1,Myers PSYCHOLOGY,Chapter 14Stress and Health,2,Stress and Health,Behavioral Medicineinterdisciplinary field that integrates behavioral and medical knowledge and applies that knowledge to health and diseaseHealth Psychologysubfield of psychology that provides psychologys contribution to behavioral medicine,3,Stress and Illness,Leading causes of death in the US in 1900 and 2000,4,Stress and Illness,Stressthe process by which we perceive and respond to certain events,called stressors,that we appraise as threatening or challenging,5,Stress Appraisal,6,7,Stress and Illness,General Adaptation Syndrome Selyes concept of the bodys adaptive response to stress in three stages,8,Stressful Life Events,Catastrophic Eventsearthquakes,combat stress,floodsLife Changesdeath of a loved one,divorce,loss of job,promotionDaily Hasslesrush hour traffic,long lines,job stress,burnout,9,Stressful Life Events,Chronic Stress by Age,10,Perceived Control,Health consequences of a loss of control,11,Perceived Control,Equality and Longevity,12,Stress and the Heart,Coronary Heart Diseaseclogging of the vessels that nourish the heart muscleleading cause of death in many developed countries,13,Stress and the Heart,14,Stress and the Heart,Type A Friedman and Rosenmans term for competitive,hard-driving,impatient,verbally aggressive,and anger-prone people Type BFriedman and Rosenmans term for easygoing,relaxed people,15,Stress and the Heart,16,Stress and Disease,Psychophysiological Illness“mind-body”illnessany stress-related physical illnesssome forms of hypertensionsome headachesdistinct from hypochondriasis-misinterpreting normal physical sensations as symptoms of a disease,17,Stress and Disease,Lymphocytestwo types of white blood cells that are part of the bodys immune systemB lymphocytes form in the bone marrow and release antibodies that fight bacterial infectionsT lymphocytes form in the thymus and,among other duties,attack cancer cells,viruses,and foreign substances,18,Stress and Disease,Conditioning of immune suppression,19,Stress and Disease,Negative emotions and health-related consequences,20,Promoting Health,Aerobic Exercisesustained exercise that increases heart and lung fitness,21,Promoting Health,Biofeedbacksystem for electronically recording,amplifying,and feeding back information regarding a subtle physiological stateblood pressuremuscle tension,22,Promoting Health,Modifying Type A life-style can reduce recurrence of heart attacks,23,Promoting Health,Social support across the life span,24,25,Promoting Health,Predictors of mortality,,26,Promoting Health,Religious Attendance,27,Promoting Health,The religion factor is mulitidimensional,28,Promoting Health,Complementary and Alternative Medicineunproven health care treatments not taught widely in medical schools,not used in hospitals,and not usually reimbursed by insurance companies,29,30,Promoting Health,Smoking-related early deaths,40,00030,00020,00010,0000,31,The Physiological Effects of Nicotine,32,Promoting Health,Fewer Canadian smokers,33,Smoking Prevention,U.S.teen smoking,34,Smoking Prevention,Results of a smoking inoculation program,35,Obesity and Weight Control,Obesity and body mass index,36,Obesity and Weight Control,Obesity and mortality,37,Weight Discrimination,When women applicants were made to look overweight,subjects were less willing to hire,38,Weight Control,Effects of a severe diet,39,Weight Control,Trading risks,40,Weight Control,Thinning of Miss America,41,Weight Control,Most lost weight is regained,42,Weight Control,Obesity was more common among those who watched the most television,