1·中国风中国风即中国风格。它是一种独特的艺术形式或生活方式。它建立在中国文化和东方(oriental)文化的基础之上,以中国元素为特征,并适应全球经济发展的趋势。近年来,尤其是在2008年之后,中国风开始流行于广告、电影、音乐、服饰(costume)、建筑等文化、艺术领域。中国风的流行体现了中国经济、政治、文化的总体发展,是中国元素在全球化时代的体现。The Chinese style is Chinese features. It is a unique art form or way of life. It is based on the Chinese culture and the oriental culture, characterized with Chinese elements and adapted to the global economic development trend. It has become popular in such culture and art fields as advertisement, film, music, costume, architecture, etc. in recent years and since 2008 in particular. The popularization普及 of the Chinese style has embodied the overall development of Chinese economy, politics and culture. It is the embodiment of the Chinese elements in the era of globalization.2·中国书法中国书法(calligraphy)是一种很独特的视觉艺术。它是中国汉字特有的一种书写艺术,被誉为"无言的诗,无行的舞,无图的画,无声的乐"。汉字是中国书法中的重要因素,因为中国书法是在中国文化里产生、发展起来的,而汉字是中国文化的基本要素之一。写得一手好字是中国古代读书人(scholar)感到非常自豪的事情。如今,练习中国书法被公认为是一种能够促进思维和提高注意力的好方法。The Chinese calligraphy is a unique form of visual art. As a writing art peculiar to Chinese characters, it is reputed as "no-language poetry, no-movement dance, no-picture painting and no-sound music". Chinese characters are an important factor of Chinese calligraphy, which has originated and developed from Chinese culture, while Chinese characters are one of the basic elements of Chinese culture. A good handwriting was something that an ancient Chinese scholar felt very proud of. Nowadays, practicing Chinese calligraphy is generally considered as a good way to promote thinking and improve concentration.3·中国诗歌中国是一个诗的国度,诗歌源远流长,历史上涌现过大量的诗人,为我们留下了数不胜数的美丽诗歌,成为中华民族优秀文学遗产的重要组成部分。在中国,最早的诗歌总集是诗经(Book of Songs),其中最早的诗作于西周初期,最晚的作品成于春秋时期(the Spring and Autumn Period)中叶。诗经对中国后代诗歌发展有着深远的影响,成为中国古典文学现实主义传统的源头。China is a land of poetry, which has a long history behind it. Large numbers of poets have emerged in history and left us numerous beautiful poems, which have become an important part of the excellent literary heritage of the Chinese nation. The first anthology of poetry in China is the "Book of Songs", of which the earliest poems were written in the early Western Zhou Dynasty and the last ones appeared in the middle of the Spring and Autumn Period. The "Book of Songs" has had far-reaching effects on the development of the subsequent poetry and become the source of the realistic tradition of the Chinese classic literature.4·中国龙在中国文化中,龙有着非常重要的地位和影响。它是中国人想象出来的一种生物,被中国人奉为神明,能够呼风唤雨,主宰一切。在古代,人们认为它代表着吉祥,能给人们带来福祉。自古以来中国人就以龙作为自己的图腾(totem),认为自己是龙的子孙。古代的皇帝更是以龙自居,认为龙象征着神圣的(divine)皇权。龙已渗透了中国社会的各个方面,它成为了中华民族的象征。The dragon has an extremely important position and effects in Chinese culture. It is an imaginary creature of the Chinese people. It is exalted(赞扬) to the divine rank, capable of summoning wind, calling for rain and dominating everything in the world. People in ancient times thought that it stood for good luck and could bring people well-being. Since ancient times, the Chinese have regarded the dragon as their totem and believed that they are the descendants of the dragon. Ancient emperors all the more regarded themselves as the sons of dragons and believed that dragons are the symbols of divine authority. The dragon has permeated every aspect of Chinese society, and thus has become the symbol of the Chinese nation.5.中国武术中国武术(Chinese martial arts)是中国传统文化的重要一环,是我国民族体育的主要内容之一,是几千年来我国人民用以锻炼身体和自卫的一种方法。中国武术注重一招一式,极具观赏性,在各种文学、电影、戏剧中经常出现,对中国社会有着深刻而无可取代的人文意义(irreplaceable humanistic significance) 。另外,由于全球化的关系,中国武术更经常出现于欧美电影、电视节目之中,被欧美社会看成中国文化的重要主角。Chinese martial arts are an important link of the traditional Chinese culture and one of the principal contents of China's national sports. It has been a method for physical exercises and self-defense of Chinese people for thousands of years. Chinese martial arts lay emphasis on every gesture and motion and are highly entertaining. They appear quite often in various kinds of literature, films and dramas and have a profound and irreplaceable humanistic significance to Chinese society. Besides, because of globalization, Chinese martial arts often appear in European and American films and TV programs and are regarded by the European and American societies as a significant character in Chinese culture.6·中国瓷器瓷器(porcelain)起源于中国,是中国人民的一个重要的创造。瓷器精美、雅致,既可以用作容器和餐具(tableware),又可以是很好的家居装饰品,深受人们喜爱。瓷器早在唐代即沿陆路和海路传播到世界许多国家。从某种程度上来说,西方人最初是通过瓷器了解中国的。在英文中“瓷器(china)”与中国(China)同为一词。中国瓷器和制瓷技术的对外传播,是中国人民同世界各国人民友好往来的历史见证。Porcelain originated from China and is an important creation of the Chinese people. The porcelain wares制品 are exquisite and elegant. They can be used either as containers and tableware or as good home decorations. They are adored by people. Porcelain wares were spread to many countries in the world by land and sea as early as the Tang Dynasty. To some extent westerners first understood China through porcelain wares because porcelain is so identified with China that it is still called "china" in everyday English usage. The spread of Chinese porcelain and its manufacture technology to the outside world is a historical witness to the friendly exchanges of the Chinese people with the peoples of the world.7. 四合院四合院( quadrangle courtyard )是中国最具代表性的传统住宅建筑形式之一,可以说,四合院是中国建筑的细胞,是中国建筑的根。四合院为正方形或长方形(rectangular),中间有天井。四周被不同大小的房间围绕,通常,四合院里住着三、四代人同堂的大家庭,这体现了中国传统的家庭模式。四合院是非常有生命力的一种住宅,是中国人在建筑艺术上的一大创造。是对世界文化的一大贡献。The quadrangle courtyard is one of the most representative traditional dwelling architectures in China, It is said to be the cell and root of the Chinese architecture. It is square or rectangular with an open courtyard in the middle. The four sides are surrounded by buildings of different sizes. It is usually shared by a big family of three or four generations. This embodies the Chinese traditional family pattern. The quadrangle courtyard is a dwelling compound full of vitality, one of the creations in architectural arts of the Chinese people and one of the great contributions to the world culture.8长城长城是中国也是世界上修建时间最长、工程量最大的一项古代防御工程( defense works )。自公元前七八世纪开始,长城延续不断修筑了2000多年,分布于中国北部和中部的广大土地上,总计长度达50000多千米,被称之为"上下两千多年,纵横十万余里"。如此浩大的工程不仅在中国就是在世界上,也是绝无仅有的,因而在几百年前就与古罗马竞技场(Colosseum)、比萨斜塔等列为中古世界七大奇迹。The Great Wall is an ancient defense works of China, which took the longest time to build with the largest amount of engineering work in the world. Its construction went on and on for over 2,000 years since the seventh or eighth century B.C. It spread across the vast lands in North and Middle China with its total length reaching over 50,000 kilometers. Therefore, it is known as "the Great Wall built in over 2,000 years with a total length exceeding 100,000 li". Such an enormous engineering project is the only one not only in China but also in the world. Therefore, it was listed several hundred years ago along with the Colosseum and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, etc. as the seven wonders of the world.9·元宵节我国传统节日-元宵节,有两千多年的历史了。每年农历的正月十五日,春节刚过,迎来的就是中国的这一传统节日。在这一天,家家户户张灯结彩,欢乐庆祝。除了祈求团圆、美满的意愿之外,元宵节还有着与其他传统节庆的不同之处,那就是元宵节中“动”(dynamic)的习俗,比如耍狮子、踩高跷(walking on stilts)、舞龙灯、荡秋千、走百病(walking away hundred diseases)等传统习俗,透露出元宵节风俗中的体育元素。China's traditional festival - the Lantern Festival has a history of more than two thousand years. It is ushered in every year on the fifteenth day of the first month in the lunar calendar when the Spring Festival is just over. On this day, every family decorates their houses with colorful lanterns and streamers for the joyful celebration of the occasion. In addition to praying for reunion and happiness, the Lantern Festival is different from other traditional festivals and celebrations in that it is a dynamic festival and has such traditional customs as lion dancing, walking on stilts, dragon lantern dancing, swinging on swings, walking away hundred diseases, etc. It reveals the sports elements of the Lantern Festival customs.10. 端午节农历五月初五是端午节。一般认为,它是为纪念中国古代诗人屈原而产生的。屈原是东周战国时期(the Warring States of the Zhou Dynasty) 的楚国人,他因自己的政治理想无法实现,又无力挽救楚国的灭亡 (annihilation),当秦国灭楚后,于五月初五抱石投汨罗江自沉。江边群众得知,便纷纷驾舟打捞屈原尸体。为纪念这位伟大的爱国诗人(patriotic poet),后人把这天定为端午节。每逢此节,民间有吃棕子、赛龙舟的习俗。The Dragon Boat Festival occurs on the fifth day of the fifth month in the lunar calendar. The festival is generally believed to originate from the commemoration of Qu Yuan, an ancient poet of China. Qu Yuan was a man of the ancient state of Chu during the Warring States of the Zhou Dynasty. He committed suicide by drowning himself in the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month in the lunar calendar when the powerful State of Qin conquered the State of Chu, because he had failed to realize his political ideals and been unable to save Chu from annihilation. When the local people learned about it, they raced out in their boats to retrieve his body. In order to commemorate this great patriotic poet, later people established this day as the Dragon Boat Festival. Folks have the custom of eating zongzi (balls of sticky rice) and the dragon boat race on this occasion every year.11. 对联对联(antithetic couplet)是一字一音的汉语语言独特的艺术形式,言简意深,讲究工整对仗(neat antithesis)。春节期间贴的对联被称作春联。过农历新年,家家户户贴春联是中国人的传统习俗。春联以庆祝春节、烘托节日气氛为目的,内容可以是对节日喜庆心情的抒发,也可以是对家人健康、财运的祝福,还可以是对来年风调雨顺、五谷丰登的一种希冀。The antithetic对偶的 couplet 对句is a unique art form of the Chinese language and matches both sound and sense in two poetic lines. It is simple in language and yet profound in meaning. It lays emphasis on neat antithesis. The couplets posted during the Spring Festival are known as spring couplets. To celebrate the Lunar New Year, every household posts spring couplets on the door, which is a traditional Chinese custom. The purpose of the spring couplets is to celebrate the Spring Festival and to heighten the festive atmosphere. Their contents are related to the expression of the festive mood, the blessing of health and wealth to the family as well as a hope and wish for a fair weather and a bumper harvest in the coming year.12爆竹放爆竹(firecracker)是中国的传统习俗之一。无论是逢年过节、结婚嫁娶、进学升迁,还是大厦落成、商店开张等,只要为了表示喜庆,人们都习惯以放爆竹的方式来庆祝。相传,这一习俗始于2500多年以前。当时,我们的祖先利用燃烧竹子发出的啪啪声惊吓、驱赶妖魔鬼怪和凶猛野兽(ferocious beasts )。久而久之,放爆竹这一习俗被保留了下来,成为节日庆祝的重要元素之一。Setting off firecrackers is one of China's traditional customs. People are accustomed to celebrating with firecrackers on such occasions as the New Year, festival, marriage, admission to school at a higher level, promotion to a higher position, complete construction of a building, opening of a new store, etc. just to mark the festival and happy occasion. According to legend, this custom dates back to over 2,500 years ago. At that time, our ancestors burned bamboos to produce cracking sounds to frighten away and ward off evil spirits and ferocious beasts, In the course of time, this custom of setting off firecrackers has been retained and become one of the important elements for festival celebrations.13. 灯谜灯谜(lantern riddles)是写在彩灯上面的谜语,在中国源远流长。谜语来源于民间口谜,后经文人加工成为谜。它始于春秋时期,口头相传。秦汉时则成为一种书面创作。三国时期,猜谜逐渐盛行起来。在宋代出现了灯谜,元宵节上人们将谜条系于五彩花灯上,供人猜测。因为灯谜既能启迪智慧又能迎合节日气氛,所以响应的人众多,而后猜灯谜逐渐成为元宵节不可或缺的(indispensable)节目。Lantern riddles are the riddles written on colorful lanterns and have a long history in China. Riddles originated from the oral riddles of the folks and became written ones after the processing by the literati. Riddles began in the Spring and Autumn Period and were handeddown through oral tradition. They became a kind of creation in writing in the Qin and Han Dynasties. Riddle-guessing gradually became popular during the Three Kingdom Period. Lantern riddles appeared in the Song Dynasty. On the Lantern Festival day, people hang slips of paper with riddles written on them on colorful lanterns for people to guess. Because lantern riddles can both enlighten people with wisdom and cater to the festive atmosphere, many people take part in it. Therefore, lantern riddle guessing has gradually become an indispensable program on the Lantern Festival day later.14. 中国灯笼中国的大红灯笼独具特色,是中国传统的工艺品。它起源于1800多年前的西汉时期。每年的农历春节,正月十五元宵节前后,人们部挂起象征团圆意义的大红灯笼来营造一种吉利喜庆的节日气氛。大红灯笼上多贴有"福"、"寿"、"恭喜发财"等字样,用以表达人们过节的喜庆心情和良好祝愿。重大节日期间悬挂大红灯笼的习俗至今仍然盛行。China's big red lanterns are a unique and traditional handcraft. It originated in the Western Han Dynasty more than 1,800 years ago. People hang up big red lanterns signifying reunion around the Spring Festival and the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year to build a kind of auspicious festival atmosphere. The big red lanterns are pasted with such characters as "blessing", "longevity", "Wish you prosperous", etc. to express peoples happy festive mood and good wishes. The custom to hang big red lanterns on grand occasions still prevails today.15. 敦煌壁画敦煌壁画(Dunhuang murals)是独具中国特色的绘画艺术。它指的是中国敦煌石窟(Grottoes )中的壁画。这些石窟壁画历时多朝多代,有五万多平方米,是中国也是世界壁画之最。敦煌壁画的内容丰富多彩。它和别的宗教艺术一样,描绘了神的形象、神的活动、神与神的关系、神与人的关系,以寄托人们善良的愿望,安抚(soothe)人们的心灵。敦煌壁画具有很高的艺术价值,是中国乃至世界绘画艺术中的瑰宝。Dunhuang murals are a painting art with unique Chinese characteristics. They refer to the murals or frescoes in Dunhuang Grottoes in China. These grotto murals have lasted many historical periods. They have covered over 50,000 square meters. They are the largest and best murals not only in China but also in the world. Their contents are rich and colorful. Just like other religious arts, they depict the images and activities of gods, the relationship between gods, and the relationship between god and man to place the good wishes of the people and soothe their hearts. With high artistic value, the Dunhuang murals are a treasure in the painting art notonly of China but of the world as well.16京剧京剧是中国影响力最大的戏曲剧种,至今已有200多年的历史了。京剧以徽戏和汉剧为基础,借鉴吸收了昆曲、秦腔(Shaanxi Opera)等一些戏曲的优点和特长,逐渐演变而成独立的剧种。京剧创造舞台形象的艺术手段十分丰富,而且有着相对固定的模式。京剧在电影、电视传入中国之前,深受广大民众喜爱。即便是娱乐方式多样化的今天,京剧仍散发着独特的艺术魁力。Peking opera is a drama with the most powerful influence in China and has a history of over 200 years behind it so far. It is based on Hui Opera and Han Opera, and gradually developed into an independent drama with reference to and absorption of the advantages and strengths of Kunqu Opera, Shaanxi Opera, etc. The artistic means of Peking opera to create stage images is rich and diverse and yet has a relatively fixed mode. Peking opera had been very popular until the introduction of film and TV plays to China. It is still exuding a unique artistic charm today even if entertainment is diversified.17筷子筷子(chopstick)是指用竹、木、金属等材质制作的夹饭菜或其他东西的细长棍儿。中国是筷子的发源地。中国人使用筷子可追溯到商代,距今己有3000多年的历史了。筷子既轻巧又灵活,在世界各国的餐具(tableware)中独树一帜,被西方人誉为"东方的文明"。习惯于使用刀叉餐具( cutlery )的西方人常常惊叹于中国人是如何做到仅用两根筷子就把食物送到嘴里的。西方人在使用筷子吃中餐的过程中发生了不少的趣事。Chopsticks refer to slender sticks made of bamboo, wood, metal, etc., which are used to pick up food, vegetables and other things. China is the birthplace of chopsticks. The use of chopsticks by the Chinese can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty with a history exceeding3,000 years. Chopsticks are both light and flexible. They are unique in the world tableware and known as the "oriental civilization" to the weste