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    固特异亚太区供应链总监培训教材——最新S&OP操作(中英文对照) (1).ppt

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    固特异亚太区供应链总监培训教材——最新S&OP操作(中英文对照) (1).ppt

    1,S&OP:An Introduction销售及运作计划:导言,Jean-Luc Laboucheix,Feb 1st 2010,2,Contents目录,Objectives of this presentation培训的目的 Asia Pacific Supply Chain at Goodyear,overview固特异亚太供应链概况 S销售及运作计划概况 S&OP Process at Goodyear固特异的销售及运作计划方法 S&OP,Detail view销售及运作计划的细节 Next Steps下一步,3,Objectives of this Presentation培训的目的,Explain the S解答问题 Analyze the possibility for Triangle to cope with Goodyear S&OP.分析三角与固特异在销售及运作计划方面合作的可能性,4,Contents目录,Objectives of this presentation培训的目的 Asia Pacific Supply Chain at Goodyear,overview固特异亚太供应链概况 S销售及运作计划概况 S&OP Process at Goodyear固特异销售及运作计划的方法 S&OP,Detail view销售及运作计划的细节 Next Steps下一步,5,Asia Pacific Supply Chain:Overview 亚太供应链概况,Manufacturing Footprint工厂分布图,Logistics Footprint物流分布图,8 tire plants-3 closed in 3 years-8个轮胎厂-3年内3个关闭50 warehouses;50个仓库15000 containers/year;一年15000个货柜150000 truck/year;一年150000车Total AP SC Associates:300.亚太供应链员工总数300,Inventory days:48,including in transit;存货周期48天,包括在途时间Sales Forecasts accuracy:70%;销售预期精确度70%OTIF:88%;交付率88%Absolute Schedule Compliance:91%;生产排产达成率91%Cost to serve per unit:$2.49 每条供应链的成本$2.49,6,Contents目录,Objectives of this presentation培训的目的 Asia Pacific Supply Chain at Goodyear,overview亚太供应链的概况 S销售及运作计划概况 S&OP Process at Goodyear固特异销售及运作计划的方法 S&OP,Detail view销售及运作计划的细节 Next Steps下一步,7,Supply Chain Manages 3 Main Flows 供应链管理的三个主要流程,1.Physical flows;实体流 2.Demand flows;需求的信息流 3.Tracking flows.追踪流,8,1.Physical Flows实体流,9,2.Demand Flows需求的信息流,Sales Forecasts销售预估,Finished Goods Planning 成品计划,Raw Materials Planning 原材料计划,10,3.Tracking Flows追踪流,11,The Flows Are Managed Through 1 Process:S&OP销售及运作计划掌控整个流程,Purchasing,Manufacturing,Distribution,Sales Forecasts,Finished Goods Planning,Raw Materials Planning,Tracking,S&OP,S&OP:Sales and Operations Planning,12,S&OP Is a Meeting Among All Functions to Agree on 1 Plan 销售及运作计划是所有职能达成统一目标,Golden rule:1 set of numbers,Manufacturing制造,Purchasing采购,Sales销售,Supply Chain 供应链,Marketing市场,Finance财务,Big Boss 总指挥,13,Key Objective 1:Linking Supply and Financials with Market Demand 关键目标1:用市场需求连接供应和财务,Supply Planning 供应计划,Customer Service 客户服务,Inventory Management库存管里,Mfg.Execution 生产执行,Demand 需求,Supply 供应,14,Key Objective 2:Single and Agreed Plan关键目标2:单一的和一致的计划,All Functions have exactly the same plan,driven by Customer Satisfaction and Company strategy;所有职能部门必须紧紧围绕客户满意度和公司战略决策的宗旨 12 months to 5 years planning horizon 12个月到5年的规划周期,Short term短期,Mid term中期,Long term长期,15,Key Objective 3:Tool Used to Drive The Company关键目标3:使公司运作的工具,From short to long term;从短期到长期 Plans are updated to reflect Company strategy,or to reflect Market changes;计划应根据公司的策略或市场变化而调整,Short term短期,Mid term中期,Long term长期,Operational操作上的,Tactical技术上的,Strategic战略上的,16,Main Benefits of Using S&OP 使用S&OP的好处,Complete alignment among all functions;所有职能部门目标的一致性 Drives Company strategy;制定公司策略 Decision making process,shared by all;所有人参与决策 Visibility;可见性 Solve short term issues;解决短期问题 Plan for mid term solutions if mid term issues;如果有中期问题,制定中期解决方案。Plan for long term solutions if long term issues;如果有长期问题,制定长期解决方案 Tool to drive and achieve Company objectives and results;策定及达成公司目标的途径 Brings discipline;制定规范 Develop team working;发扬团队合作,17,If No S&OP Then如果没有S&OP,Functions not aligned;职责混乱 No possibility to drive company strategy;无法制定公司策略 Multi decisions,not shared by all=no decisions很多决策不能达成一致=没有决策 No visibility没有可见性 Short term issues are solved through emergency;只能通过紧急方式解决短期问题 Mid and long term plans are not addressed;中长期计划未显示 More difficult to achieve results;难以达到成效 No Team Working;没有团队合作 Too high or too little inventory(Raw Materials,Finished Goods);太多或者太少的存货(原材料,产成品)Poor customer service;客户服务不周,18,One of the Key Enabler of S&OP is销售运作计划的关键因素,not IT systems;不是IT系统 not high level experts;不是高水平的专家 DISCIPLINE 纪律,19,A High Level of Discipline is Required As S&OP is Very Precise销售及运营计划的高精确性要求有高的纪律性,Monthly cycle/rolling 18-24 months月度循环/周期18-24个月,Marketing managers meet to define a marketing plan营销经理确定一个营销计划,to reach an agreed and common Sales,Manufacturing,Purchasing and Financial Plan.The plans are not only used for next month,but for next 18-24 months as well为了达到一致的和共同的销售,生产,采购和财务计划这个计划不仅用于下个月而且也要运用于以后的18-24个月,The Marketing Plan is communicated to Sales.Sales prepare Sales Forecasts based on the Marketing Strategy营销计划与销售是关联的。销售预测基于营销战略,Sales,Marketing,Supply Chain,meet to agree on a final Sales Forecasts plan销售,营销,供应环节共同制定销售预测计划,Supply Chain uses the final Sales Forecasts to prepare a Supply Plan供应环节根据最终的销售预测准备供应计划,Sales and Supply Plans are reviewed during a meeting S&OP Meeting-by all Top Managers.An agreed plan is reached在S&OP会议上探讨销售和供应计划,所有高层负责人参加,制定同意规划,Based on the agreed plan,Sales and Operations finalize the plan at SKU level基于一致的计划,销售和生产最终确定具体规格的计划,Based on the detail Sales and Production plan,Finance run the financials projection基于详细的销售和生产计划,财务运作财务计划,20,Key Enablers of S&OPCreate a repeatable rolling 18 to 24 months horizon planning process and measure performance to AOP/business strategyCreate a single consensus sales plan that allows development of realistic(demand)sales,supply and inventory plans across all functionsCreate clear roles and responsibilities that drive decisions to deliver the S&OP planCreate a platform for continuous improvement based on on-going&strategic business needsBuild cross-functional teamwork,Expected ResultsWork within formal structure of S&OP processProactively identify and address supply and demand imbalancesImproved life cycle planningCreate consistent performance measurement and identify areas for improvementSales forecast accuracyProduction compliance Inventory daysSlow moving inventoryCustomer service:OTIFResource utilization/costFinancial forecast accuracy,Enablers and Key Expected Results From S&OP,21,销售和运用规划的关键促进因素:1.创建一个变动的18至24个月的规划进程和年度计划经营策略的绩效测评。2.创建一个单一的达成共识的销售计划,此计划对销售,供应和库存计划的改进是可行的。3.建立明确的角色和责任分工,推动销售和运用计划的实行。4.建议一个基于连续和战略业务需要的不断改进的平台5.建立跨部门协作,期望的结果:1.在销售和运用规划进程的正规框架下进行2.积极主动地查明和解决供求失衡3.改进的进程周期规划4.创建一致的业绩衡量和确定改进的领域a.销售预测的准确性b.票据一直性c.库存d.库存变动小e.消费者服务,全额的交付率f.资源利用g.财务预测的准确性,销售及运营计划的关键促进因素和期望结果,22,S&OP,Principles(2/2)销售及运营计划,原理(2/2),The final output of S 销售及运营会议的支持人是常务董事,23,S&OP,Principles(1/2),S,24,销售及运营计划原理(1/2),销售及运营计划是一套标准的流程,涵盖了从决策到操作的所有流程。规划周期一般在18到24个月,逐月制定计划。流程负责人:供应链 所有的职责包括:管理、财务、生产、技术、采购、销售、市场以及供应链,25,Contents内容,Objectives of this presentation 此次介绍的目标 Asia Pacific Supply Chain at Goodyear,overview 固特异亚太供应链,概况 S 销售及运营计划,概况 S&OP Process at Goodyear 销售及运营计划再固特异的实施 S&OP,Detail view 销售及运营计划,详细内容 Next Steps 下一步计划,26,S&OP in AP:Not Centralized,Not Local,But Both 亚太区s&op既体现一致性,又有独立性,Monthly cycle/rolling 18-24 months,Marketing Meeting营销会议,Preparing Forecasts准备预测,Demand Meeting需求会议,Cluster/Country S&OP meeting按照国家划分召开S&OP会议,Supply Plans(rough cut capacity)供应计划,Finalize detail Ticket and sales plans 制定详细的生产计划及最终销售计划,Full Financials全面的财务计划,Regional RvsC by PBU(AP S&OP),Inter Region S&OP 区域内部S&OP会议,Off takes&imports requirements 定牌&进口需求,Preparing 1st production plan by sku and confirm Off takes exports准备具体哦规格的生产计划,确认定牌出口,POs placed,Bycountry,By PBUGlobal,By PBUAP Level,Bycountry,Bycountry,A hybrid model to cope with Asia Pacific Complexity,27,High Involvement of Key Executives 部门主管高度参与,Marketing Meeting营销会议,Preparing Forecasts准备预测,Demand Meeting 需求会议,Cluster/Country S&OP meeting相关国家S&OP会议,Supply Plans(rough cut capacity)供应计划,Finalize detail Ticket and sales plans 最终销售计划,Full Financials 全面财务计划,Regional RvsC by PBU(AP S&OP),Inter Region S&OP 内部区域S&OP,Off takes&imports requirements定牌&进口需求,Preparing 1st production plan by sku and confirm Off takes exports根据规格准备生产计划,确认定牌出口,POs placed,Bycountry,By PBUGlobal,By PBUAP Level,Bycountry,Bycountry,Countries Marketing Directors各国市场部部长,Countries Marketing&Sales Directors各国市场营销部部长,Countries Production Directors 各国生产部部长,Company CEO,Product Lines Vice Presidents 公司总裁,产品线副总裁,Countries Managing Directors 各国管理部部长,SC Directors,Worldwide全球供应量部部长,Country Financial Directors各国财务主管,28,And Very Precise Schedule 精确的计划,Marketing Meeting 营销会议,Preparing Forecasts预测准备,Demand Meeting需求会议,Cluster/Country S&OP meeting 相关国家s&op会议,Supply Plans(rough cut capacity)供应计划,Finalize detail Ticket and sales plans最终确认细节及销售计划,Full Financials全面的财务计划,Regional S&OP区域性S&OP,Inter Region S&OP 区域内部s&op,Off takes&imports requirements定牌&进口需求,Preparing 1st production plan by sku and confirm Off takes exports根据规格准备第一个生产计划,确认定牌出口,POs placed,Bycountry,By PBUGlobal,By PBUAP Level,Bycountry,Bycountry,Between day 18 and 21,Day 6,Between day 8 and 9,Between day 12 and 13,Day 16,Day 17,Between day 19 and 20,29,And Very Precise Documents精确的文件,Marketing Meeting营销会议,Preparing Forecasts准备预测,Demand Meeting需求会议,Cluster/Country S&OP meeting相关国家召开S&OP会议,Supply Plans 供应计划(rough cut capacity),Finalize detail Ticket and sales plans 最终销售策略,Full Financials 全面的财务计划,Regional S&OP,Inter Region S&OP,Off takes&imports requirements 定牌和进口需求,Preparing 1st production plan by sku and confirm Off takes exports 按照规格准备生产,确认定牌出口,POs placed,Bycountry,By PBUGlobal,By PBUAP Level,Bycountry,Bycountry,Phase In Phase Out;Promotion plans 促进计划,Sales Forecasts,by SKU,past sales销售预测,按照规格,以往的销售,Supply Plans by key constraints销售计划,Demand&Supply Plans by country,past and future,high level按照国家划分需求&供应计划,过去的、未来的,Demand&Supply Plans,past and future,detail view总览过去和未来的需求&供应计划,Import and exports plans by country,worldwide按照区域划分进口、出口计划,Full financials estimates全面的财务计划预测,30,Results Achieved at Goodyear Asia Pacific Through S&OP 销售运营计划在固特异亚太区取得的成果,Much lower inventory;库存量降低 Better customer satisfaction,improvement of OTIF客户满意率提高,确认率提高 Strategic plan in place to plan for future capacity investments;制定了未来能力投资战略发展规划 Disinvestments plans in place(upgrading capacity,restructuring)制定了重整计划(产能提高,重整)One set of number,shared and agreed by all functions;所有职能部门共享一组数据,31,Contents 内容,Objectives of this presentation 培训的目的 Asia Pacific Supply Chain at Goodyear,overview 固特异亚太供应链概况 S 销售及运作计划概况 S&OP Process at Goodyear 固特异的销售运作计划过程 S&OP,Detail view S&OP具体细节 Next Steps 下一步,32,To Start With Define Your Planning Process 确认计划流程,Get all functions involved;所有职能部门共同参与 Do it simple;简单化 Get a signoff from all functions;所有职能部门签署认可。Organize training.组织培训,Marketing managers meet to define a marketing plan 营销经理共同制定营销计划,The Marketing Plan is communicated to Sales.Sales prepare Sales Forecasts based on the Marketing Strategy 市场计划与销售息息相关,销售在市场计划的基础上进行预测,Sales,Marketing,Supply Chain,meet to agree on a final Sales Forecasts plan 销售、市场、供应链共同制定销售预测计划,Supply Chain uses the final Sales Forecasts to prepare a Supply Plan 供应链根据最终确定的销售预测准备供应计划,Sales and Supply Plans are reviewed during a meeting S&OP Meeting-by all Top Managers.An agreed plan is reached 销售及供应计划在会议上共同讨论,Based on the agreed plan,Sales and Operations finalize the plan at SKU level 根据最终确认的计划,销售和执行部门确认具体规格的计划,Based on the detail Sales and Production plan,Finance run the financials projection 根据最终的销售及生产计划,财务部门制定财务计划,33,Once Process Defined,Determine Precise Dates 程序确认后,制定精确的日程,What step by what date?每个时间段应执行的步骤 Never change a date again;永远不要修改日程 Do it for the full year,not next month only;制定全年日程,而非仅限于下一个月,34,Once Process and Dates Defined,Allocate Roles and Responsibilities 程序与日程确定后,任务与职责的分配,Do not define the function,but the exact position;give names;不要定义职能,而是确定职位,任命 If someone is late,then the whole process is late;任何一个人的滞后都会导致整个流程的滞后,35,At Last but Not the Least:1 single template for all 所有职能部门共用统一模板,Supply供应,Demand需求,Demand Supply 供应-需求,Inventory库存,36,Q&A,


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