雅思阅读提升常见难点 雅思阅读*的难点是什么?*长、生词多、题目多、时间紧等等。下面就和大家分享雅思阅读提升常见难点,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读提升常见难点一. 看不完整篇*很正常有的同学在备考雅思阅读的时候通常会被雅思阅读冗长的*吓到,以为20分钟内读不完*就是阅读能力不达标。其实,读不完雅思阅读*很正常,只要大家能在规定时间内完成所有题目且保证正确率即可。因为雅思阅读是从正确题目个数来评判分数,而非是考察你对*理解了多少。小站君希望大家在备考雅思阅读之前要先摆正心态,不要因为规定时间内读不完*,或者没有完全理解*而感到忧虑。二. 雅思阅读提升之合理的做题顺序接下来我们来说一下雅思阅读的做题顺序。从总体来上,雅思阅最为高效的做题方法是带着问题找答案。具体说来,雅思阅读每一篇*难度不同,雅思阅读每一类题型难度也不同。许多雅思高分大神都推荐的先易后难的雅思阅读做题方法,小站君觉得大家可以学习一下。比如雅思阅读考试中最后一篇阅读*最为简单,那么大家可以快速完成这一篇阅读,然后再去做其余两篇。另外,雅思阅读题型有十大类,每个类别的题型难度都不一样,大家在做题的时候也可以遵照先易后难的顺序来做题,比如公认的比较简单的题型有表格填空题、完成句子题和图形题,这几类题目可以最先做完,比较耗时间的题目有段落配对题和一些比较难找的细节题等等,可以放在最后来做。但是题型的难易程度并不是固定的,大家要根据自身的具体情况来做选择,别人觉得很难的题目对你来说可能很简单,而别人觉得非常简单的题目可能你做起来反倒比较耗时间。总之,做题的顺序按照先易后难对于提升做题效率和正确率都很有帮助。另外,大家平时练习的时候也要注意提升雅思阅读做题速度,尽量保证能够在限定时间内将所有题目做完。三. 雅思阅读提升之定位能力和理解力雅思阅读考试中有10类常见题型,虽然题型很多,但是很多题型都是对于细节的考察,所以快速定位能力对于雅思阅读提升非常重要。那么如何才能做到快速定位呢?大家要学会找题干关键词,然后在*中快速定位。关键词一定要找容易定位的,比如数字、时间和人名等等都可以帮助大家快速定位,不要找太过普通或通用的词汇来做定位。另外,提升理解力也很重要。我们在上文中说到,做雅思阅读题不必读完*,但是这并不代表英文理解力不重要。快速的英文理解力是做好雅思阅读的基础,大家在平时可以多分析一些雅思阅读中的长难句提升自己的英文阅读能力。雅思阅读材料:年纪越大越觉时光飞逝As you get older, it feels like time tends to move faster. As Dan Ariely explains over at The Wall Street Journal, we tend to fall into familiar routines as we age and that makes time move quickly.虽然你年纪越来越大,时间似乎也越走越快。就像作者丹艾瑞里在华尔街日报撰文解释的一样:我们的岁数越是增长,生活就越倾向于变得一成不变。所以,时间过得更快了。We perceive time something like a stack of memories, so the less new experiences you have, the less likely you are to fill in those memories with interesting things.我们感知中的时间就像是回忆的堆叠。所以新鲜的经历越少,你就越不可能在那些回忆中填满有趣的事情。Time does go by (or, more accurately, it feels as if time is going by) more quickly the older we get.我们越长大,时间确实会过得越快(或者更准确地说,我们确实会感觉时间过得越快)。In the first few years of our lives, anything we sense or do is brand new, and many of our experiences are unique, so they remain firmly in our memories. But as the years go by, we encounter fewer and fewer new experiencesboth because we have already accomplished a lot and because we become slaves to our daily routines.在我们人生的最初几年里,我们感觉到的一切,所做的一切都是全新的。而且,我们的许多经历都很独特,独特到足以牢牢留在我们的记忆中。但是随着时间的流逝,我们能遇到的全新经历越来越少了。这是由于我们不仅已经完成了许多事情,而且已经习惯于像奴隶般遵守自己的生活习惯。For example, try to remember what happened to you every day last week,chances are that nothing extraordinary happened, so you will be hard-pressed to recall the specific things you did on Monday, Tuesday, etc.举例来说,请你努力回想一下上周每天你都做了些什么事情。什么特别的事情也没有发生的概率很大,所以你会觉得回忆自己在周一、周二等日子里具体做了哪些事情非常困难。What can we do about this? Maybe we need some new app that will encourage us to try out new experiences, point out things weve never done, recommend dishes weve never tasted and suggest places weve never been. Such an app could make our lives more varied, prod us to try new things, slow down the passage of time and increase our happiness.对此,我们该怎么办呢?或许我们需要一些新的应用来鼓励我们尝试新经历、指出我们还没做过的事情、给我们推荐没有尝试过的菜和没有去过的地方。这样的应用可以让我们的生活更加丰富,刺激我们去尝试新鲜的事物,让时光放慢脚步并且让我们更加快乐。Until such an app arrives, try to do at least one new thing every week.Its not too difficult to push yourself to do new things.在这种应用被发明出来以前,每周至少尝试一件新的事物吧。逼自己去尝试新事物并不是一件非常困难的事情!雅思阅读材料:美甲护甲的小知识Q:My nails grow quite long, but they break off. Ive tried nail hardeners, but they dont seem to help.我的指甲很长,但很容易折断。我试过用一些指甲硬化剂,但是没用。A:Nail hardeners should be used when nails are bendy and flexible, rather than when theyre brittle and prone to snapping.是在指甲比较柔软的时候用硬化剂,如果指甲很脆弱,易折断,那不要用硬化剂。Q:Whats the best type of nail file?什么样的指甲锉刀比较好用?A:Some of the best nail files are professional grade files, available in different types or grits. The grit is marked on the packaging or file as a number.的指甲锉刀是分级别的那种,有不同型号和粒度(甲锉上数字单位的面积颗粒数,表示甲锉的粗糙程度)。粒度是用数字来表示的。The higher the number, the finer and less abrasive the grit, the lower the number, the harsher the grit. The best file to shape artificial nails would be a 180 grit.粒度越高,指甲锉就越细致,粒度越小,锉刀就越粗糙。美甲之后用粒度为180的锉刀打磨指甲。Q:How can I make my nail varnish stay put longer?如何让指甲油保持更长时间?A:Before painting nails, ensure theyre oil-free by wiping clean with nail polish remover to help the polish stick to nails more effectively.涂指甲油之前,确保指甲是干净的,没有沾染油污。用洗甲油把指甲清理干净。Q:Do you have any tips on how I should file my nails?对于打磨指甲你有什么好的建议吗?A:Too often, were tempted to saw at our nails, from side to side. This is the worst thing you can do. Make sure your nails are totally dry before you begin to shape them to avoid splitting or tearing.我们经常会来回磨指甲,这样不对。在打磨指甲之前,确保指甲是干的,以免打磨时发生断裂。Position the nail file at a 45-degree angle under the nail, and file the nails from the left hand corner to the centre of the nail for a few long gentle strokes. If necessary, use nail clippers to shorten the nails first. Most people opt for a "squoval"shape, but this summer is all about round shapes for short nails or almond shapes for long nails.将锉刀以45度角放置于指甲下方,从指甲的左边慢慢磨到中间,如有必要,先把指甲剪断一点再磨。许多人喜欢由方形过渡到椭圆的指甲形状,但是今夏的潮流是:短指磨成甲圆形,长指甲磨成杏仁形。雅思