给水排水外文翻译多层住宅建筑给排水设计的几个问题(可编辑) .doc
给水排水外文翻译-多层住宅建筑给排水设计的几个问题 毕业设计/论文外 文 文 献 翻 译 系 别 城市建设学院 专 业 班 级 给水排水工程0803班 姓 名孙培 评 分 指 导 教 师沈阳建筑大学城市建设学院2012 年3月 多层住宅建筑给排水设计的几个问题 摘要:本文就多层住宅建筑给排水设计中给水管材的选用,管道的敷设方式, 水表出户设置,家用热水器的设置及空调冷凝水排放等问题进行探讨,并提出一些具体看法。 关键词:多层住宅,给水管材,管道敷设,水表,太阳能热水器 多层住宅以其配套设施简单,造价低,物业管理方便等特点,很受中小城市房地产开发商和广大居民的欢迎。 如何按2000年小康住宅科技产业工程居住区规划设计导则的要求,提高住宅的设计水平,为每个住户营造出一个舒适 的生活空间,是每个设计人员的职责所在。作为住宅的心脏厨房、卫生间,是功能复杂,卫生、安全和舒适度要求 高,营造繁杂,技术要求高的空间。因此,设计人员必须以整体设计的观念和方法,综合考虑厨房、卫生间给排水管道 和设备的安装等。下面就多层住宅给排水设计中给水管材的选用、管道的敷设、水表出户设置、家用热水器的设置和空 调冷凝水排放等问题与同行们一起探讨。 (一) 给水管材选用问题 传统的给水管材一般采用镀锌钢管,由于镀锌钢管易锈蚀,使用寿命短,用于输送生活用水不能满足水质卫生标准等 缺点,建设部正大力推广塑料给水管的应用。许多地市已明文规定:禁止设计使用镀锌钢管,推广使用塑料给水管。塑料给水 管与金属管道相比,具有重量轻,耐压强度好,输送液体阻力小,耐化学腐蚀性能强,安装方便,省钢节能,使用寿命长等 优点。给水用塑料管道主要有:硬聚氯乙烯(PVC-U)、高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)、交联聚乙烯(PEX)、改性聚丙烯(PP-R ,PP-C)、聚丁烯(PB)、铝塑复合管(PE-AL-PE,PEX-AL-PEX)和钢塑复合管等。 管材的选择是经济技术的比较过程,技术上应从压力、温度、使用环境、安装方法等方面进行考虑,同时结合业主 的要求和住宅的档次,进行经济技术综合考虑后确定。以上所塑料给水管材都可作为住宅生活给水管材。经济适用房和解 困房主要面对广大中低收入居民,可选用卫生级硬聚氯乙烯管(PVC-U)作为给水管,以降低造价;中高档商品房可用铝 塑复合管(PE-AL-PE,PEX-AL-PEX)或其他塑料给水管材作为给水管。住宅配水点的热水温度不超过600C,因此上述 管材中除硬聚氯乙烯管(PVC-U)和铝塑料复合管(PE-AL-PE)外,大多管材可作为住宅的热水管道。 (二) 管道敷设问题 1.给排水立管的敷设一般有以下几种方式 1)明装在厨房、卫生间的墙角处。在以往的住宅设计中较多采用这种敷设方式,它施工方便,但明露管道有碍居室美 观,住户在二次装修时大多会用轻质材料给予隐藏起来。 2)明装在建筑物外墙阴角处。这种方式仅适用于南方天气较暖和的地区,冬季的最低温度不得低于零摄氏度,以防 水管内水冻结成冰,胀裂管道,影响住户使用。管道在外墙敷设,影响建筑美观,也不便于日后管理和维修。 3)敷设在管道井内。这种方式使居室洁净美观,但管道井占用了卫生间的面积,且管道施工、维修都比较困难。 卫生间设立集中管道井,把给水管、排水管都集中在管道井里布置,这是小康住宅厨房、卫生间居住文明的重要 体现。本人认为:在中高档的商品房建筑方案设计时应考虑卫生间管道井的设置,这样即提高卫生间的使用质量, 又可解决硬聚氯乙烯排水管水流噪声大的问题,提高居室的环境质量水平;对于卫生间面积较小的经济适用房和 解困房, 在南方较暖和地区给排水立管可考虑敷设在外墙,以增大卫生间的使用空间;管道明装在室内时,应不 影响厨房、卫生间各卫生设备功能的使用。 2.给水支管敷设 住宅给水支管管径一役de32mm,小管径的塑料给水管,呈弯曲状态,故住宅给水支管提介采用暗设。给水支管暗 设的方式有: 1) 暗设在砖墙里。施工时在砖墙面开管槽,管槽宽度为管子外径de+20mm,深度为管子外径de,管道直接嵌入管 槽,并用管卡将子固定在管槽内。 2) 对于小管径给水支管de20mm,可暗设在楼(地)面找平层里。施工时在楼(地)板面上开管槽,槽宽为de+10mm, 深为1/2de,管道半嵌入管槽里,并用管卡将管子固定在管槽内。铝塑复合管和交联聚丙烯管等管道采用金属管件连接, 采用暗设时须加大管槽尺寸,且水流局部水头损失较大。对于厨房、卫生间内卫生器具布置相对集中的住宅,可采用分 水器进行连接,分水器是一种多分支管接头,各卫生器具给水支管分别从分水器接出。这样既可避免暗埋管道的管接头 渗透问题。又可减小局部水头损失,降低管网造价。 3)排水支管敷设 住宅室内排水横管宜设在本层套内,这样排水横管渗透时可避免污水等污染物进入邻户,管道维修时也不会影响到邻 户的正常生活。 厨房内洗涤盆的排水横支管一般在本层楼板面上接入排水立管;地漏排水支管须敷设下层空间。现在许多同行都认为: 厨房地面都铺设瓷砖,清洁地在时不须用水冲洗,设置地漏意义不大,故厨房内可不设地地漏,这样既避免排水横支 管进入邻户,又可增大厨房的使用空间。 卫生间内排水横支管在本层敷设具体措施有: 1) 提高卫生间地面。地面势高150mm,采用后排式坐便器,洗脸盆、浴盆和地漏的排水横管暗埋在垫层内。 2) 采用下沉式卫生间。卫生间楼板面下沉350mm,卫生器具排水横管暗埋在下沉空间里。 这两种做法均可实现卫生间的排水横支管埋设本层的地面而不进入邻户。暗埋管道安装时,施工质量一定要严格把关, 经验收合格后方可施工卫生间地面,以免给日后使用中留下隐患。卫生间地面施工可填充煤灰等轻质材料,亦可采用砌砖 架空铺设制板施工地面,地面须做防水处理,做法可参照屋面防水处理,如做两油一布橡塑油膏防水。 (三) 水表户外设置问题 水表设在户内,不但抄表的工作量很大,而且使住宅的安全性和私密性大大降低。故住宅的分户水表或分户水表的数字 显示宜设在户外。多层住宅水表户外设置有以下几种形式: 1.采用远传水表 把普通水表换成远传水表,由一根信号线连接水表与数据采集机,再传至智能管理(微机)。它的优点在于节省大量人 力来抄表,数据准确,缺点是造价高。 2.采用磁卡式水表 用户预先购买自来水公司的电子卡,然后把它插入水表的存贮器内,用水时卡上金额被自动扣除,这种方式用户需预付 水费,水表价格较高。 3.采用普通水表设在户外 1)水表设在楼梯休息平台的壁龛里。住户给水支管经水表计量后进入厨房、卫生间。这种方式实现了水表出房设置, 工程等价低,但给水立管和水表设在楼梯处影响美观。它适用于南方较暖和地区厨房、卫生间布置靠近楼梯间位置的住宅。 2)水表集中设在水表间(水表箱)。下行上给式供水时,在底层设水表间(水表箱),各层住户给水支管在管道井内敷 设,南方地区也可在建筑物阴角处沿外墙敷设;上行下给式供水时,可在屋顶设水表间(水表箱)。这种方式增加给水支 管敷设长度、管道沿外墙敷设影响建筑物美观。水表出户布置的方式选择,须结合住宅厨房、卫生间平面布置特点和开发 商的具体要求,对以上几种可行性方案进行经济技术比较后确定。物业管理完善的住宅小区的中高档商品房,可采用远传 水表,它是今后水表应用发展方向;物业管理不完善的住宅小区的中高档商品房,可采用磁卡式水表(在自来水公司有这 种业务的地区可设计)或集中设置水表间(箱);南方地区单元式住宅可用普通水表设在楼梯的休息平台处,以降低造价。 (四)家用热水器的设置问题 住宅设计时应预留安装热水供应设施的条件,或设置热水供应设施。所以在没有集中热水供应的住宅,应考虑家 用热水 器的安装位置及冷热水管道布置。家用热水器一般有燃气、电、太阳能等三种。燃气热水器和电热水器一般安装在厨房或 卫生间内,在建筑给排水设计时应预留出热水器的安装位置和冷热水管道的接口,便于用户装修时自行安装。太阳能热水 器使用简便安全,无需燃料及电力,运行费用低,使用寿命长,无污染,很受广大用户的欢迎,近几年来有不少的住宅小 区在设计施工时就全部安装上了太阳能热水器。太阳能热水器一般安装在屋顶上,这样就需要在卫生间与屋面热水器之间 设置冷热水管道,住宅设计时若不考虑太阳能热水器的安装,今后住户安装时只能将冷热管道沿建筑物外墙敷设,这样既 增加住户安装时的难度,增加管线投资,又影响建筑的美观。所以在建筑给排水设计时需要先征求开发商的意见,是否统 一设计,统一施工太阳能热水器;或只预留出太阳能热水器及冷热水管道的安装位置。太阳能热水器的冷热水管道可敷设 在管道井内;不设管道井的住宅,可在卫生间靠近沐浴器的墙角增设一根de110的UPVC排水管作为太阳能热水器热水管道的 套管,在每户卫生间距地面1m处设一个de110×75三通,作为冷热水管的接入口。 (五)空调冷凝水排放问题 近几年,空调逐渐进入千家万户,空调冷凝水无组织排放污染建筑物外墙,已是影响生活区美观的一个重要问题。建筑给 排水设计时应考虑空调冷凝水的有组织排放。具体做法可在预留空调外机位置旁设置冷凝水排水管,排水立管选用PVC-U排水管 de40,在每层空调机高度预留排水三通,便于空调机排水软管直接接入。 译文来源:美国PE杂志建筑给排水工程师2010年第10期The multilevel residential housing is given and drains off water several questions designed Summary : This text give and drain off water on multilevel residential housing design supply water the exertion of the tubular product , Way of laying of pipeline, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and air conditioner condensation water of pot-type boiler discharge issue goes on the discussion , And put forward some concrete viewsKeyword: Skyscraper, supply water the tubular product , the pipeline is laid, The water gauge, the solar water heater The skyscraper is simple with its auxiliary facility, the fabrication cost is low, the characteristic such as being convenient of estate management, Receive the welcomes of the real estate developer and vast resident of small and medium-sized cities very much. How project planning and design of inhabited region, scientific and technological industry of comfortable house, lead the request according to 2000, Improve the design level of the house, build out a comfortable living space for each household, It is each designers duty. As the heart of the house -The kitchen, bathroom, is that the function is complicated, hygiene, safe and comfortable degree are expected much, It is miscellaneous to build, the space expecting much in technology. So, the designer must consider synthetically with the idea and method of global design that the kitchen, bathroom give installation of the drainage pipeline and equipment,etc Give and drain off water on skyscraper design supply water exertion, to lay pipeline of tubular product, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and empty of pot-type boiler now Transfer condensation water discharge issue discuss together with colleagues 1supply water tubular product select problem for use Traditional watersupply tubular product adopt zinc-plated steel tube generally, because zinc-plated steel tube exchange the corrosion, Use short-lived , use for and send domestic water can satisfied with water quality sanitary standard shortcoming, Ministry of Construction is popularizing the application of the feed pipe of plastics energeticallyA lot of districts and cities have already expressed regulations: Forbid designing and using the zinc-plated steel tube , use widely the feed pipe of plastics. The plastics supply water In charge of compared with metal pipeline, light, it is fine to able to bear the intensity of keeping, Send obstruction little liquid , able to bear chemistry better to corrode performance, it is convenient to install, The steel energy-conservation of the province, merit of having long performance life etcSupply water and use plastics pipeline: Hard polyvinyl chloride PVC-U, high density polyethylene HDPE, pay and unite polyethylene PEX , modify the polypropylene PP-R, PP-C, gather butene PB, aluminium mould and compound and in charge of and the steel is moulded and compound and is managed etcChoice of tubular product economic comparative course of technology, technology should from pressure, temperature, environment for use, install method,etc. go on and consider, Combine owners at the same time request and the house of grade,carry on and fix after being consider synthetically technology not economic. The above plastics supply water tubular product can supply water tubular product as house life. The economic and functional house conciliating Strand room in the face of the masses of with low- and medium-level incomes resident, can select for use hygiene grades of hard polyvinyl chloride in charge of as feed pipe mainly, In order to reduce the fabrication cost; Medium-to-high grade commodity apartment available aluminium Mould and compound and in charge of or other plastics supply water the tubular product as the feed pipe. House mix hot water temperature that water order exceed 600 C, so above-mentioned tubular product in charge of except hard polyvinyl chloride and aluminium plastics compound and in charge of PE-AL-PE, Mostly the tubular product can be regarded as the hot water pipeline of the house 2 pipeline lay problem 1. give and drain off water it set up there arent one that in charge of 1Will install it in the corner place of the kitchen, bathroom tomorrow. Adopting this kind of way of laying more in the design of house in the past, it is convenient for it to construct, But will reveal the pipeline and hinder the room beautifully tomorrow Watch, the households will mostly be hidden with the light quality material in the equipment two times. 2Will install it in the overcast angle place of the outer wall of the building tomorrow. Way this suitable for southern weather warm district only, the minimum temperature in winter cant be lower than zero degrees Centigrade, In case water pipe water-logging freeze ice is bloated to split pipeline, influence household use. Pipeline lay in outer wall, influence building to be beautiful, too inconvenient on manage and maintain in the future 3Lay it in the pipeline well. This way makes the room clean and beautiful , but the pipeline well has taken up the area of the bathroom, And pipeline construct, maintain relatively more difficult. Bathroom set up concentrate pipeline well, concentrate pipeline on assign in the well feed pipe, drain pipe, This is that the civilized importance lives in the kitchen of comfortable house, bathroom Embodiment. I think : Should consider the establishment of the pipeline well of the bathroom in the medium-to-high grade building conceptual design of commodity apartment, Improve quality of using of bathroom promptly so , can solve hard polyvinyl chloride drain pipe rivers noise heavy problem, Improve the environmental quality level of the room; Whether for bathroom in the areas for little economic and functional house and Overcome difficulties room, warm area give and drain off water and set up and in charge of and can consider and lay in the outer wall in the South, In order to increase using the space of the bathroom; Pipeline install and in the room, should influence kitchen, bathroom every sanitary equipment use of function tomorrow2. supply water and prop up there arent tube House supply water prop up and in charge of pipe diameter one 32mm, de of battle, little plastics feed pipe of pipe diameter is the crooked state, So the house supplies water and is propped up and in charge of being recommended and adopted and set up secretly. Supply water to prop up to manage darkly There are thes way had: 1Set up in the brick wall secretly. Wall turn on and in charge of trough in brick when constructing, in charge of trough width tube +20 mm, de of external diameter, degree of depth tube external diameter de, The pipeline is imbedded and managed directly Trough, and with in charge of card fix in trough of inning charge of son. 2Whether pipe diameter supply water and prop up and last de 20mm,can set up at floor secretly piece make level by layer. Turn on and in charge of trough in floor ground the board when constructing, it wides trough have to be de +10 mm deeply 1/2 of the de, Half pipeline imbed and in charge of trough, and with in charge of card fix in trough of inning charge of tube. Aluminium mould compound and in charge of and pay and unite polypropylene in charge of pipeline adopt metal pipe fittings connection, Must strengthen and in charge of trough size when adopting and set up secretly, and rivers some flood peak loss relatively heavy. Assign the relative house that concentrated to the kitchen, bathroom interior hygiene utensil, Can adopt and divide Water device go on and join , divide water device whether one more than branch in charge of and connect, every hygiene utensil supply water and prop up and in charge of and connects and publishes from the water dividing device separately. Can already prevent the tube burying the pipeline secretly from being connected like this Permeate the question. Can reduce some flood peak lost, decrease the fabrication cost of pipe networks 3Drain off water and prop up the tube to lay House room drain off water and in charge of and should set up at the time of inning this each, drain off water and in charge of permeating sideways like this canning prevent the sewage from waiting for the pollutant to enter the neighbor family sideways, Will not influence the neighbor either when the pipeline is maintained Normal life of one. Kitchen wash water drainage of basin propped up and in charge of generallying inserts draining off water to stand to manage this layer of floor sideways; Floor drain drain off water propped up and in charge of laying the room of lower floor. A lot of colleagues think now: Whether kitchen the ground it lay ceramic tile of,whose name is clean in when need develop with water,not strong in meaning to set up floor drain, So kitchen set up ground floor drain, avoid and drain off water and prop up and in charge of and enter neighbor family sideways already so, Can increase using the space of the kitchenBathroom drain off water and prop up and in charge of and lay concrete measure have in this layer sideways inside: 1Improve the bathroom groundGround tendency high 150mm, adopt back row type take stool pot, washing basin, bath tub, water drainage of floor drain in charge of and bury in cushion layer secretly sideways. 2Adopt the sinking type bathroom. Bathroom sink 350mm the floor, hygiene utensil drain off water and in charge of and bury on sinking space secretly sidewaysTwo method these can realize water drainage of bathroom prop up and in charge of earths surface to bury underground this one without entering the neighbor family sideways. Bury pipeline when installing, construction quality must check on strictly, can construct bathroom ground after confirming qualified secretly, So as not to leave the hidden danger in giving in the future using. Bathroom ground construct and can pack coal ash light quality material , also can adopt and lay bricks impracticable to lay plate making construct ground, Ground must make waterproof to deal with, method can waterproof to deal with according to roofing, make two oil one rubber and plastic ointment waterproof cloth 3 water gauge the open air set up problem The water gauge is had indoors, not only the work load of checking meter is very heavy , but also make the security and privacy of the house reduce greatlySo house divide into households of water gauge or divide households of figure of water gauge Show that should be set up in the open air. Skyscraper water gauge the open air set up following several kinds of forms: Whether 1.adopt far it pass by water gauge Change the ordinary water gauge into and pass the water gauge far, is joined the water gauge and data gathering machine by a signal line, And then reach intelligence to manage the computer. Its merit lies in saving a large amount of people Streng