EcoPower 全电式注塑机,55 300 t servo-electric machines in two versions 55-300吨,两种结构的全电式注塑机,Standard:servo-electric closing,injection and metering 伺服控制开闭,注射,监测 integrated servo-hydraulics for ejector,nozzle movements and core pulls(optional)射出,喷嘴,及模具运动,完整的伺服液压控制(选项),All-electric:all axis servo-electrical 全电驱动,More technical data available from www.wittmann-or current product brochure,EcoPower,compact,beltless injection unit紧凑的,无皮带直接驱动的注塑结构 clean clamping unit with direct drive直接驱动的清洁的锁模单元 ideal for clean-room and medical applications适用于净室及医疗产品 KERS braking energy recovery KERS 制动能量回收 space-saving concept for the integration of peripheral equipment综合外围设备,节省占地空间 parallel movements 平行运行 cooling water required only for feed zone tempering喷嘴降温需要冷却水 partial encasement of injection unit with glass window部分射出环节带有视窗,for maximum customer benefit给客户的便利,EcoPower,powerful,compact and quiet 动力强劲,紧凑,静音 200 mm/s injection speed 200mm/s的射速 up to 400 mm/s as an option 选项可以达到400mm/s short dry cycle times 短空循环时间 small footprint 很小的占地 precise and repeatable 精确,重复精度高 highly dynamic servo motors高动力伺服马达 direct pressure control in the drive直压控制 scan time a fraction of a millisecond(!)可以精确监测到毫秒级 perfectly suited to applications in packaging and for thin-walled parts完美的适用于包装及薄壁产品,for maximum customer benefit客户最大利益,EcoPower,large parts chute模具滑道 removal in 3 directions可以3个方向装卸模具 without base plate不要底板 safety gate guides only on machine frame只是在模具框架上有安全门指引 open at the top for automation equipment上面打开用以自动化设备 modular system for all injection molding applications标准化的系统应用于所有的注塑场合 smooth surfaces for easy cleaning光滑表面易于清洁 attractive,ergonomic design有诱惑力的环保设计 machine color scheme:机器颜色 tele-grey RAL 7047/ultramarine blue RAL 5002,for maximum customer benefit最大的客户利益,EcoPower-Clamping unit锁模单元,5-point toggle with automatic self-locking in end position带有末端自动锁定的5点式曲臂 no energy consumption after force build-up锁模后,没有能量损耗 direct spindle nut drive powered by servo-electric hollow shaft motor with integrated axial bearings直接轴向驱动,完整支撑轴向轴承马达驱动 servo-driven mold height adjustment驱动模具高度可调整 short adjustment time 很短的调整时间 accurate clamping force control 精确的锁模力控制 clamping force build-up parallel to injection均衡锁模力 shorter cycle time 短的循环周期 mold ventilation 模具通风,EcoPower-Clamping unit锁模单元,moving platen with linear guides 线性导轨控制移动模板 accurate 精确 smooth-running for sensitivemold protection and low energy consumption平滑移动可以更好保护模具,同时能量损耗低 clean and durable thanks to干净,耐用 encased recirculating ballscrew drive with centralgreasing带有中心润滑的密闭旋转轴承驱动 sealed toggle encasementswith return pipes and central oil lubrication中心油路润滑,循环使用 patented mold safety device专利模具安全装置 sensitive 灵敏 reliable 可靠,EcoPower-Injection unit注射单元,twin drive for injection and metering注射及监测双驱动 highly dynamic servo motor for injection高效动态伺服驱动 central ball screw drive with automatic central greasing自动润滑的球轴驱动 cast-metal frame in one piece with linear guides线性导轨引导的整体金属框架 accurate and sturdy 精确并且稳固 fast barrel change from above with special servicing position顶部料桶更换,留有专门的维修位置 barrel units identical with HM/TM料桶与直压和曲轴一样 increased injection speed and metering performance as an option更快的注射速度和监测功能作为选项 can also be used as a vertical unit可以作为立式结构使用 injection force gage or melt pressure sensor for ultimate precision注射压力计量及熔融压力检测,保证注射精度,EcoPower-Servo-hydraulic system伺服液压系统,drive for ejector,nozzle movement and core pulls(optional)伺服驱动注射,喷嘴,抽芯移动(选项)highly dynamic servo motor controls pressure and speed by means of a fixed displacement pump固定的泵保证高性能的伺服控制压力和速度 extremely energy-efficient 能效极高 integrated in the machine frame 一体式结构 in interval times 在静止间歇 no energy consumption 没有能量损耗 no noise emission 没有声音 no cooling water consumption 无需冷水冷却 braking energy recovery 制动能量回收,in the EcoPower standard version,Delivery pump,Servo-hydraulics,EcoPower Ejector顶出,direct drive with hollow shaft servo motor凸轮马达直接驱动 precise,dynamic,powerful and energy-efficient精确,强力,节能 maintenance-free 免维护,in all-electric version of EcoPower 全电驱动,EcoPower-Nozzle movement 喷嘴运行,synchronized twin servo drive 同步双伺服马达驱动 encased ball screw drive 中央球形轴驱动 symmetrical force transmission 均匀的动力传输 powerful and fast 强力快速 maintenance-free 免维护,in all-electric EcoPower version全电机器,high-performance control system Windows XP Embedded 植入Windows XP 高精确控制系统 high user-friendliness and functionality用户界面友好,功能强大 easy to read 易读 powerful 功能强大 quick and easy to learn 快速易学 simple connection to IT and customer networks 很简单就可以连接IT及用户网络 WEB service,remote diagnostics,service,training 网络服务,远程诊断,服务,培训 15“color TFT touchscreen 15寸触摸屏控制面板 complete event log quality record online help system online language selection access control via USB online user manual envelope curve monitoring cycle time analysis user page functions完整的操作记录,质量记录,在线帮助,在线语言选择,USB接口,在线按钮,曲线图,循环周期分析,使用手册 guaranteed future 先进性,UNILOG B6S control systemB6控制系统,standard for EcoPower全电机标准配置 energy gage for 记录:drive 电机 heating system 加热系统 total consumption 能耗 total energy consumption per cycle 每循环的能耗 per hour 每小时能耗 per kg of material 每公斤原料能耗 continuous energy metering持续的能量监测,Energy display 能量显示,UNILOG B6S control system B6控制系统,standard for EcoPower标配 cycle time reduction循环周期缩短 mold ventilation during injection parallel to clamping force build-up锁模后,模具通风,UNILOG B6S control system B6控制系统,Parallel movements 同步运动,KERS braking energy recoveryKERS 制动能量恢复,utilization of the entire braking energy within the machine by利用全部的制动能量 energy storage in an intermediate circuit能量存储在中间环节 generation of the control voltage产生控制电压 barrel heating 加热 no additional loss as in systems involving power feed-back to the mains power network能量循环于主网络,没有更多的能量损耗 bridging of mains power failures with power supply from the intermediate circuit中间环节能量利用,Kinetic Energy Recovery System 动能恢复系统,EcoPower-Integration of peripheral equipment 综合外围设备,Wittmann tempering units EcoTemp 90,EcoTemp 140 und EcoTemp 160,max.4 circuits up to160C带有威猛模温机90-160度 servo-hydraulics inside machine frame内部液压控制结构 Wittmann robot W800 series威猛机械手W8系列 Wittmann DRYMAX E60 dryer,max.130C,up to 100 l hopper capacity威猛除湿干燥机 insider solution with conveyor belt at rear and safety device with machine basket guard中间传送带结构 space-saving integration of non-system appliances possible 空间充分利用,EcoPower Arguments全电机特点,compact,beltless injection unit 紧凑,无皮带直接驱动 clean clamping unit with direct drive 清洁的直接驱动锁模单元 choice of integrated servo-hydraulic system or all-electric version 可选全伺服控制或者伺服液压控制 KERS Kinetic Energy Recovery System KERS制动能量恢复 energy consumption display 能量损耗显示 powerful,compact and with low noise emission 强力,紧凑,低噪音 space-saving integration of peripheral equipment 外围设备一体节约空间 precise and repeatable 高精度,高重复性 cooling water required only for feed zone tempering当循环降温时需要冷却水 modular system for any injection molding application 模块系统使用于任何注塑应用,