Words and Expressions,Unit 1 Section B,Word Using,Word Using,1.barn bn n.谷仓;牲口棚 a building on a farm that is used for storing grain and hay and for housing farm animals or equipment,The barn was heaped with grain.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,谷仓里堆满了粮食。,2.spray spre n.喷雾;喷雾器;水沫 vt.喷射 vi.喷 a usually flowering branch or shoot,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,他没有喷农药来防治害虫或疾病。农民们能用喷雾器来除草而不伤大豆作物。,He doesnt spray against pests or diseases.Farmers can use the spray to kill weeds without harming the soy crop.,3.bathe be vt.沐浴;用水洗 vi.洗澡;沐浴 n.洗澡;游泳 to take a bath:to wash yourself in a bath;to wash(someone)in a container filled with water:to give a bath to(someone),Words and ExpressionsWord Using,我喜欢经常洗澡。在运动完后洗澡或淋浴。,I like to bathe regularly.Bathe or shower after athletic activities.,短语词组:go for a bathe 去洗一次海(或河、湖)水浴;去游泳,4.enquire nkwa vi.询问;调查;问候(等于inquire)vt.询问;打听 ask for information,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,那么我们必须要询问什么是时间。我将打听有关火车的情况。,Then we have to enquire what is time.Ill enquire about the train.,近义词:vi.询问;调查;问候(等于inquire)question/probe/examine/query vt.询问;打听 question/query/inquire of,5.coil kl vt.盘绕,把卷成圈 n.线圈;卷 vi.成圈状 a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles(as formed by leaves or flower petals),Words and ExpressionsWord Using,然后他想逃离那里但被一卷绳索绊倒了。,Then he wanted to escape from there but tripped over a coil of rope.,6.amuse mjuz vt.娱乐;消遣;使发笑;使愉快 to make someone laugh or smile:to entertain(someone)in a light and pleasant way,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,我编了一个故事逗孩子们开心。有什么消遣吗?,I trumped up a story to amuse the children.What do you amuse yourself with?,词组短语:amuse oneself 自娱自乐,消遣,7.amused mjuzd adj.愉快的,顽皮的;被逗乐的 v.逗笑(amuse的过去分词);使欢乐 thinking sth is funny,这个女人的决心使他觉得好笑,但他没笑。孩子们觉得猴子特别好玩。?,The womans determination amused him but he did not smile.The children are very amused with the monkey.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,你要记住,永远要愉快地多给别人,少从别人那里拿取。,You have to remember,wanting forever to give amusedly and much other people,little take to take there from the other people.,7.5 amusedly mju:zidli adv.愉快地;好玩地;表开心地;被逗乐地词组:amusedly go to market 赶集,8.relief rlif n.救济;减轻,解除;安慰;浮雕 a pleasant and relaxed feeling that someone has when something unpleasant stops or does not happen;,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,自他去世后,他的家属一直靠救济过日子。穷人和残疾人依靠政府的救济维持生计。,His family has been on relief ever since he died.Needy and handicapped people depend on government relief for their support.,词组短语:in relief显著地;鲜明地;浮雕一般 disaster relief赈灾;灾难援助 relief valve安全阀;减压阀,9.heave hiv vt.举起;使起伏;投掷;恶心;发出(叹息等)vi.起伏;举起;喘息;呕吐 n.举起;起伏;投掷;一阵呕吐 to lift or pull(something)with effort;to breathe in and breathe out(a sigh)in a slow or loud way,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,只是一推,就把他推进了河里。用力拉住我的手,我把你拉上来。,It took only one heave to hurl him into the river.Heave at my hand,I lift you up.,词组短语:heave a sigh 叹了口气,10.furnish fn vt.提供;供应;装备 to provide(a room or building)with furniture;to supply or give(something)to someone or something,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,他们将能够给你提供其余的细节。他们将会提供伙食给他。,Theyll be able to furnish you with the rest of the details.They will furnish food to him.,词组短语:furnish with 供给,提供;用装饰,11.auction k()n vt.拍卖;竞卖 n.拍卖 a public sale at which things are sold to the people who offer to pay the most,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,这幅画预计在拍卖会上能卖到40万美元。本月将举行另一次拍卖。,The painting is expected to fetch up to$400,000 at auction.It will hold another auction this month.,词组短语:auction off v.拍卖掉;竞卖 auction sale拍卖 sale by auction拍卖,12.behave bhev vi.表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用 vt.使守规矩;使表现得 to act in an acceptable way:to act properly;to act in a particular way,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,我无法相信这些人竟这样行事。难点在于从实体的当前状态或者历史中了解到未来它将如何运转。,I couldnt believe these people were behaving in this way.The difficulty of knowing how the entity will behave in the future from its current state or history.,词组短语:behave oneself使举止规矩 behave well表现好;举止得体;行为检点;表现良好 behave yourself请检点一点,行为规矩些 behave properly行为正当,13.glue glu vt.粘合;似胶般固着于 n.胶;各种胶合物 a substance used to stick things tightly together,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,咱们把它们胶在一起吧。我是把这个家庭连接在一起的胶水。,Lets stick them together with glue.Im the glue that holds this family together.,词组短语:glue water胶水 super glue强力胶;万能胶;瞬间胶,14.initiative ntv n.主动权;首创精神 adj.主动的;自发的;起始的 the power or opportunity to do something before others do,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,这种积极性是很可贵的。这样他们就使群众的积极性、智慧和力量都充分发挥出来。,Such initiative is highly commendable.In this way they brought into full play the initiative,wisdom and power of the masses.,词组短语:take the initiative采取主动;带头 ones own initiative主动地 have the initiative掌握主动 take initiative积极主动 learning initiative学习积极性 peace initiative和平倡议,倡议和平;和平的开端,15.restore rst vt.恢复;修复;归还 vi.恢复;还原 to give back(someone or something that was lost or taken):to return(someone or something),Words and ExpressionsWord Using,我们会让她恢复健康,但这或许需要时间。海洋的空气将有助于恢复他的健康。,We will restore her to health but it may take time.The sea air will help to restore his health.,词组短语:backup and restore备份与还原,16.intent ntent n.意图;目的;含义 adj.专心的;急切的;坚决的 the thing that you plan to do or achieve:an aim or purpose,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,但是让他们学习些什么是我们的目的。这种限制的意图是双重的。,But it is our intent that they learn something.The intent of this restriction was twofold.,短语词组:intent on专心致志于;抱定决心要实行 letter of intent.意向书;合同之草约,17.induce ndjus vt.诱导;引起;引诱;感应 to cause(someone or something)to do something;to cause(something)to happen or exist,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,医生们说手术可能导致心脏病。四千多名教师被劝说提前退休。,Doctors said surgery could induce a heart attack.More than 4,000 teachers were induced to take early retirement.,近义词:vt.诱导;引起;引诱;感应 attract/produce/cause/operate/occasion,18.obligation blge()n n.义务;职责;债务 something that you must do because of a law,rule,promise,etc.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,别想逃避那项义务。它的责任必须确保政府是服务于我们而非统治我们。,Dont try to duck out of the obligation.Its obligation must be to serve the people,not rule over them.,词组短语:no obligation无义务 moral obligation道义上的责任 legal obligation n.法律义务,19.melt melt vi.熔化,溶解;渐混 vt.使融化;使熔化;使软化;使感动 n.熔化;熔化物 to change or to cause(something)to change from a solid to a liquid usually because of heat,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,如果你把冰加热,它会融化成水。雪已经融化了,但湖面仍然冻得结结实实。,If you warm ice it will melt into water.The snow had melted,but the lake was still frozen solid.,词组短语:melt into溶解成;消散在中;因心软而 melt awayv.消失;融掉 melt down熔化;融掉 melt through焊穿,20.exceedingly ksidli adv.非常;极其;极度地;极端 extremely,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,我们吃了一顿极其丰盛的午餐。我们表现的极其出色。,We had an exceedingly good lunch.We perform exceedingly well.,近义词:adv.非常;极其;极度地;极端 extremely/badly/highly/greatly/too,21.meanwhile minwal adv.同时,与此同时,其间 n.其间,其时 the time between one event,process,or period and another,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,同时,欧洲也不容忽视。同时对于任何有关客户的事物,我们不能也不予置评。,Meanwhile,Europe should not be ignored.Meanwhile we shall not and could not comment on anything regarding our customers.,词组短语:in the meanwhile同时;在此期间,22.pave pev vt.铺设;安排;作铺设之用 to cover(something)with a material(such as stone,tar,or concrete)that forms a hard,level surface for walking,driving,etc.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,他们的经济政策为工业发展铺平了道路。人的思想会做许多潜意识的工作来为社会成功铺平道路。,Their economic policy pave the way for industrial expansion.The human mind does lots of subterranean work to pave the way for social success.,词组短语:pave the way for为做好准备;为铺平道路 pave the way为.作准备;为.铺平道路 paved with good intentions充满着善意的,Thankyou for watching,商营121柳利,