设计总说明随着世界的快速发展,各种资源的利用也越来越被人们重视。特别是我们的生命源泉水资源。所以作为蓄水的重要工具水库的利用也更加重视。尤其是水库水利水能的规划利用,更是当今水利工作者的重要责任。据监测,目前全国多数城市地下水受到一定程度的点状和面状污染,且有逐年加重的趋势。日趋严重的水污染不仅降低了水体的使用功能,进一步加剧了水资源短缺的矛盾,对我国正在实施的可持续发展战略带来了严重影响,而且还严重威胁到城市居民的饮水安全和人民群众的健康。同时,我国水资源分布不均,南多北少的特点,更加突出水库水资源的规划的重要性。所以水库水利水能规划已经是水利工作者必须重视的课题了。水利水能规划设计理念一是以人为本的理念,始终把工程的安全和质量,把社会责任放在勘测设计的首位和重中之重;二是人与自然和谐的理念,要特别注重生态环境保护,真正建立环境友好的工程;三是统筹兼顾的理念,要综合考虑上下游、左右岸,以及生态、环境、移民、工程经济等,发挥工程的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益。本次课程设计就是隔河岩水库水利水能规划。隔河岩是位于清江上的一座拱形重力坝。清江是长江出三峡后的第一条大支流,发源于湖北省恩施土家族自治州境内的齐岳山龙洞沟。自西向东流经利川、恩施、建始、咸丰、宜恩、巴东、鹤峰、五峰、长阳、枝城十县市,于枝城市境内注入长江。隔河岩水电站位于湖北省长阳县城附近的清江干流上,距葛洲坝电站约50km,距武汉约350km。电站建成后主要供电华中电网,并配合葛洲坝电站运行。隔河岩水电站为清江干流主要梯级之一,以发电为主,兼有防洪及航运等综合利用效益。本次隔河岩水利水能规划,依据任务书的各项内容、任务要求,分析任务书中提供的资料,了解和掌握该工程的规模、性质及兴建该工程的必要性和重要性,通过调研、收集资料补充有关资料和数据,通过对资料的一致性、可靠性、代表性的审查。并由已知资料用配线法推求P=5%、50%、95%的设计年径流量。通过对代表年的选择,用同频率放大法计算设计年径流量年内分配。 规划设计时根据建筑物级别选定不同频率作为防洪标准,这样把洪水作为随机现象,以概率估算未来的设计洪水,同时以不同频率来处理安全与经济的关系。水利水电工程建筑物分为正常运用和非正常运用两种。按正常运用标准计算出的洪水叫设计洪水,而按非常运用的标准计算出的洪水称为校核洪水。由于隔河岩水库属于特大型水库,采用的设计标准为千年一遇,校核标准为万年一遇,下游防洪标准采用百年一遇。通过对洪水资料的一致性、可靠性、代表性的审查,然后运用相关分析方法插补延长历史洪水资料。 由已知资料用列表计算法分别推求P=1%、0.1%、0.01%的设计洪峰流量及设计洪量。用放大典型洪水过程线的方法来推求设计洪水过程线,采用的典型放大方法有峰量同频率控制方法(简称同频率放大法),分别推求百年一遇、千年一遇、万年一遇洪水过程线。并通过P-III型曲线适线法做出典型洪水过程线。确定调洪控制条件,通过列表试算法求出设计洪水位及校核洪水位,了解水库兴利运用方式,确定水库的特征水位。进行水能计算时本设计采用三个代表年法计算多年平均年发电量;通过基本资料采用代表年计算保证出力;通过计算做出NE的关系确定装机容量。 以上是本次设计的基本内容,大概可以概括为应用:适线法,相关分析法,同频率放大法,插补延长法,列表计算法,电算程序等方法。关键词:水利水能规划,设计年径流量,设计洪水,校核洪水,设计洪水过程线,多年平均年发电量 The general description of the designWith the rapid development in the world, using all kinds of resources are more and more people are paying attention to. Especially the source of water resources of our life. So as the important tool using the reservoir water also pay more attention to. Especially in planning the use of reservoir water power, is an important responsibility of the water conservancy workers.According to the monitoring, at present the majority of city groundwater by a certain degree of point and area sources, and the trend of increasing year by year. The increasingly serious water pollution not only reduces water use function, further exacerbated the contradiction of water resources shortage, which caused serious impact on China's sustainable development strategy is being implemented, but also a serious threat to the city residents drinking water safety and health of the masses. At the same time, China's water resources are unevenly distributed, features from south to the north, more outstanding the importance of reservoir water resource planning. So the reservoir of water resources planning is water workers must pay attention to the problem.The design concept planning of water conservancy and hydropower is a people-oriented philosophy, always put the safety and quality of the project, to social responsibility in the survey and design of the first and the priority among priorities; two is the human and the nature harmonious idea, we should pay special attention to the protection of the ecological environment, establish a environmental friendly engineering; three is the overall concept, to considering the upper and lower, left and right bank, and ecology, environment, immigration, engineering economy, develop the project economic benefit, social benefit and ecological benefit.This course is designed for Ge he yan reservoir of water resources planning. The Ge he yan is located in an arch gravity dam on Qing jiang. Qing jiang is the first major tributary of the Yangtze River Three Gorges after Qi Yue shan, originated in Long dong Gou Prefecture of Hu bei province En shi Tu jia autonomous. From west to East through Li chuan, En shi, Jian shi, Xian Feng, Ba dong, He feng, should be well, five peak, Chang yang, Zhi cheng ten counties, city branch flowing into the Yangtze river. The Geheyan hydropower station is located near the Hubei province Changyang County of the Qingjiang River, from the Gezhouba Dam power station is about 50km, about 350km away from the wuhan. Power station after the completion of the main power supply in Central China power grid, and with the Gezhouba Dam power plant. The Geheyan hydropower station is one of the Qingjiang main river cascade, mainly for power generation, comprehensive utilization benefit of both flood control and shipping.So the Geheyan hydropower planning, based on the content, task, task requirements, analysis of the task book information, to understand and grasp the scale, and the nature of the construction of the necessity and importance of the project, through the investigation, collecting data to supplement relevant materials and data. Through the consistency of data, reliability, representative review.According to the known data for wiring method for design of P=5%, 50%, 95% of the annual runoff. Through the years of selection, design and calculation of the annual runoff distribution with the same frequency and magnification method.Planning and design according to the building level selected different frequency as the flood control standard; the flood as a random phenomenon, estimating the design flood of the future in relation to different frequency and probability, to deal with security and economy. Water conservancy and Hydropower Engineering building is divided into normal and non normal use by two. According to the normal use of the standard to calculate flood design flood; and by using the standard is calculated flood called check flood. Because of Geheyan reservoir belongs to large reservoir, design standards used for thousands of years, the calibration standard for thousand years; the downstream flood control standard with a hundred years. Through the consistency, the flood data reliability, representative review. Through interpolation correlation analysis method to extend the interpolation data of historical flood.By the known data list design and calculation of design flood peak flow and method for P=1% respectively, 0.1%, 0.01%. To ascertain design flood hydrograph method for amplifying the typical flood hydrograph, amplification methods of typical peaks increased with the frequency control method (referred to as the same frequency amplification method). Respectively for hundred years, thousands of years, thousand year flood hydrograph. Through P-III curve fitting method to make the typical flood hydrograph.Determination of flood control conditions, through the list of trial method to calculate the design flood level and check flood level. To understand the reservoir operation mode, determine the characteristics of water level of reservoirs, the design adopts three representative year method to calculate the average annual power generation for many years. The basic data used in calculating the guaranteed output. Through the calculation of N-E relationship determine the selection of installed capacity.The above is the basic content of this design, it can be summarized as: curve fitting method, correlation analysis method, the same frequency amplification method, interpolation method, the list method, computer program, P-III curve fitting method, the calculation of annual runoff of Ge he yan reservoir design, design flood process line and check flood line, flood routing, hydropower calculation.Keywords: planning of water conservancy and hydropower, design annual runoff, flood, flood, design flood hydrograph, average annual generating capacity 目录1 绪论 .12 设计年径流计算 .5 2.1设计保证率的选择 .5 2.2径流资料的审查 .5 2.3设计年径流量的频率计算 .6 2.4设计年径流量年内分配的推求 .8 2.4.1代表年的选择 .8 2.4.2设计年径流量年内分配的计算 .93 设计洪水的推求 .10 3.1设计标准 .10 3.2洪水资料的分析与处理 .10 3.2.1洪水资料的审查 .10 3.2.2历史洪水资料的插补 .10 3.3设计洪峰流量及设计洪量的推求 .16 3.4洪水过程线的推求 .25 3.4.1典型洪水过程线的选择 .25 3.4.2洪水过程线的推求 .254 水库调洪计算 .32 4.1调洪计算的原理 .334.2水库调洪计算 .335 水能计算 .405.1水能计算的内容和原理 .405.2保证出力的计算 .415.3装机容量的选择 .435.4多年平均年发电量的计算 .466 结论 . .49谢辞 .50参考文献 .511 绪论1.1 流域概况1.1.1 地理位置 清江是长江出三峡后的第一条大支流,发源于湖北省恩施土家族自治州境内的齐岳山龙洞沟。自西向东流经利川、恩施、建始、咸丰、宜恩、巴东、鹤峰、五峰、长阳、枝城十县市,于枝城市境内注入长江。干流长423km,总落差1430m。清江流域位于东经108°35111°35,北纬29°3330°50之间,流域面积17000km2 。形状呈南北狭、东西长的狭长形,属羽毛形河系。1.1.2 气候条件 流域气候温和,多年平均气温为16.5,78月份最高,为27°30°,121月份最低,为2°8°。堤址区多年平均年降水量为1335mm,集中于69月份,最大日雨量158mm。多年平均年蒸发量陆面500mm,水面700mm。平均风速为0.52.5m/s,最大风速19m/s,风向NE。1.1.3 地形条件 堤址拟定于近南北向河谷下段,河床高程60m左右,两岸山岩对峙。十分陡峻,呈“U”型。岩石主要为下、中寒武系的浅海相碳酸盐,总厚度约1700m。清江流域资源丰富,除水资源外,还有铁矿、森林及珍贵土特产,但工业基础薄弱,交通不便。坝址以下,右岸较平坦、开阔,左岸较陡峻。现场及附近砂、石料丰富,土料缺乏。坝址以下15km有公路浆砌石桥一座,连通左、右岸。公路由长阳县城通达坝下3km的居民点(沿右岸)。1.1.4 枢纽任务 枢纽主要开发任务是发电、航运、防洪。1.2 历史洪水情况据历史洪水调查和文献考证,近300年中, 1833年、1935年、1920年曾发生特大洪水。历史洪水洪峰流量如下: 表1-1 历史洪水洪峰流量年份183319351920洪峰流量1780015000136401.3 库容曲线 表1-2 库容曲线Z(m)60708090100110120130V(亿m3)亿m3) 水库调洪方式当上游来量较小,小于下泻安全泄量q安13000m3/s时,控制闸门开度,使qQ;当来量Q大于13000m3/s时,控制闸门开度,使下泻流量q13000m3/s,这时库水位上升,库水位上升至201.6m时,这时,打开全部闸门,水库敞泄(按泄流能力下泄,泄流能力用试算法推求),当库水位降低至196.0m时,关闭部分闸门,控制下泻流量q13000m3/s。若上游来量小于13000m3/s时,控制闸门开度,使qQ,即来多少水泄多少水。 本枢纽为一等工程,拦河坝、泄水建筑物、电站为级建筑物。大坝及泄水建筑物洪水标准采用l000年一遇洪水设计,10000年一遇洪水校核。电站厂房按500年一遇洪水设计,2000年一遇校核。为了确保长阳县城的安全,水库在遇100年一遇的洪峰流量17700m3s时,调节控制最大下泄流量不超过13000m3s,相应库水位为202m;在遇到l000年一遇洪峰流量22800 m3s时,调节后下泄流流量不超过20900m3s,设计洪水为203m;在遇到l0000一遇洪峰27800m3s时,调节后下泄流量不超过23000m3s,校核洪水位205m。正常蓄水位 200m,死水位 160m,防洪限制水位 196.6m1.5 坝址水位流量关系曲线 表1-3 坝址水位流量关系水位高程(m)77.757878.57980.18182.183.684.55相应流量(m3/s)506917933092015902460368044901.6 年径流资料:见表4 表1-4 隔河岩年月平均流量统计表 单位:秒立米年份月份456789101112123平均1951-52307.7490.9203.9833.6259.6448.4174.6102.95836.855.1255268.9 52-53304893215.2387861.8953.4485.2219.915171.7108.6193.5403.7 53-54258.7245.4243.6575.8440.8164.3355.980.1153.9133.1163.3119.9244.6 54-55624.91105832.621051161165.2355.980.1153.9133.1125.6317.2596.6 55-56249.2275.6165.2751.4715.6499.413457.745.849.775.9204268.6 56-57410.6729.7906.2825.1890.2209.6142.565.349.6143.5134153388.3 57-58320753.3375.7766.5375.758.3498.4150.1106.955.936108.6300.5 58-59636.31057694.81199775.9211.5575.815274.266.3184535513.5 59-60763.7695.7525.8241.756.687.3115.2271.9163.470108359288.2 60-61296.4414.4825.1864.7151421.9151281.386.152.175.4578349.8 61-62340.8375.7349.3337314.4196.4386.1500223.786.7156269294.6 62-63535.2755.2944818.4614.5358.7230.3343.6187.97546137420.5 63-64353.11218509.8708.91416273.8328.5337.9116.1130130230479.3 64-65437.1896.8708257.7429.5792.9920.4310.694.48612783428.6 65-66373.8270.9590317.2270.9688.2672165.2192.693101107320.2 66-67273.8658522294.5128.497.2187.9179.480.255195319249.2 67-68269872.3839.2932.7268.1325.7498.4640198.27067370445.9 68-69598.5452.2129.31746310.6847.7314.4159.5139.77886135416.4 69-70354.9437.1576.81954463.5953.4100.1184.160.25086145447.1 70-71520.1641.9893727.8244.5962.9248.3111.4102122141100401.2 71-72473.95181595326.6296.4870.4733.522056.53686176449.0 72-73275.6604.2584.3196.4127.4227.5594.733869.772161132281.9 73-74528.61048821.3815.6341.71558323.868.6453686176487.4 74-75227.51010260.5534.3697.6519.2446.5170.989.214183123358.6 75-76700.4740.11378890.2464.4467.3471.1243.4110.464171271497.6 76-77431.4625.9586.2926.1122.7184.1208.6216.270.950100481333.6 77-78829.8875.1512.61284294.575.5199.230499.1123.775.6143401.3 78-79387609.8852.4338.9431.4220115.2233.283.650.4100.148.1289.2 平均431.5688.2630.0784.1461.6458.5356.0221.0109.479.7109.4223.9379.4 1.7 实测洪水资料:见表5表1-5 隔河岩水库历年洪量表年份QmW24h W72h W168h 年份QmW24h W72h W168h 195163804.