Google,Organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful.”,Company Description,Google operates the leading Internet search engine,offering targeted search results from billions of Web pages named the search engine they built Google,a play on the word googol,the mathematical term for a 1 followed by 100 zeros.Google subsidiaries include YouTube and DoubleClick.,Googles first production server,History,1998:Founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin raise$1 million from family,friends,and angel investors.Google is incorporated Sept.7.Site receives 10,000 queries per day and is listed in PC Magazines top 100 search websites list.1st half 1999:Google has 8 employees and answers 500,000 queries/day.2000:Becomes largest web search engine,having indexed 1 billion documents.Gains more partners,including Yahoo!Starts web directory.,Search Alerts Book Search Catalogs Desktop*Finance*Images Product Search Toolbar*Web Search Ads AdSense AdWords Analytics Applications Blogger Calendar Gmail Google Docs Google Voice Labs News*Picasa Talk Translate Video YouTube Enterprise Earth for Enterprise/Google Earth Google Search Appliance Geo Google Earth Google Maps Mobile Mobile*,Product/Service Description,How Google Spends Its Time and Resources,Positioning,Teens and young adults,Ages 18-35 business advertisers web surfer A majority of users know GoogleMany use it firstMany use the Google Toolbar Users of all types prefer GoogleComputer peopleLibrariansStudentsSenior citizens,Business Model Advertising,Scalable Search Services:Google provides customized search services for websites.Has become the dominant search engine,used by many portal and ISP websites as well as individuals.Service Provider Offers services online Google:Google Maps,Google Docs,etcAdvertising:Old Model:The Advertiser Pays for Ads DisplayedNew Model:The Advertiser Does Not Pay for Ads DisplayedThe Advertiser Does Pay for Click-ThroughsAnd the Advertiser Pays for AdWordsMore Advertisers Pay More,More OftenMarket-share is being won from other Channels,How does Google make money?,Adwords-and the pay per click concept.Minimum cost per click(CPC):0.08 Minimum payment:100.002.AdsenseGoogle Search Appliance$100/year(for up to 5,000 pages)to$2,250/year(for up to 300,000,according to Google);prices beyond that need can be privately discussed with Google new great products-Google Maps,Google Earth,Google Video,Gmail 20 GB-$5/yr 80 GB-$20/yr 200 GB-$50/yr 400 GB-$100/yr 1 TB-$256/yr And slim revenues.Most of the revenues still comes from its own websites,Unique Selling Proposition(USP),Google had-and still has-a simple,clean,clear,minimalistic user frills,just the logo and the search box-easy and fast to load.Diversity of searchvast amount of informationorganizes the worlds information many different languages check stock quotes,maps,and news headlines look-up phonebook listings for every city Other services:Google delivered all these great new products basically for free Gmail-free storage space,currently 2.8 gigabytes G-talk-Its a very small file(about 900 K),unlike most of the other messengers.,Competitors,Direct competitorsInternet companies,web search providers,internet access providers,internet advertising providersIndirect competitorsTraditional media companiesPrimary competitors Yaho Microsoftand specialty search engines that dive deep into a specific category,such as travel site Kayak and health inquiry site WebMD.2009,including social sites Facebook,Twitter,and Yelp,Risk factors,face competition from traditional media companies,and we may not be included in the advertising budgets of large advertisers,which could harm our operating results.Expects growth rates to decline and anticipate downward pressure on our operating margin in the future If do not continue to innovate and provide products and services that are useful to users,may not remain competitive,and revenues and operating results could suffer.Google generate their revenue almost entirely from advertising,and the reduction in spending by or loss of advertisers could seriously harm their business.New technologies could block our ads,which would harm their business.Google quit from China further helps Baidu who posts 165.3%income growthGoogle Loses Second Executive in China,Financial Information,Google Stock PricesymbolGOOGlast price507.53date5/14/2010 time4:00pmGoogle Market Cap Nears$200 BillionRevenueUS$23.651 billion(2009)23Operating incomeUS$8.312 billion(2009)ProfitUS$6.520 billion(2009)Total assetsUS$40.497 billion(2009)Total equityUS$36.004 billion(2009)Employees20,621(2010),in nov.2007 Google stock market capitalization reached$230 billion,while annual revenues reached$16 billion and profits$4 billion.,Recommendations/prediction.,Be Multi-Domestic companyFind new sources of revenueContinuous InnoviationContextual ads-Continue good workSocial networking-Acquire other playersOffice suite-Continious R&DSearch:Competition from both big web companies will force Google to remain focused on continuing to innovate in searchGoogle environment-G-Browser(Gmail,Froogle,Google News,Picasa,and Blogger)own PC would not need any Microsoft softwarekeep on prospering,