Right Here Waiting 此情可待,Richard Marx 理查德马克斯,Right Here Waiting 此情可待 Richard Marx理查德马克斯,Richard Marxsintroduction 理查德马克斯的介绍,Richard Marx是标准的美国80年代White young culture的代表,音乐走精致浪漫的流行摇滚路线,追求华丽优美的旋律和热情激越的唱腔,再加上他能写擅弹,气宇轩昂,在唱功上的表现更是能放能收,这样的歌手想不走红都难。他刚一出道,就被称为是Rock music的新希望、最杰出的创作人,并屡获Grammy Awards的提名。然而有趣的是,为 Richard Marx带来巨大荣誉的,却是一系列慢版的柔美情歌。,毫无疑问,Richard Marx堪称世界上最会写情歌的行家里手,从最早的 Hold On To The Nights、Endless Summer Night开始,每张专辑他都会有一两首动听的情歌,到现在已十多年,岁月的流逝反而更见歌声里真情的永恒。他的另一首世界级的超级金曲,是精彩程度不亚于 right here waiting 的歌曲 Now And Forever,这 首歌在1994年为Richard Marx的事业带来新的高峰。,Writing background,Richard Marx是为了化解自己的婚烟危机,才满心赤诚地写了right here waiting,其中动人之处,自然少不了闹别扭的功劳。有天晚上,Marx拿起电话,在电话中,将自己为她创作的这首Right Here Waiting唱给她听,将自己的心声唱给她听。后来,这位姑娘成了他的妻子,而这首歌连续三周在排行榜上被循环播放.,Songs appreciation,当年,这唱歌的男青年是为了化解自己的婚姻危机,才满怀赤诚的写了 right here waiting,其中动人之处,自然少不了闹别扭的功劳。在歌中,是一厢情愿的誓言和对分离之痛的描述。正因为有痛苦,这一厢情愿才显得高尚、古典,越是能忍受,就越是能坚定地爱,看来马克斯很懂爱情心理学嘛。那前奏的钢琴颇为细致地揭开了幕布,刻画痛苦的第一个音符就那么敏感!最初的演唱随著节拍一起一伏,然后转入张扬的高音,升华到副歌那段脍炙人口的旋律,马克斯恰当的变化著嗓音,引人同情的沉郁、让人冲动的沙哑、令人肃然起敬的高亢,在同一首歌中游刃有余地上演了完整的爱情短剧。这就是那种叫做Power Love Song(强力情歌)的东西,它充满激情、起伏跌宕,在高亢处,超越了人世间所有真实的爱情。,Oceans _,day after day,and I slowly go insane.I hear your voice on the line,But it doesnt stop the _.If I see you next to never,How can we say _?,歌 词,Wherever you go,_ you do,I will be right here waiting for you;Whatever it takes,Or how my _ breaksI will be right here waiting for you.,I took for granted all the times That I thought would last _.I hear the laughter,I taste the _,But I cant get near you now.Oh,cant you see,baby,Youve got me going_?,Wherever you go,_ you do,I will be right here waiting for you;Whatever it takes,Or how my _ breaksI will be right here waiting for you.,I _ how we can survive this romance.But in the end If Im with you Ill take the _.Oh,cant you see it,baby,Youve got me go in crazy?,_ you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you;Whatever it takes,Or how my heart _I will be right here waiting for you.Waiting for you.,Oceans apart,day after day,and I slowly go insane.I hear your voice on the line,But it doesnt stop the pain.If I see you next to never,How can we say forever?,答 案,Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you;Whatever it takes,Or how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for you.,I took for granted all the times That I thought would last somehow.I hear the laughter,I taste the tears,But I cant get near you now.Oh,cant you see,baby,Youve got me going crazy?,Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you;Whatever it takes,Or how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for you.,I wonder how we can survive this romance.But in the end If Im with you Ill take the chance.Oh,cant you see it,baby,Youve got me go in crazy?,Wherever you go,whatever you do,I will be right here waiting for you;Whatever it takes,Or how my heart breaks,I will be right here waiting for you.Waiting for you.,