PwC发布的中国投资指南 PwC-Doing-Business-and-Investing-in-China.ppt
Doing Business andInvesting in China,Welcome,Dear Readers,PricewaterhouseCoopers China is proud to present youwith the latest“Doing Business and Investing in China”guide.,China is the most dynamic trading economy in theworld,so it should be no surprise that companies whoare serious about expanding and remaining globallycompetitive continue to head to China.Ever since 1978,when Chinas economic reforms began,the nation hasbeen developing at an unprecedented pace.Today,Chinas economy continues to power ahead,presentingever greater opportunities for foreign investors.In fact,Chinas Foreign Direct Investment increased to aboutUS$75 billion in 2007,while merger and acquisitionactivities in China also continue to grow in strength.As China rapidly transforms to becoming one of theworlds largest and fastest growing marketplaces,anda home for the worlds emerging global companies,thequestion on most executives minds is this:How can Ibecome part of the action at this unique time in Chinashistory?,Multinational investors have entered into an era where theyare facing new challenges in operating their business inChina issues of increasing complexity that touch on thewar for talent,local market expansion and competition,risk management and frequent regulatory change.These issues form the foremost concerns for corporateexecutives in China.,This guide has been prepared to assist foreign investorswho are taking initial steps to establish and grow theirbusiness in China,as well as those who have significantoperations in China and are interested in being updatedwith the most recent important changes in tax,accountingand investment related regulations.,Doing Business and Investing in China,Welcome,All the chapters in this guide are contributed by thepractice leaders in the PricewaterhouseCoopers ChinaAssurance,Tax and Advisory lines of services.Thematerial contained in this guide was assembled on31 December 2007 and,unless otherwise indicated,isbased on information available at that time.,We hope you find this guide practical and insightfuland that it will become your regular reference material.That said,please note that the guide is not intended toexhaustively cover the subjects it addresses but ratherto answer some of the important,broad questions thatmay arise for investors.When specific problems occurin practice,it will be necessary to refer to the specificlaws and practices and to obtain appropriate professionaladvice.,Please contact us at one of our 12 offices in China shouldyou wish to know more about how we can help youdo business in China.We look forward to helping yousucceed in one of the fastest growing emerging marketsin the world.,Silas Yang(楊紹信)Executive Chairman&Senior Partner,Doing Business and Investing in China,1-3,4-6,9,Table of contentsIntroduction to PricewaterhouseCoopersPricewaterhouseCoopers China Offices,7-8,Key contact peopleOur locations in China,10-1920-2829-4243-5051-5758-7677-9091-101102-108,Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8Chapter 9,Peoples Republic of China A ProfileBusiness environmentBusiness entitiesRestrictions on foreign investment andinvestorsInvestment incentivesBanking and financeExporting to and from ChinaLabour relations and working conditionsAudit requirements and practices,109-126127-134135-144145-158159-166167-168169-172173-184185-194195-200201-212213-223,Chapter 10 Accounting principles and practicesChapter 11 Tax systemChapter 12 Tax administrationChapter 13 Taxation of corporationsChapter 14 Taxation of foreign enterprisesChapter 15 Taxation of shareholdersChapter 16 Partnership enterpriseChapter 17 Taxation of individualsChapter 18 Indirect taxesChapter 19 Tax treatiesChapter 20 Transfer pricingChapter 21 Mergers and Acquisitions,Doing Business and Investing in China,227,236,255,Table of Contents,224225-226,Appendix IAppendix II,Corporate income tax ratesTax depreciation rates,Appendix III Corporate tax calculations,228-234,Appendix IV Tax treaty summary,235,Appendix V,Tax rates Foreign nationals working in,ChinaAppendix VI Personal allowances Foreign nationalsworking in China,237-238239-243244-251,Appendix VII Individual tax calculation Foreignnationals working in ChinaAppendix VIII Selected indirect taxesAppendix IX Illustrative financial statements,252-254,Appendix X,Comparison between China Accounting,Standards and IFRSAppendix XI Government of the Peoples Republic ofChinaDoing Business and Investing in China,1,Introduction to PricewaterhouseCoopers,About PricewaterhouseCoopers Globally,PricewaterhouseCoopers()providesindustry-focused assurance,tax and advisory servicesto build public trust and enhance value for its clientsand their stakeholders.More than 146,000 people in150 countries across our network share their thinking,experience and solutions to develop fresh perspectivesand practical advice.,“PricewaterhouseCoopers”refers to the network ofmember firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers InternationalLimited,each of which is a separate and independentlegal entity.,About PricewaterhouseCoopers China,PricewaterhouseCoopers China is the leading professionalservices firms in China(),Hong Kong(),and Macau with a total strength ofover 9,000 people,including close to 330 partners.Complementing our depth of industry expertise andbreadth of skills is our sound knowledge of the localbusiness environment in mainland China and HongKong.We are committed to working with our clientsto deliver the solutions that help them take on the,challenges of the ever-changing business environment.The firm had its origins in China in 1906,when itestablished an office in Shanghai,and has beenestablished in Hong Kong since 1902.Today,PricewaterhouseCoopers has offices on the mainlandof China in Beijing,Chongqing,Dalian,Guangzhou,Qingdao,Shanghai,Shenzhen,Suzhou,Tianjin andXian,as well as in Hong Kong and Macau(“SpecialAdministrative Regions”).,Doing Business and Investing in China,2,Introduction to PricewaterhouseCoopers,Helping multinational companies to invest in ChinaComprising specialist business advisors and,accountants,PricewaterhouseCoopers China has themost extensive resources,widest geographical coverageand the greatest in-depth expertise of all the professionalservices firms in China.,The primary focus of the firm is our commitmentto providing high-quality services to multinationalcompanies investing in China.Our strong capabilityto meet this commitment is based on a strategy ofidentifying the nature and extent of services to beprovided and committing the level of investmentnecessary to provide these services to standardsrequired by international investors.,Helping Chinese companies with securities listingsand to succeed domestically and internationallyMany Chinese enterprises have already listed in localand overseas stock exchanges.Many have expandedinternationally,making their debut on the globe stage.PricewaterhouseCoopers China has made a significantinvestment and has built a leading presence in assistingChinese companies in this endeavour.,Services,We provide a full range of business advisory services toforeign investors in China,including the following:Advice on market entry to international companies,including general business advice,market research,market analysis,strategy studies,joint ventureidentification and negotiation,establishment andregistration of offices and personnel,feasibilitystudies,due diligence,business valuation,capitalverification,tax structuring and planning,completingaudits and management systems and processes.,Doing Business and Investing in China,3,Introduction to PricewaterhouseCoopers,Operational support to international companies,including business effectiveness,amalgamation andrestructuring of joint ventures,IT systems advice,corporate,personal and indirect tax advice and riskmanagement,labour practice compliance,foreignexamination reports,management and head-officereporting and statutory auditing services.,The business environment in China is unique.An,effective business advisor must have the experience ofthe business environment in China to meet the businessadvisory needs of international and domestic clients.We have acted as advisors to multinational companies,state-owned enterprises,joint ventures,representativeoffices,and other business entities engaged in awide range of activities throughout the country.Thisexperience ensures that we are in a position to provideour clients with the highest quality advice available.,Doing Business and Investing in China,4,PricewaterhouseCoopers China Offices,北京,Beijing,中國北京市朝陽區 東三環中路7號 北京財富中心寫字樓A座26樓 郵政編號 10002026/F Office Tower ABeijing Fortune Plaza7 Dongsanhuan Zhong RoadChaoyang DistrictBeijing 100020,PRC電話 Tel:+86(10)6533 8888 傳真 Fax:+86(10)6533 8800,上海,Shanghai,中國上海市湖濱路202號 普華永道中心11樓 郵政編號20002111/F PricewaterhouseCoopers Center202 Hu Bin RoadShanghai 200021,PRC電話 Tel:+86(21)6123 8888傳真 Fax:+86(21)6123 8800,香港,Hong Kong,香港中環太子大厦22樓22/F Princes BuildingCentralHong Kong電話 Tel:+852 2289 8888傳真 Fax:+852 2810 9888,重慶,Chongqing,中國重慶市渝中區鄒容路68號 大都會商厦19樓1905室 郵政編號400010Room 190519/F Metropolitan Tower68 Zou Rong RoadChongqing 400010,PRC電話 Tel:+86(23)6393 7888傳真 Fax:+86(23)6393 7200Doing Business and Investing in China,5,PricewaterhouseCoopers China Offices,大連,Dalian,中國大連市西崗區中山路147號 森茂大厦8樓 郵政編碼 1160118/F Senmao Building147 Zhongshan Road,Xigang DistrictDalian 116011,PRC電話 Tel:+86(411)8379 1888傳真 Fax:+86(411)8379 1800,廣州,Guangzhou,中國廣州市林和西路161號 中泰國際廣場25樓 郵政編號 51062025/F Center Plaza161 Lin He Xi RoadGuangzhou 510620,PRC電話 Tel:+86(20)3819 2000傳真 Fax:+86(20)3819 2100,澳門,Macau,澳門蘇亞利斯博士大馬路 中國銀行大厦28樓CUnit C,28/FBank of China BuildingAvenida Doutor Mario SoaresMacau電話 Tel:+853 8799 5111傳真 Fax:+853 8799 5222,青島,Qingdao,中國青島市香港中路59號 青島國際金融中心4601 郵政編號2660714601,Qingdao International Finance Center59 Hong Kong Middle RoadQingdao 266071,PRC電話 Tel:+86(532)8089 1888傳真 Fax:+86(532)8089 1800Doing Business and Investing in China,6,PricewaterhouseCoopers China Offices,深圳,Shenzhen,中國深圳市深南東路5002號 信興廣場地王商業中心38樓 郵政編號51800838/F Shun Hing SquareDi Wang Commercial Centre5002 Shennan Road EastShenzhen 518008,PRC電話 Tel:+86(755)8261 8888傳真 Fax:+86(755)8261 8800,蘇州,Suzhou,中國蘇州市蘇州工業園區旺墩路188號 建屋大厦1501室 郵政編號215028Room 1501,Genway Tower188 Wang Dun RoadSuzhou Industrial ParkSuzhou 215028,PRC電話 Tel:+86(512)6273 1888傳真 Fax:+86(512)6273 1800,天津,Tianjin,中國天津市和平區南京路189號 津匯廣場1號樓17層 郵政編號30005117/F The Exchange Tower One189 Nanjing Road,Heping DistrictTianjin 300051,PRC電話 Tel:+86(22)2330 6789傳真 Fax:+86(22)2339 3662,西安,Xian,中國西安市南大街30號 中大國際大廈728室 郵政編號 710002Room 728Zhongda International Mansion30 Nan Da StreetXian 710002,PRC電話 Tel:+86(29)8720 3336傳真 Fax:+86(29)8720 3335Doing Business and Investing in China,7,Key contact people,Frank Lyn-China Markets LeaderTel:+86(10)6533 5015,Email:,Cassie Wong-China Tax LeaderTel:+86(10)6533 3195,Email:,NORTHERN CHINA,Tax,Edward Shum,Tel:+86(10)6533 3256,Email:,Assurance,Thomas Leung,Tel:+86(10)6533 5532,Email:,Advisory,Malcolm MacDonaldTel:+86(10)6533 7804,Email:,Doing Business and Investing in China,8,Key contact people,CENTRAL CHINA,Tax,Tony Kwan,Tel:+86(21)6123 2538,Email:,AssuranceRandy Ko,Tel:+86(21)6123 3332,Email:,Advisory,Benjamin Ye,Tel:+86(21)6123 2458,Email:,SOUTHERN CHINA,Tax,Charles Lee,Tel:+86(755)8261 8193,Email:,Assurance,Richard Sun,Tel:+852 2289 1161,Email:,Advisory,David Brown,Tel:+852 2289 2369,Email:,Doing Business and Investing in China,9,Our locations in China,BeijingXian,DalianTianjiinQingdao,Chongqing,Suzhou,Shanghai,Doing Business and Investing in China,GuangzhouMacau,ShenzhenHong Kong,10,Chapter 1,Peoples Republic of China A ProfileKey messages On 12 November 2001,China was admittedto become a full member of the World TradeOrganization(WTO),which has resulted in greaterliberalisation of many services and industry sectors,as well as a reduction in customs duty.Foreigninvestors operating in distribution,logistics,financialservices,telecommunications,and other sectors havebenefited from this liberalisation.Most of the WTOliberalisation should have been realised by December2007,i.e.six years after accession.Many new laws,business regulations and tax ruleshave been issued after Chinas WTO accession in2001,resulting in the continuous need for investors toadapt their operations and entity structures in China.China today is the fourth-largest economy in theworld,with sustained average economic growth of9.5%for about the past three decades.In 2007,itsnominal gross domestic product totalled more thanUS$3.4 trillion,reaching an overall GDP growth rate of11.4%in 2007.Chinas Foreign Direct Investment increased to aboutUS$75 billion in 2007.China was awarded the right to host the 2008Olympic Games in Beijing and is the third Asiancountry to receive such an honour.Shanghai,China will be the host city of the WorldExposition in 2010.The Exposition will be the first tobe held in a developing country.Doing Business and Investing in China,11,Peoples Republic of China A Profile,Legal system,The National Peoples Congress and its StandingCommittee are empowered to exercise legislativepower.The State Council is also authorised to adoptadministrative regulations and measures in accordancewith the Constitution and laws.At the local level,thePeoples Congress of the provinces,autonomous regionsand municipalities directly under the Central governmentmay also adopt local regulations,provided they do notcontravene the Constitution or the State laws.,The Peoples Courts are the judicial organs of the state,and the judiciary is able to exercise independent powerin accordance with the law.The Supreme Court is thehighest in the land and is accountable to the NationalPeoples Congress and its Standing Committee.Itsupervises the administration of justice by the PeoplesCourts,which are established at different levels.Thereare also special courts,such as those dealing withmilitary and maritime issues.,The Economy,General description,Prior to 1978,China maintained a centrally planned,orcommand economy.Subsequently,China launchedseveral economic reforms.The Central governmentinitiated price and ownership incentives for farmers.Italso established four Special Economic Zones(SEZs)along the coast for the purpose of attracting foreigninvestment,boosting exports,and importing hightechnology products into China.Additional reforms,which followed in stages,sought to decentraliseeconomic policymaking in several sectors,especiallytrade.,Doing Business and Investing in China,12,Peoples Republic of China A Profile,Economic control of various enterprises was given toprovincial and local governments,which were generallyallowed to operate and compete on free market,principles,rather than under the direction and guidanceof state planning.Additional coastal regions and citieswere designated as open cities and development zones,which allowed them to experiment with free marketreforms and to offer tax and trade incentives to attractforeign investment.Chinas transition was highlighted tothe rest of the world when former leader Deng Xiaopi