Gas TCMF,National Grid House,Warwick,24th January 2006,Agenda,1)Introductions2)Minutes of Previous Meeting3)Terms of Reference4)Objectives of Meeting5)Overview of Charging Arrangements6)Overview of Charge Calculation Models7)1 April 06 Charge Revisions8)Way Forward9)Any Other Business,Agenda,1)Introductions2)Minutes of Previous Meeting3)Terms of Reference4)Objectives of Meeting5)Overview of Charging Arrangements6)Overview of Charge Calculation Models7)1 April 06 Charge Revisions8)Way Forward9)Any Other Business,Indicative Work Plan,High Level Overview-2006,Jan 2006,April 2006,Oct 2006,July 2006,Dec 2006,High Level Overview-2007,Jan 2007,April 2007,Oct 2007,July 2007,Step I Review of the current NTS Transportation Charging Methodology,Review current methodology(and supporting models)to determine capacity and commodity charges at NTS entry and exit pointsCollate and assess stakeholder issues,Step II Consideration of enhancements,Consider potential enhancements to NTS Transportation Charging Methodologydesired principles underpinning methodologyways to simplify current approach and impacts on the cost reflectiveness of chargesconsideration of simplifications to commercial/regulatory frameworkconsideration of whether charges are levied on appropriate Users,Step III Entry options,Baseline and Incremental Entry Capacity Pricing MethodologyReview the LRIC process currently used for incremental entry capacity prices.Review/develop a methodology for determining the baseline entry capacity reserve priceEntry Capacity Revenue RecoveryAddress the lack of symmetry of the current charge(PC65 mechanism on over-recovery)Review the application of the charge to large under or over-recoveries.,Step III-Exit options,Transitional Exit Regime(2007-2010)LRMC methodology currently used for exit capacity charges Approach to rebalancing of exit capacity chargesEnduring Exit Regime(2010 onwards)CapacityMethodology for pricing NTS exit capacity product(s)Revenue Recovery i.e under/over recovery mechanismInterruptible transportation creditsConstrained LNG transportation creditsCommodityAmendments to accommodate changes in exit capacity products,Agenda,1)Introductions2)Minutes of Previous Meeting3)Terms of Reference4)Objectives of Meeting5)Overview of Charging Arrangements6)Overview of Charge Calculation Models7)1 April 06 Charge Revisions8)Way Forward9)Any Other Business,Gas TCMF,24th January 2006,青苹果出品 必属精品http:/,囊括2007-2010几百G地产策划资料/企业管理人力资源全套/品牌策划资料/行业分析报告/PPT模板等。,