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    Urban space design of high-rise buildingAbstract In recent years, China's rapid development of high-rise buildings, such as Shanghai is the jin MAO tower 88 floors, is 420.5 meters tall. With the development of theory and technology in structure, high building structure form tend diversification, high-rise buildings form of DuoZhong also vary, but by then the malpractices also more and more expression comes out, in a city of scenery and about the proper melt into the city space to become high-rise building design of a important task, also be to make high-rise building design perfect pursuit of a kind of idea.   Keywords architectural design; town planning; square;built on stilts  Overview High-rise building form in ancient times had, as early as in five hundred B.C. DuoNian Babylon had built now called one of seven wonders of the world "air garden", according to the records, the form is very luxuriant spectacular, placed in any Spaces can say is a stunning scenery. With the development of modern science and technology, especially the iron and steel, the emergence of the elevator, and then later, the application of reinforced concrete for high-rise building development creating unprecedented opportunities, high-rise buildings also become a city a special scene of space, in which the United States of the high-rise building is the most active development, such as the 1885 Chicago home insurance building is recognized as the first house building, and the New York of the Manhattan is tall buildings gathered; In recent years, China's rapid development of high-rise buildings, such as Shanghai is the jin MAO tower 88 floors, is 420.5 meters tall. With the development of theory and technology in structure, high building structure form tend diversification, high-rise buildings form of DuoZhong also vary, but by then the malpractices also more and more expression comes out, in a city of scenery and about the proper melt into the city space to become high-rise building design of a important task, also be to make high-rise building design perfect pursuit of a concept. The city space is human life and production need important factors, it shall provide the possibility of various activities. This can be said to be more scientific definition of urban space, the space of city is more mentioned specific image, more mainly refers to the buildings in the city, road, green space, square, public service facilities, and other entities and by these entities that form a stereo space, also is a person in which can true, intuitive feel of space. Whether the high-rise building with the city space harmonious, the evaluation standard quite part of depends on how the public feelings, simply say to be someone in the created space feeling; So a building designers in high-rise building design should be taken into consideration when created out of space (whether internally or externally) give the feeling of the person that use. These is the theory to ask a building stylist factors to consider is also used as an architect be the responsibility of, and still can according to the design of an architect evaluation level and ability and their professional ethics. In fact in a high-rise building design, development business be driven often won't consider the relationship between buildings and environment, at this time, planning department is on the introduction of the various provisions policy and specification will play an important role, it mandatory requirements must consider the urban environment, and create a comfortable space of city. Can see, high-rise building design and the coordination of urban space and city of space in two aspects of is through to work together to complete, that is, building design and planning. Here from the architecture design and urban planning two talk about high-rise building design and urban spatial relationship.1 Architectural Design 1.1 Square and give full play to the role of High-rise buildings because of its huge body mass, often to the streets of a sudden feeling of space, people feel as if a sudden from a large space into a small space, this is the body as a result of high-rise buildings caused by the volume of contrast. Therefore any body in the street on both sides of the enormous volume of high-rise buildings should be designed to deal with their back and withdraw from the land in its design of a square space, the square space of the buffer space will play a role; and as a result of high-rise buildings construction area that goes far beyond its land area to accommodate more staff, and import and export a relatively large flow density, the latter to withdraw from the square in space to play the role to alleviate the traffic pressure. From the other hand, the square space is often in the streets and urban space in space play a very important role, be able to leave a deeper impression on the public, often to become the city node, which is sharing the benefits of space. Some architects even designed the sinking of the square, such as the 13 architect Isozaki designed sharawadgi 13 Tsukuba Center, unique square shape of space to people and the environment for the design of the focus, not only for provide the public with a quiet and comfortable place of leisure, but also the image of the characteristics of the tower construction have become more prominent. . This sinking of the square is often easier to give the impression that the form on the space it is a very rich taste of the space. Therefore the design of high-rise buildings in the square and the construction should be considered as a whole. 1.2 the main high-rise building design For a city high-rise buildings often have a certain symbolic representation and can reflect the level of an urban economy and level of development, choose a reasonable model is particularly important. High-rise building structure because of its limitations and the use of functional requirements, often in the shape of the structure to follow in the form of construction, but not too many changes, some high-rise buildings and even exposed directly to the structure without modification. The main part of high-rise building is its tower, the tower forms the shape of the high-rise buildings plays a decisive role, the current number of foreign and domestic high-rise buildings have a unique shape and a clear identification of, for a city with a certain degree of representation, it can be said that the existence of high-rise building is one of the reasons why. With the shortage of resources in recent years the emergence of a global sustainable development, environmental protection and energy-saving high-rise building on the side is very wasteful, with the attendant on the emergence of the "ecological" construction of concepts such as eco-architect Norman Foster-designed headquarters building in Frankfurt commercial banks in the symbolic meaning and function of stressed at the same time, the concept of eco-food, is a world's first "eco-type" super high-rise building. Triangular plane of its construction, like holding a clover plants petals: petals part office space, some plants for hollow hall. Hollow hall from the role of natural ventilation, but also for the construction to create a rich internal landscape. And climate designers Yeang Menara Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia design reflects the use of the building is air-connected open space inside and outside the building, implementation of the "bio-climatic building" thinking, the introduction of a large number of plants, spiral facade greening, and at the bottom of the vertical slope Green will help regulate the climate, as much as possible to narrow the gap between man and nature, good indoor and outdoor space to complete the transition and convergence. At the same time, the formation of a good city is also a deepening of the space environment. We can see the current high-level architectural design of a new requirement is to achieve "eco-energy-saving." The next high-rise building the main part of a podium while the less affected the entire city, but it is for the streets and human scale of the creation of such space has a significant impact. Podium building facade design in general is different from the upper part of facade, the need for careful design, so that the lower part of the space is colorful and not pale, and to reflect the human scale, because the podium with some visual contact with the public more closely, impact on the street is also a greater sense of space. The most high-rise building on the part of the roof of the building to strengthen the image to play the role of personality, although it affects the environment less, but the shape of the landmark building, rich city skyline plays an important role, it should be based on the construction of base, floor, body shape and other factors. 1.3 the use of some clever handling Part of the tower high-rise building while little room for change, but the bottom part of it can be to deal with some clever form to enrich the space. General can indent the bottom of the overhead and the entrance way. Handling of the bottom of the overhead is one of the characteristics of modern architecture, it can be high-density environment to gain valuable space, the city's roads, squares and architecture combine to form a transparent, public open space , to the public place to rest; At the same time can also improve the flow of people, visual crowded conditions, connectivity of several major public places in order to increase the level of urban space. High-rise building near the road layout of the city, the population space concave bottom to avoid the main building were forced back (space is very tight budgetary situation), for the effective use of the base area to ease the people of various contradictions and conflicts 1:3 Department; and may be in the construction of the physical design, spatial organization and so the idea of the formation of novel, this is open to deal with back rack space is not only the level of the rich and profound impression on people. 2 Planning and Design 2.1-intensive high-rise buildings to avoid Although the intensity of high-rise buildings for office and other cities to facilitate favorable conditions, has given a lot of pressure brought about by urban space, urban space and urban traffic congestion, and even some unexpected pollution and hazards, some high-rise buildings such as large glass curtain wall use area not previously seen the light pollution; there is the formation of high-pressure wind with 1:3 and wind, which can cause unexpected results. Therefore, in planning and design to the region to limit the density of high-rise buildings to avoid the concentration of the distribution of high-rise buildings. 2.2 high-rise buildings and city streets General distribution of high-rise buildings in the commercial development of the city lots, which lots of street traffic load on its own large, high-rise building will greatly increase the traffic pressure of these streets, these streets are located in high-rise buildings on both sides to try to control its rise and height, while planning to expand on these streets, increase its capacity. 2.3 control the number of ultra-high-rise building Ultra-high-rise buildings are often symbolic and representative of its existence, in fact, such construction is neither unreasonable economy, some have been built for the ultra-high-rise buildings to use the proceeds after the show that is not optimistic, it can be said only reflect the city's image to improve the well-known cities. 3 Conclusion High-rise buildings have come a hundred years of history, from its emergence from the date the City has become the focus of the form and style of development has been changing, China's relatively developed countries, although the high-rise building to its late start, but has made a lot of achievements, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and other cities on behalf of high-rise building can be said that the Chinese history of the development of high-rise buildings, high-rise building design and the integration of urban space is continuously improving and developing.高层建筑设计与城市空间摘要近年来我国的高层建筑也发展迅速,如上海的金茂大厦88层,高420.5米。随着结构理论和技术的发展,高层建筑结构形式趋于多样化,高层建筑的表现形式也多种多样,但随之所带来的弊端也越来越多的表现出来,在成为城市风景的同时如何恰当的融入城市空间成为高层建筑设计的一个重要任务,也是使高层建筑设计趋于完善所追求的一种理念。   关键词建筑设计 城市规划 广场 架空   概述 高层建筑形式在古代就已有了,早在公元前五百多年的古巴比伦曾经建造了现在号称世界七大奇迹之一的“空中花园”,根据记载,其形式非常之华丽壮观,放置在任何空间之中都可以说是一道绝美的风景。近代随着科学技术的发展,尤其是钢铁、电梯的出现以及后来钢筋混凝土的应用,为高层建筑发展创造了前所未有的机遇,高层建筑也成为城市空间中一道独特的风景,其中以美国的高层建筑发展最为活跃,如1885年的芝加哥家庭保险大楼被公认为第一幢摩天建筑,而纽约的曼哈顿区更是高楼云集;近年来我国的高层建筑也发展迅速,如上海的金茂大厦88层,高420.5米。随着结构理论和技术的发展,高层建筑结构形式趋于多样化,高层建筑的表现形式也多种多样,但随之所带来的弊端也越来越多的表现出来,在成为城市风景的同时如何恰当的融入城市空间成为高层建筑设计的一个重要任务,也是使高层建筑设计趋于完善所追求的一种理念。城市空间是人类生活和生产所需要的重要因素,它为居民提供各种活动的可能。这个可以说是城市空间比较科学性的定义,而本文提到的城市空间则更具体更形象,主要指城市内的建筑物、道路、绿地、广场、公共服务设施等实体以及由这些实体所构成的立体空间,也是人处在其中能真实、直观感受到的空间。高层建筑是否与所处的城市空间融洽,其评价标准相当一部分取决于公众的感受,简单的说就是人处在所创造空间中的感受;所以一位建筑设计者在进行高层建筑设计时要充分考虑所创造出来的空间(无论是内部还是外部)给予使用者的感受。这些是理论上要求一位建筑设计师要考虑的因素也是作为一名建筑师应该承担的责任,而且还可以据此评价一位建筑师的设计能力和水平及其职业道德。事实上在进行一项高层建筑设计时,开发商受利益的驱使往往不会考虑建筑与环境的关系,此时,规划部门所出台的各种条文政策及规范将扮演着重要角色,它强制性的要求必须顾及城市环境,营造舒适的城市空间。可以看出,高层建筑设计与城市空间的协调以及城市空间的营造是通过两方面的共同作用来完成的,即建筑设计和规划。下面就从建筑设计和城市规划两方面谈谈高层建筑设计与城市空间的关系。 1 建筑设计 11 充分发挥广场的作用 高层建筑由于其体量的巨大,往往给街道空间一种突然的压迫感,使人感觉好像从一个大空间突然进入一个小空间,这是由于高层建筑的体量所造成的对比因此凡是处在街道两旁体量巨大的高层建筑在设计时应该对其进行后退处理,并在其退出的用地上设计一广场空间,这个广场空间将起到空间的缓冲作用;而且由于高层建筑的建筑面积远远超出其用地面积,容纳的人员较多,出入口人流密度相对较大,后退出的广场空间也起到缓解交通压力的作用从另外一方面讲,广场空间往往在街道空间以及城市空间中起到非常重要作用,能够给公众留下较深的印象,也往往能成为城市的节点,这就是共享空间的好处有的建筑大师甚至直接设计成下沉式的广场,如13本建筑大师叽崎新设计的13本筑波中心的下沉式广场,独特的广场空间造型,以人和环境为设计重点,不仅为公众提供了一个舒适的安静的休闲场所,而且使建筑塔楼的形象特征更加突出这种下沉式的广场往往更容易给人留下印象,就空间形式而言它是一种非常富有情趣的空间因此在进行高层建筑设计时广场和建筑应该作为一体来考虑 12 高层建筑主体设计 对于一个城市而言,高层建筑往往具有一定的代表性和象征性,可以反映一个城市经济水平和发展程度,选择合理的造型就显得尤为重要高层建筑由于其结构形式的限制以及使用功能的要求,在造型上往往追随于建筑的结构形式,而不能有太多的变化,有的高层建筑甚至直接将结构形式外露不加修饰高层建筑的主体部分是它的塔楼,塔楼的表现形式对高层建筑的造型起着决定性的作用,现今国外和国内的许多高层建筑都有着独特的外形和明显的识别性,对一个城市具有一定的代表性,这可以说是高层建筑存在的一个原因随着近年来资源短缺问题的出现,全球提出了可持续发展,而高层建筑就环保节能方面来说是很浪费的,随之就出现了“生态型”建筑的概念,如生态建筑师诺曼·福斯特设计的法兰克福商业银行总部大厦在强调象征意义和功能的同时,就引人生态的概念,是世界上第一座”生态型”超高层建筑其建筑平面呈三角形,宛如三叶花瓣夹着一支花茎:花瓣部分是办公空间,花茎部分为中空大厅中空大厅起自然通风作用,同时还为建筑内部创造了丰富的景观而气候设计大师杨经文设计的马来西亚吉隆坡梅纳拉大厦则体现了利用空中开放空间连通建筑内外,贯彻“生物气候大楼”思想,引入了大量的植物,立面上螺旋上升的垂直绿化和底部斜坡的绿化都有助于调节气候,尽可能地拉近了人与自然的距离,较好地完成了室内外空间的过渡与衔接同时对形成良好的城市空间环境也是一种深化可以看出目前高层建筑设计的一个新要求就是要实现“生态节能型” 高层建筑主体的下部分一裙房虽然对整个城市影响较小,但它对于街道的尺度和人情化空间的创造等方面却有着重要的影响建筑的裙楼立面设计一般不同于上部立面,需要进行细致的设计,从而使下部空间丰富多彩而不至于感到苍白,并要体现人的尺度,因为裙房部分跟公众视觉接触较密切,对街道空间感影响也较大而高层建筑的最上部分屋顶对整个建筑形象起到强化个性的作用,虽然它较少影响到生态环境,但对塑造建筑的标志性、丰富城市天际线具有重要的作用,因此应根据建筑的基座、楼身等因素加以塑造13 巧妙的运用一些处理手法 高层建筑的塔楼部分虽然变化的余地不大,但是底层部分却可以进行一些巧妙的处理来丰富空间形式一般可以采用底层架空和入口缩进的手法底层架空的处理手法是现代建筑的特征之一,它可以在高密度的环境中争取到宝贵的用地,把城市的道路、广场和建筑有机地结合在一起,形成通透的、公共的开放空间,给市民以小憩之地;同时还可以改善人流、视觉拥挤的状况,连通几个主要的公共场所,以增加城市空间的层次高层建筑临近城市道路布置时,人口空间凹人建筑下部可以避免主体的被迫后退(用地非常紧张的情况下),争取基地面积的有效使用,缓解人1:3处各种矛盾冲突;并有可能在建筑


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