1,PRAGMATIC PRINCIPLES,Chapter 4,2,4.PRAGMATIC PRINCIPLES,4.1 Principles and Rules4.2 Some Principles Discussed 4.2.1 The Communicative Principle 4.2.2 The Cooperative Principle 4.2.3 Politeness and other virtues 4.3 Rethinking Grice 4.3.1 Horns two principles 4.3.2 Relevance and“conspicuity”,3,4.1 Principles and Rules,?Rule,Chomskyan(Syntax)Rules,Semantic,PragmaticRules,(Predication),(Usage),Rules,Principles,?Principle,4,4.2.1 The Communicative Principle,Example 1:Many of the delegates opposed the motion.,(Although many voted for,a number of them were against.),-In fact,all of them did.,(Why“many”?Why not“all”?),People talk with the intention to communicate something to somebody.(Mey 1993:68),Speakers often“mean more than they say”.(Leech 1983:9),5,4.2.1 The Communicative Principle,When communicating,speakers try to be understood correctly,and avoid giving false impressions.We avoid giving our interlocutors either an over-or an underdose of information.,6,4.2.1 The Communicative Principle,Example 2:At a political meeting(1)A majority voted for the motion.(2)The vote is unanimous.,Given that I want to communicate,what I do communicate depends on what I can communicate,given my circumstances,and on what I must communicate,given my partners expectation.,7,4.2.1 The Communicative Principle,Communicative Principle operates in a concrete context.Communication is not a matter of logic or truth,but of cooperation.,Example 4:Between a party whip and the partys executive secretary W:Many of our people voted against the motion.S:but after all,not all the our people voted against.W:Well,but even so,many of them did opposed the motion.,8,H.Paul Grice:Cooperative Principle(CP):,4.2.2 The Cooperative Principle,The maxim of Quantity:The maxim of Quality:The maxim of Relation:The maxim of Manner:,Make your contribution as informative as required;Do not make your.contribution more informative than required.,9,H.Paul Grice:Cooperative Principle(CP):,4.2.2 The Cooperative Principle,The maxim of Quantity:The maxim of Quality:The maxim of Relation:The maxim of Manner:,Do not say what you believe to be false;Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence.,10,H.Paul Grice:Cooperative Principle(CP):,4.2.2 The Cooperative Principle,The maxim of Quantity:The maxim of Quality:The maxim of Relation:The maxim of Manner:,Make your contribution relevant.,11,H.Paul Grice:Cooperative Principle(CP):,4.2.2 The Cooperative Principle,The maxim of Quantity:The maxim of Quality:The maxim of Relation:The maxim of Manner:,avoid obscurity avoid ambiguity be brief be orderly,12,H.Paul Grice:Cooperative Principle(CP):,4.2.2 The Cooperative Principle,The maxim of Quantity:The maxim of Quality:The maxim of Relation:The maxim of Manner:,Make your contribution such as is required,at the stage at which it occurs,by the accepted purpose of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.(Grice 1975:47),13,Example:6 year old girls rubber ball lost behind a row of books on one of the shelves in my friends house.He had seen her ball.“Why dont you look behind Volume 6 of Dostoyevskis Collected Works?”, Dostoyevski and the rubber ball,Violating the maxim of manner,Violating the maxim of quantity,Failed to cooperate with his conversational partner,14,Brown&Levinson Face,Positive face:face threatening acts(FTA),Negative face:face threatening acts(FTA), Cooperation and“face”,15,Brown and Levinson 1978:Positive face:by which a persons status as an autonomous,independent,free agent is affirmed;Negative face:stresses a persons immunity from outside interference and undue external pressure.Acting cooperatively,people try to build up their interlocutors“positive faces”,while trying to avoid posing threats to their“negative faces”., Cooperation and“face”,16,Example:(1)“Youre actually the only person in the world who could help me.”(2)“I know this is an imposition,but could you please help me?”, Cooperation and“face”,-building up my positive face,-avoid threatening my negative face,17, Cooperation and“flouting”,Example:DOORMAN:I need to see your ID,its the rule.INGER:But I left it back at the hotel.DOORMAN:Sorry maam,then I cant let you in.INGER:But Im 29 and the mother of four!DOORMAN:Yes,and I m the popes father and have six kids.(D considers Is explanation and justification as untrue.The flout had the effect of a compliment.)Leech:we can make a blatant show of breaking one of the maximsin order to lead the addressee to look for a covert,implied meaning.,18,4.2.3 Politeness and Virtues,Leech:Some illocutions(e.g.,orders)are inherently impolite,and others(e.g.,offers)are inherently polite.The social position of the speakers may indicate different politeness values for individual cases.The politeness of the order also depends on the positive or negative effects it has on the person who is given the order.,?,19,Politeness Principle(PP)Leech(1983)Tact MaximGenerosity MaximApprobation MaximModesty MaximAgreement MaximSympathy Maxim,Directive&Commissive,Expressive&Assertives,Assertives,20,Positive face:,Face threatening acts:Negative commentsIndifference to hearers positive faceApologyAccepting complimentSelf-mocking,negation and prevaricationConfession or taking responsibility,21,Positive politeness strategies:Declare common interestsExaggerating interests,approval or sympathyShowing the same identity in the groupLooking for consistencyAvoiding inconsistencyAssuming or proposing common groundKidding,22,Negative face:,Face threatening acts:Making the hearer do sth.Making the hearer accept or decline Expressing appreciationAccepting hearers appreciation or apologyReluctant promise or offering,23,Negative face:,Negative politeness strategies:Using conventional indirect meansNever be arbitraryNever force the hearerExpressing the speakers wishOffer the hearer with compensation,24,4.3 Rethinking Grice,?,The maxims have the same weight?All of the maxims are necessary?,Horns two principles:Q-principle(Q for quantity):say as much as we canR-principle(R for relation):say no more than we must,25,4.3 Rethinking Grice,Relevance and“conspicuity”:Sperber and Wilson:Pragmatics needs only one principle,that of relevance.,The End,26,Further Reading,关于礼貌原则拯救合作原则的探讨合作礼貌原则与礼貌等值翻译试析合作原则的违反与幽默的产生合作原则在中西文化中的映射礼貌原则的相对性及引起的语用失误试论合作原则与礼貌原则和会话的蕴涵试论礼貌原则的语用风险语用原则理论的衍变综述与反思,Thank you!,