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    FMEA SPC英文教学PPT(2).ppt

    FMEA&(S)PC training module,This training module is based upon and should be studied together with the AIAG reference manuals.Change authority for this document:Quality manager BG MDS Fons Sieben,ChapterContents1Acknowledgement/References2Potential Failure Mode and Effect Analysis3Process considerations&the need for process control4Stages in SPC and process analysis(QMAPS)5Control Charts&Out of Control Conditions6From FMEA thru Control Planning to SPC-Process documentation7Terminology and abbreviations:CRIT/SIGN/KEY/NORMAL8Flow diagram STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL9Statistical methods/calculation of control limits10Capability Indices and formulas11Cpk interpretation and relation to PPM,2000-10-31,updated,2000-07-11UZW-B0/H100-13,This training module is related to:FMEA&(S)PC procedureUZW-B0/H100-13,Acknowledgement/References,Potential Failure Mode&Effect Analysis,An FMEA is a systemized group of activities,intended to:Recognize and evaluate the potential failure of a product/process and its effects.Identify actions which could eliminate or reduce the chance of the potential failure occurring.Document the process.It is complementary to the design process of defining positively what a design must do to satisfy the customer,Ref:FMEA Reference manual(AIAG),2000-07-11,Brainstorming,Potential Failure Mode&Effect Analysis,Ref:FMEA Reference manual(AIAG),2000-07-11,Brain storming Team effortRisk analysis toolPreventive/On Time=BEFORE THE EVENT!,Potential Failure Mode&Effect Analysis:Process overview,Ref:FMEA Reference manual(AIAG),2001-03-23,Describe:Function of parts or process stepsPotential Failure modePotential effects of Failure,Describe and Plan recommended actions Predict RPN,Close the loop/continuous improvementWork on next problem in the priority rowLearn from problem solving/previous designsReflect the learnings in documentation:FMEA/Control Plans/Design rules/learning modules etc,Working formats Design FMEA(preferred format),Ref:FMEA Reference manual(AIAG)UZW-B0/H100-13,2000-12-29,Working formats Process FMEA(Preferred format),Ref:FMEA Reference manual(AIAG)UZW-B0/H100-13,2000-12-29,D/PFMEA:Some practical implications,Ref:FMEA Reference manual(AIAG)UZW-B0/H100-13,2001-03-23,Steps wrt improvement actions:Establish initial FMEA,and select the items for actions.Identify the recommended actions,and at the same time estimate the predicted RPN(register at the right side under Actions results).Note:When the recommended actions are-for the time being-an investigation,this new estimated RPN is of course identical to the original,pending the result of the investigation.When actions have been completed,the resulting RPN is again to be established.This new situation becomes now the new current.controls,and is to be moved towards these related columns.,Living documents&learning:Above implies that the FMEA list reflects only the best current knowledge,and history is not documented.Where it is considered to be necessary to keep the history for learning reasons,a front page should be considered to keep record of the important historical events.,Working formats FMEA(Old format/see previous pages for preferred formats),Ref:FMEA Reference manual(AIAG)UZW-B0/H100-13,2001-03-23,Old format:Do not use anymore!,Working formats Control Plan,Ref:FMEA Reference manual(AIAG)UZW-B0/H100-13,2000-12-29,Form:PROCESS STEP CONTROL PLAN(Preferred version)(for product specific control plans:see proc Test specs:UZW-B0/H100-39),Working formats Control Plan,Ref:FMEA Reference manual(AIAG)UZW-B0/H100-13,2001-03-23,Form:PROCESS STEP CONTROL PLAN:(Old format/see previous pages for preferred version),Old format:Do not use anymore!,Considerations around PROCESS,Processes are important!,Almost all quality gurus and almost all management gurus agree that:processes must be defined,the most important processes must be identified and given special attention,all processes must be managed,all processes must be improved.,Of course,it may be easier to manage departments or functions.,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Considerations around PROCESS,Deming on processes,William Edwards Deming suggested thatstakeholders will benefit if managers:focus on processes,understand variability,develop a learning culture,value people.,See“The new economics”(1993)W E Deming,Harvard U P,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Considerations around PROCESS,What is a process?,EFQM definition:A process is a sequence of steps which adds value by producing required outputs from a variety of inputs.,A better definition:A process is a network of interdependent componentsthat work together to achieve benefits for thestakeholders.,Wherever work is being done by one or more peoplethere is a process.,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Considerations around PROCESS,A useful process model,Product,EquipmentPeopleProcedures,Materials,Management,Service,Information,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Considerations around PROCESS,A very useful process model,Product,EquipmentPeopleProcedures,Materials,Management,Service,Information,Measure,Measure,Name:xxx yyyAim:To zzzz,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Every process is part of a larger process,A business organisation,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Processes within processes,Any process can be broken down into manysub-processes.Any process can be regarded as part of a larger process.,To get world class performance from a process you need world class behaviour from your workers.,Managers must set up the conditions so that workerscan behave in a world class way.,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Process improvement,We can improve a process by:,improving the performance of the equipment,improving the procedures,improving the behaviour of the workers,improving the flow of information,improving the behaviour of the manager.,improving the quality of the inputs,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Process redesign,When redesigning a process we should consider:The quality of the inputsThe capability of the equipmentThe ability of the workersThe proceduresInformation needsThe ability of the manager.,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Performance measurement,You need to measure those things which will help you to:,Your metrics should:Be measurable,Be unbeatable,Encourage the right behaviour.,assess the current performance,detect changes in performance,find the causes of changes,improve performance,benchmark your performance.,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,What should we measure?,What metrics will best help us to:Control the process,Compare the process,Improve the process?,Would it be better to measure:Yield,First pass yield,or DPMO(Defects per million opportunities)?,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Performance improvement,To improve process performance we might strive to:Increase certain performance measurementsEg.Yield,Price,Sales volume,Strength,Decrease certain performance measurements.Eg.Cycle time,Impurity,Cost,Ovality,Keep the average of the performance measurements on target.Eg.Delivery time,Viscosity,Diameter,Reduce the variability of the performance measurements.,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Why are processes difficult to manage?,Difficulties result from:complexity,variability,interactions or synergies,feedback,delays,dynamic complexity.,wrong metrics,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Dynamic complexity,A process has dynamic complexity if an actiontaken on the process has more than oneoutcome,with the outcomes occurring:at different locations,at different times.,The person taking the action may be awareof only one outcome,and may never see thefull consequences of the action.,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Sub-optimisation,Optimising all of the sub processes will notoptimise the macro-process.,The danger of sub-optimisation is reducedif people understand how their process fitsinto the larger process.,It is dangerous to give people only theminimum information you think they need todo their jobs.,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,Summary,Only through process management will youachieve business excellence.Process management is difficult.Management of departments or functionsmay be easier.Measurement and variability probably cause thegreatest difficulties.,Ref:PD Components Foundation training for Breakthrough Champions/Mr Caulcutt,2000-12-29,The need for process control,Detection-Tolerates wastePrevention-Avoids waste,Ref:SPC Reference manual(AIAG),2000-07-11,Process control and Process Capability,LCL,UCL,Time,T,T,Ref:SPC Reference manual(AIAG),2000-07-11,Stages of the continual process improvement cycle,1:Analyze the processWhat should the process be doing?What can go wrong?What is the process doing?Achieve a state of statistical control.Determine Capability,2:Maintain the processMonitor process performanceDetect special cause variation and act upon it.,3:Improve the processChange the process to better understand common cause variation.Reduce the common cause variation.,Ref:SPC Reference manual(AIAG),Use mapping techniques:Risk mapping:FMEAQMAP:Visualizing is a great support,2000-07-11,Mapping the process:QMAP/Highest level A0,5 elementsInputTransformationMechanismControlOutput,2000-07-11,Mapping the process:QMAP,the zooming in principle,2000-07-11,Mapping the process:QMAP:Example,Pre-treatmentSuppliers/Inc.Insp.UnpackCleaning/drying2.1,MaskDesignPlottingCleaning,PhotolithoCoatingExposureDevelopment2.2,Etching2.3,Post-treatmentStrippingCleaningDrying2.4,CoatingSprayingPre-bakeCooling,Exposure,DevelopmentKOHWaterRins&Dry,Patterning:Level A1,Photolitho:Level A2,2000-07-11,Control charts:3 phases,Upper Control Limit,Control Limit,Lower Control Limit,UCL,CL,LCL,1:Collection:Gather data and plot on a chart,2:Control:Calculate trial control limits from process dataIdentify special causes of variation and act upon them,3:Analysis and improvementQuantify common cause variation:take action to reduce it,Ref:SPC Reference manual(AIAG),2000-07-11,Control charts:Out of control conditions(OOCC),2000-07-11,From FMEA thru Control Planning to SPC,Design FMEA,Critical/SignificantCharacteristics,Process FMEA,Control PlanProcess relatedProduct related(customer specific),Preliminary statistical capability study,SPC,Steps to FMEA(Brain storm technique)Use flow diagrams/QMAPs etc/Enhance teamwork1:Establish&Analyse product function.2:Establish possible failure modes,cause&effect.3:define weak points in the design,material and process.4:Define actions and responsibilities to reach the necessary improvements.5:Establish Critical/Significant characteristics,both onproduct level as well as on related process level.6:Establish the Control Plan for the manufacturing phase.7:Apply statistical studies/Measurement System Analysisetc for at least the CRIT/SIGN characteristics.8:Holding the gains(Control)and ContinuousImprovements:Feedback loops/Learn/Apply PDCA!,2000-07-11UZW-B0/H100-13,CONTROL PLAN model.,These lead to the Philips Test Specification(with optional:Customer Specific Control Plan),Customer and product specificrequirements,General product requirementsFMEAs(risk analysis)Preventive maintenance Process requirements,Product axis,These lead to theProcess-(cluster)step relatedManufacturingInstructions&Control Plans(Re:Process Manual),Product flow,2000-07-11UZW-B0/H100-13,Process documentation:Multi site vs Local,2000-07-11UZW-B0/H100-13UZW-B0/H500-01,Process Control PlanPFMEA for eachControl Plan&MIOCAP/SPC instr/MAJORTechnology classMINORGageR&R/LWIPhotolithoBatchS/BF/Cetc,1,2,2,1,1,2,1,2,3,Routing for a given type,Local control,Multi site,Procedure UZW-B0/H100-39&Test specification deal withProduct(Customer)specific CONTROL Plan,Technology class examplesPhotolitho gap 30S/B:Glass thicknessACF:Pitch/Aspect ratio,The QMAPS(process mapping)Process elucidationTraining documentation.,3,Re:Change procedureUZW-B0/H500-01,Control Plan&Manufacturing Instructions,PM_Control plansProcess parameters:Critical&Significantparameters,Process Manual Control Plan,Multi Site controlled,MI_Control planKey and Normalparameters,For definitions of CRIT/SIGNKEY and NORMAL,seeSPC procedure:UZW-B0/H100-13,Local documentation,Single Site controlled,unless otherwise indicated by validity list.,Manufacturing InstructionContents:Ref to:PM_Control Plan Ref to:MI_Control PlanMI chapters,Calibration Instruction,Local Work Instruction,Maintenance Instruction,2000-07-11UZW-B0/H100-13UZW-B0/H500-01,Re:Change procedureUZW-B0/H500-01,Terminology and abbreviations:CRIT/SIGN/KEY/NORMAL,Finished Product Characteristic:FPCArea Product Parameter:APP,Process Parameter:PP,CRIT:Critical Product Characteristic,SIGN:Significant Product Characteristic,KPC:Key Product CharacteristicNPC:Normal Product Characteristic,CRIT:Critical Process Parameter,SIGN:Significant Process Parameter,KPC:Key Process ParameterNPC:Normal Process Parameter,Resulting from reasonably anticipated variation:SeverityLikely to significantly affect SAFETY/COMPLIANCE with laws etc.CRITICALLikely to significantly affect FIT/FUNCTIONSIGNIFICANTUnlikely to affect Customer satisfaction/above areasKEY/NORMAL,2000-07-11UZW-B0/H100-13,Parameter definitions,2000-07-11UZW-B0/H100-13,Overview of the CRITICAL&SIGNIFICANT characteristics,2000-07-11UZW-B0/H100-13,PRODUCTION FLOW,Critical char.(Legal&Safety):No critical characteristics for LCDs,Dimensions A,B&DCG for products with:Narrow tolerance(+-0.2mm)0.7&1.1mm glass types,GOP:Pin lengthGOP:Pin bending(for narrow tolerance types:with full swing 4deg),For STN only/at OQC:Color reproducibility within one cell,Short circuitsOpens/Missing segmentsInoperatives,Significant characteristics(Fit&Function):,Unpack/Check Glass plates/Clean/Dry,Incoming goodsQuality Assurance,Patterning APrinting Layers&CuringRubbing(Dot printing:Through contacting),Patterning BPrinting Layers&CuringRubbing(Conductive)Seal line printing,Batch Inspection,BATCH,MEP B,MEP A,Couple Pamp,Scribe/Break into cellsFill Liquid Crystal/Close Cells,Visual/Functional test,Affix polarizers,Finished CELL,Final Inspection(100%),Packed FINISHED PRODUCT,COG:Bond IC,Functional test,InterconnectionFoil/Pins etc.,ModuleAssembly,Lot Release-OQC(sampling),PCB-Sub-Assy.,Example:


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