bass,San Francisco,1995),Connection in Planning:Impact of Personal Commitment,18,communicationbasics,Find your own source of engagement and convictionin the work itselfin the works impact on your development and careerin the messagein the relationshipin the outcome,Strive for personal authenticity by considering your own source of engagement in and commitment to your message.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Connection in Planning:Discerning Your Commitment,19,communicationbasics,Objectives of communicationPlanning your messageDeveloping your messageDelivering your message:speakingDelivering your message:writingKey takeawaysAdditional resources,Agenda,20,communicationbasics,Be clearsay precisely what you meansay everything that needs to be saidsay no more than is necessarysay it simply and directlyConvince with logicuse structured argument gather and organize evidenceConnect by tailoring your message to your audience,Make your message comprehensive,but concise.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Developing Your Message:Basic Concepts,21,communicationbasics,Structure governs:sequence of ideasorderpriorityrelationship between ideaslogicresulting storyline,Use a logical structure to promote message clarity.,Source:Barbara Minto,The Pyramid Principle,(London:Pitman Publishing,London,1987),Clarity in Message Development:Structure the Message,22,communicationbasics,Audience has limited amount of mental energy to:recognize words and interpret ideasdetermine relationships between ideascomprehend significance of ideasStructure allows comprehension with least amount of mental effortincreases audiences ability to grasp quickly ideas significance,Structuring ideas focuses the audiences mental energy on the most important activity:comprehending the significance of what you have to say.,Source:Barbara Minto,The Pyramid Principle(London:Pitman Publishing,London,1987),Clarity in Message Development:Benefits of Structure,23,communicationbasics,Build on Answer-First workplanning organizationpyramid structure used to organize analysis and work process logicallyApply same approach to structuring communicationleverages logic structure from analysis phasesaves timeincreases clarity promotes understanding and retentionreduces length of communication,Adapt Answer-First workplanning to structuring your communication.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Answer-First Structure,24,communicationbasics,Answer-First sequences ideas in a logical,top-down order.,Source:Barbara Minto,The Pyramid Principle(London:Pitman Publishing,London,1987),Situation,Complication,Question,Answer,Key Assertion 1,Key Assertion 2,Key Assertion3,Supporting Assertion,Supporting Assertion,Evidence,Evidence,Answer-First,25,communicationbasics,The Answer-First structure uses logic to promote clarity,understanding,and retention.The storyline uses words to make your communication compelling.,Source:Barbara Minto,The Pyramid Principle(London:Pitman Publishing,London,1987),In structuring your message,you have determined overall contentwhat points to makewhen to make themIn developing the storyline,you must translate the structure content into specific words that engage the audiencewhat to say about each pointhow you will say it,Clarity in Message Development:Telling the Story,26,communicationbasics,Add information and meaning to each assertion,key point and supporting point.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Build each point so that it informs and has impactset it upprovide contextdefine new terms,conceptsconvey itexplain the pointprove itdiscuss your evidence and analysisconnect itexplain the impact on the audienceconnect to the bigger pictureDont leave out anything that is necessaryDont include anything that is not necessary,Clarity in Message Development:Building the Story,27,communicationbasics,Build transitionsclearly indicate transition pointsexplain relationship between ideasbetween key pointsbetween sectionsdescribe focus of new idea or sectionTailor for audienceconsider where they will need more or less informationreview and revise for audience communication needsreview and revise for clarity and precision,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Use language that helps the audience follow your logic and hear what you intend to say.,Strengthening the Story,28,communicationbasics,Use the data as evidence for the insight,not as an end in itselfdata:“Sales figures for the last three years are$7M,$6M,and$5.2 M”insight and meaning:“Sales have fallen steadily,and our place in the market is precarious”Use facts,avoid speculative assumptionsList sources to increase credibilityBe precisepeople equate specificity with certaintyuse“7,242 new widgets”avoid“large supply of new product”,Frame evidence to make your communication engaging and convincing rather than dry and boring.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Using Evidence,29,communicationbasics,Use your audience analysis to assess your message from their viewpointimpact of the message on the audienceaudiences communication styleHelp your audience understand-and retain-what you sayprovide“memory images”that summarize information presenteduse examples,analogies,comparisons and imagesavoid jargon,Once you have fully developed your message,review it from your audiences point of view.,Source:Terry Pearce,Leading Out Loud(1986,Jossey Bass,San Francisco),Connection in Message Development:Tailor to Audience Needs,30,communicationbasics,When draft is finished,get feedback and reviseask for input from people whoknow your objective and topicknow your audiencewill provide honest feedbackask them to identify where you canbe more concisehave more impactbetter focus on audience needsinclude anything you have missed,For important communications,dont rely on your own perceptions.Get feedback on your draft and revise.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshops,Clarity in Message Development:Get Feedback and Revise,31,communicationbasics,Objectives of communicationPlanning your messageDeveloping your messageDelivering your message:speakingDelivering your message:writingKey takeawaysAdditional resources,Agenda,32,communicationbasics,To ensure your audience understands youencourage feedbackask for ideas and questions from audiencelisten to comments to gauge level of understandingask questionslisten to responses to gauge level of understandingTo assist retention of your messageassociate new ideas with those familiar to listenersuse relevant examples,comparisons,analogies and metaphorsperiodically summarize points,emphasizing key messageuse slides,provide handouts,When you speak,include the audience so you can help them understand and retain what you say.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Making It Work,33,communicationbasics,Regardless of the size of your audience,focus on how you look,how you speak,and what you say.,Source:Bain Presentation Skills Workshop,Clarity in Delivery:Speaking Guidelines,34,communicationbasics,Use Answer-First formatset the contextenumerate key