美国国会参议院少数派权利研究 美国国会参议院少数派权利研究 Minority Rights in U.S. Senate【中文摘要】 美国的立宪实践,是人类历史上第一次以深思熟虑和自由选择为基础设计出的良好政治制度。美国的立宪设计中处处包含着“保护少数派权利”的深刻宪政理念;而美国的政治体制,则是以“制度”保护少数派权利的成功宪政实践。保护少数权利的制度安排不仅体现在“三权分立”、“联邦制”的宏观制度,更渗透于国会参、众两院的诸多微观制度设计之中。现代国会中,参、众两院以政党建制,赢得多数席位的“多数党”掌握控制议事日程的权力(Power),而赢得少数席位的“少数党”则通过立法中的程序设计获得阻挠多数决议的权利(Rights)。然而,除了这种“政党性属性”的少数派权利,美国国会参议院中的少数派权利还具有“政治性属性”的特点参议院中的“少数”,不仅由“少数党”的形式来承载,还意味着对某项议案持不同意见的“少部分人”,甚至一个人。这就是所谓“少数派权利政治性属性”的含义。本文以参议院“无限制辩论”规则的一种极端形式Filibuster(冗长发言、或阻挠议事)为切入点,从历史发展和现实政治两个维度,采用历史学及政治学的研究方法,对参议院政治性少数派权利形成的原因、发展演变的过程及其之于美国宪政体制的意义作一阐释和分析,并在此基础上得出结论:参议院少数派权利的政治性属性,根源于美国宪政理念中的“辉格主义”成分,体现于1787年制宪会议上美国保守派精英分子对“民主洪流”的恐惧与抵制;而于“原初参议院”形成的这种高调的、理念式的少数派权利在现代政党政治的冲击下逐渐演变为低调的、现实的制度设计,最终形成今天我们所看到的,作为一套“保护少数派拥有阻挠、拖延、甚至破坏多数决议的权利的程序设计”的少数派权利。参议院少数派权利的形成、发展及演变,从一个侧面反映了美国宪政设计中与“民主”疏离的一面,以及这种“疏离”是如何与美国宪政实践中的各种冲击抗争、妥协,最后形成互溶。对这一历程的研究,对于我们对美国宪政体制的理解及诠释具有重大的意义。【英文摘要】 The U.S Constitutionalism system is the first successful political system founded on the base of deep consideration and freely selection in political history ever.In the designs of the Constitutional government,there is a fundamental idea as the Protecting of Minority Rights;and in the practices of it,there are many institutional arrangements to fulfill this idea:separation of powers,checks and balances,federal system,as well as the Congress.In modern Congress,both the House of Representative and the Senate are managed in partisanship:the Majority Party who wins the more seats takes the Power to control the legislative agenda;the Minority Party who gets the less seats only posses some Procedural Rights to make themselves heard.However,in the U.S.Senate,besides this kind of “partisan minority rights”,there is another kind of Minority Rights called “political minority rights”,which refers to the procedural protections for any size or composition-a group of members,or even an individual.This thesis begins with the description of a strange rule in Senate called “Filibuster”,and makes more deeply analysis on the origins of the political minority rights in U.S.Senate,as well as the development and evolution of it in two dimensions- History and Politics.As a set of procedural advantages protected from arbitrary change that enable the minority to amend, debate,or obstruct the majority agenda,this thesis conclude that,the political minority rights in the Senate origins from the Whiggism Ideal in U.S. Constitutionalism,and takes its form mainly on the American conservative elites fears and refusals to Democracy.In the beginning,this protection of individual minority rights was just existed as an idea included in the American Upper Chamber. However,this “High-Tone” minority rights subjected to many crashes from the modern politics on the long way of constitutionalism practices,the development of partisan politics especially,and gradually took its form as “Low-Tone” and procedural minority rights which we know today.The whole process of minority rights in the Senate opens a new perspective on the study of Constitutionalism of the U.S government,and holds vital meanings for the better understanding of the American Constitution system. 【中文关键词】 美国国会; 参议院; 阻挠议事; 少数派权利; 宪政体制 【英文关键词】 Congress ; Senate ; Filibuster ; Minority Rights ; Constitution System 【论文目录】内容摘要 3-4 ABSTRACT 4 导论 6-13 (一) 问题的提出从FILIBUSTER到参议院少数派权利 6-9 (二) 少数派权利的”政党性属性”与”政治性属性” 9-10 (三) 参议院少数派权利的研究路径 10-13 第1章概念的厘清 “少数派权利”与“参议院少数派权利” 13-19 1.1 “少数派权利”少数派权利的宪政维度 13-17 1.1.1 “少数派权利”概念的多维度透视 13-14 1.1.2 宪政维度中的”少数派权利” 14-17 1.2 “参议院少数派权利”少数派权利的政治性属性 17-19 1.2.1 参议院少数派权利的”政治性属性” 17-18 1.2.2 从”高调的少数派权利”到”低调的少数派权利” 18-19 第2章 美国政治生活中的少数派与参议院”高调少数派权利” 19-29 2.1 从独立宣言到1787年制宪会议美国政治生活中的辉格主义传统(WHIGGISM)与参议院的建立 20-26 2.1.1 建国之父对新生合众国的预期 20-23 2.1.2 民主潮流的冲击与对民主政治的抵制 23-25 2.1.3 美国式的英国贵族院辉格主义传统与参议院的建立 25-26 2.2 参议院”高调少数派权利”的诞生 26-29 第3章 “低调少数派权利”在参议院的确立和发展 29-41 3.1 政党对参议院少数派权利的冲击 30-34 3.2 参议院”低调少数派权利”的建立 34-41 3.2.1 “前一个问题规则”与参议院”低调少数派权利”的确立 34-35 3.2.2 “低调少数派权利”在参议院的发展与演变 35-41 结论 41-43 参考文献 43-48 后记 48