雅思口语part1答题技巧讲解 在雅思口语考试中,考官在什么地方就给你打定分数了呢?天真的烤鸭会说在part3答完之后,普通的烤鸭大约认为是在part2结束之后。下面就和大家分享雅思口语part1答题技巧讲解,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语part1答题技巧讲解雅思口语考试中,开始答题的阶段非常重要,直接关系到我们接下来的考试状态,答得好可以令接下里来的发挥更加精彩,连连得分,答得不好则影响到整个答题的方向还有心态,当然容易丢分,所以说好口语考试“第一句话”是需要技巧的。你的雅思口语part1回答丢分了么?在咱们真正口语考试的时候,往往你Part1每个问题回答的第一句话,就已经足以令考官给你口语的分数定个大致的范围了。你的第一句话让考官觉得是5分上下呢?还是6分上下呢?雅思口语part1答题误区第一:不回答问题貌似不可能的事情,但实际就真实发生在咱们很多同学身上。如果我用中文问:在你附近有很多游泳的地方吗?那我们正常的回答是:有,没有或者不多。我们会先做出一个直接的回应,再做相应的解释。但当把同样的问题变成咱们雅思口语Part1的题目时:Are there many places to swim near you? 我们同学的开头回答是这样的:Theres an ocean no far from our dorm. (节选同学的回答)或是Right in my school there is an outdoor swimming pool.(节选同学的回答) 抛开语法正确与否,我们同学开头第一句话会直接去回答更为详细的内容部分,而不做出任何直接的应题。这在考官听来就是完全的跑题。并且他会觉得你听不懂问题,而导致回答内容上出现很大的问题。雅思口语part1答题误区第二:题意理解错误,导致回答跑题有一次咱们的每日练习题是:What kinds of apps do you often use? 这种问法是雅思口语P1P3的一类高频问法,什么种类。但咱们同学90%以上的回答都是I often use Wechat, Youdao, Taobao 考官心里打满问号,然后说:We use Whats app, google and amazon 哎,这回答丢分真的好可惜。请大家看清,题目问的是什么种类?而不是你经常用哪个app?什么是种类?scheduling app 时间安排类, information storage app 信息存储类, social networking app 社交软件类, games app 游戏类, lifestyle app 生活类等,这些都是种类,而不是具体的某一个app。所以在题目的准确度上,咱们的第一句回答又一次出现了偏差。雅思口语part1答题误区第三:Yes or No 回答方式还有一种常见的问题就是直接用Yes or No.去回答题目。这样的回答本身并无错误,但同样也没有太多出彩的地方。往往第一句回答是我们状态最好,大脑负担最少的状态,我们应该好好的利用这个机会,争取在答题开头部分多些加分项。比如做到:paraphrasing, use less common words or idioms等,但一句简单的Yes or No, 是无法让考官给你加分的。并且这样的回答会伴随另一个问题的出现就是-重复原题。当考官问:Would you say your hometown is a good place to live? 我们的回答是:Yes, my hometown is a good place to live. 对于保6分的同学这样保守的开头回答是可以的,至少不会出错,但要冲高的同学请看下文。上述提到的问题,同学们应该自我检查并且避免,那我们应该如何提高呢?雅思口语part1答题技巧一.学会使用filler什么是Filler? Filler 可以理解为语气词,本身并无实际含义,但是可以起到口语表达中链接自己语句之间空白部分,或者可以作为开头的引入语,让整体表达听上去更Native,比如Well。同样的,当考官问到:What kinds of apps do you often use?你的第一句可以这样回答:Well, apps for social networking are the most prevalent choice I use in my daily life.第一确认回答的是“类别”而不是具体的某项app。第二用well作为开头回答的第一个词,会让人感觉回答不那么突兀。让listener也就是考官有一个准备的意识,知道这个同学即将要开始答题了。所有的语言都有类似这样的语气词,中文常说的是:嗯或额。这些词本身并无实际意义,但在正式回答之前说出来会让人觉得比较自然而不是像机器人siri那样去说话。口语做到表达自然也是我们的目标之一,因为我们要避免机械化的发音,这也是我们评分标准当中的抛分项之一。雅思口语part1答题技巧二、高端应题词汇的使用对于Would you say your hometown is a good place to live?这样的问题,在不使用Yes or No的回答方式下,我们可以尝试使用更为强烈的表达方式,如:Definitely, Absolutely, You bet. 这些都是表示Yes的更为高端的说法。其实并不难,只是换了一个词而已,但这样的表达方式无论是在Jerry美国的日常生活中,还是在我与美国其他的外教IELTS Teachers 沟通的时候,我们都会建议考生能够用上类似的词汇以满足雅思口语的评分标准以便达到更高的分数。有没有感觉原来雅思口语还可以这么简单,但怎么自己就没有想到?没关系有Jerry在,我会一项一项告诉你。雅思口语part1答题技巧三、 确保回答中有重点在Jerry点评的同学中,90%以上都是语音语调非常的平淡,感觉大家的生活毫无波澜,一种浑浑噩噩的感觉。这样不仅考官听着心情不悦,而且也满足不了雅思的评分要求。因为在评分标准中有强调要有语音语调。比如:Im not a big fan of water, so I dont wanna have a boat. 我们可以强调的是Im not a big fan of water, so I dont wanna have a boat. 正如我之前所说,开头第一句话我们可以融入的加分项还是很多的,因为我们的大脑有相对多的准备时间。虽然能否长时间维持住这种状态,需要靠大量的练习来提高,但如果只是让开头第一句说的富有感情应该还是很容易做到的。2020年9-12月雅思口语part23答案解析:关于健康的*Describe an article on health you read in a magazine or on the Internet.You should say:what it waswhere you read itwhy you read itand explain how you felt about itI read an article about health fairly recently actually. It was all about going to the gym. I paid particular attention to it because I am thinking of starting to go to the gym. The article was all about different types of training that you can do in the gym, to develop different muscles in the body as well as get good cardiovascular exercise for the heart and blood system. I was sort of interested in what it had to say because I dont really know what to do in a gym, or what the best exercise regimen is to suit my needs. I dont really want to develop very strong muscles or anything like that, but I do want to get more fit, more healthy, and develop some strength in my arms and legs. Anyway, I talked about the article I read with a friend of mine, whose English name is Troy. He worked for many years in a gym as a personal trainer, and he said that if you are serious about getting fit and healthy its a good idea to get a personal trainer. He also explained that a personal trainer is also a motivator he or she can help you keep to your routine, push you harder when you need to be motivated, and advise you how best to use the different machines and equipment in the gym so that you dont injure yourself but exercise your body in the best, most effective way possible. So, I thought that the article was fairly useful, but frankly I think that I got better and more useful advice from my friend Troy. Perhaps I could say that the article gave me a good reason to talk to Troyit inspired me to talk to Troy So that was the real benefit of my having read this article, actually.Part31. What type of exercise do people in your country often do?It depends what types of people youre talking about. People exercise in different ways. Older people often go to the park, do some dancing or use these simple exercise machines in their communities. Young people do all sorts they go to the gym, they play basketball, football or other competitive sports other people like to go jogging, or cycling or there are lots of popular activities that people do here pretty much the same as anywhere in the world.2. What kind of exercise or physical education do students do in school?In school kids learn to do some basic gym exercises, they play some football and ball games and they do running. Thats pretty much it, really. They dont tend to do a lot of interesting or challenging physical activities in schools where I am from to be honest.3. Do you think children should receive education in school about keeping fit and healthy and eating healthily?Well, to some extent yes, I think that they should definitely have physical education classes in school, and as a part of those classes they should also be taught the basics of maintaining a good and healthy diet and learn about where food comes from and how its important to avoid eating too many sweets and things like this.4. What kind of things can the government do to improve health education, awareness and improve the health of the nation in general?The government should ensure that people have at least a basic education about keeping fit and healthy. Also, they should make sure that factories that make food, as well as farms and places that produce food, adhere very strictly to food safety and hygiene regulations. Frankly, they have been far too relaxed and perhaps a bit corrupt about this in the past, and I am happy to say that this, I think, is changing but there is still a lot of work to be done and the government should make sure that standards are set and enforced more strictly. The same goes for the standards of air quality. They need to be more strict about this because cities today are too polluted and the long-term effects of this are not good for people.2020年9-12月雅思口语part23答案解析:近期看的一场表演Describe a performance you watched recently.You should say:what it waswhen you watched itwho you were withand explain why you watched itId like to describe a performance that I was invited to in Beijing, actually. It was a type of gala show in a big theatre. I cant remember the name of the theatre now, it was near Qian men. It was a series of performances just before the new year. All of them involved choreography basically a lot of people dancing together the entire show lasted about 2 hours and told the story of a monk and how he came to fall in love with a beautiful young girl. The lighting was incredible and so were the costumes and the stage sets. In fact, it was very impressive indeed, and it must have taken a very long time for them to rehearse to get to this professional standard. These kinds of large performances are very popular in China, actually, with dance and group choreography, and acrobatics and elements of martial arts all mixed together. Usually they are centred around themes of ancient China, too. I quite like these kind of historical themes. I think they can be a great source of inspiration for us.Part31. Are there any traditional cultural performances that are popular in China?There are lots, of course. The Chinese really like their cultural performances actually, both on stage and on the television. Like I was saying earlier, they like big group formation dancing, themes of ancient China and stories about love between different people of different social classes in history. Chinese are proud of their history and most cultural performances are centred around key periods in Chinese history.2. Whats the difference between watching performances live and watching them on TV?Well, watching performances live is always more exciting. Youre there in person, and close to the action. Its much more exciting and you can also feel the excitement of the rest of the audience. The only disadvantage is that if you dont like the performance you cant turn it off you can always turn the television off if you get bored, are not in the mood, or dont enjoy what youre watching.3. How can children benefit from taking part in these performances?Children can learn a lot from getting involved in performances. They learn a range of skills involving cooperation, teamwork, co-ordination, as well as dance, acting, and being confident on stage in front of a large audience. Show business is a wonderful field for children to get involved in.4. Should the government provide financial support to promote traditional performances?Yes, I think so. In fact, I think the government already does this quite a lot. The show that I went to recently was sponsored by the Haidian municipal government labour bureau, in fact. This kind of thing is quite common, as China is trying to revive its traditional culture more and more these years.雅思口语