机器人摄像头014LC821031 5p.doc
Ordering number : EN*5735PreliminalyOverviewCMOS LSILC821031Image-Processing IC for Facsimile, Copier,and OCR Products Gamma correction (Supports user-defined curves: 8-bitdata)The LC821031 converts analog video signals from CCDand contact sensors to high-quality binary image data. Itincludes both an 8-bit A/D converter and a 6-bit D/Aconverter for setting the reference potential and createshigh-quality multi-valued data using a gamma conversiontechnique that supports arbitrary gamma curves. It alsoprovides both black and white all-pixel distortioncorrection and multi-valued resolution conversion. It thenapplies two-dimensional filtering to this multi-valued datato separate the document image into text, photograph, andhalftone areas. After converting the image to a binaryimage using an error diffusion technique that acquireshigh-quality images, it applies reduction in both theprimary and secondary scan directions. Since theLC821031 limits the number of pixels processed per lineto 3072 pixels, it needs no external memory to implementthis processing. Thus the LC821031 implements the imageprocessing used by facsimile, copier, and OCR products.Features Number of pixels processed: 3072 pixels/line Processing speed: 250 ns/pixel, maximum (WhenCLKIN = 32 MHz) 8-bit A/D converter (Includes a sensor signal timingadjustment function.) 6-bit D/A converter for setting the A/D converterreference potential Sensor drive circuit (Supports most CCD and CISdevices.) Digital clamp (single-point clamping and even/oddclamping) Distortion correction (white correction: all-pixelcorrection, black correction: all-pixel correction)SpecificationsAbsolute Maximum Ratings at Ta = 25°C, GND = 0 V Image area separation Simple binary coding (fixed threshold and densityadaptive threshold) Halftone processing: error diffusion method (64 levels) Multi-value resolution conversion (Conversion ratios of1:2, 2:3, 3:2, and 2:1) Binary image reduction (Main scan line direction:decimation, fine black line retention, fine white lineretention; secondary scan line direction: decimation, fineline retention) Fabricated in a CMOS process for single 5-V power-supply and low power.Package Dimensionsunit: mm3159-QFP64ELC821031SANYO: QIP64EParameterMaximum supply voltageInput and output voltageAllowable power dissipationOperating temperatureStorage temperatureSymbolVDDmaxVI, VOPd maxTa 70°CToprTstgConditionsRatings0.3 to +7.00.3 to VDD+0.335030 to +7055 to +125UnitVVmW°C°CSoldering conditionsHand soldering: 3 secondsReflow soldering: 10 seconds350235°C°CTOKYO OFFICE Tokyo Bldg., 1-10, 1 Chome, Ueno, Taito-ku, TOKYO, 110-0005 JAPAN22898HA (OT) No. 5735-1/5LC821031Allowable Operating Ranges at Ta = 30 to +70°C, GND = 0 VParameterSymbolConditionsminRatingstypmaxUnitSupply voltageVDD4.55.5VInput voltageVIN0VDDVDC Characteristics at Ta = 30 to +70°C, GND = 0 V, VDD= 4.5 to 5.5 VParameterSymbolConditionsInput high-level voltageVIHmin2.2RatingstypmaxUnitVInput low-level voltageVIL0.8VInput leakage currentOutput high-level voltageOutput low-level voltageOutput leakage currentCurrent drainAnalog CharacteristicsParameterD/A ConverterResolutionInternal resistanceIIH, LVIN= VDD, VSSVOHIOH= 3 mAVOLIOL= 3 mAILWhen high-impedanceIDDCLKIN = 32 MHzSymbolConditions102.410min40Ratingstyp64.8+10µAV0.4V+10µA70mAUnitmaxbitkA/D Converter ATAPL potential: 0.8 V, ATAPH potential: 4.2 VResolutionLinearity errorDifferential linearity errorInternal resistanceBlock DiagramSensor8330bit±1LSB±1LSBRegistersAnalogblockDistortioncorrectionMulti-valuedresolutionconversionControllerFiltersImage areaseparationGammacorrection2-kilobitSRAMBinarycorrectionHalftonemotor driveOutputcontrolBinaryimagereductionNo. 5735-2/5Pin Functions Pin No.SymbolI/OLC821031I: Input pin, O: Output pin, B: Bidirectional pin, P: Power supply pin, NC: Not ConnectedFunction1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0DGNDDVDDA8A7A6A5A4A3DGNDA2A1A0WRRDA12DVDDCLKINA11A10A9CSICLKTRIGRESETBBBBCPU interface data busBD7 is the MSB, and D0 is the LSB.BBBPDigital system groundPDigital system power supplyIIICPU interface address busIA12 is the MSB, and A0 is the LSB.IIPDigital system groundIICPU interface address busIICPU interface write signalICPU interface read signalICPU interface address busPDigital system power supplyISystem clock inputIICPU interface address busIICPU interface chip select signalIExternal sampling point signal inputIExternal trigger signal inputISystem reset33SAMP/LININTOA/D converter sampling point monitor signal output/LINE signal output3435363738TESTREFAGNDDALRLDAHRLITest pin (Must be tied to the digital system ground in normal operation.)IDRAM refresh signal inputPAnalog system groundILow reference for the D/A converter used for the A/D converter low reference.ILow reference for the D/A converter used for the A/D converter high reference.Continued on next page.No. 5735-3/5Continued from preceding page.Pin No.SymbolI/OLC821031I: Input pin, O: Output pin, B: Bidirectional pin, P: Power supply pin, NC: Not ConnectedFunction394041AINTEMPATAPHISensor signal inputITemperature signal inputOAnalog middle level for the A/D converter high reference42DAHRHIHigh reference for the D/A converter used for the A/D converter high reference.43444546AVDDDALRHATAPLAGNDPAnalog system power supplyIHigh reference for the D/A converter used for the A/D converter low reference.OAnalog middle level for the A/D converter low referencePAnalog system ground47PD7/SDODMA output/serial data output48PD6/SDCKODMA output/serial data transfer clock49DGNDPDigital system ground50PD5/SDEODMA output/serial data output valid period signal51PD4/PP4B52PD3/PP3BDMA output/general-purpose I/O ports53PD2/PP2B54PD1/PP1B55PD0/PP0B56DVDDPDigital system power supply57DACK/PP5BDMA data acknowledge signal input pin/general-purpose I/O port58DREQ/PP6BDMA data request signal output/general-purpose I/O port59MTP/PP7BMotor drive timing signal output/general-purpose I/O port60616263CLK2CLK1RSSHOOOOSensor drive signal outputs64DGNDPDigital system groundNote: Unused input pins must not be left open. These pins must be connected either to the digital system power supply or to the digital system ground.No. 5735-4/5Sample Application Circuit Use a 0.01 µF monolithic capacitor for C1.LC821031A12 to A0D7 to D0PD7 to PD0 Applications must set up the polarity of the image signal from the sensor so that white data is at the highest potentialand black data is at the lowest. If the peak level in the image signal from the sensor does not reach 4.2 V, a levelconversion circuit should be added to allow the application to take advantage of the dynamic range of the internal D/Aconverter. Although AGND and DGND are fully isolated from each other within the IC, AVDDand DVDDare connected throughthe substrate. Therefore applications must be designed so that there is no potential difference between AVDDandDVDD. Also, the rise and fall of these power-supply potentials must occur within 3 ms of each other.No products described or contained herein are intended for use in surgical implants, life-support systems, aerospaceequipment, nuclear power control systems, vehicles, disaster/crime-prevention equipment and the like, the failure ofwhich may directly or indirectly cause injury, death or property loss.Anyone purchasing any products described or contained herein for an above-mentioned use shall:Accept full responsibility and indemnify and defend SANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries anddistributors and all their officers and employees, jointly and severally, against any and all claims and litigation and alldamages, cost and expenses associated with such use:Not impose any responsibility for any fault or negligence which may be cited in any such claim or litigation onSANYO ELECTRIC CO., LTD., its affiliates, subsidiaries and distributors or any of their officers and employeesjointly or severally.Information (including circuit diagrams and circuit parameters) herein is for example only; it is not guaranteed forvolume production. SANYO believes information herein is accurate and reliable, but no guarantees are made or impliedregarding its use or any infringements of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties.This catalog provides information as of February, 1998. Specifications and information herein are subject tochange without notice.PS No. 5735-5/5